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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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6-26-10 LG Cookie
















































































snsd concert thailand 7-24-10








































gyeonbok sports festival 7-16-10
















































































CABI 7-24-10
















































































8-28-10 Y-star
























































































































credit;to all the owners;








































if dates are incorrect..ur free to correct me.. ^_^









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haha can't remember i inserted which image 1st so i'll just put my comments here:

whoa...the tourists are using the same bus as yongseo's! >.< i think it's the same, right??

and did u guys look at the puppy they took pics with...it's big already!

hmm didn't know the hut looks that shabby. somehow yongseo made the place looks a lot nicer LOL!

oh, did u guys see their potato field??? xD i'm not sure how to see it but i guess theirs got harvested already?

dang! i'm busted... was supposed to be on a ninja mode :ph34r::w00t:

edit: d_????? that's a very good finding u have there!!! good job!!!! so does that mean they're in good terms on 24th july?

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Finally, i decided to join this hullabaloo. Yes, i choose to join. I could have just lurked, spazzed alone, laughed at the witty remarks, frown at overread analysis, ogle at all gifs, wait for kenconovie's latest episode link, j2dlee's translation, and sun_sun's hardsubs. Instead, I choose to write my take on this.
































































































































































































































































First, on the epi and if it is scripted or not:
































































































































































































































































"Jung Yong Hwa! Why didn't you even tell uri Hyun that you wouldn't contact her for a month because you'll be busy for your concert? You made her worry." (Me: screaming at Yonghwa in front of the goguma fandom)
































































































































































































































































"Now, you are back to square one. I don't know when you'll have the chance to hold her hand again without being inside a haunted house or in a production number." (Me: sermonizing Yonghwa, but with a sad, regretful tone)
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: - adlib - (will answer whatever he wants, will act according to the way he wants, but have to consider his image as a KPop Idol, his company's PR reminders, and Hyun's character)
































































































































































































































































Okay, that's a script.
































































































































































































































































WGM has a general script but not a detailed one since WGM is a reality show. It is a show, which as much as possible, approximates reality. Nevertheless, it is a show.
































































































































































































































































Now, considering these two main casts, Yonghwa and Seohyun, they may be following a general script but all words and actions, I choose to believe, are all theirs. You cannot fake that glimmer in their eyes nor those pouting or teasing lips.
































































































































































































































































Maybe, the WGM production staged the epi to suit the concert theme. We know why Lovelight was chosen, but we where wondering why Run Devil Run. And I choose to think WGM scripted the last epi to give way to this song. In billiard/pool parlance, it is called "placing".
































































































































































































































































Now, after watching last episode, after reading all the posts here, and after I tried to come up with a logical explanation as to why Yong didn't call Hyun after the momentous hand-holding, or if Hyun really came to the CNBlue concert or to the Make a Wish affair... I got a headache.
































































































































































































































































At the end, I choose to believe what is just reel and what is real. No one can take that away from me because I am the one who choose what to believe as long as I remember the premise that this is just a reality show.
































































































































































































































































Now, I would like to commend the gogumas here. I've seen how we responded before whenever some negativity rose up. But this latest one, i can see that gogumas have learned their lesson. The wordings are well-chosen, the tones are more respectful, replies to negative comments are more understanding. That's what I call "growth".
































































































































































































































































I am aware that, even against my heart's wish, the story of the YongSeo couple will end. Like any other show, it will end. But at the end of the day, the first thing I search in my browser is this thread. Come Saturday, I wait for the latest episode. Before midnight strikes, I await j2dlee's translation. Come Sunday, I wait for sun-sun's hardsub.
































































































































































































































































Why do I still do those things even though I know that this is just a show, a scripted one? Because I choose to. And even to some extent, I choose to believe that there's reality in that script.
































































































































































































































































Okay, enough debriefing.
































































































































































































































































Second, on the International Support for YongSeo couple:
































































































































































































































































Some (if not a lot) are not happy the way their idol is being portrayed or treated in this reality show. Being an internatinal fan, I sometimes feel helpless, because WGM will only continue the YongSeo segment if Korean viewers supports the couple. And marketing sponsors rely on Korean viewers. But everytime, Hyun or Yong hold events outside Korea, the YongSeo fans shower them with their love and adoration. The pictures that I see in this thread are all proofs of that. And I am sure WGM surfs the net, right? So, for more love for this couple, let us support the 3rd YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL PROJECT http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com/2010/09/project-30-its-yongseo-world-afterall.html. Let us show our force. Currently we are already have views: 8009588, replies: 24362 in soompi. 8 MILLION!
































































































































































































































































Third, some personal notes:
































































































































































































































































mashamishmash: good to hear that those (-) are gone because I totally agree with you.
































































































































































































































































luckynew: woah! that story with your ring and husband was sweet and touching. See, there's reality in this show. :wub:
































































































































































































































































_d3seohyun: i agree with you. When Yong entered the salon, with his hood on his head, he was so charming! (see image below) For a moment, I want him for myself, but later on, I just thanked "The Forces" that he has been paired with our beautiful, intelligent, sincere Hyun.
































































































































































































































































jnj: you don't have any negativity in you. your post are always cheerful. i think you choose to put a 4D whenever such posts come up. keep that up. :)
































































































































































































































































anne0129: Yep, for me it was also staged for the duet.
































































































































































































































































alexia92: last week, after the birthday epi, i also heard Katy Perry's song Hot n Cold and instantly remember the YongSeo couple, but it was more in the context of their mildang (push and pull; hard to get, etc.). And since it was an upbeat song, i related it with the couple in the context of young lovers having their ups and downs and in the end they kiss and make up, so for me it was fun. Katy Perry is fun, right?
































































































































































































































































and to all lovely gogumas, men and women alike, let us water ourselves with YongSeo love so that we'll grow and bear more, whatelse...goguma love.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobaby, I have to confess. The moment your husband walked in through that door and flashed that































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































smile of his..I squealed hahaha..and I'm not really sure if it's because he was about to see you or because































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he was just looking too darn charming :lol: and that wasn't the only time...there were a couple more































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































instances after that LOL




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Anneyeong gogumas..hehe..i'm sorry that i came back..yep i'm immature,i'm just 17 turning 18 years old pretty hot girl who love to richard simmons off people for fun.And,i'm bored here.I just want to dedicate this song to you know who you are..if you feel you are not one of them,dont feel offensive.Hehe.I'm having fun.Please thumb me down if you want or you can just igonore my post because i'm still rofl here but i swear on my trustfund's money this is going to be my last post.:P








Hot N Cold lyrics















Songwriters: Gottwald, Lukasz; Martin, Max; Perry, Katy;








You change your mind like a girl changes clothes















Yeah, you PMS like a ***** I would know















And you over think, always speak cryptically















I should know that you're no good for me






























'Cause you're hot and you're cold















You're yes and you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down








You're wrong when it's right















You're black and it's white








We fight, we break up








We hug, we make up








You, you don't really wanna stay, no








But you, you don't really wanna go, oh








'Cause you're hot and you're cold















You're yes then you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down























We used to be just like twins, so in sync








The same energy now's a dead battery








Used to laugh 'bout nothing, now you're plain boring








I should know that you're not gonna change








'Cause you're hot and you're cold















You're yes and you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down






























You're wrong when it's right















You're black and it's white








We fight, we break up








We hug, we make up








You, you don't really wanna stay, no








But you, you don't really wanna go, oh








You're hot and you're cold















You're yes and you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down























Someone call the doctor








Got a case of a love disorder








Stuck on a roller coaster








Can't get off this ride








You change your mind like a girl changes clothes






























'Cause you're hot and you're cold















You're yes and you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down






























You're wrong when it's right















You're black and it's white















We fight, we break up








We hug, we make up








You, you don't really wanna stay, no








But you, you don't really wanna go, oh








You're hot and you're cold















You're yes and you're no















You're in and you're out















You're up and you're down






























Having Lots of Fun















Alexia92  :lol:






























hi alexia..im old enough to be a mother of your age...and i admit im a bit hurt the way you gave your opinion, but of course it is your right, we cannot stop you to be like that ( giving an opinion that contradict to majority is fine but at least be diplomatic in approach, who knows if you do it that way instead of having resentment from other you will be admired)honestly i will not be proud to have such a provocative son/daughter but as a mother i may embrace it with a heavy heart...we have our own way of finding happiness i guess...i hope you all the best...









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just wondering...since everyone talked about wgm is script or not...I just found, maybe some part yes, like this episode....yong probably know that seohyun when to salon but seohyun not...I mean it's script on that way....so that they can filmed it, and probably, PD asked to their managers about their schedule...so it's script like that somehow.
































and another thing was when I was watching the second part of rdrsub I found that according to the subtitle, they ( somehow) I mean, hyun said that she couldnt contact him for two weeks....
































so it's mean, not the whole one month I guess....I dont know but you can check this on rdrsub in minutes 6.20





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Guest littlebiebie

Ok.. Let's just fulfill uri Yongseo's 300th's Project.. :lol:

I LOVE YONGSEO because they ain't a fairytale nor drama but they make my heart flutter everytime I see they were staring, bickering, teasing each other.

littlebiebie, 29, Indonesia

pollykpy & lenovo thanks for sharing the info from Taiwan. TAIWAN's press and Yongseo shipper there indeed DAEBAK.!! :w00t:

dreamyboo Did they have a Yongseo tour? kekeke... It's seems fascinating.. Yong & Hyun not only created their sweet memories for themself but also for us, goguma villagers. :P And yeah.. the hut seems terrible. But it's yongseo, we know.. I remember luvtokki once said "Even there is a pile of dungs, Yongseo couple can still be happy" :P

Just apply this to this thread "even if there is bad things/comment appear, Goguma villagers can still be happy."

Happy spazzing all :)


Jossa has just updated her fanfic.. It's really worth to read, giving me a balance view actually.

To Jossa I hope u don't mind I share it here. It really turn up my goguma mood and hope other goguma will feel the same too.

here is the link pretensions

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Guest sake_bomb




For 300 Days Project:




I love the Yongseo couple because they symbolize what first love should be: innocent, sweet, uncomplicated, and fresh. My first love was not innocent, not sweet, not uncomplicated, and not fresh. When I watch Yong and Hyun, I feel as if I've been given a second chance to experience a first love as I should have but was not able to enjoy.




sake_bomb, 23, USA



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im supposed to work but cant resist replying

to hacker hehehe

well i choose to be happy and stay

positive n i have learn all yongseo's

slogans by heart

Make Love Not War

Keep The Faith

Dont Worry Be Happy

is there anymore?

hey dreamy, your ninja

mode obviously not working eh? hahaha

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Hi guys!! sorry I can´t read all your post, but I want to share this I´m so loling at (I know, I´m slow -_-) but I just got the "make love not war" T-shirt!!! hahaha LOL, and with half hearts on them like if the pds were trying to say... ehhhhh we know you love each other please don´t fight haha. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong smiled when first saw the T-shirt, and Hyun was the one who asked for matching hearts ^^ YongSeo is so cute!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now i´m wondering what if Gain had not  said "you´re holding hands" hahaha, those 2 must have missed each other hands a lot :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for being this random it is just that i´m so enjoying this hahaha, need to watch the horror special again ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And guys, Make Love, not war
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a lot of gogumas for you, our goguma lovers ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest antiibeauty
























































Hey all,








































I'm new to this thread but I've been loving this couple since day 1. :)








































I don't really care whether the show is scripted or not, because they're simply awesome.








































Last episode, when they exchanged gifts, was my favorite episode ever.








































I literally teared up when Hyun put the ring on Yong's finger.








































They're beautiful. :')








































So guys, let's keep this thread that way too!









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8-17-10 sbs 20th anniversary
















































































8-21-10 SM town conference
















































































SM concert
























































































































despicable me press con 8-30-10
















































































SM town concert LA 9-05-10








































upon departure:
























































































































despicable me premiere 9-07-10
























































































































SM town concert shanghai 9-11-10
























































































































snsd concert Taipei taiwan 10-17-10
















































































korea- taiwan
















































































going back to korea
















































































from the old ring to the new one..








































credit;to all the owners,









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Guest baby_bo



Hello goguma villagers!!!!

Wow some unknown aliens here? Oh well.

Im still proud of those who kept their cool about everything, that's what a TRUE goguma fan would do.

Also thank you everyone for participating on yhe project. We still need more so for those who havent shared their reason yet pls post here. :)

tnx in advance.

Fighting villagers! Cant wait for this sat's episode.

Oh also, now it made sense why seohyun wasnt wearing her couple ring during the sm concert in seoul.

That was actually her getting back at yong! Super cute!!!!


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Guest ordinary_arie


Why do I still do those things even though I know that this is just a show, a scripted one? Because I choose to. And even to some extent, I choose to believe that there's reality in that script.

Okay, enough debriefing.

hacker8, sorry to cut ur post.. ur words that's I quoted really represent what i want to say, but since i'm not good at words n english i just quoted it from u. :sweatingbullets: kekeke

I'm one of a regular lurker here, n sometimes post to this thread too, even not much to share.. I'm one of fan of positvity of this thread.. there are so much goguma's points for positiviy of this thread, so please don't let all of that's "gogumas" eaten by negativity (if u know what i mean).. <_< kekeke.

let's just show our love for uri couple... :wub:

 this is for yongseo 300th day project...

I love yongseo couple because they look innocent, pure, lovely, natural, and they give me "butterfly" when i watched their interaction. so lovely!!!

Arie,23, Indonesia

E5663A13-90E6-D225-4B8A-CA9919425EC91.03.01<---- i don't know what number are this, but it's keep shown on my post even though i delete it  :blink::unsure:


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rdr subs are out!!!








































check out their blog for vid links!

















































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aigo..aigo..what happen to this lovely thread... btw thanx to everyone who keep this thread positively just like uri yongseo with their relationship...






nothing to worried because we all know their relationship are strongest than anything... this small bickering just part of relationship..that's made they appreciate more the relationship...that's part that they should experience it,right?as the latest epi with ueno, i think nothing to be worried.. and that is why when yong said that he know hyun better than anyone.... angry seobaby is cute but scary, you know?? kekeke






btw, why i love yongseo couple..






i love yongseo couple because they teach me how relationship should be.. two different people in one journey..both learning and guide each other to build the very beautiful relationship. the differences bring the REAL aura of love.. yongseo just :wub: :wub:






cunna,22, malaysia






jnj-aha, i saw you... comeback to our place,plz... hehehe




sorry but nothing to share...



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Guest k.rivera19












I just wanted to share a song that i thought pertain to the recent episode .... well sort of ... its one of my favorite songs from camp rock 2 :D








Wouldn't Change A Thing








(Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas)








It's like he doesn't hear a word I say,








His mind is somewhere far away,








And I don't know how to get there,








It's like,








(She's way too serious)








All he wants is to chill out,








(She's always in a rush)








He makes me wanna pull all my hair out,








(And interrupting)








Like he doesn't even care,








(Like she doesn't even care)
























We're face to face








But we don't see eye to eye








Like fire and rain








(Like fire and rain)








You can drive me insane








(You can drive me insane)








But I can't stay mad at you for anything








We're Venus and Mars








(We're Venus and Mars)








We're like different stars








(Like different stars)








But you're the harmony to every song I sing








And I wouldn't change a thing








She's always trying to save the day








Just wanna let my music play








She's all or nothing








But my feelings never change








(Why, do you try to read my mind?)








I try to read her mind








(It's not good to psychoanalyze)








She tries to pick a fight








To get attention








That's what all of my friends say








(That's what all of my friends say)
























We're face to face








But we don't see eye to eye








Like fire and rain








(Like fire and rain)








You can drive me insane








(You can drive me insane)








But I can't stay mad at you for anything








We're Venus and Mars








(We're Venus and Mars)








We're like different stars








(Like different stars)








But you're the harmony to every song I sing








And I wouldn't change a thing








When I'm yes, she's no








When I hold on, he just lets go








We're perfectly imperfect








But I wouldn't change a thing, no








We're like fire and rain








(Like fire and rain)








You can drive me insane








(You can drive me insane)








But I can't stay mad at you for anything








We're Venus and Mars








(We're Venus and Mars)








We're like different stars








(Like different stars)








But you're the harmony to every song I sing








And I wouldn't change a thing








But I can't stay mad at you for anything








We're Venus and Mars








(We're Venus and Mars)








We're like different stars








(Like different stars)








But you're the harmony to every song I sing








And I wouldn't change a








Wouldn't change a thing








p.s. Hope someone could make a video of the latest epi with this song :wub:



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i find this cute































































































































































at first seo hyun was bringing kerero..































































































































































she looks like a little girl bringing a stuff toy around...
































































































































































but then later going back to korea. she's now bringing a different one.































































































































































































































































his nampyon!
















































































from a Girl to a Lady....ahhh.. :wub::wub::wub:

















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Guest cheekyfoo

After watching Ep28, i couldn't resist the temptation to spazz about our lovely couple....

I wanna say that Yonghwa did an excellent job to be a wonderful boyfriend/husband and you can slowly see the subtle transformation in Seohyun's character. She used to be a quiet, reserve lady but lately, i can see a playful side of her that's never seen in her previous participation in other variety shows- Hello Baby/Horror Factory etc. It seems that she's starting to mirror her husband's playful side. (For example, in Ep28, she kept waving her cell phone in front of her husband, teasing him about her wedding dress shots.) Furthermore, her subtle expression of happiness in the MBC studio, after she pretended to feign innocence about the special date 200th Goguma event, shows that she enjoys the fact that Yong-sobang is trying to get her to remember the special occasion. I'm sure all the gals out there would be happy that their partner can remember all those special events - anniversary, birthdays.


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Guest sassysnsd

does that flower or whatever that yellow thing is under the teddy have a picture of Yong's face on it? I think it does? OMG :) YAY YAY YAY! My heart... :wub:

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