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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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raindrops!!!! *mouth wide open* :w00t: WHAT COINCIDENCE! do u have the original pic of yong?? kekeke i'd like to keep his original, i don't think i've that pic in my collection. ROFL @ ur newest seohwa story xD so all those are her fanboys ehh didn't know that! kekeke no wonder yong mentioned it in his IDKW song that she's popular. now i know why.

edit: LOL woolly! i LOVE ur SPOILER a lot!!! dang funny! xD ROFL!!!!!!!!!!

they mix with Hokkien dialect huh... issit made by a singaporean?

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hi dreamy!

i was stalking dc and found someone posted a pic of places that yongseo visited

while filming in Jpn, and it looks like yongseo visited a temple.

i think... :unsure:

if they DID visit one, they would've prayed for an ever lasting love...

to each other of course! :wub:

raindrops, keep those fanarts coming. :w00t:

we need those to balance the high anticipation for tomorrow's epi

did u stalk hyun's thread? how come u know so much abt her fanboys..

u forgot to add one more, girl....leader teukie!!

i'm going to ask u to send me all these once u've completed everything.


woolly!!!! :lol: u just make me choke on my chicken!!!

that is sooo funny!! :lol:

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sophiapia - thanks for the timeline!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Raindrops - Love your comic story. You should become a professional comic artist!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Boy I didnt know Seohyun has so many admirers!

































































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'unreasonable ways that yong has to explain/defend ?'

'strict measures' from hyun ?

Would it be :

1. yong not wearing the new ring until late July or when he worked with other girls. yong's explanation is 'because of work'. so hyun ordered yong to wear the ring all the time thereafter. that's why recently yong said if he did not wear the ring, he would be scolded. it seems he alrady received a warning from someone earlier.

2. yong did not invite hyun to go to cnblue concert. hyun felt hurt. yong's explanation is 'hyun has her own schedule, did not want to give her pressure'. but finally hyun went to the concert herself, so she did not sit in VIP seat. so hyun ordered him to ask her whenever there is a concert.

3. yong was once unhappy with hyun not mentioning his name when hyun was asked about her ideal type on a radio program. but starting from july, it is yong's turn not naming hyun as his ideal anymore, but named uj. so hyun was not happy with his changed attitude. yong's excuse is that hyun is aleady his wife, of course not his ideal as an ideal is someone who is remote from him. (in fact, i can't think of any good excuse, kekeke, just a guess for fun). hyun's order to yong ...hmmmm...may be only allow him to have uj as his ideal as she also likes uj very much, no one more.

4. they did not meet a whole month. but yong did not call her. hyun only could meet him at salon. yong's explanation is that he was busy with preparing his concert. hyun's strict measure is "yong has to call her once every day (kekeke... imagining it already makes me happy... just for fun again.'

many crazy ideas come to my mind as i am in yongseo wonderland. can't wait for tomorrow ep. should sleep earlier so when i open my eyes, it is already tomorrow.

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ dreamyboo : yes, i have the original ..it's from highcut magazine, there's another one which had yong eating hamburger, i'll make a story about that tomorrow   :w00t:.. tell me how to send you the picture..should i upload it first at photobucket then give you the url? or how?  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here is it, i'm sorry i don't know how to make spoiler
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe hyun upset because of this.. Yong, HOW COME YOU EAT HAMBURGER??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ jnj : agesimidaaa.. i'll try my best to keep this coming   :wub: thank you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i find it at google, surely hyun got a lot fanboys, there's more coming (leeteuk suju, onew shinee *does all shinee member is fanboy of hyun?*), but i end up feel sorry for yong, so i google for yong too and by the way Yong has a lot fangirl too.. from ajhuma to haemonim hoho  B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ qwenli : noo, i'm not   :sweatingbullets: just kind of having big imagination sometime.. kekeke, thank you   :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Rouenna

















Rouenna, i wonder whether the rumour about yongseo meeting up for lunches or dinners in july is true... i recall someone posted that rumour manyyyyy pages back. it's believed to be WGM's initiative to do so as yongseo is relatively a shy & slow-paced couple.
















































































Yeah, I think there was a bit of news like that back then. I remember reading it and thought the staff probably organized these dinners (if it's really true, that is) back in April when the strike was ongoing. :phew:
















































































From Feb to Mar, Yongseo filmed almost 3 or 4 times a month, so they meet a lot. But in Apr, they filmed only once (the episode Yong got back from Thailand, Apr 6, was it?). No more filming the rest of the month, so they haven't seen each other for like 3 weeks? But on the May 1 filming (exercise episode), they don't seem quite awkward. When that exercise episode aired right after the Thai trip episode, I was rather surprised of the continuity of their progressing closeness, considering their marriage was still at an early stage then and they didn't see each other for a long time.
















































































So when that off-cam dinners news came out, I guessed that it was on those 3 weeks of April that they didn't film. But, heck, that's just me. Maybe they did went out for the month of July but didn't really have the time to "talk" or maybe Hyun decided those issues to be within the context of their make-believe marriage hence she waited for the time that they can film to voice it out? :blink:
















































































Ack, Yongseo couple will always be an enigma to me. :wacko::lol:
















































































But I think that's their charm. :wub:

















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thanks so much to aneng and hyuksu for sharing the preview in hangul and to lovekim, CallMeDayDreamer, for translations!







dreamyboo thanks for the pictures! and i can hardly ever work either, and now i cant wait for tonight! ahh! another day of panda eyes (tomorrow) and i have to attend a party tomorrow too! oh gosh. hahaha. and i really love the "just please" picture. whoever ps-ed that did a great job!







glitterspark ;) hahaha.







lenovo LMAO!! i thought the exact same thing too when i read the translation. and then i was thinking maybe its jealousy.







and i've been thinking, she's been getting upset at him ALOT! which is actually proves that this relationship is becoming more and more close and... real? :wub:







SophiaPia LOL HAMBURGER! HAHAHA! and thanks so much for the schedule! gosh, that was a lot of work for you :) thanks for sharing.







raindrops_919 OMG! I love it. i feel bad because i swear thats the only thing i ever say, but you are amazing. thanks for those! hahaha.







thanks for sharing all the goodies! i can always count on this thread to make me so happy. (has to run off now!)














wanted to share something and found something!














i love embarrassed yong so much!














rocker yong makes my knees weak!







credits to chiari


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are u going by a theme each week, raindrops,

since i see its abt jealousy now.

planning to do one on yongseo's acting lovey dovey?

woolly, hugs u bear bear!

tks for that vids, but hey! its all in the name of fun ya?

u tweeting tomorrow?

dreamy, not watching live? why?

i rmbr that news too, rouenna.

its the wgm staff or pdnim who shared that.

they don't want yongseo acting awkward again, so they invited both out for dinner.

is this the first time WGM not giving us any prev?

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Guest monie1909

kerube chan I think you are right.They might filming the mission/this episode back in early august.In prev,it said a month later.So,tmrw's ep will be based on filming in early august.if so,i think you guys are probably right,Hyun could be the jealous one here.That will explain why she choose run devil run as their duet song.Isnt the song about dont look at other women and maybe Yong choose lovelight to entice Hyun.If its true,its going to be really interesting..really cant wait for tmrw.

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yahh jnj... if that's true! i wonder what did both of them pray for?!

hhaaha i'm imagining things here...they could be praying for their WGM contract to prolong & to have their reel relationship to become real xD i wonderrrrrr... maybe not as demanding as i think though.

catkat, good theories! LOL u make me very impatient to watch them gahhhhh xD

raindrops, by any means is fine by me. :D maybe u can upload & gimme the url? i dunno, whichever is les of a hassle. uhhh sorry to hassle u :sweatingbullets: thanks in advance :D


rouenna, i didn't know they had it in april! uwahhh new finding today! thanks for the info~ :D

panGG~!! haha i know! such beautifully PS-ed pic, right?! very neatly done! hah if i were to do it, i think it'll look funny! xD kekeke yo, u must've been staying up late cause of yongseo eh? haha same here! mine's not only dark circles, but eyebags are bulging out @_@ dang! i told myself that today i'll sleep earlier but look, what am i doing here!? xD wow a party! i hope u'll be able to focus on the party tomorrow LOL~

jnj... i won't be streaming WGM live 'cause i'm doing my usual "rituals" on weekends ekekekek! ;)haha it's weekend, so isn't it the time to be spent with ur loved ones? *hinting* xD

raindrops! that was fast!! kekeekek kamsahamnida~ :D *hugs*

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ panGG : ahh kenchaana, i know it, me too sometime don't have a lot vocabulary to express what i feel, thank you  :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ jnj : yes, i plan on LOVEY DOVEY, MATCHING STUFF ( yong's always wearing blue outfit while hyun wears pink, did you notice?), SAME GESTURE, YONG IN CHARGE OF HYUN's BAG (omo i find it so gentleman, yong always bring hyun's bag, open doors for her, always all about her, he really is nice and sweet), HYUN's CARING ACTION (remember thailand surprise, propolis, shoulder massage)  :w00t: now, my mind is running wild...even think about it makes me excited :wub: and ones more EYE CONTACT  :wub: the avatar mode on
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think i have overdose GOGUMA today -_-

































































































































































































































































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has this been shared here?

SNSD taiwan arrival

cr snsd thread.

gosh..look at the overwhelming crowd!

hyun still managed to stay calm and smiling away..

if hubby sees this, he should be worrying for buin's safety

raindrops, hope u do one on the time where they fail the driving test


Dreamy, my loved ones is yongseo

Me bad.

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Guest baby_bo





Btw, about the timeline, i think some of your guesses are right.

The August 3 filming in the park and the rumored filming the day or days before that will still be aired. I think they prepared the performance a month before. They can't just arrange the song for 1 day right? Yes, i know they're good singers/composers but they want their performance to be the best so they would prepare for long.

Btw, this is posted at dcgall. The endorsement clothes worn by YongSeo from the park shooting. Don't you think they have the same bg? Im guessing that's the salon they bought went to kekeke

Just click the link to see the pics -> KOREAN VILLAGERS


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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ dreamyboo : i've insert image at my last post, but here's the link to the album http://s628.photobucket.com/albums/uu6/raindrops919/yonghwa%20seohyun/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ jnj : Sure, i'm dying looking for yong's HD picture in navy outfit when he dance genie, i have one with hyun wears same outfit, with same hat..that must be good with title i'm genie for you :wub: emmm and another one when yong in an interview during nii photoshoot at beach, he's been asked about hyun because he wears nautical hat like snsd's genie outfit, soo hard to find it :wacko:

































































































































































































































































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Guest Rouenna

















rouenna, i didn't know they had it in april! uwahhh new finding today! thanks for the info~ :D
















































































I'm actually not sure, keke. :P I presumed it was Apr since it somehow fits the time difference, but it could also have happened in July, when they hadn't filmed for a month. Just a theory. :unsure:
















































































@Catkat. I have a feeling no. 3 will be one of the issues involved. Just a feeling, though. ;)














































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa Holika Holika BTS interview 3rd July: This is the one where he did the photoshoot with the girl and didn't tell Seohyun about it














































































































































































































































2. Radio Interview 5th July: Yonghwa got asked whether he likes her or not and he said that during filming he thinks to himself that he really likes Seohyun. Also the interview where he reveals his ideal type is Ueno Juri.






























































































































































































































































3. Happy Together 22nd July: Yonghwa reveals that he has Seohyun's phone number






























































































































































































































































4. Happy Birthday July 27th - Yonghwa talks about Seohyun a little (not much)






























































































































































































































































I wonder if Seohyun is more confused than upset? His answers are constantly conflicting each other. One minute he has an ideal type, the next he doesn't. It's like he's trying to confuse the world so that we don't see his true feelings....! :D














































































































































































































































Ah I am excited about this Saturday's episode!
















































































So sorry to cut your post. :sweatingbullets:
















































































I know, right? And if she got confused, she's definitely not the only one. Didn't we all got :wacko: ? Considering the interviews were right after that birthday filming, it left me all the more :wacko: Hahaha!
















































































Tomorrow's episode will shed some light. I'm sure Yong and Hyun can resolve it smoothly. Both of them are understanding and considerate so, for sure, there will be a good ending.

















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Guest _hachimitsu


thank you for the text preview of tomorrow's episode. I really dont know what to expect so i'll just enjoy uri yongseo parts and watch how their story unfolds^^ episode 28 faster come to mehhh! i have something to share but let me reply some comments first... (please skip this part if u want)

@lenovo ahhahha your posts always made me smile~ lol sorry for being a culprit. i was trying to sleep too that time but cant resist to spazz a wee bit^^

@glitterspark i have to second lovekin about the duet caps of yours, as i remember watching a clear fancam in DCgal from the side view showing that yongseo were not linking arms (more like they bumped into each other and hyun trying to take the mic (?) from yong as he went back to the stage to take his guitar) Too bad i didnt save the vid! i'm pretty sure you've watched several fancams already by the time i typed this. But from the caps and other fancams, it clearly tell us that seohyun is very comfortable & close with yong~ she always bow down to other singer including her unnies after a performance. Seohyun-a....were you too happy that night? They both were~ Hope they will end up together in the future :D

@jnj high 5!! yongseo style~ long time no seeee. thanks, i made that pic in a hurry cuz other artworks aren't ready yet, so i didnt expect much on the quality but it turned out well. glad u (and other gogumas) like it. thank you! will work harder! kekeke

@baby_bo dang, i remember watching HARU but totally forgot Tiffany's OST for it. Thank you for sharing! The ring, and my light part of the lyric especially, fits uri yongseo bday scenes. Hope someone will remember to include it in the final Yongseo Project, or make FMV etc^^

Pstt i recommend gogumas to watch the 30 mins mini k-drama HARU... some scenes (losing the ring, necklace) reminds me of Yongseo. hahah biased, much? links with eng subs down there, hope the spoiler works!


PART1  http://www.youtube.c...feature=related and u can find part 2 and 3 in the info

@kodougirl wooahh nice one! are there other WGM related comic strips?? If there are and the owner allows it, can u share with us? hehehhe thank you!

@raindrops hahha its okay, the picture loads right after i posted that comment. guess it was my laptop... edit: haha i was doing something about that snowcap pic of yonghwa & seohyun few days ago but u post it first.. if in the future i post something similar please forgive me yea. i'm delaying lots of fanart due to assignments sigh

@panGG hey~ i really like goguma artworks/fanarts here, its just i dont have much time posting my own hahhahaha. Yup2 Malaysian. My house was actually in Toronto, Canada but sometimes came to relatives houses in Florida/NC/California. Nice to meet u here btw!^^

@dreamyboo !! LOL 3F&FFMV!! ahahhahaha one day i'll make one FMV and post it here~ i deal with video making in uni every week so when i reach home i often spend time on normal artworks - more relaxing kekeke. i'm reserving some '+' from you, ok? hehe

To all gogumas, thank you for keeping the thread alive! It is a never ending thank yous but i just have to say this, yongseo fans are awesome!! Spreading soo much love without even knowing anyone, let alone the distance, difference of culture, age etc between us in the real world. haih i love u guys n girls~

Ok ok teary speech stops there. Want to share this one from DCgal (has this been shared?) and a short story by my cousin from Japan about the bell tower Yongseo stop by during the Japan WGM filming. Not a major story but i find it interesting. 

Pics were taken at noon japan time today (15 Oct 2010 if u're at my side of the world)


Around 30 minutes walk from Kurazukri to the Toki no Kane


Notice the white sign? Yongseo was spotted here, as per this pic in september (below)


credit as tagged

About the toki no kane... according to cousin in japan. hope i typed this correctly cuz its from japanese to my native language to english. He sorta give his opinion "i'm glad they visited the area!"

Toki san was built around 300 to 400 years ago. It was burned down several times, but the villagers will make better ones each time. It is not just a "bell/time tower" as called by tourists, but for the locals, especially oldies, toki san is a symbol of strength. Enemies, burn me down as many times u want but I will still be here, fighting and loved by the locals because i stand here not just for me but for you! said one local man (reminiscing old stories i think?) Locals also like the sound of the bell, soothing. Yongseo related?? pls read below.

Just my delusional thinking... but for me the bell tower is like yongseo - non believers said lots of not so nice things about them, but yongseo is getting strong by each day, they are loved, as per hyun in epi26, by the "villagers". The bell exists for 400 years, were burnt down and rebuilt, giving strength to the people and also in a way... "hope" (war time), something to believe in. Dear yongseo shippers, a side from wanting them to be together, skinships, be happy etc, dont you think Yongseo also gives us 'something'? It may be different for everybody, but Yongseo makes me smile! After knowing Seohyun (mostly through WGM and later SNSD related shows), I feel like I must give my all in my studies, appreciating all moments and keep on learning new things. I learnt from Yonghwa to be patient, and to understand the people around me and even appreciating the little things. He appreciate their couple rings, while I appreciate this shabby looking mini star origami given by a good friend. Funny, no? There's more I learnt but I guess I'll stop here hehhehe~

while waiting for tommorrw, anyone wanna share what you learn from yongseo from WGM/non-WGM shows?

aigoooo sorry for the long post! till then, happy spazzing! Expect the unexpected tomorrow^^

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this is my favorite couple of we got married second season and all seasons !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































figthing yongseo couple !!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest Cherryhana88








Since we all can't wait for tomorrow, hope you don't mind me posting movie posters I've just made.












Hope someday they'll get to act in a drama or making a CF together. They'll make a perfect hero and heroin couple. :D:wub::P



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This is my first time writing on this forum ..:sweatingbullets:..it take long time for me to post...since im in silent mode before this...
































































































































































































































































but the latest ep, is DAEBAK!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I very much addicted to this yongseo couple. :wub:
































































































































I start to like them when I read in a magazine’s  article in my country..
































































































































From there I know SNSD and CNBLUE, and began to like these two groups ... :ph34r:
































































































































I love to read the comments by all the goguma fans .. very fun ..
































































































































recently, I just get know my best friend is also interest in this couple. Finally there is a friend for me to spazz about  this couple ... if not, I like to read the goguma fan’s blog, downloading their picture, wgm video, . I was actually in a place which not many knew this story of We Got Married.  That is very sad .. T_T
































































































































































































































































hope this daebak couple will continue with more exciting moments ...
































































































































PLUS!!! .. the next episode is about  few hours to go! Cannot wait! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































p/s:sorry for my bad English…..hee…just pass with average result on English paper for the exam…blush.gif

































































































































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Guest Germbaby

Maybe, Hyun is angry for tomorrow ep because Yonghwa is jealous and being unreasonable because of SeoKyu duet? HAaa. Just a thought!

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