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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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just want to share this








































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kissing you.. male version








































sung by mate..








































its so cute....i can remember their double bday event...








































if yong will sing this one..she will really be forgiven..hehe :wub:
















































































JASHIK!...you can just hug her here..















































































stop pretending yong...i know how much u miss her...









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Guest chilipadi_22








































































just finished watching ep28!!
























































and my conclusion is....YONGSEO IS REALLLLLLLLLLLL...
























































hyun is angry because yong did not contact her for one month. but yong, thats too much of u!!
























































how can u make our lovely hyun worry for u??? hahahha:) but its great to see them worry over each other.
























































and our yong getting jealous over hyun's wedding photo with Trax. heehee^^
























































but why is this episode so short???? PD-nim, please make yongseo's episode longer!!! gomawo in advance~
























































really cant wait for the next episode where they inally perform their first duet on stage!

































































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Guest SophiaPia



from FB! (SNSD GIRL'S GENERATION fb account)





[Rumor]CN BLUE`s Yong Hwa maybe reaching taiwan tonight.Maybe he will be in girls



generation's live concert tomorrow.




raine (Jossa Unnie): if it comes from hyun's camp...it may be true. this is his promise!


it's the last leg of their concert.  









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Guest kimjica
















































i'm gonna die now???!!!
















yong going to the concert???!!!hope its true...and wgm should shoot this!!!!!
















really daebak!!!!daebak!!!!daebak!!!!







































expect the unexpected from our couplephew.gifphew.gifphew.gif









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tks for the trans, redtulip

am reposting redtulips translation, for easy read.

In the black room, Yonghwa joked that Seohyun went to the same salon as him cos she missed him. While Seohyun explained that it was more of a coincidence as she wanted to change her style due to the Japan promotion.

Yonghwa told the lady to ask Seohyun what had she eaten. She replied dajiang soup and vegetable rice which were all very healthy food.

Before Yonghwa went for his hair wash, Seohyun wanted to know what he had been busy with recently. After the concert, he went to the bookstore and was also composing new songs.

In the black room, Seohyun was upset that he did not contact her for a month and also did not wear the ring.

To break the ice, Yonghwa actually asked her whether she got home safely after the fishing trip. (what kind of stupid question is that???) That started Seohyun stating that she was not happy and wanted Yonghwa to explain.

In the black room, Yonghwa explained that he thought she was going to miss him hence he did not contact her. The MC all felt that one month was too long, 3 days should be more like it.

In the little room, Yonghwa kept asking Seohyun whether she missed him and said that it took him a lot of control not to contact her. Soehyun was actually worried.

In the black room, Seohyun's trust in Yonghwa was affected and she wanted to eat up all the gogumas to reduce the goguma points that she had given to him earlier.

Yonghwa started imitating Seohyun cos she always does that action when she is embrassed. He kept saying that he already said it (explain) when he bang his head against her shoulder. She find it so unbelievable that he wanted to cry.

Yonghwa immediately knew that the performance on Aug 29 was on their 200th days while Seohyun was still clueless about it.

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Guest baby_bo





My heart is beating really fast right now, i want this rumor to come true. please.

hope he is in taiwan already, or he can be absent at inki tom.. aigoo..

ottoke.. i dont know.. i just want the rumor to happen!


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Guest miel_1301
































from FB! (SNSD GIRL'S GENERATION fb account)






























































[Rumor]CN BLUE`s Yong Hwa maybe reaching taiwan tonight.Maybe he will be in girls































generation's live concert tomorrow.
































raine (Jossa Unnie): if it comes from hyun's camp...it may be true. this is his promise!
















it's the last leg of their concert.





























































































lenovo, you just dropped a possible "time-bomb" waiting to explode on the thread.
















I have been praying hard for this possible eventuality as I reckon that CN Blue does not have any scheduled activities this weekend except for YongHwa's Inkigayo emceeing tomorrow, 17 October 2010, which I guess SBS/Inki production will most likely understand if Yong would be absent in tomorrow's broadcast.
















If this "rumor" is proven true, then I guess both time and fate worked in favor of YongHwa to be able to fulfill his long-time promise to watch Hyun in any of the SNSD's concert.
















And if ever the "rumor" is proven TRUE, I think TAIWAN is a good choice as both SNSD and CN Blue have their own huge followings in that country and plus the fact that YONGSEO couple is very very welcome amongst Taiwanese fans. If ever, this will be a big buzz for Taiwan media as this will be a "breaking news"--- Yong attending Hyun's concert.































redtulip, hugs to you as always for providing this thread with the initial summary of the episode.















































So SBS Inkigayo's broadcast tomorrow had been pre-recorded? Good! Very good! Another "sign" working in favor of us and our couple.

















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Guest Crystal392



Hiii everyone!! I was just reading your posts (I still haven't watched the latest ep because I just woke up). Thanks for sharing all your opinions :)

Awww so Hyun was sad/mad/disappointed because Yong~ didn't contact her in a month? :( and did Yong~ say anything about her not contacting him either?

I liked your experience K1L1O :D jastubee I agree with you, and I also think 'I don't know why' makes much more sense now because it seems to be related to this month where they didn't see each other.


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Guest scatterbrain

i remembered that inkigayo was cancelled at the last minute last week, but they keep filming it anyway and going to broadcast it tomorrow. i read it in allkpop. if that is really the case, then yong won't have any schedule tomorrow, hence he can attend snsd's concert!!!!!yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!the best news of the day. after we got quite dissappointed by his actions today, we received this great news. hope it's true :wub:

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Guest csh0730pjk
















I think Yonghwa didn't contact Seohyun after their birthday event because he wasn't sure of how Seohyun took his 'confession'(well, not really an official confession, but 'Love light' can probably count as one...) that day. He felt insecure, and didn't know what to expect from her. While not keeping contact with her, he probably wanted to test Seohyun's reactions- to see if she felt the same for him, or whether she truly cared about their relationship or if everything she did was simply because they were shooting together as a couple.












It's obvious that Yonghwa likes her, but after what happened in last-week's episode, he started to notice how serious their relationship has gotten, and especially how 'real' this all seems. He probably needs sometime out to think about where this is all going, and also take some time to determine what feelings are 'real', and what are just 'professional acting'.












Seohyun, on the other hand, most likely hasn't realized her feelings towards him. Since she has never dated anyone before, I suppose it's normal for her to think that everything that is happening between them is simply because 'couples' are supposed to be that way.












The truth is that both of them have somehow fallen into this relationship deeply, but since it's supposed to be a'fake' marriage, neither of them know what to expect from the other person.












YongSeo is definitely real !!! it's just that they can't admit it... for WGM's sake, and also because they feel insecure about each other's feelings.



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Guest kimjica
































































































































































































































































i think inkigayo is cancelled due to the baseball game???or if there's inkigayo i think they will air the pre-recorded last sunday because inki was cancelled last week right???
































































































































































































































































not sure..

































































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Guest bowzo12
























okay now im really confused.








1.where is the filming at the park episode??they skip it??








2.he didnt contacted her for 1 month?but they have filming on aug.17
















i dunno anymore.this is confusing



























Yongseo Calendar from http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html








June 29 [WGM Filming] Fishing on GangHwa Island








Aug 03 [WGM Filming] At the hair salon
















Film at the hair salon aka film at the park (I think)








It's about 1 month from June 29 to Aug 03.









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Guest baby_bo




YOu guys are right, No inki tom bec of the baseball thing or if they do air it, the recorded inki last week will be aired this week as per Alexander of Ukiss' tweet! keke


Please make the rumor happen.

Taiwan loves the YongSeo couple, they can definitely enjoy their stay there.

waaaaaaaaah! daebak!


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tks for the trans, redtulip





am reposting redtulips translation, for easy read.





Before Yonghwa went for his hair wash, Seohyun wanted to know what he had been busy with recently. After the concert, he went to the bookstore and was also composing new songs.





In the black room, Seohyun was upset that he did not contact her for a month and also did not wear the ring.





In the little room, Yonghwa kept asking Seohyun whether she missed him and said that it took him a lot of control not to contact her. Soehyun was actually worried.





I'm sorry to cut your post but this GOT me... He was composing a SONG... DOES IT mean the SONG IDON'T KNOW WHY?!!! it seems like it.. THE LYRICS IS I DON'T KNOW WHY IS SO LIKE HYUN!!!.. I'm going crazy!!! :crazy:


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Guest Kerube-Chan













LENOVO I LOVE YOU!!!! Thank you so much for the RUMOR... I cant say news yet, but please let it be true!!!






















- CNBLUE fan meeting was cancelled.











- Inkigayo was cancelled last week for a baseball game, they recorded it and it is going to be broacasted this week.











- YH have a free weekend!!!











This is the first time in my life, I wish for the reporters to track him down, I just only need to know if he get to Taiwan, the rest will be history because we know were he is going. ;)











Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!











Edit: I hope someone can track the Taiwan news, as some of you said, In Taiwan Yongseo, SNSD and CNBLUE are really loved, so the press love them too.... Oh please, I just need one photo of him in Taiwan this weekend... That is all. Please, let it happen!!!











I am spazzing like crazy, and have to go to work... This is bad for me...


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Hi Magdal!  I was thinking the exact same thing!!!  I totally think he wrote that song for her, the feelings that are expressed in the song are pure longing for the other person and been insecure about their status and how she see him...
































































































































I am still a proud member of the club he wrote "I dont know why" for her, and with the last developments this give me hope!!!































































































































































































































































He even said that the song is about how difficult it is for him to express his feelings?, and he wore the ring in the album´s pic....
































































































































And another thing that I´m remembering.. didn´t he once says  that he CAN control his feelings, while talking about love?? I remember read this back in april? March? in some radio show? :unsure:. Anyway, I think he really get all confused after the fishing trip, before that ,we heard him saying, she is cute, I like her eyes, I think because she is younger than me I feel like I wanna take care of her, and maybe others that I don´t remember.  I think he liked her by then and he knew that, but one thing is to like someone and another is discover that it is not just "like". Then he stopped picking her as his ideal, said a lot of contradictories things in July, and now we know that he even stopped texting her....
































































































































I think YongHwa is a very, very transparent person, whe can see through his gestures, his face, his acts. In this ep he started to play with his hair again (like he did in the first WGM eps), and his face was sad? tired? worried?, but he was not ok, I even think he is thinner now!... I would say that July wasn´t a good month for him and I would dare to say that SeoHyun might have a bit of guilt about it....
































































































































Sorry for my bad english, but this Ep really gave me to think!:rolleyes:
































































































































EDIT: Topped page... I will repost Lenovo´s rumor :wub:
































































































































from FB! (SNSD GIRL'S GENERATION fb account)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Rumor]CN BLUE`s Yong Hwa maybe reaching taiwan tonight.Maybe he will be in girls































































































































































































































































generation's live concert tomorrow.
































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392



Btw, about the WGM PD rule about them not contacting each other besides WGM, someone translated it another thread a long time ago (it was a couple of months/weeks before uri YongSeo joined WGM. It said that supposedly they shouldn't contact each othe so the emotions would be more raw when they meet and that they would discuss whatever they want to discuss in front o the camera. But sometimes the couples would see each other like Kwonie and GaIn because both were singers and they met backstage on music shows. I have to go somewhere right now but later I'll look for that interview and repost it here ^_^

I hope Yong will go to SNSD concert *fingers crossed*

EDIT: I kind of agree with you, even if Hyun going to CNBLUE concert was a false rumour (but it was on the news =\) I remember WGM PDs said they were going to make them meet for lunch or dinner so they wouldn't become akward again :S Unless that was a rumour too... I'm really confused with the timeline now, and what happened to when they met the girl with cancer? I remember that was organized by WGM (korean gogumas gave them gifts that day), unless that was more like a charity thing and they didn't film that day =|

I wish WGM Pds would release an official timeline of uri YongSeo


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Guest BluMistLaydee










This is just my input and I don't mean to offend anyone






To ME there is something rather fishy about this whole "month of no contact" affair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember very distinctively reports from the WGM PD and Staff said that due to the YongSeo's conflict of schedule in July they weren't able to film however they set up lunch and dinner meets between the two so that things wouldnt get awkward again. Reports of her attending CN Blue's concert ran rampant and a few accounts said she was backstage(yes I know this is still a rumor). I just don't see Yong not contacting her to at least say thank you for attending their 1st concert.






But now at the beginning of August they're saying that didn't have any contact at all for a whole month? Hmmmmmm sorry but I have an extremely hard time buying that. The PD and Staff said they made sure the two would have some sort of contact. Yong started wearing his ring rather diligently around mid-to-late July and she attended his concert at end of July. Something about this whole thing just screams a bit like manufactured angst to me.



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Yeaay our Hyun is really starting to show him that she's upset/annoyed..she should stop saying she's not mad or saying "it's okay" but suppress it inside when she's not okay with how Yong behaved. Aaghh seriously these two are really pushing and pulling on the "I really care/worried about you but I can't be the first to check first" antique!

































































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