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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Looking at what transpired, I am not sure who will breaks whose heart in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong on first impression, seems like the flirtious playboy type, but I think he is not and I think he is no match for the very bright and fabulous Hyun. But Hyun's anger really show that she has invested alot of feelings in Yong!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest cole.cole



thanks a lot j2dlee!!! you' re our savior... we can't thank you enough for doing this for us... keep up the good work!!!






cole.cole says the same...:lol: you      \m/ (^o^) \m/    j2dlee!



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Guest BluMistLaydee










lmao omg thanks Jd2lee.. Seobb has a fight in her.






Now that the full translation is out. This is Pull and Push thing between the two is something I'm super anxious to see. in the interest of keeping my own sanity and "believing" they didn't contact for 1 month then I'm all for to see what other punishment that Seobb have in store for Yong. I can see why he's now been flashing his ring for all to see and wearing it everywhere. Yong is feeling the wrath of an angry Seohyun.












ok ugh this is driving me super dooper crazy. Damn the PDs for screwing around with the jumping around viewing date. So the Juri Euno episode was filmed in September and Yong said "he knows her better than anyone else" In the Horror Special which was filmed on August 17, both were rather close, to the point that some fans who had left them gain interest back again.






now this episode was filmed on August 3 and a week from that date, a couple of days prior to the Horror special filming and then they filmed on their actual 200th episode on Aug 29 which will be next week's episode. And they are still doing their "pull and push" thing. Seriously Yong after all the work you put in to opening her up, talk about shooting yourself in the foot.



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thank you kheenim and j2dlee for the translations, and so fast too! :lol:

after watching the episode and I don't find the not contacting her for a whole month a big issue, I mean yeah it's normal to call each other once in a while, but they're not normal people, they're celebrities with jam packed schedules, they're lucky to even catch a couple hours of sleep.  and I thought that after the birthday episode that no episode could top it, but the episodes just keep getting better and better. I loved how they bickered, how they seemed so close at the MBC studio and in that tiny little room at the salon(headbang<3).  Hyun in this episode is flipping love! this episode is as spazzworthy as 27!!

And who else loved MC Kim!? After all the other MC's were fast to say that they couldn't believe he didn't even text her, he was mean etc, he was the only one that said 'wait until we hear the whole story' something along those lines. oii MC KIM<3


Hyun grilling Yong~ HAHA.




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Guest hoasenbang

j2dlee.You are very great! Are you good at Korean? If you do, you can learn me one, plaese. I'm bad at English, so anything is wrong, you would help me.

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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































j2dlee you are our really a blessing and to kheenim you guys thanks a million!
































































and i just cant help my self but to comment on this

Y: I think the relationship should develop as time goes by. I thought we need a turning point. I was really moved on our birthday, really moved. Then I thought, ‘This is the moment, if I stop calling her from now on she’ll be more worried and more think about me.’ So that’s the reason why I haven’t been in touch with her for a month.
































































UWAA. yong that makes you THINK ABOUT SEOHYUN EVERYMINUTE TOO!!!! why? since you've been battling on whether you're going to text her or not! :))
































































and you keep on saying if seohyun misses you! OFCOURSE! but i hope seohyun asked him too!!! IM SURE HE WOULD MELT!
































































you're caught JUNG YONG HWA! :)))) You miss SEOHYUN SO MUCH!
































































and this

H: Which song should we sing?

Y: Uh?!
































































H: 29th Aug, Sunday.
































































Y: It’s 29th.
































































Y: 29th.
































































H: …?
































































Y: 29th!!
































































H: 29th?
































































Y: 29th of Aug.
































































H: 29th of Aug. Uh? It’s 29th.
































































Y: Yes, it’s 29th.
































































Whether she knows or not…
































































MC Park: Uh? Is 29th a special day?
































































NY: It seems like it.
































































(backroom interview)
































































Y: (It’s our) 200th day~!
































































MC Park: Ah~
































































Y: It’s been 200 days already.
































































NY: He's been counting~































































































































aaah im giggling so much! i love it yonghwa!! but please be more gentle to hyun. lol i mean don't make her WORRY much. :))) now who should ask "YOU MISSED ME DON'T YOU?" this is one epic episode. ^^ and upset hyun means not a bad sign well maybe to yong but for us.. NOOO. it means HIHIHIHIHIHIHI do you think what i think? hahaha:DD
































































and i just realized she's pushing him away. hahaah:) that's the lesson to all the boys out there. once the girls will decide to be stiff. they will have a hard time. muhaha. Go hyun! :) ahahha

















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These two really know how to pull one's heart strings... After reading the translation (thank you j2dlee and kheenim), I think I might have a hard time watching more episodes of the two.

1. because of the darn cliff hangers

2. their arguments are actually reasonable and not petty at all

3. They are becoming too realistic--with that, I'm kinda... iffy... I think one of these two will cry by the end of the season. They care so much for each other that it transcends the caring of two platonic friends. They're not even pretending. This is their charm.

They are so realistic that I am getting my hopes and expectations up, mountain high.


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yong has been underestimating the strength of hyun by playing push and pull with her. it's look like hyun has the upper-hand on yong and i bet yong will succumb to a crashing 'defeat' because of his 'simple-minded' tactic. as a guy in 30's, this is an advice to you yong, "never ever underestimate a girl with the simplicity of our mind to test the water by playing hard to get". he probably might want to hear her confession of missing him first but the opposite things happened.












now hyun is in a very advantageous position to make yong beg for forgiveness from her for his foolish act. maybe a repent should be better to gain back the trust hyun gave to him before this. hahaha i can't stop laughing because it's truly going to be a turning point for them especially for hyun over yong. what are you waiting yong dude? sincerely apologize and regret to what you've done to her. thanks for the translation j2dlee.












p/s: there is a reason why your mom told you, yonghwa to talk frequently with your wife at the first phone call as a couple.





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Guest fr0zenxen



Hello guys! I've been a lurker for a few months. Hehe sweatingbullets.gif Yes, I love this ep!

After reading the brief translations *thanks! laugh.gif *, I  have some favorite scenes. 


1. Yong washed Hyun's hair. Is that sweet??

2. Yes, of course, THE HEAD BANGING!

3. Love how the RDR song really matched their situation, and Yong seems hopeless. sweatingbullets.gif

4. And Hyun is really a 'SCARY' person in this ep as we can see the way she talked, and her face expression too

Ah, there are lots [as usual], but I think I can spazz many things after the 'performance ep'

Not to forget, the fresh face of Yoonng 



*this is my first time uploading a picture in a forum. sweatingbullets.gif


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Guest BluMistLaydee








These two really know how to pull one's heart strings... After reading the translation (thank you j2dlee and kheenim), I think I might have a hard time watching more episodes of the two.






1. because of the darn cliff hangers






2. their arguments are actually reasonable and not petty at all






3. They are becoming too realistic--with that, I'm kinda... iffy... I think one of these two will cry by the end of the season. They care so much for each other that it transcends the caring of two platonic friends. They're not even pretending. This is their charm.






They are so realistic that I am getting my hopes and expectations up, mountain high.











I know how you feel. I was honestly heartbroken with the AlShin couple. I was convince that there was real feelings that developed between the two and then Shin Ae went off and married someone as soon as their stint was over. It was actually really hard for me to get back into WGM after them and JoongBo. The Adam couple brought me back but YongSeo kept me back for this season and I honestly think there's something that's going on there and I dread when their part have to come to end because, you know there's going to be some heartaches that's there. Unless they take some people's advice and date in secret



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Guest SophiaPia




Thanks keenim, 


Thanks j2dlee


Thanks yukiandjudy


Thanks for all the translations :)


To be honest, i always thought it will be hard for Hyun to show her feelings coz she don't have experience to be inlove. But i guess it's not. She's 20 but her mindset is matured enough to show her true feelings in this relationships she have w/ hubby Yong kekeke! so! she is tough lady.  U cannot fake that, She is really upset. Never under estimated Hyun feelings :) I guess this push and pull way of hubby Yong is not good for the 1st timer Hyun kekeke! We will see what will happen next. Hubby Yong better do something to wife Hyun coz no more goguma left kekeke!


I saw the behind the scenes video of the girls in Japan. Wife Hyun wearing butterfly necklace and the new couple ring. it's in sweetpotatodaysblog.


Cheers to all. (night night for me, catch u all later)


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

OMG! I'm seriously laughing over YongHwa's reasoning as to why he didn't bother to contact Hyun for a month. :lol:

For those who think Yong doesn't care. He does care. He's just doing it the childish way... hahaha... :lol:

I always think of Yonghwa that beneath his playful personality. He's a VERY SERIOUS and DEDICATED leader of the group and musician.

I always forget that he's still 21 (22 in korea)... That No matter how serious he is, his childish & playful side will always come out.

He's a guy indeed! lol...

and it's hysterical seeing Hyun's face after hearing his reason. She was obviously not expecting that childish answer.

The look on her face is just priceless. She must be thinking " uhmmm... How old is my husband again???"  hahahaha :lol:

See now why they are perfect for each other??? :lol:

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tks for the translation, kheenim.

and hugs to u, j2.

wow hyun...when she is angry, she IS angry!

she's scary even. no messing arnd with her.

and she doesn't mince her words!

but doesn't it tells us that she cherish this relationship and cares

abt yong more than she thought she is capable of.

from the missing calls to the missing ring,

u have all the right in the world to be angry girl!

yong: I thought we need a turning point

not only did u made a turning point, but u made it upside down too, yong :sweatingbullets:

nvr nvr underestimate your wife who now has the upperhand on the situation.

but its cute seeing him urging her to say out loud "i missed u"

aigoo.. yong, that is so not working for u now..

wait...she did not say 'hamburger' yet right?

so there's hope for u , yong ...

i was actually giggling away watching these two..

ah! 2 two, what game are u both playing now :rolleyes:

no more testing water pls. we know u both adore each other already..

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i know some guys that pull that















































































trick the not calling to see















































































if she would miss me..















































































and sometimes guys don't call















































































girls because of their pride and ego..















































































i remember that someone told me















































































that sometimes guys didn't contact the















































































girls they like to test the water or















































































if she's interested or not..















































































and sometimes to run away from















































































the girl because they can't be together..















































































i think maybe yonghwa is just having a time















































































to think about what they really are..















































































based on the previous episode















































































yonghwa is overwhelmed with the surprise..















































































and he thinks that maybe something do change in















































































her personality or if she's just like that.















































































and based on seohyun something do change.















































































and what trigger that change..















































































its yonghwa. (in my opinion)















































































girls surprises a guy, eventhough they















































































are not together if that guy is special to her.















































































maybe that the reason why he didn't contact her















































































and based from his personality he's an observant.















































































remember when they start wgm he said he can easily read















































































the person from their gesture..






























































































































and i remember one of the pd of wgm















































































told in an interview that they can't contact















































































each other outside the wgm and its















































































one of the rules in the contract.









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Guest DJHinata

Jd2lee Thankyou Thankyou i love U !!!!!  and thankyou 2 kheemin!!  Thankyou JukyandJudy and the translators !!

This episode was sooo good XD hahah Hyun you are a little devil !! Run Devil Yong Run !! Hahaha so nice !! i really love this coupel so much !!! and MCKIM is daebak XD hahah

seriously i'm TEAM YONG and thanks to him for let it us to know this side of our seobaby please don't be so hard with yonghwa ♥ 

hyun we are more closer now ~  no we are not D_D !! XD hahaha So funny Hyun ~~ 

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lol @ Seohyun... Wow. I don't know if this old saying exists in Korean (probably does), but "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."








I'm guessing after the hair salon meeting/day is why everytime we see Yong out in public he has the ring on from August or so till now ;)



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though this ep is not as sweet as the last ep, it is the most meaningful ep to me. how they behave in this ep is more like a real bf/gf relationship.

as a girl, i vote for what hyun did and is going to do to yong. in everyone's eyes, hyun is a very well-behaved, polite and gentle girl. words like 'temper', 'anger' seem far away from her. but in this ep, she shows us the other side of herself. when she thinks she has to protect herself and her care and worry to yong, she reacts back. she thinks that cares and worries should not be played. yong knows she will care and be worried about him and he still plays tricks. i think that is the most unacceptable thing to hyun. i understand how she felt. she showed her temper in a very good manner. if i were her, i would run away and would not talk to him right away.

i think it's fun to see how yong will suffer. that's what yong is worth of receiving from his buin as he had asked her to worry about him for a whole month. she prepared every thing for his birthday and she knew he was happy. she is in the clouds already and then he let her drop to the ground immediately. how harsh it was to her.

don't take me wrong. i love yong and hyun. just feeling this couple is very meaningful. after they solve this matter, they would become closer. that's why we see how they are close at uj ep. someone said the japanese trip ep is another turning point, oh... really want to see what had happened.

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hi everyone... i actually didn't intend to post anything today but this ep is killing me! i would hafta say it's not the best ep to me, but it still gives me a hint of "something different" between those two.

i agree with some of ur POVs, after the b'day trip, yong realized something very important. 1st, his actions are getting more & more outta hands & he finds himself falling even deeper into hyun. and he's just not sure how to go about it as hyun isn't even his gf but his fake wife. so, this calls for a moment of "SELF-DISCOVERY". i'm sure he must've been overwhelmed by the whole situation on that special night that so many things went thru' his head! if u guys remember, the interview on the ideal where he answered UJ? that interview was on 5th july. the interviewer went further to ask him about what he'll do if the agency asked him to quit a relationship. he answered something like "he is capable of focusing on what he's supposed to focus in" but ended up changing his answer to "i'll just follow my heart". i lost the translation but i could still remember it went something like that. i hope someone could verify it. so what i'm trying to say is that, despite him being "mean" to hyun by not contacting her for the whole month, he was still thinking about hyun or in other words, his feelings for her.

oh, j2dlee & kheenim~! thanks for the trans! :D

after going thru' the trans, i don't quite buy yong's reasoning. although i know that's his honest answer but still, i think it's more than that, it's more than push & pull thingy already. as i've mentioned earlier, i think he just had to think things thru' properly & who knew he'd made his decision already by not contacting her to see for himself her true feelings. i can't believe he's still in denial after all that b'day thingy! haha can't blame him though... hyun is relatively new in relationship department. and no wonder I DON'T KNOW WHY was brought into existence! he did say that he composed a song during those times right? so this must be it! >.<

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do

and I wish, I think about you all the time my life

I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?

of course I know your situation backwards too

See my eyes, (in my eyes), see my lips ( in my lips), See my face

I would like to know what you really think I wanna

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby

I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do

and I wish, don't be silly she is popular

I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?

everday I want you in my life all about you

See my eyes, (in my eyes), see my lips ( in my lips), See my face

I would like to know what you really think I wanna

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby

I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo

in my eys imn my lips. See my face

I would like to know wht you really think I wanna

you don't know why, you don't know why I bother with you

I don't know why I didn't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news would you mind look

i've highlighted some interesting parts. it;s obviously a song of agitation!

it reveals that he's been thinking a lot about her & he understands it as love but he doesn't understand why he loves her. he went further by showing his frustration about not being sure of what she really thinks of him. 'cause of that he just doesn't know what to do or how to react to her. in addition, he knows she's very popular among guys & how he wishes her to be his truly but he can't possibly do that right now can he? he's in WGM & also in the entertainment industry! ahhh this is based on my interpretation though. however, i think yong's a risk taker. he might just go for it. i mean go for the relationship. ahhh who knows they are already having the relationship right under our noses! xD

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Guest fazie86




hye all...after eading the translation from j2dlee..one word i can say ANGRY HYUN is SCARY!!!




I a little bit worry about their relationship...i cannot avoid to think of it coz i've been in a relationship just like this before.




whenever your heart feel betrayal once,, we will hardly to accept our partner forgiveness. if it happens, it just because of all memories we had back then. that why i am worried about Hyun. She just so pure and innocent in term of love but the way Yong 'play' push and pull is just too much even i am a guy think so...




Ladies,,they have such a fragile heart when it come to love or relationship. that why they easily cried if something bothered them especially in LOVE.  i cannot be sure whether Hyun crying or not and we all know that she's WORRIED about Yong so much and just look the way she talk in the backroom,,this thing had give her a big impact and those Goguma is NILL...how scary is that??!!




i hope both of them can settle this by next week..as much i love this couple, i really want they had a really good relationship on and off screen...



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Guest ninyaah

















MC Park: Yong hwa said about ‘pull and push’ but he’s just be­ing dragged…
































































































































































how true. thanks for the subs, j2dlee and kheenim <3 i love this episode. now that there's a translation everything became crystal clear. it's hilarious how seohyun is totally the one in control of the relationship. yonghwa might have thought he has the upper hand because he's more experienced as far as relationships are concerned, but it turned out differently. for someone who's never had a boyfriend before, seohyun is doing a great job at handling the situation. she is scary when she's mad and she will not let go of any issue unless it's resolved properly. i think yonghwa now knows not to mess with her.

















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