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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest slylychee

The video was originally on youtube, but it was unsubbed. I connected it to viikii so that i could sub. Here's the link to the raw youtube videos:


can you share to youtube??

so i can download....pleaseeeeee........:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:


okay...okay...sorry my fault..:tears::tears:(because my english very very bad)

I LOVE YONGSEO because..

They make me change my life...make me more cherrful, more positive life,..

I never liked the actress / actor (singer) as much as I like them

they are so easy to be liked, to make learning about the pure love,.

haahh .. they really really really changed my life ..

Cingli, 24, Indonesia

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Guest cosmochiq
















less than 2 hours to go and it's WGM again.. :) I really hope that this episode will put all worries to rest...


























I have a question to those who are using TVUplayer... are you experiencing bad signals?


























coz i've been experiencing one and it keeps on buffering.. :( i hope it won't be like that when WGM starts.. :(





































btw, thank you so much pancakes&flappyjacks for the translation.. :D i can't help but smile after reading it... what has Yong got into to think of that.. :D ahahaha.. don't get me wrong.. I love the eagerness he has so that their relationship will have the turning point he wants.. :) but what he wasn't able to prepare was when his plan backfired. :))


























just what the famous line says... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... now he'll have a taste of his own medicine. :D:P





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























thank you pancakes&flappyjacks and to scatterbrain for the translation of the article. 




















this shows that Yonghwa is really serious about Seohyun. and how Seohyun feels about Yonghwa. she was visibly upset, even the crew noticed. I think it was really not a month based on the article. I think it was really 2-3 weeks. and the crew didn't even know what Yonghwa was planning and it coincided with CNBlue's concert preparation. so we can say that both of them are genuinely showing how they feel.




















will this pushing and pulling project started by Yonghwa end today? we just have to wait for 1 and a half hours to find out.




















prepare for this thread to fly. :)





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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































Cant wait to see the upcoming episode !!
































































































































































Im pretty sure that both hyun and yong have some sort of feelings towards each other. Especially since they always remember each oterh with the couple ring, i believe that this couple is REAL !! or at least will become real
































































































































































I think when SNSD performs at Inkigago with yong as the MC, hyun's unnies will reveal some secrets or reveal something about the yongseo couple keke ^^
































































































































































What was the airing time for the episode again?? is it 5pm South Korean time??
































































































































































so excited !!!!:w00t: 

































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Guest InTokgoguma
































Hi all of Goguma villagers!!















I'm new in here.. and this is my first post cause i wanna join the yongseo couple's 300th days project..













































they always make me happy and smile like crazy.. they are my vitamins...















watching them make me learn much about life, love and relationship..















i never have a relationship and watching them care about each other and the way they looking at each other motivate me to have a relationship like them..















Seohyun is a perfect girl.. she is beautiful, smart, polite and nice.. Yonghwa is such a gentle boy who can be play full and easy going..  Both of them are talented too..















they are really different but that is why they are compatible for each other.. like north and south pole of two magnets which always stuck together...:wub:















I can say that they are my role model.. cause i realize that i became a better and positive person since i know them.















YongSeo Hwaiting!! :D:D






























Intok, 19 years old, Indonesian






























sorry for my poor english..






























By the way.. 2 hours more for our lovely Goguma.. can't not wait for that.. :w00t:

















































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Guest pandasoori




   thx fr the translation about push and pull things .


at first i feel sad fr hyuun , now it turn to yong . i really pity him  . deep in his heart i know he feel sad when hyuun can speak banmal with cnblue members but not with him. maybe all this time he just latent his wishh to hear hyuun speak banmal with him . aigooo yoong . let me hug youuu . keke .


i really hope yong and hyuun settle all the push and pull things today . yess , i also think that they are really have feelings to each other .




btw enjoy today episode all goguma lovers !


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Guest waniey_haha
















hye guyz.....45 minutes to go......
















can't wait for the cuteness ever bickering between yoooong n hyuuunnnn....
















just want to contribute something,,,,
























                              i don't know why I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ......it can't be EXPRESSED with words..:wub: :wub::wub: .. just by  looking at them ...make me smiling ...grinning to ears...giggling....squealing...n crying for their happiness. when they come acrrossed my mind i will smile like a fool..heehee ... from the first episode i've been following them... what i can say is that THEY ARE SO REAL....ignore what others were saying about yongseo becoz they didnt know their progress....awkward but now...look at their eyes.... whenever their eyes met... ouchhh....my heart melt becoz their eyes were sparkling n it seems it goes deeply to both of their heart...few days ago i replayed the first episode n my eyes were teary.... I JUST LOVE THEM....because they are REAL !!!!  they change me to become more positive !!! n opcoz ....becoz of the love of yongseo i met u guyz here...where we all share the same love for our YONGSEO....i felt like we all are in the big family ...i love u guyz !!!!
















waniey,20 MALAYSIA

















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Guest mashamishmash








i think the crew guessed it right.











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Thank you for the translation of the article.  Ohhh Yong, just want to hug you right now.  I hope that they have sorted out whatever it is that is between them.  I also hope that Yong's sadness earlier in the month had nothing to do with his relationship with Hyun.

I love Yongseo because...

They make me smile for no reason like a fool in love.  They brighten my weekend.  They make me feel happy!  They make me believe again in destiny and fate.  Two people who would never have otherwise gotten to know each other because of their preconceived notion of what they liked in another.......though fate...destiny...and via wgm...found each other.  They complement each other - ones weakness is countered by the others strength - they support each other and care for one another.  My wish for them is that realize that even though they are young, they should take every opportunity...not only in their career...but also in love.  Love - like what writters dream of and what fairytales are made of - is rare and precious...it may never come a second time around.  Most of all I wish them happiness because they have brought happiness into the lifes of so many people around the world.  Luv u yongseo!

Lulu2, 32, USA

After reading the article and after the last 2 episodes...what happend in June through to August...it makes me think more that "I don't know why" is also written with Seohyun in mind.   I also think that the PD may have planned the horror special with Yong and Hyun in mind - an exercise for them to trust and rely on each other.  In that episode, Hyun showed that she had absolute trust in Yong to guide and protect her.  Yong showed that he cared deeply with Hyun...being brave when he's afraid and protecting her with his body.  Ohhh, Yong and Hyun...you drive me crazy.  Hope they have a preview for next week ep...I want to know if its the Japan episode or if they have surprise episode in store for us.  I wondered why they suddenly decided to release the yongseo clip. hmmmm.  Enjoy this episode everyone.

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































Starts 5:15 PM
































































































Soshified stream































































































































































































































































































Channel 1 or 6
































































































Other stream
































































































































































































































































































































































































TVU Networks works best for me
































































































































































































As usual for those who can't watch WGM live then i'll update my twitter @yangyoseob ^^































































































































































































WGM starts in 15 minutes! wihoo~ Thanks again for all the caps, pics, gifs .. just everything ^^
































































































I hope Yong will cheer Hyun up in this episode because otherwise he has to handle this Hyun...
































































































































































































not my gif

































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Hi gogumas! waves, waves-  just passing by to thank you all the links, and pics, gif and of course the translations... Kumawo!
































































































































When I was reading about Yong having a girlfriend it was so funny hahahaha, cause We, the goguma aliens, know that this is impossible! hahaha. Cute Yonghwa, isn´t him as cute as Seobaby?? haha.
































































































































I really love the MC BTS! those two are really lovey dovey, and talking about this I want to ask, SNSD will perform in Inkigayo too or it will just at MU bank???:unsure:
































































































































Well my dear gogumas, few minutes to go, have a happy and sweet spazzing everyone!!!!

































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































i think the crew guessed it right.















































































































































































































































I was thinking the same thing, he has a girlfriend!!! The thing is that the girl in questions doesnt know yet.... kekekeke (I am talking about SH)
















































Yonghwa boy, you are becoming more transparent, aishhh, your plan get you what you wanted but you are paying for it with your blood... kekekeke SH is really back for revenge.
















































This make me thing about how she always say they should make everything together... well now he is feeling the pain like her... They are doing it all together. That totally backfired... Poor YH.
















































And for SH, even if she was mad, this last episode confirm to me that she likes him too... aishh I dont know if she is aware of it, but hope her unnies will help her to see the light.
















































Note: A happy reminder, please dont post oneliners (20 words or less) and if you are quoting images, delete the IMG tag.
















































Happy spazzing my fellow Gogumas!!!

















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its almost here... oh gosh! so excited. and just wanted to say that i went back to watch the fancams and the performance for today and its so... good! awww. i love it. i'm so excited to see how they ended the day :wub: please show EVERYTHING today!


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Guest lizramyun
















anyoone can share his twitter with udapted i remember someone posted thier acc












i cant stream tonight pleasee












btw im so excited for tonight episoe OMG



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Guest teoki61
















































































































































































































































































can someone tell me where to watch it live?? the links i saw don't work have you other links??
















































































































































































































































DJ Hinata can you give me the link where you watch it??? Because i usually go to this site and it works.

















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Guest .:love_ya:.








































































can someone tell me where to watch it live?? the links i saw don't work have you other links??
































































DJ Hinata can you give me the link where you watch it??? Because i usually go to this site and it works.































































































































TVU works for me ^^









































































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okay... so am i watching it on the right channel? because its not coming on!






ohmygod. i'm so upset right now. is it on or not? because its not on right now. right after music core right? oh gosh! now i'm going crazy.


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Guest .:love_ya:.








































































okay... so am i watching it on the right channel? because its not coming on!
































































ohmygod. i'm so upset right now. is it on or not? because its not on right now. right after music core right? oh gosh! now i'm going crazy.































































































































lol yea I wonder the same thing!!
































































Is it gonna be late?









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Guest mashamishmash










I was thinking the same thing, he has a girlfriend!!! The thing is that the girl in questions doesnt know yet.... kekekeke (I am talking about SH)




Yonghwa boy, you are becoming more transparent, aishhh, your plan get you what you wanted but you are paying for it with your blood... kekekeke  SH is really back for revenge.




This make me thing about how she always say they should make everything together... well now he is feeling the pain like her... They are doing it all together.  That totally backfired... Poor YH.




And for SH, even if she was mad, this last episode confirm to me that she likes him too... aishh I dont know if she is aware of it, but hope her unnies will help her to see the light.




Note:  A happy reminder, please dont post oneliners (20 words or less) and if you are quoting images, delete the IMG tag.




Happy spazzing my fellow Gogumas!!!








hahhahahahha you sure think differently from the others. i like you. look at the (-) that i got!  this is fun.




opsss my post was less than 20 words. was it?  i didnt count the words. have no time.  what can i say.. i just cant help teasing these gogumas. i type the post in a hurry.



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okay... so am i watching it on the right channel? because its not coming on!
































































































ohmygod. i'm so upset right now. is it on or not? because its not on right now. right after music core right? oh gosh! now i'm going crazy.































































































































































































watching right now but now they are airing some travel show about new zealand..
































































































i'm watching chanel 82048..it's the right chanel on TVU..isn't it?

































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