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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest nurulzminoz




























helloooo~~ thank you so much for all the translations :) the latest ep really makes me believe, YONGSEO IS DEFINITELY REAL!!!! Can't wait for next eps then!





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Guest kimchi.hyun

































































































































cr: _wingu @ twitter

































"Seobb was delighted to see a yongseo fan board! She went forward to take the board from the fan. So adorbs!!!"































































































from SNSD Into The New World concert @ Taiwan~
































































































































omg seohyun so cute!!! xD <3

































































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i will retract all my unhappines towards yong after i read the translation from j2dLee ( bless u gal!! )




dear god....please gv yonghwa strength to withstand hyun's wrath...cos HELL...he sure looks like he need it...




for a person like hyun...who has no experience watsoever in relationship, being able to pull tis kind of stunt to get payback from yong...i must bow to her....


she so damn good and so damn scary...if i were yong...i will already be on my knees begging for mercy...


she sure attacks from left right up and down.....




and to thk that even before their incheon concert...hyun still say she is still in the 'pushing yong away' mode... meaning it has been almost 1 mth isnt it...aug 3-29??...


just one word...WOW!!...she is good... but them again...she has 8 UNNIES everybody!!! EIGHT!!...


i am very sure all the unnies are giving her tips how to get payback...




i thk yong really miscalculated...how can he win against 9 gals....




and for yong...DONT GIVE UP!!!!..




note: someone start a little war at yukyandjudy youtube...hopefully it wont happen here...i love my gogumas land too much


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Guest Rouenna
















































































































@lulu2. I think when she said "fans say we look good together" means the two of them, Yong and Hyun. There's a cut on the scene and Yong is already returning the phone to her so I guessed she's not talking about the photos anymore with Trax. Hence, the MCs reacted gushingly and Yong got this wistful expression (sort of probably imagining the two of them in a wedding attire, haha. Don't we all? :lol: ) As well, fans haven't seen the wedding dress photo shoot yet at that time and I don't really remember Hyun and Jungmo being that close to each other, even standing next to each other, for some to say they look good together. (Though we can just imagine it in our minds, that is, keke).
















































































But, then again, I'm just being a normal goguma, wanting to believe its the two of them Hyun meant. :lol::wub:

















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dear god....please gv yonghwa strength to withstand hyun's wrath...cos HELL...he sure looks like he need it...
































for a person like hyun...who has no experience watsoever in relationship, being able to pull tis kind of stunt to get payback from yong...i must bow to her....
































she so damn good and so damn scary...if i were yong...i will already be on my knees begging for mercy...
































she sure attacks from left right up and down.....































































Well don't forget that SeoHyun has 8 unnies to talk with. I'm pretty sure they've mentioned how she talks about YongHwa a lot so I would think immediately after getting back from the fishing trip she talked about what happened and then the next day they probably asked her like "So did he call you? What did he say?" and she would tell them he didn't call and over the course of that month I'm pretty sure a few of them gave her ideas on how she should treat his lack of calling...
































Yong doesn't have 1 girl angry with him, he has 1 angry girl with the input of 8 angry girls ;)

















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behind that pretty face, lies a volcano waiting to erupt any min.

clueless yong..getting interrogate right there, in his frequented salon,

in front of all stylists..


cd dc

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Guest kevin1320

ohhh. seo baby is scary when she is angryyyyyyyyyyyy.....yong seobang, watch out..u will get in trouble by SNSD...u know who they r right??? be careful

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MC Kim is such a fan!








































he's waiting to hear the true reason for Yong's silence!








































"MC Kim: It may not necessarily be that case, let’s wait and see. There’ll be a reason."









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Guest Kerube-Chan













OMG!!! J2dlee I cant thank you enough for the translation... And Yuki too and everyone else.











I love YH a lot, in the begining I didnt even listen to SNSD, I am more a CNBLUE fan... But YH boy how could you do that, I have no problem with the pushing, the problem is that 1 month is too long... SH is teaching you a lesson, she always say that you have to do everything together, well now she is showing you how much tooo much pushing can hurt someone is feelings.











Again his explanation, YH darling you can do that but not for A MONTH... (As I said in another post, his insecurities played a big role, I really think he spend some time thinking about the relationship and were they are going and were he wanted them to go)

Y: I think the relationship should develop as time goes by. I thought we need a turning point. I was really moved on our birthday, really moved. Then I thought, ‘This is the moment, if I stop calling her from now on she’ll be more worried and more think about me.’ So that’s the reason why I haven’t been in touch with her for a month.











I know you wanted proof of her feelings for you, but as the MC said, you push her off the cliff. I feel sorry for you, SH is in another level... I didnt knew she have it in her, Congratulations SH!!!. kekekeke











I was LOLing so hard in the following parts:











1. Song Lyrics for RDR. It really matched their situation and I was all AWWW when YH changed the lyrics asking for forgiveness.











2. The Trax MV. OMG kekekekek SH you keep rubbing it on him, poor YH but it gave me a good laugh... Specially this.

H: Ah, I nearly forgot!

Y: Hm?











H: I have a picture to show you.











H: Unfortunately, I already wore a wedding dress.











MCs: What?!!











H: I did a photo shoot with Trax for their new album cover.











Y: Yes.











H: And the song is about…





















Y: I don’t need to hear that, just show me the picture.











MC Kim: He’s uncomfortable.











NY: Oh, ottoke~











MC Park: He should’ve been the first one to see it (her wedding dress).











H: Jjan!











Y: Oh~ show me again.











H: Jjan!











Y: Again.











H: Jjan!











Y: Just show me, why aren’t you showing it to me?











MC Park: Is he Midal’s father? (*Park Young kyu, whose tone of voice is similar to Yong’s)











Eventually shows it to him…











H: A wedding dress.











Hyun bride and….Jung Mo






















JW: She’s with another man.











MC Park: With Jung Mo?!











H: We took a picture together.











Y:….You seem cheerful.











Y: When you watch dramas, wedding dresses look so beautiful….











H: Fans told us that we look good together.











NY & MC Park: Arrrrrgh!!!!! What should he do?!











Y: Jashik…..how was it, was it heavy?











H: Yes.











Y: I guess it’d feel strange wearing a wedding dress.











H: Yes, I felt really strange.











Y: Did you?











H: Yes.











Y: So, did you enjoy it?











MC Kim: (shocked) Woah!!











H: What?











Y: Did you enjoy it? Did you like it?











H: Wearing a wedding dress was good.











Y: You didn’t tell me.





















H: I couldn’t!





















Y: Why?





















H: It was during that period!





















Y: What period?





















H: When I couldn’t get in touch with you! Ah, really!





















Y: It’s all my fault.





















Y: It’s okay, we’re closer now.





















H: No, we’re not.





















Y: Yes, we’re.





















H: No!





















Y: Yes!





















H: You’re delusional!





















Y: Jashik.





















I totally love them, this episode was so full of information and new discoveries. I am really happy, but poor YH what await for him is a really big storm.











I cant wait!!!!











Edit: And I know why in the last part, he said that "WE ARE CLOSER NOW" She say they are not, but SH have never behaved like this with another man, so he has a point, the problem is that she cant see it, because she is really affected with what happened.











If he didnt have an special place in her hearth, any of this would be happening.











They totally like/love each other!!! I am a happy goguma!!!











Edit 2: Sharing a crazy idea I have, what if after the concert, YH prepared something for SH like an special event and maybe he dedicated "I dont know why to her" kekekeke that will probably reaward him with 1000000 Gogumas... :w00t: Just my crazy idea.


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Thanks j2dlee for the translation!!




Still there has to be another reason for Yong not to text his Hyun.




He seems sad about it too and his excuse doesn't suit him.




ahhhh who knows, this couple kills me but still I love them





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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































This episode felt so short:(
































but it was worth staying up for
































I don't know if anybody noticed this when they were sitting and talking on the couch and hyun had her arms folded than yonghwa folded his.
































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUFHF_dhA6Q&feature=sub @ 1:45 they were in sync(:

































































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Hyun totally pwned Yong on this episode!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love it that they are at that point in their relationship where they are freely expressing themself to one another. Hyun totally has the upperhand on this relationship. This episode probably taught Yong a lesson on not to make Hyun mad. Man, did she know how to strike back: 1. Expressing her anger through "Run Devil Run" 2. pretending she doesn't know about their 200 day anniversary 3. showing her wedding dress pictures to make him jealous 4. lying about not buying him a present from Thailand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What is not to love about this couple?

































































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Okay my bedtime has past like more than 3 hours ago & I'm still here.






























































~big hug for dreamyboo & jnj~































Thank you: j2dlee, redtulip, yukilovesyou & kheenim for the translations.






























































Episode 28 had me feeling wistful. My thoughts are based on the feelings I get while watching yongseo's segment. My 1st instinct was to feel really sad for Hyun especially after reading her convo in the black room with the PD. There was a sinking feeling to the pits of my stomach after reading j2dlee's trans:






























































(backroom interview)































H: I didn’t forget, never.































MC Park: Of course.































MC Kim: She knows already.































H: It’s Yongseo couple’s 200th day.































NY: So she knows.






























































PD: Why did you pretend as if you don’t know?































H: Because there’s no Goguma left in me.































H: The reason I became like this… it’s purely because of the damage done by Yong oppa’s ‘playing hard to get.’






























































H: I don’t have a plan to pull him yet. I will wait a little longer till I can trust him again.































MC Kim: She’s a cut above Yong hwa.
















Hyun was in a really vulnerable position because for the 1st time in her life, she expended so much time & effort in preparing so many surprises for a guy on his birthday. When he doesn't contact her for a whole month, especially after she gives him a couple ring, most of us can imagine what would be going through her mind.
















But then again, I choose to give Yong the benefit of the doubt since during more recent filming sessions, YongSeo look happy together. :wub:
















Yong Nampyeon: Your rating on your Hyun Buin's goguma scale is at an all time low. Do redeem yourself soon alright?















































P.S.: Many fanboys are waiting to swoop in to steal your beautiful buin so you know what to do. Hwaiting! :lol:

















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Guest Beluga14
















































I wonder did her unnies watch this episode and the before? How were their reaction?

















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Guest YongxHyun






hello, this is my first post here




actually i have another account, but feel like making a new one :P yongxhyun~~~


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Guest Beluga14








I have noticed that in this ep, when they were practicing the duet song, Seohyun did not wear ring.



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Guest YongxHyun









I have noticed that in this ep, when they were practicing the duet song, Seohyun did not wear ring.







OMGOMG...i just notcied that..




hyun is really mad....oh noooo...




yong! fighting! get ur goguma points back up!


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Guest lovekin


excl.gif be prepared for the longest comment i've ever made – ever!  haha, i have so many things to comment on.  i really don't do a full cap of an episode since i feel like most of you express the same sentiments i do ... but i'm actually rather surprised at this episode's reception!  tongue.gif  i guess not many people were happy with yong.  i have some thoughts on that myself, but overall i really liked this episode!




first, my favorite parts or points of interest to be discussed (in sequential order):





  1. when yong is interviewed in the beginning, and he says her reason for going to the same salon is that she misses him.
  2. when seo realizes yong was the one who was washing her hair but then says she really wasn't surprised because it felt like the hairstylist suddenly became cautious/careful with her.
  3. the MCs really digging into yong – save for MC kim, who's reserving judgment.
  4. yong calling her 짜식!
  5. yong explaining in the interview why he didn't contact her.
  6. when yong explains his reasoning to seo and her following reaction.
  7. MC park saying she looks like she's about to cry.
  8. seo's really bewildered expression and yong nudging her, playfully.
  9. seo not understanding why he was playing hard to get.
  10. yong trying to tell seo that they're closer and seo not accepting it.
  11. yong trying to indicate something important about the 29th.
  12. yong telling the interviewer that the 29th is their 200th day.
  13. seo obviously playing with him and pretending not to know about the 200th day.
  14. when yong and seo are dividing up the lyrics.
  15. talking about the TRAX photoshoot and yong questioning her about it.
  16. their playful but heated exchange after talking about the photoshoot.
  17. seo telling the interviewer that she knew about the 200th day and that she got him a present.




okay!  talking time!  first of all, this episode really seems to focus on the woman's prerogative to be angry.  i honestly can't blame seo at all – and you have to consider her personality, as well – and while yong did let her hang for too long, he had good, if not misplaced, intentions.








  1. when yong said seo went to the same salon as he did because she missed him, i thought it was quite brazen of him to assume it's because of him.  but then that goes to show you how he thinks of her.  yong is very playful and, by default, rather flirtatious.  but the significance here is that he's saying it in reference to seo and says it so confidently.  personally, i didn't think seo sought out his salon on purpose, but it's cute that yong thinks she did.
  2. how cute was she?!  first of all, when you see someone you like after a long time, you instinctively greet them happily – if not a little surprised.  sure, seo is upset, but you tend to momentarily forget those things on impulse.  also, when she says that she's embarrassed?  tee hee!
  3. i find the MCs a little funny when it's revealed why seo is mad, and they're all quick to jump on yong.  the female MCs are obviously reacting out of female principle; they understand why seo's mad.  obviously jinwoon .... and seulong because i find that he's actually quite smitten with seo.  maybe not the way jinwoon fancies her, but he is drawn to her in some manner (he did admit that he became a fan of hers in one of his interviews).  and i swear, if you count the times he says she's cute ... hahaha, and no doubt about it.  there are certain aspects of seo's personality that's very striking, and the way she handles situations is unique.  i have a lot of respect for MC kim, who reminded the rest of them that yong might have had a reason for what he did.
  4. ahhh, i really like it when yong uses that name for her.  it's kind of like a pet name.  i mean, their "yong~!  hyun~!" pet names are cute too, but there's an affectionate way in which he uses "짜식."  he needs to do this all the time!
  5. when yong explains why he did it ........ oh, boy.  i think it's adorable the way he did it because he wanted her to miss him – is there something you want to tell us, yong? – but at the same time, it wasn't very wise.  seo is the type of person that will worry and is always concerned for others.  pulling away from that will naturally result in some kind of resentment and hurt.
  6. the way seo reacts – and how easily and expressive she does it – is significant to me.  as we all know, she's shy about her feelings.  here?  totally went out the window.  it just goes to show how affected she was by his actions.
  7. i couldn't really see if she looked like she was about to cry?  again, she was deeply affected by yong's presumed dismissal, so i don't blame her if she really wanted to.  with her, i think she felt a whole weight was being lifted off her shoulders ... but by something so trivial and could be avoided.
  8. see #6.  again, she's really expressive in her annoyance/frustration with him.  seeing her this upset is like a telling sign.  and obviously, CUTE NUDGING OMG.  yong and his aegyo, i can't stand how adorable he is when he wants to be.
  9. while i understand seo's character, i think she needs to loosen up just a smidge.  sweatingbullets.gif  i know it's not in her nature, but yong is very considerate of her.  likewise, yong should have realized he went a bit too far.  so i guess they're even?
  10. it's actually really funny when they start digging into each other.  seo is obviously frustrated and yong looks regretful, but they always seem to end up showing slight aegyo in their exchanges.  yong wants her to admit that she misses him or that they're closer, but seo is trying really hard not to give in.  ah, these two.  i really don't think they realize how close they actually are – and this is something needs to be separate addressed!
  11. see #10.  haha, but i wanted to specifically point out when yong is, like, almost adamant when he says, "29th!!" in a way that sounds like, "the 29th!! why are you not getting it!!  ohmy.gif"  it's at 2:42-43 of the 2nd part.
  12. all i want to point out here is the way he says it's their 200th day.  he does that little laugh that's not really a laugh but like ... a sigh of disbelief.  that he can't fathom why she doesn't know about it when he does.  let me reiterate that it's not that he says it but the way he says it, like i said, that is another telling sign.
  13. seo is way too smart.  yong really doesn't know her that well.  tongue.gif  i think he definitely knows her, but he doesn't know what she's capable of.  woman scorned and all that – plus, seo can be playful as well.  even with seo's inexperience, she's very natural in this push-pull game that occurs between guys and girls.  this is probably her instinctive reaction towards someone she cares for a lot.  if you don't care, you wouldn't be so affected by it.
  14. hahahaha, again see #10.  seo is showing some passive aggressiveness, but i think she's also pretty embarrassed at how well the song fits their situation.  i know she's also trying to corner him, but this is a legit lover's quarrel.  she's angry with him, yes, but she's obviously TEASING him.  seulong is right when he says she's cute when she's mad because the way she goes about her anger is full of aegyo.  most girls are quick to just ignore the guy.  then again, i know seo tends to be aware of the camera, and there is an image one has to maintain.  however, it's still cute!
  15. yong getting jealous!  i'm probably one of the minor few who doesn't care too much to see them do a wedding photoshoot too soon.  i feel like they have a long way before they get there, and i really want them to be truly comfortable beforehand.
  16. see 2:04 - of the 3rd part!  ahhhh, this scene was great!  also, correct me if i'm wrong, but seo never mentions jungmo (and therefore no "oppa"), specifically.  when she does mention the photoshoot, she talks about "TRAX sunbaenim."  everything else is just pronouns.  wub.gif  and asking her if she enjoyed it without letting her finish her sentence ... BAHAHAHA, yong, you're too transparent here.  and when he insists they're closer and getting all up in her face trying to convince her, but she's like, "noooo."  THIS SCENE WAS TOO EPIC FOR ME TO HANDLE.
  17. again, seo is smart.  poor yong, she really has it out for him.  the only thing i worry about is the unfair backlash she might receive. people might perceive her as being too mean without considering the facts, just the love they have for yong.  or vice versa.  neither yong nor seo are portrayed very nicely in this episode.  take that with a grain of salt, by the way.  when i say they're not portrayed very nicely, i mean that they're acting as natural as real-life couples do that i wouldn't be surprised if netizens formed even more negative opinions of yong and seo as individuals.



in conclusion!  i find that seo and yong are really getting closer, and i think they just need to find an even balance.  there's always something going wrong, which, as a viewer, i find really frustrating.  laugh.gif  but in a good way, i suppose.




also, a few of you brought up the idea that yong did this because he's insecure/afraid of where this relationship might be going.  can i ask where you guys got that?  never once did he indicate that it was part of his reason.  of course it's inherent that he might not want to get any closer to her because of the contract they have with WGM and as idols, so i do get it.  i was just wondering if he actually said something that references it.  to be serious, though, i do find their position a little bittersweet, and i don't blame yong for being wary of what's happening.  seo is probably oblivious – not oblivious to her crush, as that's what i think she has now – but i think she's more quick to disregard the contract in favor of supporting whatever friendship/relationship they have with each other.




remember:  the female majority tend to rely on their emotions, whereas men tend to be very practical.  seo is a very meticulous person, but she's also a girl.  your first crush – or first anything, really – will make a huge impression on you.  yong, on the other hand, has some experience under his belt, but i feel like he's thinking about things for the both of them.  like many of you said, he must be feeling the pressure.  




and this episode wasn't really short, you guys.  it's a normal 20 min. that they usually have.  i just think we've been spoiled with the latest episodes.  that said, WHO CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK?  w00t.gif  ah, seriously, i don't know how i'll survive until next weekend.  i want to know what happens right now!


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Guest YongxHyun






yong had his ring on...but..hyun.....didnt...




anyone that date when they filmed it..?




i dont think they were still in this "state" when they were up in the duet..


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