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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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luckynew... ahah it's good that u shared ur ring story with us! LOL it's a very good example of blunder in any relationship. and i believe that yongseo had their blunders & made up just like u & ur hubby. :)

lovekin~!!! *hugs tightly* am very touched by ur post! :tears: but i think i'm not the only goguma who's like what u just described keke xD in fact, i think i used to be very negative about yongseo but thanks to some good samaritans (eg: crystal, baby_bo, blu3bird80, kilimnr just to name a few) that made me wanna learn from mistakes. so yeah, it's a continuous learning process. ;)btw, i forgot to tell u that soompi banned me from using ur siggy & now, even my own siggy is banned! they also gave me warning for it <_<

jastubee, interesting point u have there! i also wonder what happened on 29th that we saw in the latest preview. my assumption is that hyun prolly texted yong, prolly told him that she actually knew that 29th is their 200 days anniv & wished him happy 200 days anniv... but somehow, yong didn't reply her so that's why she got mad? i dunno... maybe it's that? 'cause they looked like they were in good terms in WGM Horror.

pretty_92868... hmm i think u were the one who gave me a link to some vid thru' PM yah? haha glad u decided to post! btw, i love what u posted! xD

goguma1207, very well said! as per MC Kim, "BRAVO"! kekekeke xD dang, not only do i like ur MVs...i also like the way u write ur posts! it's always a pleasure to read ur posts ya know! ;)

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cr to pollykpy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love how they are supportive of "loveteams" and our YongSeo!!!!The Korean audience/ent industry shud try this too... hehe.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Funny, how the Yong in Taiwan rumor came to be untrue (sorry u guys!) ... but YONG is very much present in that SNSD event. From the banners, to gifts, and even in interviews. DAEBAK!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahhhh...... :wub: :wub:

































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Guest kudougirl
















































please don't argue, guys :(































i thought this thread is for showing our love to yongseo couple. it's not that i'm not realistic or whatever.
















i used to check this thread like every hour. because you guys always show your love to yongseo. fan MVs and artworks you guys post in this thread always cheer me up everyday... yeah i know i'm a lurker here. but even though i'm a lurker, i read all your posts.
















this arguing thing makes me afraid to visit this thread... because it makes me sad :(
















can't we just enjoy the show?
















i am sorry if you think i have no rights to say this because i'm a lurker. i just can't keep this thought any longer.
















and sorry for my bad english.
































thanks for gogumas who always think positive about yongseo :)
















i love you all!!!

















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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyong GOGUMA   :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow, out thread run so fast, i love everyone share their point of view, i think we shouldn't be too worry because this pull and push war happened 2 months ago, and i guess right now uri yongseo is in LOVEY DOVEY state judging from:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. the Ueno Juri episode (it filmed not long after the 200th day right?) hyun is no longer pushing yong away, she even shows some jealous look *well i guess in hyun's mind: Gosh, i shouldn't push yong too long, other girls will take him away from me? NOOO  crazy.gif* she's not talking about the pull and push war anymore, i guess it considered problem solved  phew.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. since yong is showing off his couple ring all over the world where ever he is, HYUN MUST BE SO HAPPY AND PROUD   :wub: ninja me says  :ph34r:: hyun must be monitoring her husband, smiling happily *HOHO that ring is from me, back off girls, he's mine!*   fury.gif 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. look the picture from japan filming, he's happy, she's happy.. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. they harvest the goguma last week, right? it should brings back LOVELY memories, well maybe now they're not holding hands.. but hugging and nudging head towards each other   :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. few days ago we are worried because yong looks so tired and sad at PIFF, getting better at jump guro..then we see him filming WGM, and now he's smiling again, look recent yong's pic, he got his charm back.. of course because he meets hyun *this girl has to do nothing to make her husband HAPPY, just let them meet and look each others eyes, end of sorrows*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. hyun fall at stage and got a bandage at her leg, ninja me: yong must be worry and call her asap he knows the news, remember when they're cooking with cn blue dongsaeng? hyun got a cut and CN Boys over flowers comes out, bring all of rescue kit exist at their home, especially yong, he looks so serious, he even talk less, only take care of his wife's wound carefully, forbid her to continue cooking and ask her to sit down  :wub: now she fall at stage? hmmm he must call a whole hospital to check his wife   :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just want to bring back our happiness, let's think about LOVE they have itself and consider this pull and push war as a road they has to take to reach a closer state at their relationship ( just like yong said ) all couples do has to feel insecure, that's why maybe yong need to make sure that hyun feels the same way as he is, he needs to know how she feels if he's not around, is she miss him, is she worry...so basicly this hyun's anger is what yong wants *even he didn't expect that hyun will take a revenge*HAHA !  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ ichigo_kawai : i love your video, especially because i love that song from t-max, fit perfectly ! thank you

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia




redtulip or anybody this is my contribution for the 300 projects for YongSeo pls. help to include this Kamsahamnida


I Love YongSeo Couplesince day 1. At first I thought it will be hard for them to be comfortable with each other. But as time goes by watching them makes me realized that this YongSeo couple could be match made in heaven “Destiny” like what other's say. Even SeoHyun haven’t experience the real love, she try her best to be the best wife to YongHwa. Maybe showing the real her, her true feelings when she is happy, sad or angry to her husband. And Yonghwa who admit that this is his first time meeting the kind of girl like SeoHyun who’s pure and innocent. Also try his best to be a good husband to Hyun.


YongSeo couple for me got the real relationships. They start from getting to know each other, become comfortable with each other.  Held hands, show each other that they support each other whatever they do.


YongSeo couple “CLICK” they really look good with each other and wish them all the best. Love love love for YongSeo couple.




SophiaPia (fromPhilippines)


Living here in Brunei




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its my lunch time but cant resist checking

out on my beloved thread

not going to comment anything since idk

what some of u are talking abt

however there is always the spoiler tag and PM


kerube ( sorry if i got someone else mixed up)

do u have any link for that hyun

holding yong' s sunflower pic?

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raindrops, when i saw ur avvie with yong nudging hyun... dang! if only someone could make a n avvie or a siggy outta it! that would be lovely! :w00t: hahaha am too lazy to make one myself here :P onegaishimasu~!

oh after seeing sophiapia's post... this reminds me if they already have mine? 'cause i remembered mine was too short & ummmm pretty much crappy? am not very good with words... so....to redtulip/bezbezbez:

I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE BECAUSE they are different, sincere, genuine & the way they look at each other just spells out LOVE.

dreamyboo, 27, malaysia


jnj~!!! *waves like mad* yooo wassup girl??? i just finished my lunch break here... going back to work. so i'm gonna be a ninja goguma :ph34r: while working xD

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I love yongseo because i love their awkwardness, their shyness, their pure love, the sparkling in their eyes, remind me of my first love :)
































rere, 30, indonesia
















sorry for my bad english

















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Guest seohyun_yh




If she is still angry with Yonghwa over the incident in the next episode in Aug29, I don't understand why they can be so lovey dovey with each other in Chuseok Horror special which is flimed in between aug03 and aug29.


In Chuseok horror special, there were so close with each other at the back of the bus, smiling all the way, hi-5ing all the way, holding hands, interlocking fingers, seohyun even initiated to combine the heart on their shirt by hugging each other which may not be necessary. She isn't pushing him away in Horror special.


Then one week later after the horror special, seohyun said that she is pushing yonghwa away in the preview.


We are just confused why it turns out this way. The only way to clear our doubts is to watch the next episode, so lets try not to speculate too much first.



yongwha and Seohyun  not show their problems in front of the other couples.


before,  Seohyun  was attracted by Minho and Minho too, but then there appeared Yonghwa.


I understand to Seohyun and it´s right what she is doing, the episode of their birthday was epic, it  was beautiful, there were some secrets and  that's  great, both of them were sincere, especially yongwha.  Write a song thinking about a person who is special and share some time. It is a great thing, because that song has special meaning. That day was very special for both, a month passed, no contact not touch, not comunication,  he not sent a text message to her  in her Birthday, at least he should write: "Happy Birthday" they´re close already.


I can understand the logic of Yonghwa, the masculine style of men, for guy is: "I hope her  miss me" however for girls it is different.


for girl is:  I did not care to him,  we had a special moment and he seems so cold after that. why he acts like this?


on the other hand, man does not put much attention to such things.


Yonghwa has done a great job he has done something great to open up the feelings of Seohyun, Seohyun is unique and is a girl who is so special. Seohyun not  showing her feelings in front of the camera, now she does! she shows her emotions! and that's wonderful!


she hasn´t had an affair with someone, now she has an affair with Yonghwa, although this is imaginary and virtual, it seem as real.


Many men did not admit their true feelings, or it is so difficult to express it. I guess it's the male pride and and women is also proud, the girls expect that the man of his first movement,  and that is very common on the continent of Asia. I think yonhwa has made mistakes like all mens, Seohyun her behavior is normal, many girls do the same thing and yonhwa was a little clumsy.  :wub: he should make a phone call to her, for at least 2 minutes or a simple text message, we the men we are so careless about some view points.


I think they are really confused with their feelings about real romance and romance virtual.



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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ dreamyboo: i'm making it right now, i'll post later, =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've made my reason for loving yongseo couple, but can i make one again??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE BECAUSE hmmm i don't know why, i just do.. they are like echo in my brain.. they are brand new style.. there's no reason for my love, you know.. -raindrops919, 23, indonesia-































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest .:love_ya:.







if this is not too late ^^





Jeong mal ~ I don’t know why. I don’t know how to put it. I don’t know how to do, but if I have to try to state it, I would say I love YongSeo couple because they somehow match each other perfectly, as if they were made for one another. For numerous times, they make me forget that this is just a show! They bring about this indescribable feeling that I have every time We Got Married is to air. My heart goes dugeun dugeun when I see them together, chatting, smiling, getting mad and jealous, laughing and staring at each other. It’s undeniable that I confuse myself thinking that they are real sometimes! ^^ Keep it up, uri YongSeo. You’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky. You’re the only reason why I’m watching We Got Married again! ^^





.:love ya:. 20, Denver, CO


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Guest shenibabi














I lOVE YONGSEO because they make me want to love and to be loved










support our lovely couple 4ever










YONGSEO is the best:X










sorry for my poor english










goguma shippers hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!










sheni 18,VietNam



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Guest reiran18




I Love YongSeo Couple because they make the show so real..they are so transparent and obvious...I love how they stared at each other,it's soooooooooooo LOVE!!!








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i just watched yongseo latest episode...OMG! I just luv them....they are too cute for words...I fell like I want to kidnap them and put into my pocket and bring them whenever I go...  :lol::lol: ....LOL...me and my crazy imagination....
































































































































when I checked this thread b4 watching the episode, I was woried and once thought that there are really fighting!....then after I watch it, i just LOL...:phew::phew: it was nothing much to worry about...their episode as usual is simply....  :wub::wub: ...i just dont get it why some of you are arguing....maybe you guys just overanalysed much??...
































































































































right now,I just dont care whether their episodes are scripted or not and what happen outside fliming,how bad the editing was and what are their real feeling towards each other... i just simply luv them...I cant resist their charm
































































































































I love yongseo couple because they show me what love is all about...they teach me how and what it feels to love someone...
































































































































































































































































edit:OMG..did I really topped the page with nothing to share??....seriously??...sorry you guys...THANK GOD,I DIDNT... :lol:
































































































































sorry to bother...can someone teach me how to put my my post under spoiler...I hope I dont have to use it...but just in case..  :phew:thanks in advance  :)

































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Guest Dandelion7


For 300 days project:




I love YongSeo couple because watching them on WGM every week is one of the most happinest moment in my life. Even though there is only 20 minutes/week, these 20 minutes is the most valuable and precious time for me.




P.S. I used to learn playing guitar from my dad long time ago and I had stopped playing it since 5 years ago. After watching the 1st episode, I have started playing guitar again and the first song that I played(not really perfect) was 'falling slowly'.




Dandelion, 23, Thailand


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Guest constantia11

Come on guys/girls!

What happened to our Yongseo motto : Make Love not War??

Why are we falling into the same spot?

This thread had its ups and downs, but didn't we promise to keep this thread a peaceful place?

Regardless how old we are, we made a visit to this thread out of love of Yongseo couple.

The age of a person does not count for how mature they are.

So please take a deep breath and be cold headed in reading every single post.

@alexia: being teenager doesn't mean you can just blast your anger off in an open thread, dear.

I understand, you might feel rejected, but can't you feel the love some of us shared for you, regardless what you said/not said in the previous posts?

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seo hyun with a frog..hehe.. cute..
















































































i like the article!..









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Guest seohyun_yh



I was lucky to have sat in the Yellow Zone 3rd row on the 2nd day..

and the girls were so close!! like right in front!!!


all of them were sooo fine.. especially HyoYeon was sooo much finer than in photos!


All of them looked mini-er than I imagined too~


but there's an accident in which SeoHyun fell on the stairs to a platform right in front of me!


Fans in my area all freezed and were dumbfounded.. so worried! but SeoHyun hurriedly got up and smiled again.. oh SeoBaby's sooo calm and tough!



 poor seohyun :tears: i hope she´s fine. 



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