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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest anne0129




















I got another theory....(gosh! Sorry for my boring posts it's just that today I find myself free and I have decided to spend it here hehehe!!!!)












This episode is so a set up of the WGM PDs for their duet. I mean August 3 is just 4 days after CN Blue's first concert. I remember that Yong twitted that August 1 or 2 he was just composing some music and that he did not have any schedule. Then August 3 they were sighted at a park where the YongSeo fans gave them their belated presents. I remember reading it here in soompi that their filming for some additional scenes and the thread was a bit excited that may be they did film during the concert and that the August 3 filming was for additional scenes for that episode. (I still pray that they did not film during the concert because I don't think some BOICEs will approve cause the concert is basically for the fans). So that being said, additional filming and apparently not in the park with the other brothers of Yong. So filiming in the salon to set up the scene that WGM PDs want for the 200th day duet of the YongSeo couple. And they did not film the whole day because of the fact that this day is suppose to be for the Make-a-Wish Foundation's of a fan of CN BLUE. I remember reading that the Make-a-Wish Foundation contacted the WGM PDs to help them ask the CN BLUE members to grant the wish of one of their charge who is a cancer survivor. And so the WGM PDs asked CN BLUE and the boys agreed to visit the child. And because they are already filming anyway, Hyun came along to the delight and surprise of the fan and the foundation staff. Again, I am not saying that Hyun did not get mad at some point with Yong Hwa may be she did but I just don't think that she is the type to confront a person in public with what I think is a private matter. With the no contact or no filming for 1 month I think this is possible and it could be that FNC asked WGM PDs to a month of leave for Yong cause he will be busy for preparing for their first concert. WGM may have the most flexible as to when they can film but I think filming WGM usually takes the whole day to film and so it is a day that they can't do since the boys are doing a concert and so every precious time is needed. And also the boys doing radio guesting is okay since it is done to promote the concert but since they can't promote the concert in WGM may FNC asked for a leave for Yong for the month of July. With Inkigayo he still continue that since they don't film that for the whole day. I think FNC just wanted the boys to concentrate on the concert as much as possible and maybe they think that for Yong WGM can be a distraction since Hyun is there








:wub: . (A good distraction mind you but still a distraction). So after me going in circle I just wanted to say that episode 28 for me is just a set up done by the WGM staff to lead to a story for their duet on August 29. That is why it felt so set up or rather is smelled fishy.



















Again this is just a theory of mine. Don't take it to heart too much. blush.gif





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there's so much to backread, thank u all gogumas for sharing their thoughts.

i promise to read them all, but for now...

hyun: what goes arnd, comes arnd.

no gogumas left.

of course i bought him a present

i didn't forget, nvr!

i want him to taste what its like being pulled & pushed.

we understand her anger, her disappointment, feeling let down etc etc..

but despite all these negative feelings that she has for yong at this moment,

we also see her still cares for this relationship and hubby.

(bought him present and is aware of their 200th day together)

of why she didn't call yong first, rmbr their argument over their missing birthday texts?

didn't she say that she'll not going to text him again?

her being afraid to be disappointed/sad again, if yong did not reply to her back?

and after their much romantic fishing trip, a girl will wonder why the guy didn't

contact her anymore.

as for yong, what is done is done.

how he will redeem back his hard earned gogumas is something that we will look out

with interest. and to be called a bad boy, will it do any damage to his image?

no matter what, we are behind him.

yongseo is all abt forgiveness.

and why does their bickering more like a dating couple than a married couple?

maybe pdnim can't decide when it comes to yongseo couple concept....

married or dating? these two should've stayed engaged longer...

am looking forward to next week episode. all well that ends well..

yong: i want u back to me

hyun: bad boy

yongseo: you are my love light

hyun: its okay even tho it hurts...

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Guest yuri261

Hello to all Goguma shippers!!! this is my first time to post here... so...

i just want to share what i found out...

i don't know if someone had posted it here already..

now, i understand the lyrics of "I don't know why" by CNBlue..

before the episode yesterday was shown, i wonder why was some of the lyrics of IDKW like that...

in the part...

"I think about you a lot take care I wanna do"

(i think, he thinks about Hyun at that time when he was trying not to contact her and he wanted to take care of her but he can't maybe because he wanted to play hard to get)

"of course I know your situation backwards too"

(he knows how it feels to be 'pulled and pushed' (?) )

"I would like to know what you really think I wanna"

(he wants to know what Hyun thinks and plan after he had played hard to get or 'pull and push' on her. and now that Hyun wants to revenge, she hides her true feelings so Yong wanted to know what she really thinks)

"I don't know how to put it baby"

(in a magazine that featured the WGM couples, in his message to Hyun, he wrote that there are some things that he can't tell to Hyun)

"Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this"

(for one month, they were not able to meet and contact each other)

"She is not fussed about my news world you mindlook at me boo"

(maybe it's a part of Hyun's revenge because of Yong's hard to get attitude)

"don't be silly she is popular"

(Hyun is undeniably popular)

" you don't know why I bother with you"

(Hyun doesn't know why Yong deceives and bother her-- like when he did not contact her for a whole month)

"I don't know why you wanna do me wrong"

(Hyun also wanted yonghwa to know how it feels to be 'pushed and pulled')

these are only my opinion but it's really related to the situation of Yong and Hyun in Ep 28...

But still, Yong composed the song while thinking of Hyun <3

and oh, may i ask a favor, can someone please post the timeline of the events that happened to Yongseo?...

i'm really confused what happened first and what happened next..


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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you goguma villagers for all the new info, opinions and caps. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know the recent episode made us all go :wacko::blink: but for some reason, I feel that there's a different feel on the thread as well. Of course there were others who post their views more strongly than others, one way or the other but generally, I think it has been a turning point for us gogumas as well. There is a certain neutrality pervading the thread and willingness to consider Hyun's and Yong's point of views. Even if the pages flew as if sparked by something, we were able to put our thoughts in a reflective manner and in the end still declare to support both of them firmly. I find it totally different from previous instances when the thread got a bit sharper/unbalanced (you know the "when" I mean ;) ) And for that I find myself glad reading through it despite the mind-boggling but cute episode. I guess, I can say that our level of understanding of each other's views went a notch higher. So I think it also applies to uri couple. These ups and downs will make them stronger. Fighting gogumas! :P:lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree with some of you that the "issue" sort of got blown out of proportion by PD-nim. Unfortunately, that's the way sometimes in entertainment industry and shows. I can say this because I worked for a couple of years in a major TV network and sometimes, the system will try to bend a few truths to make a good storyline. In this case, Yongseo's drama conflict and the transition to their duet. It really can't be helped since they are in a show. (Most shows probably do this, too and would sometimes tease viewers with misleading headlines.) So, yes, it's one of the many parts of the multi-layers of show biz. I know it can be a bit unforgiving for both fans and artists, but that's how the system mostly works. At times, fans would want their idols to only do this and that, but it doesn't really work that way either. Even if an artist would prefer to do things the way he/she wants, the decision is entirely not up to them. Unless of course, he/she is a super major star that could afford to miss a few unwanted projects. If one wants to be in this crazy world, they either must have a strong will and heart, strong principles and steel backbone. (Guess I'm lacking since I withdrew after 2 years. My kind heart can't take all the craziness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:P ) Anyway, I apologize for the boring insight about showbiz, really. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But the thing I like about this couple, that got me interested in the first place, is that it seems the showbiz layer isn't laid thickly over them or doesn't really work on them, hence we all feel the vibe of real couple. Since I've been watching them for some time now, I can say they both have strong personalities and are really considerate of each other's feelings. I do not believe either would intentionally hurt the other. I think Hyun will eventually simmer down and Yong will gain her trust sincerely. Perhaps, Yong may feel he's not so sure of Hyun's regard to him and wants her to say it clearly, but I think in Hyun's case, it was decided a long time ago that she'll always care and worry for him though I guess she doesn't know how to articulate it to him clearly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I randomly thought, too, that probably what happened was, the staff couldn't get the two of them to follow a script so instead they try to use reality to make a conflict story. :lol: Just a thought.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All in all, I think there really is nothing to worry about. At the present, it seems uri couple is going strong so let's just believe in them. Yong mideoh, borrowing his line.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the preview next week, we probably shouldn't read too much on it. Sometimes these previews can be misleading. Maybe Yong's dialogue about receiving a text isn't really related to Hyun's dialogue about him not replying. It's probably a teaser to finish off this whole conflict story. I'm sure they'll give them a happy ending. Like their Incheon duet, it ended on a happy note. I think everyone just wants to overlook the conflict and is more excited to see what will happen next. :P

































































































































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Guest YongxHyun
















































So yong didnt go to the taiwan concert?
















but isnt taiwan is their last stage?..
















so no more chance for this year to complete hyun's wish?
















ahhh....are u guys sure the inkiyako was live?
















ahhhh...I'm so sad now

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































I can't understand this. really. I think something is fishy here. based on the timeline and the preview, Seohyun should still be angry at Yong during the Chuseok special. but that wasn't the case. they were really sweet and supportive in the Chuseok special and yet in next week's preview, she was still mad. maybe it really is due to editing. or the problem has been resolved before the Chuseok special. the preview was filmed the morning before their duet, but she was still angry and wanted to push away Yong. I'm thinking that next week's episode was filmed before the Chuseok special, but based on the calendar posted by sally7, this is very unlikely. or they called a truce during the Chuseok special and settled the matter on the morning of their duet. maybe I'm thinking too hard.

















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just want to share this

snsd angel mv

buin is indeed one tough angel

from taiwan concert


cr snsd thread

last one

hyun speaking chinese

both husband and wife are multi languist.

yongseo has visited Jpan, Taiwan and now SG even tho on separate occasions.

its my wishful thinking to see them came back together as honeymooners :phew:

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Guest joshua27
































































































Personally I felt very sad after watching this latest episode. Sad for SeoHynn for being treated that way and sad for Yonghwa that he has to be "punished" for being so mean.

















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Thanks for the translation and the quick hardsubbing!!! after watching the hardsub I am so proud of Hyun (doesn't mean that love her more than I love Yong...don't make me chose I love them both, but Yong needs a spank today <_< ) Hyun, is not a damsel in distress...she's one hidden tough cookie and if Yong thinks that Hyun is like a puppy who would be cute and forgiving well he'll be surprised to know that his wife is a fox!
































































































































Maybe it's just me, but I found Yong to be too content thinking he and Hyun are closer and tightly bonded now, that she's in his grip..but, wake up Yong!! he could loose her in a minute...she's a girl who doesn't take BS from anyone... yeah Hyun! B)

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please clarify this. so the rumor that Yonghwa flew to Taiwan and staying in a hotel was not true because of Inkigayo? I thought the episode of Inki today was filmed last week because a baseball game preempted their time slot. so they still filmed today?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: was stalking sweetpotato days and they were talking about Inki today. there were pictures of Yong taken today so apparently he did not go to Taiwan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they were also talking about Seohyun stumbled when they were singing Kissing you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really hope next week Yong would redeem himself big time.

































































































































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Shane - Love all your gifs. Yong is so handsome. Signn....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Latest news at Chinese forum from one Taiwanese Sone fan attended the concert: There was one part Hyun fell over some steps near the stage but she quickly picked herself up. Yong certainly didnt appear on stage. Whether he was in the audience, nobody knows. Another fan threw a fan that looks to be with CNblue print on stage for Hyun. EDIT: Jessica picked it up and pass to Hyun and Hyun seems to say "ahh" in a cute knowing way.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh very importantly, she is wearing the ring. :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gauri92
































































































































































































































i just saw the subbed episode...and i have to say i quite enjoyed it...
































































































































































i understand where both of them are coming from....the birthday celebration maybe got too much for yong and he needed to pull back to evaluate...and hyun was disappointed because she thought her efforts were not appreciated and got worried....
































































































































































but then there was the editing as well....im sure it could not have been a month....i somehow just can't believe that...
































































































































































but i do love this episode...while not all that lovey dovey, it shows growth in their relationship, in the sense that they now know that they need to talk to each other to understand what is going one with the other.... they need to confide in each other to realize where the other is coming from.....because both of them were justified in their own places, but its only when they come together and talk things out will they move forward....and we all know moved forward they have....so its a sign of a maturing relationship....

































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Guest pollykpy
































































































please clarify this. so the rumor that Yonghwa flew to Taiwan and staying in a hotel was not true because of Inkigayo? I thought the episode of Inki today was filmed last week because a baseball game preempted their time slot. so they still filmed today?















































































































It seems like it is the case, Ingikayo today is not the one that recorded last week judging from their cloths and that they presented the prize of last week winner to 2NE1.
































































Here is the photo of today Ingikayo. CR : BAIDU

































































































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#update maknae fell on stage just now but she's ok. Fans in rock zone said there were plasters on her leg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































#update a fan threw a card with yonghwa's face on it and a flower and Seohyun picked it up

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia



Shane - Love all your gifs. Yong is so handsome. Signn....


Latest news at Chinese forum from one Taiwanese Sone fan attended the concert: There was one part Hyun fell over some steps near the stage but she quickly picked herself up. Yong certainly didnt appear on stage. Whether he was in the audience, nobody knows. Another fan threw a fan that looks to be with CNblue print on stage for Hyun. EDIT: Jessica picked it up and pass to Hyun and Hyun seems to say "ahh" in a cute knowing way.


Oh very importantly, she is wearing the ring. :D



Thanks for sharing qwenli.


OMG! I hope SeoHyun is OK :(  maybe Yong is not really in Taiwan :( 


Now i really want to see the Japan episode and the rumor episode that they drive a blue truck going to goguma field. I'm sad this week :(


That's good both SeoHyun and Yong wears their couple ring biggrin.gif


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guys... be calm...
































































































































































































































































i know i'm not.. huhuhu
































































































































































































































































from yongseofacts tweet;


๋ีJust read Taekyoen's fan acc. They said that they saw Yonghwa!!! So,Yongwha doesn't come to Taiwan.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how come....
































































































































































































































































really wish the rumors are true...

































































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Guest SophiaPia





#update maknae fell on stage just now but she's ok. Fans in rock zone said there were plasters on her leg  


#update a fan threw a card with yonghwa's face on it and a flower and Seohyun picked it up



Thanks GeumjanDi


I hope SeoHyun is OK :( 


That's lovely YongSeo fans in Taiwan are in full force in SNSD concert give their support to the girls and of course to wife Hyun. hehehe! They do that as well to Cnblue. If only the girls have press conference for sure they will ask a lot of question about the ring to Hyun and about Yong hehehe!


I really hope SeoHyun is ok :(


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i had my hair cut this afternoon, so i was in a salon this whole afternoon, thinking of this amazing couple.

i believe that it is not the original intention of yong not calling hyun. but one month...yong hwa ah...how come it is one month. no game playing for one whole month without letting your partner know. you are only playing with yourself. though i know many lovers do stupid things when they are in love. but sometimes you have to be smart enough to judge the situation. yong seobang, you have all your goguma points lost. i think yong seobang is still working hard to get his goguma points back from hyun.

from the preview, i think hyun is still angry so she told him she was still pushing yong away. so at the uj ep, yong did not ask uj to call him 'oppa'. he said "NO". i think he is still under hyun's observation period. maybe until the japan trip ep, he gained back all he lost, so it makes the japan trip ep as a turning point.

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