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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Faith_memory
































































































































saw this somewhere. is it true that YongSeo means 'forgiveness'?? ♥ sighs, im getting bored, maybe i should do a marathon tonight. need to rewatch their episodes! kekeke~ ♥
















































용서커플 (YongSeo Couple) - named by MCs and fans by using the first letters of their names, meaning "forgiveness" because of the intense disapproval after they were announced to be the newest couple. [these two really are interesting ♥]
































































































just wanna say hello to everyone!! ♥
















































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Guest Crystal392

I really hope the rumour about Kyu being in another episode is just a false rumour, it was probably a wrong translation from the.latest ep where he made an 'appearance'; Like many of you have mentioned it he has nothing to do with the couple (he is not a very close friend).

About whether WGM is scripted or not, I think we've already discussed a lot about that topic (except new Gogumas) and everyone has their own ideas. The only thing we have in common as I said before is our love for YongSeo and this is what this thread is for as one of the mods said: to spazz about yongSeo ^^ we probably will never know if it was scripted or not (we don't know that even from WGM season 1) so why would we spend lots of pages discussing about something that we've already discussed and probably will never know th real answer for sure?

Everyone is free to believe what they want. I do believe some parts are scripted because after all is a variety show but I believe their feelings and reactions are real. :)

Let's keep spazzing about uri yongSeo!!!!!

Yeap, it means Forgiveness. Such a nice name isn't it?

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Guest SophiaPia





SeoHyun star call today monday 25th i wonder what she say :)



credit to TheSoneSource14












yes! YongSeo means forgiveness i saw that since day 1 1st epi when the mc's introducing the YongSeo couple. And the sub say forgiveness :) 



YongSeo family let's forget about all the negatives vibes. Let's just be happy what ever we've got. We at least thank wgm we have YongSeo :) To be honest i don't read much negative vibes here coz for me i just want to enjoy YongSeo. Rumors it's because YongSeo is popular :) but what ever it is i don't want to be sad. I want to think that it's all for the best for our YongSeo couple. Wishing them all the best whether they are together or doing their work.



YongSeo hwaiting! cheers


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blueshoes, i love that gif! tks!

when that part aired, i was like "jonghyun...move!"

that could be their hi5 hand-clasped style.

there's also another hi5 they gave each other before cn blue performance.

rouenna, i did not notice that.

for a while there, i got blinded by hyun's beauty kekeke

so much rumours on yongseo, come to think of it,

it may just mean that they could be the most watched/anticipated couple.

i'm taking this on a positive approach... ;):phew:


winnieho, no worries.

because thread runs so fast and there's so much to spazz abt

join u in spazzing on epi 28.

yong knows what is coming,(hyun's wrath) but when the time came with

hyun grilling him abt the missing calls, he started to feel guilty? uncomfortable?

maybe he was taken aback by hyun's strong unexpected reaction..

ilovesnowhite, tk u ;)

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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































crystal_malyof oh yeah. that has been discuessed already. so i guess we already have to leave it, (lol its just that i haven't aired my opinions yet. that's why)
































okay lets party party, and i while i was loooking at the pics of the goguma couple at facebook i saw this. i love how the color of their outfits.
































pink and blue, but still the both have the rings. :DDDDD








































seohyun was showing, yong was pointing. YES! hahaha
































































 mc jake's reaction lol one truly goguma fan!








































credits: yongseocouple facebook account
































jnj you're welcome ! ^^









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I love the YongSeo Couple because it reminds me of pure, innocent first love: the sparkling eyes, the teasing smiles, the pouting lips, the careful touches, the soft giggles, the butterflies in the stomach, and the fast beating of the heart.
































































































































































































































































It has been more than a week since I logged in here and the thread has ran loose pun intended)! It's good that sweetpotatodays blog keeps me updated with our couple's whereabouts. That reminds me to finally post this:
































































































































































































































































genxv, your sweetpotatodays blog is the best!!! When days are so busy and I can't catch up with our soompi thread, i just take a peek at your blog. It's so organized and yet every essential YongSeo material is there. I really admire how you maintain it. Please extend my thanks to others who help you or co-administrate the blog.
































































































































































































































































To ordinary_arie, I've been meaning to answer your post in page 1219 (whew, it seems that was ages ago :) I'm glad that you feel the same sentiments and like you I'm a fan of positvity of this thread. That's the reason why I joined this forum.
































































































































































































































































sonnawabit, how's your subbing project? I hope you continue it.
































































































































































































































































for mysweetpotato;
































































































































































































































































seeing Honghyun being a stand-in for Yong in the concert rehearsal, I kinda liked Jongseo, too. Hahah. Although, I can't imagine them in WGM, i don't know who would initiate the conversation. But Hyun would really like Jonghyun's honest and straightforward comments, unlike someone i know
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wa2kingkong






hi all.. ^^


first time spazzing here..


but i've been stalk this thread from the very beginning of the page..


nice to meet all of you.. ^^


after watch the latest episode,


may i share my fav moment? hehe..


i really love the part when yong n hyun say goodbye to each other,,


the 'bye-bye' thingy is just too lovely for me.. oh my god..


:wub: :wub::wub:


n i'd like to thank all of you for sharing yongseo goodies..


thank you, thank you, thank you.. hehe..


also same here.. can't wait for saturday to see the 200th day celebration..


have a nice day gogumas.. :)



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crystal_malyof oh yeah. that has been discuessed already. so i guess we already have to leave it, (lol its just that i haven't aired my opinions yet. that's why)

okay lets party party, and i while i was loooking at the pics of the goguma couple at facebook i saw this. i love how the color of their outfits.

pink and blue, but still the both have the rings. :DDDDD


seohyun was showing, yong was pointing. YES! hahaha

May I ask what show/video it was when Seohyun showed her ring? (I mean it looks like her soshi sister are in the back see their color coordinated outfits.)

I always see Yonghwa showing the ring off but I never get to see Seohyun showing it.


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i'm refraining myself from asking shane to do gifs every week,

but shane dear... blush.gif

do u have one on the part where yong suggest hyun do the kick action?

i lol at that! even funnier when hyun ask hubby which side to kick?!

rookie hubby becomes the choreographer too.. :lol:

i realised that lately we have MC Kim tweet abt yongseo/wgm.

so hopefully this wed, he'll tweet something abt another daebak epi

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Guest BluMistLaydee





Once again this thread has jumped more pages than I can think ok. Ok it's super early for me and I'm just killing time before my workday officially start but this is my thoughts on what I've read based on the past 5+ pages.



We've received our second warning, something I knew was about to come sooner or later, seeing the many "new' members who've been posting, most of us have been kindly reminder everyone about not to quote images or to spam the thread with one liners and some have just simply ignored our warnings. While I personally don't think it's fair to the thread itself to be punished by the actions of a few, but as the mod said, SPAMMING is the biggest violation.



So let's break down what SPAMMING IS:



1. To post somethings just for the sake of posting. When we post things that really have no real informational value or bringing anything new to the thread, that is spamming. So for example, saying "I have nothing to share so I'll repost this ____________". This is something thing all of us are guilty of. Not just new members.



2. Repeatedly asking the same questions. I've seen at least 3 different people ask the same question on the same thread page, even though it's already been answered. Example: "Where can I find old YongSeo episodes". To new members on this thread. We have a great network of resources of where to find all things YongSeo, including old episodes, outside of Soompi, i.e. SweetPotataDays@blogspot.com YongSeoCoupleFanblog, RunDevilRun, GogumaLove@tumblr, YongSeo Couple@ Facebook etc. Please check out the 1st page of this thread that have links to almost all of these sites. If you are reading this post, please remember to save these links. When I get home later, I will post links to all of these sites on my signature. I would suggest regular members do the same to avoid all of these questions. I know some of us in our rush to look at an old episode just want to rather post this same question. I would urge you to PM a member on here who post rather regularly to get your question answered in a timely manner.



3. Posting multiple times on the same page with any random things. The old saying "if you have nothing to say, don't say anything all" comes to mind. I know we all get super excited when anything new come out, especially new episodes. But for the interest of saving this precious thread that we all love, it's better to just make one post where you can have something that's a little bit more in depth to say, rather than whatever that pops in your head, even if it's a question. Chances are, someone is going to post about it or even post the answer that you may be looking for.



As the mods have said, let's keep this thread only on YONGSEO related things. We don't need to repost news that's solely focused on SNSD or CN Blue. I know we want to share their news, however CN Blue is CN Blue, SNSD is SNSD and YongSeo is YongSeo. So posting multiple times the same pictures just to point out they are wearing their rings when they are either at a CN Blue or SNSD related event, that could be considered spamming. We all know now they wear their rings most of the time, unless they are required not to. We don't need to point it out that "hey Ring Ding Ding" or "hey they're not wearing their rings". It's not that serious.



I'm mostly a silent lurker. The only time I only really post is if I actually have something to say, to ask something that I KNOW wasn't asked before, or maybe to just to give my analysis on an episodes. A lot of us are like that. To the regular members, I ask of you to please don't jump in the assumption that people are antis. Not everyone agree with our point of views and they ARE entitled to their opinions just like we are. I've seen some members on here who used to post rather regularly, leave or go back into lurker mode, because of assumptions like that. There are some members on here who needs to be reminded of things. I know it's tiring and exhausting but it's something we have to do. We are for the most part a very well self-governed thread. However all of us have been guilty of breaking the Soompi rules at one time or another.


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































its only monday here and I can't wait for Wednesday (MC Kim tweet day) and Saturday to come. the last episode made me think more deeply on the dynamics of the YongSeo relationship since they revealed a lot in the last episode. they contact each other even if they are doing their respective groups' activities, be it in Korea or an international event. they really monitor each other based on their conversations. they really seem like a rookie boyfriend/girlfriend. getting to know each other and by doing so, doing somethings that the other doesn't like, bickering and their cutesy gestures. it has rookie bf/gf written all over it. and what gets me is the trust that they have built. even if Seohyun says there are no goguma points left, her actions speaks otherwise. in the backroom interview, she even admitted that she was relying on Yong during their duet, even if she is a sunbae (senior) to Yonghwa in the music industry. Yong had a very packed schedule so he did not have enough time to practice but Seohyun still trusted him to lead her.





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iluvsnowhite, that gif is daebak! am saving it~! :wub:

*waves at jnj* ^_^

bluemistlaydee, i agree with most of the content in ur post :) however, this is yongseo thread, & we do get excited over little stuffs 'cause we're all yongseo's fans & we love them dearly that we can't help to tell each other of what's spazz-worthy in yonghwa's life as a cnblue member & also hyun's life as snsd member. to make an equation out of this yields yongseo = cnblue x snsd. so u see, it's pretty hard to separate the two... thus, we do tend to mix WGM with their individual group activity that's related to yongseo. so i was thinking, maybe, just to satisfy some spazzing gogumas (myself included :P)... i'd like to suggest that whatever news or pics that are of INDIVIDUAL activity (concerning only yong/hyun), it's best to put them in spoiler. for it can be pretty hard to connect to other threads & spazz about WGM since they are either CNBLUE/SNSD thread where we can only spazz about the group itself. and even if we do spazz about WGM in that particular thread, it's all gonna go back to square one won't it? unless they allow us to talk about WGM in the thread. ahhh i hope u guys get what i'm trying to say here.

edit: but if my suggestion is against the rule then i've nothing to say :vicx: but after going thru' soompi's rule... i don't see anything about SPOILERS.

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Guest EriesBoyd
















blumystlaydee thanks about your explaination,.so does it mean we cant post anything outside wgm,like Yong and Hyun activities separate activities which not include wgm?I mean it might involve cnblue and snsd a bit.Like hyun new snsd song or her cf/pic in airports?yong in running man or his fancam on cnblue concert?Its not related to wgm but it is about Hyun and Yong..is that consider spamming?:unsure:  I'm sorry if i sound silly but i'm pretty much new to post at soompi like 6 months and i dont use to post at other threads except seohyun's so i really really really didnt understand the limitation of what can be post,what cannot..it make me nervous to post..thinking that this thread gonna be closed down due to silly mistakes..can you clear me about that.


























Thank you,dreamyboo..i think you just answered my questions








Edit:can the mod himself/herself explain this rule?





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Wow, everyone seem freak out about Kyun might appear on WGM..Well each of everyone have your own opinion so am i :)








As for me, nah..i found this as one of major event that might give us entertaining joy kind of thing..I can help not to enjoy this thingy. It would be totally funny, awkward and perhaps we can see how they react toward each others.I think Yong will not be jealous over KYUN at all. That is because, he knew that HYun "madly fall in LOVE " with him plus everyone know that the relationship between SNSD and SUJU are more like bro thingy.In fact that relationship goes to every freaking SMTown Artist not only apply to SUJU and SNSD alone.








Moreover SEOKYUN 's relationship have been around before Yong even exist..but since then nothing major even happen between them. I kinda like KYUN too..he is innocent like boy next door..but hell yes prefer Hyun with Yong blush.gif








i think bring in KYUN over would be epic. Kyun treat HYun more like " crush + sister " kinda of thing. But i bet KYun realize that Hyun likes Yong as a man. So he will back off. Yong kinda a little bit jealous over " Jongmo oppa " rather then Kyun..idk why, seem like he got a jealous seeds when ever Hyun mention Jongmo to him..








Maybe, that guy got to see her in wedding dress and he taught her played guitar..idk..








Overall, i am waiting for this..and believe me, this wont affect their relationship like u guys assume it would be..but it would be an awkward for all of them which is it is entertaining for us to see it..plus please remember the purpose of this show is to enjoy the viewer..stimulating us with the show is part of their show's objectives..








by da way, i can see the current episodes already subs .,but seem like i cant find any, please share the sub link for this week ep








thanks for reading...








by da way this is my twitter account: http://twitter.com/erxmeeza








anyone who got twitter please share too maybe next time we can tweet about Yongseo or perhaps make trending ...gtg now, stalking JYJ twitter..look like JJ got prob with his MAC comp..hahaha..Junsu just realize that his twitter can be seen by everyone in the world..



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Guest BluMistLaydee



blumystlaydee thanks about your explaination,.so does it mean we cant post anything outside wgm,like Yong and Hyun activities separate activities which not include wgm?I mean it might involve cnblue and snsd a bit.Like hyun new snsd song or her cf/pic in airports?yong in running man or his fancam on cnblue concert?Its not related to wgm but it is about Hyun and Yong..is that consider spamming?:unsure:  I'm sorry if i sound silly but i'm pretty much new to post at soompi like 6 months and i dont use to post at other threads except seohyun's so i really really really didnt understand the limitation of what can be post,what cannot..it make me nervous to post..thinking that this thread gonna be closed down due to silly mistakes..can you clear me about that.





Thank you,dreamyboo..i think you just answered my questions


Edit:can the mod himself/herself explain this rule?



Eries, the mod explained in on page 1271. We should only be posting things that's only related to YongSeo and WGM. Individual activities with their groups or themselves should be posted in the artist page in the K-music thread. I know it's tiring to be jumping threads, but posting for example, SNSD new video or new song, in this thread is according to the mods, spamming the YongSeo thread, because SNSD new music videos have nothing to do with the YongSeo couple itself, even if it does involved one of the part of the couple. But let's say, Seohyun or Yonghwa is at an activity and they mentioned something that has to do with each other, than that is allowed. Or if we want to share pics or gifs that we found that is about them, that's ok. But sharing news/pictures of only Yong or only Seohyun and it's really not about the couple itself (like posting news that Yonghwa is going to be on Running man, etc) can according to the mod be considered spamming, which what they said is our biggest violation. I am not 100 percent sure of this but this is what I gathered from reading the mod post. I think it's best to contact this forum mods to get a more in depth explanations so you can be clear.


Dreamboo.. I think spoilers are fine but then again I'm not sure either. I'll leave that up to the mods. It's a great suggestion btw.


As for as the Kyuhyun rumor. As far as I'm concerned he was already mentions on WGM. I'm not going to waste my time being worried about something as silly as that. I found out about the whole SeoKyu shippers around the same time Seohyun joined WGM. People like to ship who they like to ship so let them have fun. But I don't think the WGM are that desperate to throw a wedge into the still developing story of the YongSeo just for the sake of having "misunderstanding/jealously, etc" Those two already do that fine on their own.


As someone mentioned on here, they think this is a scripted show. I think you're both right and wrong. Do they follows a specific script? I personally don't think so and would rather believe the PD and couples when they say they don't follow any script. However do the shows pd, edit certain filming to tell a particular story? Then yes. Absolutely. It's the reason why whole days of filming are cut down to about 2 or so episodes. If anyone here is familiar with shows like Real World, Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, Next Top Model, etc. "Reality" tv is a mix of realism and fantasy. The cast itself do their own thing, but the shows do have editors and scripwriters to specifically edit filming to tell a certain story and will place the cast in certain situations to capitalize on the story they want to be told.


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Guest yoreizei



As the mods have said, let's keep this thread only on YONGSEO related things. We don't need to repost news that's solely focused on SNSD or CN Blue. I know we want to share their news, however CN Blue is CN Blue, SNSD is SNSD and YongSeo is YongSeo. So posting multiple times the same pictures just to point out they are wearing their rings when they are either at a CN Blue or SNSD related event, that could be considered spamming. We all know now they wear their rings most of the time, unless they are required not to. We don't need to point it out that "hey Ring Ding Ding" or "hey they're not wearing their rings". It's not that serious.






Sorry to cut your post..






I agree with most of your point, but I don't get your point on this one.. (The quote)






So we can't post anything about their individual activities?? Wew..






For example: Hyun wearing blue costume for most of the time lately (@Singapore Airport, @Genie MV, @Hoot Teaser), we can't post it here?






And posting Yong/Hyun wearing the ring is consider as spam?? Isn't it WGM related?






So, the only thing we can post and discuss here only the WGM aired episode??






CMIIW :mellow:



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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































Goodness, this thread moves fast. I love it pleased.gif
































































































































winnieho: It's never too late to spaz about YongSeo. I like how you pointed out the insecure, squirmish Yong. I forget which, but one of the MCs pointed that out as well. He/she basically said that even though he was confident about his "Mildang" at first, when he actually had to confront the situation with Seohyun, he became insecure and moved away from Seohyun. Hehe, I love the couch scene. I mean, yes, it's a bit awkward and a tad painful to watch Hyun so frustrated with Yong, but they're so cute when they're bickering. happy.gif
































































































































Also, I think Hyun turned red when she found about Yong's motives because of both of your points: embarrassment and a mixture of anger. She was genuinely concerned about him; of course she'd be upset about his slightly "choding" motives. However, I think it would be fair to say that she was slightly embarrassed because in the midst of the frustration and anger, she did really miss him, you know? laugh.gif
































































































































Regarding the possible appearance of Kyuhyun, I know my saying this would literally be the same thing as beating a dead horse, but I find the need to say it because I need to get it off my chest: WGM PDs are just trying to stage Yong's jealously because WGM is a variety show; unfortunately for us gogumas, the show is supposed to be firstly entertaining. sleep.gif Regarding SeoKyu's feelings for each other, I don't even want to go there; that's completely irrelevant. I also think monie1909 might be right. The SeoKyu thing might be referring to his "appearance" in the last episode. 
































































































































soshisoshisoshi: I noticed that too. I mean, as I explained to another goguma in a PM, it looks as though seohyun's comfortable enough to say certain phrases in Korean, but if you listen carefully, her banmal phrases are never directly said to Yong. Meaning, her complete thoughts are still formal. She's getting there! smile.gif
































































































































Faith_memory: Thank you for the adorable Yong gifs. He's such a cutie tongue.gif
































































































































putri172: That would be episode nine, the bank account episode.
































































































































mashamishmash: I respect your opinions. Truly, I do. And I do believe that we need gogumas whose heads aren't always on cloud nine. However, because this is, after all, a SeoHwa thread, most of us want to read happy things, no matter how unrealistic. So as much as we all believe you are entitled to your views, out of respect to other members, it wouldn't be a bad idea to put something like your last post under Spoiler. Or else you'll be flagged the way you have been. Thanks smile.gif
































































































































ilovesnowwhite: I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of YAB in that gif. 
































































































































Originally, I was a Shinwoo&Minyu shipper.































































































































































































































































blueshoes: I love Jonghyun happy.gif but JongHyun (pahaha) would be utterly unnecessary, unrealistic, and honestly, just wrong. She's his hyung's wife. Bros aren't even supposed to date ex-girlfriends. Can you imagine what might happen if JongHyun happened? Oh geez. So let's not go there smile.gif (Although embarrassed Jonghyun was adorablebiggrin.gif)
































































































































Also, like most of us here, I'm 1000000% sure that MC Jake is a YongSeo fan. He always seems to get as giddy and spastic about YongSeo as we do laugh.gif Hahaha. 
































































































































This makes me laugh every time w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































cr genxv
































































































































Lastly, regarding Spoilers, I don't know. Things like Ring Ding Dongs, I find, relevant. huh.gif And I don't know if certain things under Spoilers makes a differencemellow.gif Hmms.
































































































































Thank you everybody for your opinions, gifs, spazzes, and updates. smile.gif 

































































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Guest BluMistLaydee



Sorry to cut your post..


I agree with most of your point, but I don't get your point on this one.. (The quote)


So we can't post anything about their individual activities?? Wew..


For example: Hyun wearing blue costume for most of the time lately (@Singapore Airport, @Genie MV, @Hoot Teaser), we can't post it here?


And posting Yong/Hyun wearing the ring is consider as spam?? Isn't it WGM related?


So, the only thing we can post and discuss here only the WGM aired episode??


CMIIW :mellow:



Yoreizie. That point was just me to emphasis from what I gather from the mod post. That posting information regarding CN Blue and SNSD that isn't YongSeo and WGM related, is considered to be spamming.




Please do not post about SNSD or CN BLUE activities. Anything about those two groups should be kept in their respective threads in the K-music forums. This thread is about the couple on the We Got Married program so please stay on topic.





But as I said, I'm not 100 percent sure and it's best to contact the mod to be a lot clearer


ETA: I think posting to mention that Seohyun has been wearing a lot of blue lately is fine too. But don't quote me on it. Just my opinion. I just know posting about CN Blue or SNSD activies in the YongSeo thread isn't allowed.


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































dreamyboo ooh im not the one who originally posted it, i just reposted it. :) since its cute. (to whoever you are i'm lost in page THANK YOU!)
































and dduk i forgot what show was that but then here's the excerpt of her showing the ring. T_T sorry. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oIoWvIXcdl4
































hope this helps. :)
































and just random thought, seohyun in western age is 19 years old, and im glad that she's doing well as a wife.
























biggrin.gif lol just being random. just want to commend seohyun's thoughtfulness. and another random thing. i think its magic since i bet yong, wont even notice seohyun that much in snsd if they weren't paired here same as seohyun. but they clicked so well! GOT TO BELIEVE IN MAGIC, TELL ME HOW TWO PEOPLE FIND EACH OTHER IN A WORLD THAT'S FULL OF STRANGERS. smile.gif























































love love love\












































































































































































































my.yonghwa.baby about the seokyu. yes i think this was a delayed rumor. ahhaha:) i think kyuhyun appearance refers to the latest episode. :) and about the gif. maybe because of seohyuun's hair? at that gif. :D













































































































































and about the couple rings. i think them wearing couple rings now makes me giggle. at the early episodes i just ignored the couple rings, but then after the fishing episodes it makes me happy when i see them wearing couple rings. :D
















































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Guest lorein27
































































































































































































































































































































































































i love this episode.. that' wat i say every week but hey, don't blame me.. keke.. i first thought that the push-pull game is suicidal for yong but it turns out, it has a good effect in their relationship.. they kinda opened up more right?? excited for inkigayo.. hope we can see some interactios.. keke
































































































































































































































































































































rainie029 i'm also a filipino and i would like to help by spreading the word if evr the plan pushed thru.. don't know any other way.. sorry.. oh and there's a text clan?? woah can i join?? sun?? hahahaha..
































































































































































































































































































































thanks for the shares.. ^^

































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