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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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             - it reminds me of my first love... the innocent love that I had once
































































































































































































































































             - doing simple things and spending some time with someone you love makes you smile and inspired
































































































































































































































































                all the time
































































































































































































































































             - it brings UNITY and LOVE from all the people all over the world 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































             - even if I have a tough day and having difficulty with my life YONGSEO couple bring SMILE to my face and EMBRACED my heart. Making me realized that at the end of the day I have a MILLION reasons to be happy...that I am sorrounded with people who love me and supported me throuhg thick and thin....YONGSEO couple give me HOPE and UNDYING LOVE. Even I cried a thousand times and got hurt a million times... I realized that I am still lucky because ONCE IN MY LIFE I had and experienced the kind of love that YONGSEO couple have right now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you YONGSEO COUPLE... because of you, I feel BLESSED.... sarangheyo
































































































































































































































































JhetD, 32y/o, CANADA

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia





Thanks guys for sharing the BTS video and for the translations. Finally, i've watched the BTS cut of our YongSeo, can i screameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so sweet really w00t.gif too short but it's so lovely dovey this is after wifey Hyun visited the cnblue dorm right? I wish they can call each other dear, honey, BABY, or LOVE enough with Hyun ang Yong where can we request that it's been 200days it's time to call each other baby or love or dear or honey kekeke! 



Like i said there's a lot more of YongSeo BTS for sure. I hope they can show more.



Hubby Yong, looks like been the favorite guest in running man :) so filming in 25th oct, then 28th Oct fan meeting in Japan. Then 31st live in Inkigayo to witness his wifey Hyun HOOT daebakkkkkkk. SeoHyun and her unnies been busy also after Singapore they go straight back to Korea for their HOOT. 



I watched music bank earlier, sure the girls generation comeback are live next week. So really starting tonight, tomorrow and next week it's like early XMAS FOR US like jnj mentioned. We have lots of YongSeo going on whether wgm or individual work for our YongSeo. Let's all be happy and inlove for the love of our YongSeo.



Taiwan wgm and now in Japan wow! THAT'S GOOD NEWS. And why not all over Asia YongSeo are all over the world YEAH BABY!



Pls. do update more regarding our YongSeo. CHEERS TO ALL



Saturday tomorrow yeheyyyyyyyyyyyy!


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genxv... those wallies are :wub: !!! didn't know u make wallies too!! unnie, u're soooooo talented!!! FMVs, fanarts, managing yongseo blog, yongseo international project & etc....omigoshhh DAEBAK~! *fangirling mode* xD thanks so much for sharing them~

DJHinata.... i LOVE that ur fanart of hyun's! she's stunning isn't she?

oh, i know there's another talented goguma providing the beautiful siggies & avvie but pls forgimme for forgetting ur nickname >.< but thanks for sharing~! :D

jnj, how much is the package u're getting??? am planning to go korea maybe next year if possible kekeekek :lol: oh well, hopefully cn blue will come to SG again... i've a feeling they will come since there're lotsa generous & supportive sponsors there unlike in m'sia <_< hahaah make sure u get all the yongseo's stuffs & show them off to us yah xD

thanks everyone for the pics, links, & news... oh, & also for the I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE BECAUSE posts :)

Dominic's Runway (fancam)

LOL avatar is so pweety on the runway xD

【CF】Mnet MAMA - CNBLUE.Supreme Team.2PM.T-ara

i think this is the one that they shot in the airport... Men In Black/CN Black~ cool men!

kellybag, i wish u a blessed b'day~! :D

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Guest oceanprince




okay im here to join the 'i love yongseo' project




i love yongseo because:




they actually made me realised that love is a simple form of expression. as we tend to complicate our relationships, be it as friends or as lovers, yongseo showed that a relationship between either friends or lovers is just as simple and as natural and not how complicated it seems to be in reality. yes there may be awkwardness at first, but thn thats life, its filled with awkwardness. yongseo paved the process of how an awkward relationship can turn out to be a very comfortable one. yongseo also taught me that love can be expressed through many forms, physically (although physically is like a sacred form for our yongseo), verbally, mentally and lastly, musically. its no doubt that these two had showed their love towards each through the use of music. lastly, yongseo taught me the most important factor of relationship: physical comfort.




and thats why i love yongseo.




Jayne, 19, Singapore.



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Guest kellybag








Hi and waves to all goguma supporters - i think this is my 3rd post here, been lurking around since sept when i only just discovered this amazing sweet couple and have been literally hooked on them since...








i too would like to participate in the why i love Yong Seo couple project ~~








my reasons are no different from the majority of you guys - i love their innocence which is reflected through their eyes, gestures and body movements. They are both so pure that they can blush at their own actions/insecurities which i find ever so endearing. I enjoy watching them being awkward with one and another - like others who have pointed out, all their loveliness together makes me wanna fall in love again and or makes me reminisce about my first love..which was so so long ago but suddenly it has become very fresh in my mind. They make me feel young and energetic - seriously, when i feel at a lost and or when i feel a need to escape, they never fail to lighten me up..they had me at the first episode LOL..Yong is aspiring, considerate and mature beyond his age Hyun is conscientious and very beoming a woman ~ whether on or off screen i hope they are as we see them, hope that they are as they portray themselves to be on screen...true to their hearts and to themselves, anything is possible for them, sky is the limit for them...wooohoo they are simply beautiful together








woooah just turned 42 (7 minutes ago), Hong Kong.





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This is my first ever post in this thread after become silent reader for so long...wave to all goguma couple lovers
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love YongSeo because their relationship look so real...my love for them grow stronger every week.I love everything they do while they're at each other side,whether they bicker,they laugh,they tease.The sweet moments of YongSeo always linger in my mind and become the best medicine for a moody day.Thank you YongSeo for made all of us happy,you're never failed to put smile on our heart

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi






everytime I see them, I would smile and think to myself "aaaah, this is what relationship is all about"



17 years old





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Guest wallpaperfood

dreamyboo, thanks for linking the vid of Jungshin in the fashion show! He's my bias, so that pretty much topped off my day, in addition to the BTS ofcourse... ^^

And on a different note, just wanted to share with you guys how I feel about Yongseo couple when I look at them:

Do you guys know the reality TV series Beauty and the Geek? It's a social experiment where "beauties" get paired up with "geeks", and the objective is to see if they can teach each other things about their respective "worlds" (for lack of a better term..), e.g. beauties teach geeks to open up/be more confident/grooming; and geeks sort of teach the beauties the joys of learning, etc. Once again, i stress that this is not a reality dating show

ANYWAY, it just hit me that Yongseo couple reminds me of Beauty (Yong) and the Geek (Hyun). Obviously, I'm not labelling them in terms of looks (cos they are both hot), but in terms of their characters/interests. Yong is the outgoing mood-maker, and Hyun is the quiet girl who loves school and reading. 

When they first started out on WGM, I was a bit sceptical as to how it would turn out (I love both, just couldn't see where their WGM relationship would go, being so utterly different). However, as I watch a new episode each week, it's wonderful to see how Yong 'teaches'/makes it possible for Hyun to open up, and experience her first love, to dare I say, care more about what she wears (look at the preeeety dresses in ep 28 and the hairstyle in ep 27), to even read books about love - likewise, Hyun has showed Yong so much (recall the seatbelt, reading - especially self-acheivement genres, caring - BLOOD DONATION, not giving dongsaengs a hard time (ep22, Minhyuk), being calm and patient and optimistic (her motto from Ban Ki Moon)). Even Yong admitted that in his bday letter to Hyun. Maybe she's even tamed his active side (courtesy of Lee Joon) haha.

What I love is that they are so honest and open with each other from the start about their respective personalities (although it's a given that Yong would have had to subtly weave that in on his part :P), and the BEST thing was that I started to shift from the "social experiment" mindset I was harbouring and come to the realisation that they genuinely had started to rub off on each other,  and that something was happening between the two - be it a crush/puppy love/admiration/care. I don't want to call it a reality dating series, but seeing as how Yongseo couple has spent the most time hands down getting to know about each other, it seems that way to me sometimes, but generally, I don't want to label this series as anything, I just want to keep watching their beautiful relationship blossom <3

Okay enough ranting, it's nearly 4am and it wasn't really part of my plan to stay on this late, let alone be posting on the thread hehehe. That;s what I'd usually do on a SATURDAY XD. nitenite gogumas :)

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Yong and Hyun are the epitome of a gentleman and a lady. I would like to see my sons and future daughters-in-law comport themselves like Yong and Hyun. I would be a very happy parent indeed! Seriousness aside, I get mushy and butterflies in my stomach watching Yong and Hyun interact. They are so real together! Yong and Hyun together makes me feel warm inside.









winnieho, 44, Malaysia


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hi...uhm..ive been lurking for mos here but i only knew how to post in soompi just now....
















I love yong seo(gihigugma ko ang yong seo in my dialect which im pretty suprised its in the cover) cuz:
















1.) i cant stop smiling while watching them
















2.)they are real. well to me that is...
















3.)they're perfect for each other
















4.)action speaks louder than words...i can see that they truly care for each other and the STARES.....it kills me...
















5.)they sumtimes seem to be in a world of their own when they are together(they didnt notice THE UENO JURI)
















-jeane654,15 years old, philippines
















btw....is it just me or is it a coincidence that seo hyun's background color in the promotional picture is blue?....








im sorry if ever i violated a rule...









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Guest seohyun_yh



Taiwan wgm and now in Japan wow! THAT'S GOOD NEWS. And why not all over Asia YongSeo are all over the world YEAH BABY!


WGM will be broadcast on Japanese television? really???  :w00t:



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































i love the yongseo couple because...
































































































































































































































































































they both are destine to be together, they make me laugh, they make me smile
































































































































































































































































































they are each others LOVE LIGHT.
































































































































































































































































































they make what a show seems so real: the look in their eyes, their emotions, their rings and of course their skinship!
































































































































































































































































































aybeedee, 18, USA

































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dear gogumas/anti-gogumas... pls don't play around with the -ve & +ve buttons. and pls don't simply click the -ve button on any post that doesn't even hurt or harm u, or violates the rules & regulations of this thread. just 'cause u don't like that person or the post, doesn't mean that u could do whatever u like. i pray that u'll reflect on ur shameful behavior.

keep up the I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE posts yahhh :)



haeanna: omo! that must've been surreal! xD yess!! today's goguma day! finally~! thanks for sharing~!

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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































last night SNSD performed at Music Station and I've something for you all..keukeukeu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated fan account courtesy of silis7noy2 at SNSD Soompi thread

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The one thing that made me so happy personally, was seeing Seohyun's ring on her left hand!!!! I love YongSeo and I just became so moved. On her left hand it was twinkling brilliantly. After broadcast was over the show guests were leaving, and Mr Abe was leaving and a fan was calling him (I think it's against the rules) and well why don't I call out the name too! So I thought and I yelled "Seohyun! I love you!" and she turned to me and sent me "nico" smile. I was so happy that I thought I could die there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: Ainoxxx@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm happy!! Yongseo is LOVE.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gOOd night all!
































































































































































































































































anddddddddd TODAY is Saturday~~ :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: yup dreamyboo! while reading the posts I was like omygah! and spazzing along with the fan...feels like I'm the one attending the show..
































































































































































































































































and this just remind me that today our fellow SG Gogumas will get the chance to witness Seohyun's gorgeousness with their own eyes..
































































































































































































































































how I envy them but nevertheless also happy for them.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okay now I have to go sleep. Got lotsa work to do tomorrow. BYE for real. :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo
































































































Just wanted to quote silis and share this here :)
































































as posted by 'silis7noy2' at gg soompi thread
































Part 2~
































At the end everyone gathers and says "Thank you for today" and it was standby time to get ready for that scene(Commercial was playing). At that time Yuri was sending a "nico"(emphatic smile) smile to Group Tamashii and it was so cute.
































The one thing that made me so happy personally, was seeing Seohyun's ring on her left hand!!!! I love YongSeo and I just became so moved. On her left hand it was twinkling brilliantly.































































































After broadcast was over the show guests were leaving, and Mr Abe was leaving and a fan was calling him (I think it's against the rules) and well why don't I call out the name too! So I thought and I yelled "Seohyun! I love you!" and she turned to me and sent me "nico" smile. I was so happy that I thought I could die there.
































Other fans of Soshi were calling Sooyoung Yoona and so on and they turned around to us and sent us "nico" smiles * ^ ^ * Soshi girls are so kind
































When Soshi's intro videos were shown and at beginning Kara's Mister was playing at that moment Hyoyeon was singing "Lalalalalala~" and it was cute * ^ ^ *
































During the Soshi introduction VTR the time when they showed Soshi's legs, Yoona was like "Um--(^ _ ^; )" her face with a sour smile and that was memorable (>_<). I felt they might not be liking how all the attention is being just on their legs
































That's it for my report!! Thank you for reading my bad writing TT I will write again if I remember something again (*^O^*) It was something that I would never have chance again, it was great meeting Soshi in person in their first music show appearance. I am really so so happy. Jigeumeun SoNyuhShiDae! ! ! ! !

































































































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