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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








@chyme_31: I also went to cnblue's thread and found that also. I was just too lazy to post it. and when I returned, it was already posted. 






@jastubee: I don't know how forums or portal sites there work. so trolls can pretend to be Boices just to start on hating? sorry for asking, its just that I'm clueless on how do fan groups operate (like Boices, Sones, etc.). its just weird that way, that some people would actually "pretend" to be a fan just to stir up everything. maybe they have nothing else better to do.






if saturn says nothing is new, then nothing is new.






its just that its really disturbing that news like that would surface. I mean, after a wonderful episode, hating would start?  and I felt like I needed to know more on the matter and how some Boices hated the latest episode and asked the opinion of some people here on the matter.






EDIT: just visited Daily Kpop and allkpop, they are the only places I know that reports things about YongSeo, CNBlue, and SNSD. seems like nothing is there yet. if you guys find any evidence on the matter, please let us know.


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































Wazzup yo! Lets not include ourselves with all these nonsense things. This village should stay as happy as it is.
































































Do not dwell yourselves on those non sense things, true boices will
































































never leave cnblue's side.
































































Be happy and if i can just ask you guys to please lets end that topic here....

































































































































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Guest blackflower52
































I was feeling really angry and sad after hearing about how some anti-yongseo boices are being so immature. But I calmed myself down before responding by listening to Love Light again.
















I agree with jastubee, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about how big the issue actually is. Maybe it's only a small group of false fans - people who obsessed with maintaining their own ideal image of CN Blue. Or maybe it's actually a group of anti-fans pretending to be boices, in order to give them a bad rep.
















There's no need to worry guys, haters will always hate. Their opinions don't matter at all. It's why I try avoid reading comments by trolls and stick to this thread instead.









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Guest mochiling








ya lor, we should not be upset because of small amount of ppl that is not happy, we should be happy for yongseo as they become closer.




no amount of words will hurt them as they hv each other, they can face anything 'together' remember hyun said that. always do things together.




We international gugoma will defintely support them







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Guest yoreizei










BOICEs - YongSeo's Shippers - SONEs = 1 big family, so don't let antis/trolls/fake fans break this family.






More popularity = more lover + more antis






100 more persons watched our couple = 99 more goguma lovers + 1 more antis.






No need to worry ^^






Make Love not War :phew:



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Jossa aka RAINE, @thewritingmuse --- updated her FIC! <3
















































































































































































































































A quotation from her recent post....
















































































































































































































































Love defines them...no one, not even the most hateful anti-fan can take that away from them...right? YongSeo is love.

































































































































































































































































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Hello gogumas...First of all,I would like to thank everyone who contributes with all the infos,links,pictures,news,videos,fics  & everything about YongSeo..I can't mentioned all of you as there's too many of you..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You may not like what I'm about to post or you may click the - button.Well, it's up to you..If you don't like what i write you can just scroll down & skip my post..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really appreciate all posters who's making this thread a POSITIVE one & the NEGATIVE one as well because it shows that our beloved YongSeo caught your attention..So THANK YOU all..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why is that every week after WGM is aired & something good happened, this thread will flow happily..But then a day or two after that small matter becomes a BIG ISSUE??Can't we just spazz happily here!!!This thread used to be a FUN place..But lately it's becoming a BATTLE FIELD!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before there was YongSeo, most of us are either BOICES or SONES or some may not know the existence of this two group..But after YongSeo joined WGM we get to know more about this 2 groups & they're gaining more fans since then. Can't we just support YongHwa & SeoHyun as a couple in WGM & also as a member in SNSD & CN Blue??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just want to point out that NOT all SONES or BOICES is a fan of YongSeo.Yes, they may have watched it but that doesn't mean they're a fan..And YES they're a fan of CN Blue & SNSD but that doesn't mean they must be a fan of YongSeo too..So why does that affects us?If you really are a YongSeo fan, then you should support them despite all the criticisms being thrown to them. Let them say what they want..If YongSeo gains more haters then why is this thread flooded with lurkers & spazzers everyday?And every week after WGM this thread receives more than 500 users..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you read something negative from other thread, just think that "Oh they mentioned about YongSeo..They must be very FAMOUS now since everyone is talking & taking interest in them"..w00t.giflaugh.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So to all GOGUMAS, I hope we all can spazz & post happily here..I apologize if I hurt anyone's feeling.It's not my intention to make anyone feel uneasy but I just want this thread to go back to normal without all the negativity..And please AVOID posting NEGATIVE things here...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ MAKE LOVE NOT WAR ~ wub.giflaugh.gifhappy.gif

































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
















































































































as fellow YONGSEO LOVER, the best thing we can do to make the negative feedbacks disappear or stopping to make it worst is not to do anything. Like, thinking we haven't seen anything or heard anything. Try reading it with a smile on your face and ask question to yourself and also answer it by yourself, not thinking what other so-called fans are saying but thinking about the person you're supporting. Something may come out pretty good. :D
















































If YOU are TRUE SUPPORTER(whether it's only to Seohyun or Yonghwa), we should support them right? Try putting yourself(EVERYONE) in their shoes, what would you feel if you are getting haters than supporters, when you are trying your best for them? You would feel sad right? I know the feeling when your IDOL has someone special, i know that ...but did you also think they are just like us? Humans, capable to love, to be hurt, to be happy and more? Even if the person I admire have a girlfriend or whatsoever, i will still support that person i admire. And i will be happy together with the person i admire as long as that person i admire is happy too.
















































Honestly, at first i don't like Yonghwa for Seohyun, but seeing Seohyun smile, laugh, learning, and growing to be someone more than she was before, it made me happy. And knowing Seohyun more makes me happy too. And also through WGM i got to know Yonghwa more. Their smiles and laughter isn't scripted that's what i believed. :)
















































REMEMBER: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”
















































the summary of what I wrote is to support whom we want to support and be happy...together with them. :)
































































































FIGHTING! As Seohyun always says, "Let's do it together" ...whether it'll be bad or good in the future.

























































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Guest raindrops_919




i'm agree with yoreizei  :wub:




yes, we belong together all SONE, all BOICE, all YONGSEO shipper, because we can't love one while hate another  :wub:








forget those haters, they're just jealous and that's how they express their admiration




because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind :wub:-Dr. Seuss-




let's go to the wedding:








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Guest eintann





we should be thankful to Seohyun cause because

of her we're given a beautiful song..

Hi, you took the words right out of my mouth!I was about to say the same thing.

What a beautiful song "Love light" is..

Let's just enjoy the song and be proud of Yong..

Seohyun might inspired him to right more beautiful songs later..


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i know i'm a bit late in the discussion but i just found this macro so i REALLY wanted to use it...
































































































































































































































































To anyone who can't deal...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Honestly, why would onedoubt when the confession is out from the owner of the song itself?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you have beenfollowing YongSeo from the beginning, we could say he reacts differently nowwhen it comes to first love.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Hwa used to be allhesitated and most likely to jump into other topic, indirectly asking Seohyunto stop talking about first love but look at the latest episode, Yong Hwa wasthe one who chooses to talk about. He could' ve dropped the subject like he usedto, especially when Seohyun was beating around the bush but NO, HE DID NOT! Heconfessed. And after following Yong Hwa in variety and interview, he is thehonest type of guy (I am not judging just based on WGM only). Is it possiblefor Yong Hwa to lie? Highly unlikely!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No matter how small, nomatter how big, no matter if it was the whole lyrics of song or just the rappart, the bottom line, it is STILL RELATED TO SEOHYUN.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, if the fans choosenot to believe that Love Light was written for Sehyun, they choose NOT TOBELIEVE IN YONG HWA THE LEADER OF CNBLUE.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't want  sparkarguments but I believe gogumas are those in both fandom, Sone and BOICE.Respect and believe. It’s that simple. (That’s how I react whenever things turnout not as beautiful as we expected in SJ fandom. We believe in Leader Leeteukand things will be okay if you just trust them)

































































































































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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































Hi Go-Gu-Ma Lovers!!!!
































































































































































































We have been given an episode that is worth at least another month of spazzing...so let's enjoy that,shall we..??? B)
































































































































































































I usually just stay away from negativity but since it seems I can't concentrate on my assignments...here are my few cents for what's it's worth....
































































































































































































Just my thoughts.....
































































































































































































I've been following this thread even before the first episode aired....sometimes coming out from my lurkdom to try and help translate things (as much as I can)...and of course to spazzz..the main reason why most of us are here. blush.gif
































































































































































































I also have been a SONE from the start...since their debut single and as much as they are successful right now...SONES know that they have been through some truly hard times....but the girls have risen above it all and have come back stronger, united,better than ever each time. And as SONES, we always remind each other that we will support the girls altogether as a unit and although we do have our biases...SNSD is always 9!!!The power of 9!!! And there have been so many times when trolls and haters visit the SNSD threads and try to create wars between fans...and again SONES had stood their ground and overcome this negativities slowly and surely...:wub:
































































































































































































I love CNBLUE and their music....I may not be a BOICE (...not yet...anyway..) but I appreciate a band that can play instruments, write their own music and of course that can KILL IT (the best way possible....meaning AWESOME!!!) during live performances. It doesn't hurt of course that the guys are all terribly good-looking and seems like sweethearts! In an industry with so many male dance idol groups...CNBLUE is truly a breath of fresh air!!!
































































































































































































And so when I read that these two individuals had been paired up..I was like.."Really?!?"
































































































































































































Didn't actually get this pairing....cos uri maknae has always been in the background kinda member, innocent and preferred gogumas to boys....SONES of course know how talented she is, how she is so loved by her unnis...how unique her character is.
































































































































































































And from what I had seen of Yonghwa up till then was this super ,outgoing dude that was handsome,can sing really well...almost like this popular but kind jock in high school that everyone wants to be friends with.
































































































































































































Hence I was doubtful on whether this pairing would mesh....but I was SOLD within the first 10 mins of their first episode...and there was no turning back!!! :wub:
































































































































































































The thing is fellow gogumas....OUR PURE LOVE COUPLE can't please everyone....there will ALWAYS be haters...but there are ALWAYS going to be people that will ALWAYS support this pairing....like us...die-hard GOGUMAS!!!!
































































































































































































There is no need for us to reply to their hating...cos then...we would have also stoop to their level...plus some haters are just baiting for reactions and for us to reply to their hating means we have let them succeed and gave them amo to keep on attacking! No need to call them names or even question whether they are real supporters to our couple or even Hyun or Yong as individual artists...cos it's all right as long as we keep showing our love to the couple!!!!
































































































































































































I feel that sometimes ignorance is truly bliss....what we should do is just keep showing our love and support to our PURE LOVE couple...when haters and trolls come by..or even if we come across a post that doesn't necessarily rub us the right way...let's try and practise these steps:































































































































































































































































































































































































1)Choose to read or ignore (whichever you prefer) the posts and move along































































































































































































































































































































































































2)Don't reply if possible...your reactions especially anger feeds them like fuel to a fire































































































































































































































































































































































































3)If you choose to reply...take a tip from the korean yongseos..and thank them for their opinion and for making time to visit our lovely thread































































































































































































































































































































































































4)Last , but not least, we should continue spazzing about our couple, the REAL reason why we are here in the first place!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since we have own lovely thread to spazz, if we feel like we cannot take the heat reading negative things regarding our couple on other threads..stay away from those threads.. we should just stay in our own world to spazz!!!!! Here, we are with the people that truly love this couple and we can be in our gogumaland-fandom...24 hrs a day!!!! That's PURE GOGUMA heaven!!!!:w00t:
































































































































































































Also...just like the CARE BEAR STARE...let me introduce the GOGUMA STARE...
































































































































































































































































































































































































A GOGUMA STARE that will down all evils...and haters....and trolls....
































































































































































































Altogether NOW.........
































































































































































































GOGUMA STARE!!!!!!! :ph34r:

































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I watched both videos and noticed the signs made by yonghwa. He was smiling shyly after doing the signs at both occasions. 

He seemed 2 be happy doing the signs. May be he was thinking of certain someone while doing it and singing Love Light wub.gif

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Guest fara_m7





I watched both videos and noticed the signs made by yonghwa. He was smiling shyly after doing the signs at both occasions. 




He seemed 2 be happy doing the signs. May be he was thinking of certain someone while doing it and singing Love Light wub.gif







yeah:) a certain someone.. someone that is so called wife.. someone name SEOHYUN.. hahaha


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ahh i see! thanks for the clarification, yukai~! :D hmm after rewinding that particular scene for a few times where he explained about Love Light, i find that baby_bo & saturn are right. only the rap part was written with hyun in mind. gosh, i guess yong didn't wanna make it sound like "ONLY THE RAP PART I WROTE WITH U IN MIND, HYUN"... no wonder it sounded like as if the whole song was written for hyun LOL! gosh, i really admire yong for being subtle in that way, not wanting to hurt hyun's feeling just in case. he could've just pretended to be dumb about it but NO, he just doesn't have the heart to do so. u could see that he was struggling to find the right words to say. this is perfect example of how yong likes/loves(?) hyun so much! :w00t:

heartbreak_warfare22, thanks so much for ur POV~! i do agree that although everything seems to point to hyun in IDKW's lyric, only yong knows who it was really written for. in my goguma eyes, i'd like to believe that it's for hyun! ahah biased much B)

jnj, if all gogumas were to gather to watch yongseo together, i won't know how to differentiate between natural earthquake or man-made earthquake kekekeke! xD

yay~ woollylamb unnie! keekeke (although it feels a bit awkward for me to call anyone unnie here xD) yes, keep them coming woolly! LOL sorry for the crappy talk -.-"

seohyun_yh: hahahaa in my goguma eyes, i also think IDKW was written with hyun in mind! LOL i know i've been repeating this many times but i just can't help getting spazzy over this! dang, i sooo hope we're right! :wub:

miel_1301, as usual, ur post is full of daebak-ness~! :wub: and thanks to d3 for capturing all those critical moments that u posted. however, i still don't understand why did hyun suddenly say "u should keep hold of her". what does that mean??? i don't get it? @_@

yongseo_fighting, haeanna, thanks for sharing saturn's post here... at least we know that it's not as serious as it sounds. :phew:

bravo, lenovo-cuz~! very well said! *applauds* btw, that excerpt from jossa is :wub:

haha fengz! u came flying all the way from tweetville! finally~! :w00t: LOL it's been a LONGGG TIME since u posted >.< and what u just posted, i've put +ve ;)(haha i didn't know u like maid-sama! that usui is sooo handsome ne! xD)

fara_m7, u're another goguma FBI huh! and thanks for spotting that for us! LOL i wonder what does that sign mean. but he sure smiled extra happily after he made it especially in the 2nd vid haha! :D

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Guest PariSita






[Fancam] (101010) 2010 JUMP GURO CNBLUE 1 ~ 외톨이야(I'm a loner)




[Fancam] (101010) JUMP GURO CNBLUE 2 ~ 사랑빛 (Love Light)




[Fancam] (101010) JUMP GURO CNBLUE 3 ~ Interview




i wanna know what they are talkin about in the interview ;(






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Guest Germbaby

Aiyo just finish watching CN Blue performance at Jump Guro. Yonghwa and team look so tired. Jungshin's eyes looks like he has been crying. And our poor Yonghwa also looks tired or sad.... I pity these boys. Anyway, I hope yonghwa will carry on fighting and not worry about all the bad stuffs happening. Afterall, you cannot please everyone. Just be yourself and remains true to your feeling. If you like Seohyun, just be brave and love her. YONGSEO Fighting. Why no news on Seohyun? No reaction?


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