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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest monie1909




guys,i'm pretty much confuse with the rules about non related wgm post cause i'm about to share latest pic of hyun at g20 event just because she look so gorgeous and she wore the RING DING DONG(top picture).But,tell me if i broke any rules.I'll remove it right away.Post it in her thread,instead.




Edit:this one is clearer pic of ..RING DING DONG..







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Guest soshisoshisoshi






I bet everyone here is curious about next week's episode........... I am also curious!!!


anyway, SNSD's new song, HOOT is available already! here's the link



I'll post the lyrics translation because I think seohyun is trying to express her anger towards yong in this song hahahaha w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif











In the blink of an eye, again, you check it out


Stop checking out the women passing by


Acting like you aren't, acting like you haven't heard, your fake laughter


Everything, everything, everything is weird


How about you act a little friendlier to me?


Your cold words hurt me a lot


I'm beginning to get used to it


I really hate this. I'm so upset about everything everything everything


Where are you looking?


I'm right here.




Because of you, my heart wears armor


Now, I'm going to oppose you


Your arrows are trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted me. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh (hoot hoot hoot)


Your words, full of poison, leave me with wounds


I gave you a second chance


As expected, you're trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted the moment. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh




You've fallen deep into other women's traps


Enough of your excuses, you still haven't come to your senses


With that attitude, you won't be able to meet a nice woman


Eternally, you won't won't won't


Don't misunderstand


You're not a cupid






Because of you, my heart wears armor


Now I'll stand up


Your arrows are trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted me. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh


Your words, full of poison, leave me with wounds


I gave you a second chance


As expected, you're trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted the moment. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh




To float in water, you gotta sink.


In the circle i've made, you're an angle.


There you go again, answering a question I haven't even asked


But unlike you, I won't shoot arrows.




Because of you, my heart wears armor


Now, I'm going to oppose you


Your arrows are trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted me. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh


Your words, full of poison, leave me with wound


I gave you a second chance


As expected, you're trouble trouble trouble


You've targeted me. You shoot shoot shoot


I laugh laugh laugh






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haha i see some similarities with Hoot and Hyun's feelings















let's take a peek:






























Stop checking out the women passing by















- Uero Juri episode...Hyun's jealousy!!!













































Because of you, my heart wears armor















Now, I'm going to oppose you















- Hyun's in the middle of pushing Yong away...













































anyhow I can't wait until Yong surprises Hyun. who can resist Jung Yong Hwa????









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Guest tinybeatingheart

Goodmorning/afternoon/evening Gogumas! ♥ Aah; Since I slept 10 hours ago (3AM) My head hurts! tears.gif I have a fever, but I can't help but spazz. Aigoo~

How is everyone doing? rolleyes.gif

magdal, p!nk22, Yo guys! Ikr? I was like AGKFJAGFJK when I saw that fancam. Haha! You're welcome, all for Gogumas! ♥

CheriMerci, Woah, woah. Thanks for those links! I'm definitely disturbed about Hyun always wearing in BLUE. What could be the reason? Her favorite color is PINK right? Did she just changed favorite color? /smirk

mrsjoker, Oh really, I'm so sorry for repost mellow.gif And yes, no problem. I can't get over with it. AAAH! wub.gif

crystal_malfoy, Unni, I'm really sorry if I left you yesterday. Aigoo~ My head really hurts and it's really late. Sorry tears.gif

So yes, I just hate having slow internet. I have not yet heard SNSD's Hoot! crazy.gif Uh, just rewatching the Horror episode of We Got Married. wub.gif

Made some GIFs out of it. I'm so spazzing again lol


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Guest reeneesie








thank 4 all gogumas friends that make cute gif 4 the yongseo couple..




i'm so love it especially the merong part but i dont know how to save it...




i have tried several times b4 but only an internet explorer that appeared




seem i'm a blind it person sweatingbullets.gifphew.gif




hope u guys can tell me how to do it since the gif were so cute...



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Guest juanitajamari


I subbed this vids from armedbattle's translation....Thank you and Sorry in same time...Thank you for your fast translate and so sorry that I didnt wait permission from you first ( I already asked for it) ...I have to out today, if have someting that I'm not suppose to do...Please let me know.



okay I knew it...please wait

OMG! I love the Yongseo couple! They finally held hands but Yonghwa just had to do that push pull thing. hahahaa. I love How Seohyun managed to take control of the situation. haha.. She damn cool! I wish they are real. :D Maybe they are.. hahahaha



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""Hoot" is a cheerful song with go-go rhythm which features lyrics about a girl warning her boyfriend who continuously hurts her. "
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source: 10asia + teekee_ at Twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seems this song is perfect for yong if you seen past eps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but yonghwa always give suprise to seohyun for apologies.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre as tagged

































































































































































































































































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Guest juanitajamari




Im new to this forum. I love Yongseo Couple!

But im not sure of the rules.

What I understand is no one-liners are allowed and no quoting of pics.

Is there anything else that I should be aware of?



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Guest cloiee18


Just want to share this RUMOR :)












Half of me is happy and the other half is NOT


Happy because it would be FUN. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


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Guest slurpeeslurp-






Hey gogumassssssss ,


i heard a rumour that KYUHYUN might be appearing on WGM !!


if so, yongseobang is really gonna be jealous ttm.. O:



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Guest chilipadi_22












Just want to share this RUMOR























omo~ where did u hear/see this rumour from??? OMG~ if kyuhyun were to come on WGM too, its gonna be interesting. hahhahaha:)








i have the same feeling as you. halg happy and half sad! i like yongseo couple but i like kyuseo too!! OMG!!!








if this is true, that episode is gonna be DAEBAK!! yong seobang is gonna be extremely jealous then!!!





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hi shawie829, I hope you weren't offended by my previous post. I did use red to highlight the rules but definitely not Caps. We really love this thread and want to protect it at all costs. The moderators have been hot on our heels ever since our sweet potato thread started growing at an alarming rate. The regulars have been doing a great job in keeping this thread filled with a positive vibe and been very generous in sharing artwork, translations & news. I have nothing against genuine goguma lovers who aren't aware of the rules or commit posting mistakes in their excitement over YongSeo's happy moments, and I'm grateful that posters like u quickly amend their posts the moment they see thumbs down votes or PM alerts from other nice gogumas.































































On the other hand, we cannot deny there are very stubborn ones who ignore PMs & get irritated with reminder posts.






























































You don't have to be an expert to bask in goguma love. I am definitely not an expert, but just hope we can all be more aware of respecting the rules here. Let's work together to keep our beloved thread alive. :wub:





























































































dreamyboo: I miss being here in soompi, spazzing with u, jnj & crystal_malfoy and so many more lovely regulars. But the thread is flying way too fast for me to catch up. I had to 'cheat' (missed a whole chunk of pages in between) to be able to come in here at all. I hope I didn't miss anything epic.






























































chilipadi_22: According to andalasa, who was sitting just 6 rows away from the stage, Hyun wore both the wgm & snsd rings. *ring ding dong*! :lol:

















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Guest pandasoori




heyy gogumass , does this rumor true ? where comes this rumor ?


 ahh , if its true i dont know what yong face will be ? hyuun comform okay . but yongg ahhh pity him . keke , jealous and maybe cute pluss pluss ,


But i also want this rumor become true bcs we can see jealous yong to hyunn and that shows how much he loves hyuun .


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found this from tweet...
































































































































































































































































what do guys think...
































































































































































































































































if yes, and this rumors are true...
































































































































































































































































it will be a very interesting ep....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cloiee18




Just found this in tumblr, and the one who posted this (I think) said that he/or she found this on SSF.




Honestly, when I saw this I was like




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Hello fellow Gogumas!









I don't mind reading the warnings from fellow Gogumas. It is a good reminder. I understand the reason why some Gogumas have been posting the warning, some even with big colourful letters so as to attract attention. You all love this thread and are in quite a panicky mode because you don't want to see this thread closed.

I understand your feelings because I've been through a closure of the You're Beautiful thread. I don't want you to go through that empty feeling when the thread's closed. The feeling of emptiness and helplessness... and also the anger that you feel towards those that spammed. I think that when a person decides to enter into a new forum, he/she should read the house rules first. It's only common sense! However, maybe because I'm older and wiser, so I know what I'm supposed to do when entering into the unknown. I don't know really, I'm just trying to rationalise why some (not all) new posters spam. I get frustrated too when I see the "No one-liner" and the "No quoting of images" rules broken over and over again despite having Gogumas posting warnings on every page. But some new posters have heeded the warning and have since then followed the rules. So... good for them!









A friendly suggestion to new posters who haven't gotten the hang of posting here... do you see the "Preview Post" button when you either reply to a post or writing a new post? Well, click on it to see how your post would look like before you click the "Add Reply" button! It will help you in not violating the "No one liners" and most especially the "No Quoting of Images". Good Luck and Happy Spazzing (but remember the rules!)









I know I'm late, and I'm very sure that it's been spazzed about and analysed to death, but I would still like to post my thoughts on Episode 28.


















Wall that divides?









LOL at PD-nim's wicked sense of humour. The portentcy of things to come? The wall that divides...









Fidgeting with toy and own hands









When Hyun asked if Yong's got anything to say (explain) about his 1 month silence, Yong was playing with a toy in his hands (sitting in front of the mirrors in the salon chairs). It is an involuntary gesture to help him concentrate. Also, there were 2 instances when Yong played with his fingers when Hyun was "grilling" him... 1) in the salon's armchair couch, and 2) in the MBC recording studio. Yong could be displaying signs of comforting himself.


















On the Salon's infamous couch









Yong was leaning away from Hyun, as far as the couch will allow. His face has that chagrined expression. It's like he knew he did something wrong. Listen to his soft voice when he replied to Hyun. He was playing with his fingers, comforting himself.









When he said that he did it so she'll miss him, Hyun literally turned red. Go back to look and you'll see her red face, especially when she put her mug to her mouth to drink. I don't know whether it turned red in anger, or embarrassment because she missed him and she's been found out by Yong.









Yong was so cute with his entreating face, seeking confirmation from Hyun that she missed him. Also, not forgetting that head nudging by Yong, which is darn cute. He's like a puppy who knew he's done something wrong and is seeking his owner's forgiveness! :lol:









MBC Recording Studio









The scenes inside the studio were hilarious, at least to me. It showed the changing dynamics of their relationship at that time. Hyun has the upper hand, and it really looked like Yong acquiescing to her demands because he felt sorry for putting her through 1 month of uncertainty. I don't think he regretted putting the plan in motion, but I think what he regretted most was hurting Hyun, so I guess that's why his demeanour was apologetic in the studio.









MC Kim is a certified YongSeo shipper. Look at his intense face of concentration when he watched Yong waiting for an answer to the question asked by Yong to Hyun whether she liked wearing the wedding dress in the TRAX video.









Yong was darn cute towards the end of Episode 28 (yeah, I know I say darn cute a lot in my post today. I can't help it, cos he's just darn cute! :P ). I think Yong totally forgot that cameras were rolling, recording every action and reaction. You can only be that cute when you are comfortable with someone. *Ahem!*









I'm sorry fellow Gogumas because I'm still spazzing over Episode 28. I know that ship has sailed, but I hope you'll still indulge me.









Thanks for reading!


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Guest sweetll30

hi guys

i'm so new to soompi but a BIG fan of the couple!! been dying to see the new episode and someone says that you can watch it here!!

can someone please let me know where i can watch the latest episode subbed??

thanks heaps and esp a BIG thanks to the people who work on the vids for people like me to watch!!


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Guest tinybeatingheart

cloiee18, He's gonna ruin the show! Hahaha! But, I think it won't happen. Since when did Kyuhyun became a part of SNSD or CNB? Just my POV. mellow.gif

Yeah guys, I'm bored. What to do, what to do? 'm really just rewatching some Yongseo episodes where SNSD unnies are there, when they went to somewhere, the horror epsode, the skinship episode and the 2nd to the latest. HAHA wub.gif Working on some GIFs. Will post it later rolleyes.gif

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hi guys






i'm so new to soompi but a BIG fan of the couple!! been dying to see the new episode and someone says that you can watch it here!!






can someone please let me know where i can watch the latest episode subbed??






thanks heaps and esp a BIG thanks to the people who work on the vids for people like me to watch!!









WELCOME!   i am also new to this thread was registered last night ^^ hehe


try this link http://kshownow.blogspot.com/search/label/Goguma  hope it help you a lot.





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wollylamb...anneyeong :wub:


I am not offended at all with what you posted pages while back so please don't get me wrong blush.gif


By the way, may I ask, how I can remove or delete a post?  I did some back reading and I saw that one of my post got a couple of red marks, I'd like to remove it to avoid getting more marks.


Thank you.



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