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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kevin1320

i wish Yong can make a surprise for seo at SNSDs concert or Seo will surprise yong at CNblues concert, i mean they will appear surprise and get on stage and sing something ...that would be awesome...i swear everyone will faint after seeing it

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Guest luv_sp_couple
















Before we move on to the next episode, here is my take on this last episode. I'm sorry if it will bore you. :sweatingbullets:
















Isn't Yong too adorable? Seems like his heart is full of Seohyun's name that when he was overwhelmed with emotions, he can no longer contain it, it overflowed and skipped from his mouth.  In every possible way to call her... Seo Joo Hyun:wub:  ... Seo Hyun... Hyu~n... Hyunie(when he coughed) :D  ... Seohyun ah... Ms.Seohyun .  Yong was so in cloud9 from the very moment Seohyun started to unveil her surprises for him.
















I don't think we will be deeply touched by a serenade and a ring unless these were coming from the person we are in-love with. His happiness there was so real and so contagious that everytime I watched that scene, it never failed to leave a smile on my face.  Yong was so caught up by that moment that he let his guard down, because love was so much in the air. He led Seohyun's curiosity to ask him directly the story behind lovelight to which will lead him to a confession. Here I believe this is a true confession of what really is inside his heart.  How can you say to a girl that you are thinking of her while writing the lyrics saying, "... because I love you":wub:    if it doesn't mean anything?
















I am a very logical person, I need proofs to believe with something. I know WGM is just a show, specially when I watched Yong's radio interview before where he mentioned that he is just acting like he really like Seohyun. But after watching this birthday episode and those videos where he sung lovelight, I'm sorry Yong, I know you are a good actor, but you are not that great yet to act on those scenes perfectly (but I know you will be), now I have come to believe... when it comes to Seohyun in his previous interviews, those were just a show,Yong's reality is in WGM. :wub:  














By the way, is that 38 thumbs up for my first post? Thanks Goguma Villagers, that was a very warm welcome.:wub: 
















@luckynew: It was from a tv appearance in Thailand. He did the "ok sign" after he answered about his similarity with Shinwoo's character of being good in taking care of his girl. His ok sign here seems like he's sending a message to Seohyun, "Yes, I'm taking good care of you" :wub:... am I right Yong? Starting @3:57.























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Guest exceptional.chic








i've been missing quite a lot lately. good thing it's already our semestral break and i can catch up.




the last episode was daebak. i couldn't stop myself from smiling and all that.




uhm, i was backreading (a bit because i wasn't able to track my last post) and i saw some posts saying that hyun and yong had some misundertsanding. could someone explain this? thanks a lot. i was really outdated and i couldn't understand what was going on. :(



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three hours to go...

yongseo gave a lot of surprises to us in the past few eps. honestly, i think it's time to let us cool down a little bit for getting ready for another hot issue some time later. i think today quarrel would be a small 'fight' between this couple. it may be something about the new couple ring.

to them, the couple rings means a lot and brings them a lot of unforgettable memories. they showed the rings in their own performance on the second day after they met each other. starting from that day, yong started to write the lyrics of 'love light'. then yong lost his ring during cn blue performance and because of that, he missed the lyrics that he was singing and searched for the lost ring during the performance and the camera caught the whole process. then the news spread around and was discussed by a lot of people, even yong was asked about it on the radio shows. hyun of course read the news and spoke to yong about this in one of the eps and she thanked yong for what he did for the ring. at that time, you could see how touched hyun felt. then hyun started to prepare new couple rings to replace the broken ring. she gave the new ring to yong as his birthday gift. a lot of moments they spent are about the rings.

though it would be an unrealistic dream, i really hope they would continue to wear the couple ring even after they finish wgm. the rings do not only indicate their relationship, but also show their support to each other. as a fan, i really hope that they would support each other as friends forever. but without seeing the rings on their fingers, i am worried about this couple unless they from time to time still let us know they keep in contact and are still supporting each other, even only as friends. that's already enough for me. no more to ask.

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Guest weizhen_sj




@luckynew: It was from a tv appearance in Thailand. He did the "ok sign" after he answered about his similarity with Shinwoo's character of being good in taking care of his girl. His ok sign here seems like he's sending a message to Seohyun, "Yes, I'm taking good care of you" :wub:... am I right Yong? Starting @3:57.









Thanks for the link! :) now after watching the few vids on the 'ok' sign (12 july love light perf and cn blue concert) with this Thailand tv appearance, i seriously think and believe that the 'ok' sign really means something between yongseo.. Yong is not holding any guitar pick anymore, but he still shows the sign...


so sweet...! >.<



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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not sure if this has been posted before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q: If you see your ideal type of woman during your concert?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A: First I finish my concert. Then I will find her. Even though I find her, I cannot confess. Because fans’ love is more precious to me. (laugh) But it must remind me again when I close my eyes to sleep.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[interview] “Sweet Boy” Jung Yong Hwa for High Cut
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translations by saturn.@soompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to twinkystar@Cari! Re-posted by Lyna@cnbluestorm.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, so that's why he didn't publicly acknowledge Seohyun during the concert. LOL.

































































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Guest luckynew












@luv_sp_couple Thank you for the video. I totally forgot about their appearance on the Thai show. I watched that show back then and now that I went back to watch it; Wow, I can't believe it. Lol. He did the "ok" sign, but, at the same time, now really sure if it's for Hyun or not. Still, it's great to see that. Lol.




I found this: This shows the couple's lunch (and the staff's) when the fans sent to them (just recently, I believe). Sorry guys, I don't know how to post up the photos; so, someone who would like to do that can do that.




http://blog.naver.com/cookkkjung/114851052  (cr: naver/cookkkjung)





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Guest DJHinata

hello girls and boy of gogumaland !! this week i've been busy!! but i was reading your post, it's really nice to read all those comments about our couple, thank you thank you , Thanks to everyone who likes my artworks , the reason that i made it is for you , so please enjoy it, I can't wait for this episode , MCKIM reaction, and our reaction seen a yongseo couple in a "bad" situation kekeeke i feel very happy so my little artwork of yongseo  from the last episode♥


happy GogumaDay ♥

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































Thank you everyone who shared news, caps, pictures and just thought this week :D
































































































































































































































































































Starts 5:15 PM (in ~30 min)
































































































Soshified stream































































































































































































































































































Channel 1 or 6
































































































Other stream
































































































































































































































































































































































































TVU Networks works best for me
































































































































































































As usual for those who can't watch WGM live then i'll update my twitter @yangyoseob ^^

































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Guest _d3seohyun














































































































































































































































Hello and thank you gogumas! :D































































































































squeezing in my last batch of caps from episode 27 before the new one airs :D














































































































































































































putting some on spoilers so it doesn't ruin the page (:














































































































































































































Love Light caps and more...
































































blushed more when making these caps than the first time I watched this scene.
































































every bit of yong's smile and stare while being questioned is cap-worthy and seobaby jjiang!
































































baby got guts!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ring ding dong!
































































c: as tagged + phokar
































































more pics @ Seobaby's thread

















































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Just a couple more minutes! GOGUMAS! HOW EXCITED ARE YOU?! :D I am anticipating this episode.. I hope they show enough this week and don't drag it on too long until next week.. I get so impatient! :lol: Thanks for all the links, photos,etc that everyone has posted! I always appreciate it! ^^ Just a couple more minutes.. OMO! I'm nervous and excited! :wub:

































































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Guest thenatstory







Hello. first time round but im here to breifly tell u whats going on.




Basically Yong has not been contacting Hyun for a month since the fishing event. And Seo was worried about him and also a little pissed off, but Yong thought if he didnt contact her she would miss and think about him more. So he held back. At last he told her why he cut off contacts, and Hyun was so shocked that he would think that way because all she did was worry as to what might have happened to him




She was also angry that he didnt wear their couple ring (at some event) that she diligently prepared. It wasnt streaming well I couldnt see the whole part when she was talking about this.




He was also teasing her with confidence. Kept asking her "You missed me right? Right? Right". Maknae didn't really reply but Yong commented that she was shy about it because she folded her arms when he said that. Apparently thats the "Shy pose". Anyways she still insisted that she was angry. (So cute :P)




They were also segregating lyrics parts for the Incheon Wave Festival, and maknae insisted that Yonghwa sang the line from RDR "Only curiousity"




There was also a part when I thin Hyun was talking about TRAX's mv and Yong asked why didn't she tell him about it. Then she exclaimed "ITS BECAUSE IT WAS DURING THAT PERIOD". He cheekily asked when and she said "when we stopped contacting!"




Yong was also insiting that they got closer but Hyun insisted they didn't (mainly because she was angry that he didn't contact her)




She also commented that his Sweet Potato points have dropped drastically. And that she thinks that by her showing her discontent, she believes that he will feel sorry. Teehee.




Silly Yong! Big mistake.



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Guest DJHinata

MY GOD !! that episode was tooooooooooooo short !! D________________________________D I WANT MORE !! ♥

OMG OMG OMG >,< i reaaaaaaaaally want to know about this episode so badly !!!

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thats it?! i dont even understand whats going on either!!! someone please give a summary of what was the problem because hyun seemed POed at yong. but i thought their practice session was really cute thou. but god, now i cant sleep because i need to know what they were talking about the WHOLE time!!!


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done watching the new episode.... definitely its a "watch out yong"















































































indeed seo hyun is Blood type A..haha.....















































































i like the episode today though it was short..















































































seo hyun is showing her true self...








































there is also problem with the ring and i think yong didnt wear his ring..(not sure about it)








































sweet potatoes that yong earned decreases!.. from what seo hyun said









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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































Hello. first time round but im here to breifly tell u wahts going.
































































































































Basically Yong has been contacting Hyun for a month since the fishing event. And Seo was worried about him and also a little pissed off, but Yong thought if he didnt contact her she would miss and think about him more. So he held back.































































































































































































































































Thanks for the translation! Ah.. so that's his reason.. Yo~ng is a deep thinker! Good thinking on his part! Making his woman miss him.. but, don't do that too much next time Yong!
































































































































Aigoo.. this episode felt so short! T.T But, every episode feels that way! I hope they show a preview for next week! To talk a little about todays episode.. my heart beat fast when he started washing her hair! :w00t: and so cute when he nudged his head against her shoulder! :wub: Like every episode, it was great! I can't wait for translations! ^^

































































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Guest blueblek




waaa...i really dont undrestand this week conversation.....


i only understand about


1. yong didnt contact hyun...she is angry a bit....??


2. receive mission to sing the duet...and they practice for it...


3. hyun wear the wedding dress for trax mv....yong a bit sad about it i think...


other than that i need to wait for the translation....


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some account from twitter who watched yongseo via streaming
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Yongseo at the Salon :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Seohyun is disappointed about something..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@meissleepyhead@iloveyongseo they said that she wants something from yong??~~ kekek~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*200th day duet mission card!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*They are singing/practicing now!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*They are talking about Seohyun in a wedding dress with Trax
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*SWEEET!! They are so cute!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Yongseo's part has already ended! It was so short!! Nothing really happened!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*I guess we will have to wait for next week for the performance itself.. *sigh

































































































































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