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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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CherryHana, wow your movie posters are AMAZING!!! Nice work! raindrops your fanart and comic strip are daebak as well! Thank you talented gogumas.


baby_bo Tiffany's song from Haru's OST is so beautiful and I have to agree the lyrics would fit YongSeo so well! Also, thanks for the links to fanpics. I haven't seen the one of Yong before (and is that Jungshin-chingu in the background? XD) You're right it looks like the hair salon. How sweet is that? They must have had a hard time scheduling something with SNSD getting ready for Japan and CNBLUE preparing for a concert that they switched to the same hair salon so they could meet. I wonder if they do that regularly and meet to do their hair together? Awww (I do that with my girlfriends sometimes..kk)


jnj and miel thank you dears for sharing the links and news about SNSD. SeHyun looks pretty as always and yay for the ring!!


_hachimitsu welcome back! Nice to see you here again ^^ Thanks for posting all that info about Japan. Wouldn't it be cool if one day we can organize an international YongSeo tour and go everywhere YongSeo went?... :lol:Also, I'm SO SO Sorry I was clicking the '+' button for your post but for some reason my mouse clicked the '-' sign. ACKKK.. I really like your post TT


Thank you lovekim and everyone who posted the preview and translations.. LOL, its so funny, but I have to agree with whomever who said that SeoHyun actually does show Yong when she is upset more and more even though she usually hides these things. All I can say is that she must be really comfortable with Yong. I'm that way too, I can only show I'm upset to people I'm close with.


Thank you again to all who have shared timeline, pictures, news, thoughts, MVs. Saranghaeyo!! Can't wait for the weekend,


Also, one announcement to share:


ANNOUNCEMENT: 300-Day Project Meeting


When: Sunday, October 17 at 10:30 AM KST



Where: seohwaprojectcrew.chatango.com


In celebration of the YongSeo couple's 300 day Anniversary we are going to compile tribute gifts. We'll be discussing the I Love YongSeo booklet and It's A YongSeo world video and collecting ideas for couple gifts. So be sure to come by and share your thoughts. More details are at the Project blog


p/s: we are also collecting donations through PayPal which can be sent to seohwa.project@gmail.com. Thank you everyone for all your support!



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Maybe, Hyun is angry for tomorrow ep because Yonghwa is jealous and being unreasonable because of SeoKyu duet? HAaa. Just a thought!























































but i guess bcoz yonghwa did an intimate phototaking with another girl??
















isn't it??
















hahaha...never mind just a few hour to go.......hopefully something good happen..btw, today episode is about their performance right??

















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Guest lovekin


sweatingbullets.gif am i the only one who wishes whatever seo is mad at is not a result of her jealousy?  i mean, there are pros and cons for me, but the cons outweigh the pros (mostly because of the stigma it holds for girls).






it has been mentioned in this forum before – and it wasn't only me who was worried about this – but seo being jealous and being expressive about it could be detrimental because she might be viewed as clingy.  it's a bit of a double standard because when boys do it, their jealousy is a sign of them being caring but sometimes, when girls are jealous, it can easily be misconstrued as being too attached.




not that it's entirely bad when seo is jealous.  many of you have pointed out that it's good that she's more open to talking about things since she's typically not the type to talk about her feelings.  in that way, yong is good for her and helping her out of her shell.  it could also be proof that she likes him enough to want to solve things – but wanting to get to the root of an argument is also a part of her personality.




i guess the worry stems from yong not having said anything thus far about her reactions.  we know he gets jealous, but he hasn't said anything about seo being jealous.  all things considered, he should be a little proud that she's opening up, right?  it's unusual that he wouldn't have an opinion on it, so i hope he says something about it (if it's truly the reason why she's upset).





in other words, i hope that the quarrel in question is something really minor.  or if not, i hope yong opens up too.  seo isn't the only one who has a reason to be jealous; the SM family (lookin' at you heechul) has given him a reason to seethe.  tongue.gif








if you don't know what i'm talking about, there was a BTS video of SM town where seo is taking a picture with kyu.  in it, heechul asks if she's filming WGM and that yong should be removed.  all in jest, of course!  the SM family are pretty close, but i would think it'd make yong huffy about it.




unless SM town was after the incheon performance.  i don't remember the timeline.





anyway!  i can't wait.  i hope they cover the part where they're practicing holding hands at the end.  laugh.gif


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Guest Crystal392



hachimitsu: Thanks soo much for sharing that info abour where uri YongSeo filmed.


Cherryhana88: Awww those movie posters are ♥



:lol: At the beginning (when I just got into kpop) I didn't like much Heechul jokes but with time I learned to appreciate his humor xD Once on a radio show he said Yong~ already had Park Shin Hye (that interview where Yong~ couldn't speak). I guess that's just his personality and as you said, it was just a joke between 'family' so I hope no one will get mad at him :)

About the jealousy thing, I am sure you are not the only who thinks like that ^^ But I wouldn't mind if we see jealous Hyun~ on the next ep, it's normal in a relationship after all (even between friends). :D

dreamyboo, Rouenna: Actually, if I'm not wrong, YongSeo meeting up for lunches wasn't a rumour, it was something WGM PDs said/info they released and it was because they (Yong~ and Hyun~) didn't have much time to film a new ep (they didn't film for a long time, was it a month?), so because there was a possibility that maybe they would become akward again if they didn't talk in a month they arranged a few luches/dinners together :) I think it was around July-August. I forgot when those dinners were but I'm pretty sure it wasn't on April, it was after that.

Welcome to all new spazzers to Goguma Planet!!! :):D


To all the ones who like polls:

This is a Spanish poll: http://siesdestino.com/2010/10/11/%C2%BFcual-es-vuestra-pareja-preferida-de-we-got-married Just scroll down and you will see the poll, click on 'Jung YongHwa & SeoHyun' and then click on 'Vote'



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Guest pollykpy








This is a capture from one of the Taiwan entertainment show.








The mc stated that when CNBlue visited Taiwan last month yonghwa was requested to show his couple ring,




and now they notice that the wife also wearing the couple ring.








Sad that all the reporters have no chance to talk to the girls, as security is high, if not the wife




will probably be flooded by the couple ring questions.





















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Guest lovekin


QUESTION!  it's kind of related but not really, and i suppose this is geared more towards those of you who live in the states ... maybe even california.  phew.gif






so in ep. 14, yong received a present while he was in thailand, which was a jar of dried strawberry bits.  what i want to know is ... where can i find some???  LOL.




it's actually really hard to find any.  what i've seen so far are freeze-dried whole strawberries, which is not what i'm looking for.  we have dried apples, dried cranberries ... but no strawberries!  HOW CAN THAT BE?





bahahaha.  any help would be awesome!


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Guest toomuchsmiling












annyeong goguma villagers..:D




out from lurker mode just to share this...




CNPINK credit to: yongsarang@youtube




A cnblue interview..u can see CNBLUE boys n of course leader Yong dance in pink for CF.. not many scene but still it's interesting to see him dance in pink..isn't??:P kkkkk. but, I prefer him in that rocker style,totally awesome :wub:













i'm so :blink: right now. CNPINK is totally cute, but CN BLUE CAN DANCE NOW?? xD wow, then American country concept going on, and heavy rocker. I just HAVE to wait for all this stuff to come out for it to make any sense. :lol:








lovekim- Thank you for the trans of the text preview.








...i LOVE THE PDs now!! we're at Incheon Concert now!! YESSSS! :w00t::w00t:








but b/c of text preview...NOOOOO we just entered Goguma bliss and now we already have to brace ourselves for another lovers' quarrel?! but at the same time, Seohyun NEVER fights. (i know u guys remember her unnies tried to make her fight when they did that Horror Factory show and was vs-ing against Tiffany and she just COULDN'T get mad)




so idk if i should be happy about this, but Yong is really good at making her mad, bringing that side of her out. LOL. :lol: but i'm looking forward to this!!! :w00t: we get to see the side of them where they're prepping as artists for this huge concert but they'll be seeing each other and working together. how awesome is THAT?




...i'm wondering about this "hamburger vs. goguma" thing. don't tell me she calls him a HAMBURGER? cuz she HATES them. ahhhh~





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Guest Crystal392



pollykpy: Thanks for sharing that :)


toomuchsmiling: Yong is really good at getting reactions from her, that must mean something right ;) He is someone special to her ^_^ Btw, does it mean we won't see them visiting the girl with cancer and suppossedly when Hyun~ met Yong~'s parents after CNBLUE concert? (I thought those news were confirmed... :o )


This may be product of my obsession with YongSeo but I wanted to share with you my observation:



Youeasy video part 1 - Interview with CNBLUE

@0:48 seems like YongHwa is playing with Hyun~'s gift (THE ring), you can't see much his hands because they are behind the table and he seems to be thinking about something... hehehe maybe Hyun~? :)


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Guest toomuchsmiling








crystal_malfoy- i know, that's why i partially enjoy her getting mad? ahh, i know it's bad, but it really shows she cares. since she hardly argues EVER. mmm, i think they will end up showing those eps. Especially the one where (if she did) meet her in-laws. why would they skip that ya know? (i mean IF it's true, cuz if it is i would GUARANTEE they'd air that)








btw, found another trans~? article.








On the 16th of October broadcast of MBC "We got married" Seohyun and Yonghwa will be celebrating their 200th day of being a couple on the show.




Before, They performed a duet at the 2010 Incheon Hallyu Dream Concert which became a hot topic. To celebrate their 200th day of being a couple, the couple will be singing the duet on the show.








Moreover, To make their 200th day celebration to be more meaningful, they were given a mission for the both of them to stand on stage and sing their duet song. Seohyun and Yonghwa was quite annoyed with the sudden mission, but they ended up doing it to celebrate.








Source: Newsen



Credits: Blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net








...quite annoyed? why were they annoyed? maybe cuz they were fighting and all of a sudden they had to act lovey dovey on stage wen they weren't feeling like it? (but in the end they got over the quarrel?) think that's the scenario..ahh, i'm TIRED of guessing. -_- imma just wait and see wat happens. :lol:





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Guest baby_bo



_hachimitsu, kekekek i totally agree.. the song's lyrics fits the couples feelings .. they didnt say it out loud but their facial expressions and actions on that epi says it all :)

genxv, daebak right? yonghwa suggesting a new salon for both of them. someone said here that maybe they got their hair color done on the same day.. that's possible kekekke and yes that's jungshin chingu! kekekke

and about today's episode im as excited as you all are. I was listening to their duet once again and had a thought on my mind. Maybe the reason why there's RDR on their duet together is because of what's gonna happen from today's episode. lol.. just a thought though keke :P

And about Seohyun being jealous, i don't think that's being clingy. Seohyun is actually the type who tells someone what she really feels or thought of a situation.. But she only expresses those kind of emotions to people she knows or people she's close with. Saying what she feels to Yong is actually a good thing. kekke

Im pretty excited as to what made our Seobaby upset.. i bet it's something we didn't expect. haha it's always like that with this girl hahaha


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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ _hachimitsu : of course it's okey :wub: , i love your goguma artwork, i will be happy to have a lot.. and that temple story, daebak! you even know about it, goguma fbi indeed  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ cherryhana88 : omo that artwork ! GREAT ! i love it  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ genxv : komashimidaaa :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ lovekin : i guess Yong said that somebody gave him that dried strawberry maybe from concert staff or fans, maybe it's home made.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ toomuchsmiling : another translation  :w00t: makes me more curious about today, i'm tired of guessing too  dry.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ pollykpy : thank you for the news, i hope we'll get hyun's interview soon, taiwan reporters HAVE TO ASK HER ABOUT THE COUPLE RING  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ crystal_malfoy : they have dinner together?? omo, why didn't they (WGM) film it if they're the one who arrange it? i would love any piece of video of that  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ lovekin : "i hope they cover the part where they're practicing holding hands at the end." hmmmm  :ph34r: i guess we're going to be smile ear to ear all day because of that  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry if i forget to mention anyone, i love you all..THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERY POST..my goguma family, Heii it's saturday!! :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

I know this thread is going to be flooded tomorrow. So i just wana ask now if anyone has found any links for Running Man episode 11 (eng subs). Its the one with yonghwa in it. I cant seem to find it anywhere

If anyone has come by the episode with eng subs could u please post/pm it to me. THANKYOUUU!!!

Cant wait til tomorrow. Even though i dont understand korean i still watch it and therefore have an excuse to keep on watching it til the eng subs come out hehehehe

<3 yongseo :wub:

FallenAnjewl, Running Man is subbed by iSubs. As of yesterday, they've just uploaded ep 10, so ep 11 will take quite some time still.

The raws are up already though. You don't really need subs to know what's going on with Running Man, I reckon, so check those out if you can't wait :P

And I'm actually glad that they get into a (mini, i hope) quarrel - cos then they can see each other's different characters. WOw Hyun is really opening up/getting comfortable with Yong ~

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Guest Crystal392



toomuchsmiling: Yeah, also there is nothing wrong about getting mad, we all are humans and that's a human reaction. Also there is nothing wrong with being sad because that makes that person appreciate more happiness. (of course everything in excess is unhealthy, even being always happy because you will forget how does it feel to be sad and stop appreciate happiness). That's why I don't get mad if I see Yong~ or Hyun~ a bit dissapointed or frustated sometimes because it's normal, luckily there is the black room interview so they can vent freely (or as freely as they can in front of camera) about their feelings... life would be much easier if we also had a black room camera hehehe :) I guess we will just have to wait and see ^^


baby_bo: I agree with you, I also think is a good thing that she says what she feels to Yong~. ;)


raindrops: Yeah they had lunch or dinner together, probably just a couple of times (they didn't say how many times -WGM crew-). I'd love to see that too :lol: hehehe


wallpaperfood: Can't wait until iSubs sub 'Running Man'.


Can't wait to see the next ep :) Just a few more hours...


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Guest baby_bo




We are over analyzing things again, remember sometimes Preview News articles are exaggerated.. Don't worry guys, we will find out soon.

Im sure it's not that Seohyun is mad, i have a good feeling she is just SULKING! lol! that is so seohyun!



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Guest Crystal392



baby_bo: Yeah I agree with you, I think mad is 'too strong'; probably there was something that bothered her and she sulked a bit. hehehehe

I miss tweeting with all your girls, today I have to go to sleep early too



*From dcmarried ( http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=515468&page=1&bbs= ):



용서 : YongSeo (in English: Forgiveness) - Most searched word



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Guest MaeDang






Seohyun talks about YongHwa in Feb


This video would have posted before I think- cuz ur it seem like nothing u guys not know  . But I cant help myself when Hyo-unni said uri Seo was suddenly start to text a lot. I did jump  really really.  Rember at that moment, they just filming for a coupe times -- I didnt know they started to contact each other that soon. So that proved that thay text every days ??? Cuz you know when people have a habits- its really hard for them to get rid of, especially texting to someone you like. It take me 6 months to stop calling my ex-b/c I so used to listen to his voice everyday. even you have nothing to tell, you just text to them.


Any prove that this is a fake marriage? I dont think so


Sorry for not sharing anything new, just killing my time when waiting >.<


edit: I dont now that I topped that page - Urggggg :sweatingbullets:


Also now I know who said : You guys can hold hands which Seohyun talk about in the back room interview in ep 26



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LOL baby-bo, Hyun's pout is kiiiiut! I have to agree, sometimes the preview really likes to overblow things to reel viewers in you know ;)








hi crystal dear!! *hugs* We'll spazz plenty afterwards. Its so good to hear that YongSeo is so popular in Korea!








Saw these on the SNSD thread. Credits as tagged + kittYA@SNSD soompi thread
































LOL, cute Tamama (right? It's Tamama?) Supposedly its a gift from a fan. I wonder if the fan remembered it from the WGM Chuseok special? :D








Also, not sure if this has been shared, so I'll share again ;)








From the CNBLUE thread:








10/25 YongHwa recording SBS Running Man








12/18 CNBLUE 'Feel the Blue' Concert in Seoul








MaeDang thank you for sharing that interview link. Man, February seems like so long ago and their relationship has definitely grown. But even then, it seems like YongHwa was changing SeoHyun's habits :lol:



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Guest scatterbrain

if there is a fight in today's episode, i hope they will resolve it today. don't want to wait till next week to see them make up with each other. i also hope today's episode doesn't make yong look bad, coz it's the 2nd time hyun isn't quite happy with him...(if you count the birthday message incident,then 3rd time. but yong had redeemed himself on that one)

there is news that soyeon T-ARA and E-Sens SupremeTeam are dating. they seldom meet each other and can mostly use online chat, yet their relation is still strong. their agencies even support their relationship. so there is hope for Yong and Hyun to date as well right? i think as long as hyun and yong can keep their relationship in secret and their work doesn't get affected, there shud be no problem, no? so even if they date in real life, we won't hear any news about them.

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Guest lovekin




if there is a fight in today's episode, i hope they will resolve it today. don't want to wait till next week to see them make up with each other. i also hope today's episode doesn't make yong look bad, coz it's the 2nd time hyun isn't quite happy with him...(if you count the birthday message incident,then 3rd time. but yong had redeemed himself on that one)





there is news that soyeon T-ARA and E-Sens SupremeTeam are dating. they seldom meet each other and can mostly use online chat, yet their relation is still strong. their agencies even support their relationship. so there is hope for Yong and Hyun to date as well right? i think as long as hyun and yong can keep their relationship in secret and their work doesn't get affected, there shud be no problem, no? so even if they date in real life, we won't hear any news about them.











i think a relationship between yong and seo would be quite different.  with popularity high for their respective bands – and their idol status – it's a bit difficult for them to hold it.  SM, for sure, wouldn't allow it.  i guess the only time they would is if their relationship helped collect massive revenue (SM is still a business and, unlike T-ARA's management, not very lenient on these things).




as popular as they are to netizens, it's the whole idea that some of them are so extreme that they either want the idol to themselves or hold them on such high pedestals that it's like an offense if they ignored their fan following to, god forbid, date.





but hey, it could happen.  i'm certainly not opposed to the idea, and i'm sure yong and seo have developed a relationship that can't quite be categorized to the public but only to themselves.  does that make sense?  hmm.  huh.gif  then again, seo is quite beloved by her managers, isn't she?  who knows what could happen!


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i am also curious abt the thing/s that led to hyun's

disappointment, so i watched their performance again,


i notice that when hyun sang the part " bad boy" of rdr

she was pointing at yong.


the horror special, we saw yong saying

"lets not talk abt it"

so hyun had to hold it in

maybe something did happen somewhere in july till mid - aug

but i really hope that what we saw at the end of their perf

(hyun waiting for him)

was that of yongseo resolving all misunderstandings and acting

sweet again, and not

that of yongseo back in sulking mood again

whether hyun will give yong his first hamburger is indeed the

unexpected turn of events

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