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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































@ae-rin: i agree with you. i think if the PDs purposely made kyuhyun appear in the show, it would produce some unnecessary conflict/jealous. If the couple are doing well together right now, i dont think they should change it and initiate some sort of problems when it doesnt need one in the first place.
































































































































































I might have confused yous, but i hope you know what i mean
































































































































































I just hope for some more loving with the yongseo couplee
































































































































































When i watch the episode on Saturday, i just hope for the next saturyda to come by quicker. I currently have exams atm, yet everyday i still need to catch up on my yongseo news and videos and read all the loving yongseo comments here :wub:

































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i hope the rumour remains A RUMOUR

im sick of these jealousy things even tho it has its

cute moments

can't they just let yongseo enjoy their married life

wout any '3rd party' involve?

there are a lot of things that yongseo hasn't done yet

rmbr our goguma wishlist? jealousy IS NOT one of them

ah! why are we getting hyped up over a rumour hehehe

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i'm quite amazed when seohyun said that she relied on yonghwa during their duet performance although she is his sunbaenim (senior) referring to their singing debut seniority. that shows how much seohyun put her trust on yonghwa to lead her during the incheon concert. someone has been lying since i thought she had eaten all the gogumas, haha. me know it's hard to distrust someone you dearly like.





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did i posted 2x? gee sorry goguma

soompi acting weird or what now?

it surprised me too that hyun relied

on yong during their practise

they rely on each other too during

the horror special

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Guest bizzie_b


Guys!  Just checked Jossa's fanfic and she already updated it. I haven't read it yet because I was so dam excited to share!  LOLwub.gif




I was actually in the middle of making quite a long post when I suddenly clicked shippingheart and TADA! LOL.  Will just share later about my thoughts or imagination about Yong's surprise for next week. wub.gif


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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































jossa's latest fanfic is out!!! it's a must read, fellow goguma lovers...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy reading everyone!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































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Guest monie1909
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Honestly, i think the rumours is misunderstanding by 'kyu mentioned in last saturday wgm' into 'kyu will make appearance in wgm'.If the rumours come from korea,the korean gogumas will be the first to spazzing majorly about it now (seokyu pretty popular there,had seen many of their post with high views before)but i didnt found any post in dc spazz about it (or maybe i just missed the post :crazy:).Plus,its unlikely for ppl to know about the wgm filming plan before it happen,normally the rumours that we heard are from fans who happened to witness the filming or in ueno juri case,the pd-nim themselves release the news after the filming for prmotional purpose.I dont know,but i think the rumours is baseless,not gonna take it seriously.But,i could be wrong.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest zero_one



back from lurking...


regarding the KYUHYUN rumour, i hope rumour will just be rumours that will fly and never come back :D

got a question to all goguma villager

as i was watching past episode, in the jeodongjin eps where yong an hyun was sleeping, hyun's phone alarm went on

i was wondering what's the title of the song

thanks for anyone that answered it...

back to lurker mode:ph34r:


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Guest SophiaPia





huh.gif aigoo (sigh). regarding that rumor  i hope it's just a rumor. Don't get me wrong nothing wrong w/ KyuHyun, it's not his fault and i don't want to judge the situation if ever. Coz i know Hyun will think about his hubby Yong feelings. Coz she knows what is the feeling to be uncomfortable or jealous when Euno Juri is w/ them. So i guess if this will happen Yong, Hyun and KyuHyun will not comfortable, there will be awkwardness somehow. EVEN LET'S SAY YONG SAY HIS COOL ABOUT IT. But i guess it's not :)



I'm agree w/ jnj enough with "JEALOUSY" bit, enough with pushing and pulling bit. The YongSeo couple already shown that they can be jealous couple. Hyun when Euno Juri is there and as we all know Yong he is a jealous type. SO! YEAH ENOUGH W/ THIS JEALOUSY episode. I hope we can let the wgm PD knows that we want to see the HAPPY YONGSEO COUPLE COZ THEY DESERVE IT ESP W/ THEIR BUSY SCHED THEY SHOULD HAVE MORE FUN AND ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT WHEN THEY TOGETHER COZ THEY ONLY SEE ONCE A MONTH OR TWICE A MONTH for filming and maybe the rest of it is just texting and calling each other. It's nice if they film its a happy scenes coz for sure they missed each other. so let's give all the time and space to YongSeo couple. Other fanboyz to Hyun, fangirls to Yong maybe do it outside wgm coz it's work nothing personal i understand :)



We want to see our YongSeo couple together only two of them have a lovely time whether in their couple haus, cooking together, having their meal together, maybe singing together, or going somewhere. They still haven't complete yet their list of things to do. And yeah! they haven't film their wedding photo shoot yet. Paging wgm PD.



Cheers to all


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Guest Faith_memory
















































































hello cute gogumas!! it's been raining really hard outside kekeke~ reminds me of yongseo.. ♥ i'm planning on editing some yongseo pictures to share ♥ yey! im feeling creative all of the sudden! ♥ I need to download some songs of snsd and cn blue too! ♥ my cp wallpaper, is yongseo of course! ♥ for motivation kekeke~ gahhh, im missing our yongseo couple all of the sudden.. ♥
















































tinybeatingheart thank you so much for those love gifs! ♥ you're so great at it, i will remember you well! ♥ hahaha!! ♥ more gifs in the future!! hehehe! ♥
































































































btw, Yong gave Hyun a necklace right? for hyun and her mom, right? just wanna ask if what that necklace look like??

















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nooo,kyu please don't come=)




















I love him most ,before yongseo ı loved kyuseo,but if kyu come Yong will be extremely jealous and




















only try to smile during the that time,owww I don't want to think that so I hope that is only rumor=)))





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































personally, I don't like the idea of Kyuhyun making an appearance in WGM. he is not related to CNBlue and we could say that he is a "distant relative" of SNSD. members of their respective groups from all current couples has made an appearance in WGM season 2, because they are treated as "family members" and these family members are close and I don't see the point of putting a "distant relative" in the show. I can't find any good point in making him appear in WGM. we could say that he would appear to make Yong jealous, but that kind of jealousy in fabricated and could ruin the purity of YongSeo couple. the way the rumor was conveyed was with the word "might", so I think the WGM PD's are still thinking and evaluating the situation. 
























but as monie1909 said, it could be a misunderstanding since technically Kyuhyun had already made an appearance in episode 29. also Kyuhyun has already made Seohyun cry once, and that is not good in my book and most likely Yong's book too. in my opinion, Kyuhyun's rumored appearance in WGM I think overall is not a very good idea. I hope this rumor would stay a rumor.
























I agree 100% with otty, I'm a guy as well, and guys are jealous creatures. it just varies on the level of jealousy they show. and Yong is quite the jealous type. and fabricating jealousy with Yong would not bring anything good.





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Guest Maggie-Seohwa

OMG please help me i remember someone posting yong message ringtone but i can't catch it,,, this thread moving so fast..please helpme :sweatingbullets:

aaah i know its not yet confirm but i'm too excited about kyuhyun will appear on wgm but i think jinwoonie, jung mo oppa and all the fanboy seohyun will be appear too hahahahaha must be fun :phew:

please keep and save our thread bcoz we love this thread :lol:

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




Seriously, THAT statement is going to trigger another round of endless arguments... <_<

Come on guys! It's just a rumor. No one confirmed it. So chill...


Ok now, i just topped the page and i don't have anything to share....

I'll just post the reminder posted by one of the mods just to remind us again...

*Please follow the rules.*

There are way too many members spamming the thread with  irrelevant posts.

- Please do not SPAM! No one line  posts.

- Please do not quote images.

- Please keep  all posts about the WGM program.

The rule that is  broken the most is spamming! This thread is growing at a fast rate  and many new members are joining. (Some of you have been kind to remind  those who are breaking this rule, and that is much appreciated.)

Please  do not leave short one line posts.

Please do not quote images.  Remove the [ img] tags.

Please do not post  about SNSD or CN BLUE activities. Anything about those two groups  should be kept in their respective threads in the K-music forums. This  thread is about the couple on the We Got Married program so please stay  on topic.

Please do not converse in the thread. If you have  something to say another member and is not related to this thread you  should send a PM.

There is no need to post about how many people  are viewing the thread or the amount of pages the thread has reached.  Posts that are just made about those two subjects will be treated as  spam.

I do not want to end up closing this thread due to the  large amount of rule violators.

Do not spoil it for those who are  following the rules.


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Guest zero_one


 hi!...... happy monday romantic gogumas:D

regarding wgm pds manufacturing conlicts.. this is what i think:

firstly sorry to cut your post

second, what are you trying to do?

if u want to share your opinion about the whole show, u could put some spoiler in it

cuz it will give u red mark and many other people here will flame u


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Guest Faith_memory
















































































mashamishmash i can agree on some parts of your posts.. i think. but,
















































the show pairs up Korean celebrities to show what life would be like if they were married. Each week, couples are assigned missions to complete, with candid interviews of the participants to reveal their thoughts and feelings.[wiki]. for sure their feelings cannot be manipulated easily. their feelings are real. they may not totally love/like each other easily but let's face it, they can develop feelings for each other from that show.. keke~ ♥
















































ahhh these two..
































































































not with this kind of look. XD

































































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit:this one is clearer pic of ..RING DING DONG..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, anyone noticed Hyun's knee here? She got a band aid on. Could this be an injury from the Taiwan concert or something recent? :blink:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the gifs and screen caps. So fun to reminisce those scenes. I think Yongseo have come a long way on their journey of marriage. The aura of innocence from their earlier episodes to the depth of feelings on the current episodes. You could somehow see that their mutual concern to each other have taken root and whatever state they are in right now, I'm sure no one knows better than the two of them to sort it out. Let's just sit back and enjoy watching them being together. :D

































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































































































































































































































































i am a seokyu fan aswell and this rumored appearance of seokyu doesn't make me happy. since i wonder WHY?! why do they need to insert kyuhyun there?
































































































































































































































































 i dont get what's the point of kyu's appearance if ever. oh well. since its a rumor id still be cool without it. after all who knows? the effect might be good bahh. still i dont want the idea of him appearing on wgm!i do believe that SOME parts of wgm are scripted for example their missions, meeting place, shooting place, but aside from that i dont think it is.
































































































































































































































































i think script of a reality show is  different from script of a drama.,for example i think, yong not contacting hyun is not scripted(it is if the pds told him, ofcourse to add twist on the drama),
































































































































































































































































that's why there were some articles or was it an article about it (like the pds asked him why he did that), but the thing is i think the emotions the DIALOGUES are not scripted at all. and yes they are being paid to act as a virtual married couple, although its irony, they act as a virtual couple on their own. meaning, still it all depends on them. end of rant































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and to all those who shared YONGSEO GOODIES! thank you all of you!! the airport pictures,! aaah thanks alot!!!! and to the one who psted this gif thank you!241803184cc458c614ae1.gif

because this one reminds me of yonghwa's drama yab, where psh walked in front of him. lol. 

































































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Guest blueshoes
















Skinship from Seohyun to encourage Yonghwa on EP29
















jonghyunnie ~~ :sweatingbullets: I wanna see their skinshippp
































cr yongseofacts









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