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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseo_fighting

Hmm... Heartbreak_warfare22, I agree with you. Kay 77, do you have a link that cnblue could see message from international fans or the link to where the fans voicing out the negative thoughts? I am thinking of a more practical way which is droping a message to them to let them know that they have our supports as well, even that means I need to learn up Korean just to write that sentence. I am neither a die hard fans of cnblue or snsd, but I do like their music and I wish that this will not impact them too much.

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Guest pen(..^^..)








































































i think it doesn't make sense at all regarding the korean boices angry news. as for me people has their right to write a song based on what he/she has in his/her mind same for yonghwa, the true fans should supporting him not to hate/angry at him. he has the right to choose his own inspiration in writing a song. it's not a thing that can be forced (in terms of inspiration thing). but hater will be still hater they do living by doing it. hope uri yongseo will fight trough this and also with the support of their fans. yongseo FTW!
































































*NB: sorry for my bad explanation and my english xDDD





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Guest Shane1430276559




I read in tumblr that our YONGSEO gained more haters because of the episode last saturday...





But why???mad.gif





I really don't understand why...





But let's not mind the HATERS maybe they're just jealous or something...













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Guest viktorialouise

Wow, you're really good! It's beautiful! Just a question though, since the picture is kind of blurry, I'm reading 다 먹었습니다 but that means 'I ate it all' and not 'I'm done'.. Or are my eyes deceiving me -lol- :sweatingbullets:

oh no! your eyes aren't deceiving you. it's really my error. darn google translations, i shouldn't have trusted it. anyways, i edited it already. i actually scanned and photoshopped it. hopefully i used the correct korean phrase now. here's the thumbnail.


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You know a FAN is synonymous with the word SUPPORTER.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You don't call yourself a FAN if you don't SUPPORT the one your idolizing, the one you look up to, or admire. You support all the way.(It's like ur job description, who you are) - Whether it is for his welfare, his health, his happiness -A FAN is always SUPPORTING - always! Otherwise, you're just a selfish richard simmons who simply wants to puppet around ur idol. Someone unworthy to be called a fan and be in the FAN(supporter's) CLUB.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I may not be a BOICE or anything. But I am for YONGHWA's happiness and welfare. He deserves to be treated well. like everyone else.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i really hate it when these fans really go overboard. and they even call themselves a fan? seriously. and this is has been my greatest frustration in my entire fangirl life. these sort of people.
































































aisssssh! have one message for them.
































































































































































































picture cr:fckyeahyongseo

































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agree with lenovo..
































































































































as fans should support their idol.
































































































































from all this hiatus, weather it's serious or not in Korea,
































































































































the good news is Love Light is in chart again....

































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I am actually really surprised to know that Korean BOICEs are not happy with the latest development (if the news is true that is. It's possible that one forum of BOICEs might not be happy but another is celebrating). It honestly didn't even occured to me that Yonghwa would received hates instead of love.
















Previously kay77 had said that most Korean BOICEs are not happy that Yonghwa is in WGM and wanted him to quit since he had received quite some negative comments from YongSeo and/or Seohyun's fans. And that he is probably sad about it, and receiving a lot of pressure and suchs.
















But thanks to the latest episode however, I am quite confident that Yonghwa (and Seohyun) has received a lot of approvals fans of the couple and most probably Seohyun's fans too (though I can't say for sure) and I thought Seohyun would be getting loves from BOICEs and Yonghwa fans, thanks to her superb event and surprise.
















And if nothing else, this episode shows how happy both of them with each other on the show. I thought that would make the Korean BOICEs feels reassured that Yonghwa is happy. That he is not being forced into doing anything. But instead of that... the reactions goes the otherway?
















What is going on? Why? Can anyone with access to the Korean fans world explain a tad on this matter? kay77 (sorry, you are the only one I know of ^^; )? Anyone? Is it true that ALL Korean BOICEs are reacting this way? Are there no supporter of Yonghwa and Seohyun somewhere in the midst?
































I actually kinda thought that SONEs would be the one having mixed feelings about the latest episode. To let Seobaby go or not... and seeing her all grown up and everything. But so far hasn't heard any negative news coming thataway...
















Hopefully, the calm from SONEs is not from the international fans only too?































Oh and this is a tad random but I LOL-ed so much at Jinwoon's reaction to Yonghwa and Seohyun finally holding each other's hand XD
















First he was clapping so happily, like finally!!! And U-Go-Girl! (the Lee Hyori's way - no no he didn't really do that, it's just my imagination working overtime)
































And then he was, "Argh!!! Should I really be happy with this?" Poor guy...

























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Guest divalogic

nah, dont care those haters.

rmb how yongseo rise to the top chart aft wgm was aired?

and mc kim was a goguma himself!

have the belief that there's more supporters than haters yeah?


ps: 1st post! i must defend yonghwa xD

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Hello fellow villagers :D




I just read about our couple and CNBlue gaining more haters, and I'd just like to suggest (assuming it was true, since I can't read Hangul) that we international fans write to CNBlue's site. Is it possible? Would the link even work in US? Because last year or so, cyerworld or something has been halted and removed from the States. It doesn't work here.




I may not be a hardcore fan of SNSD or CNBlue, but I want to show them my support. SNSD has had a tough debut long ago. They had haters and antis everywhere, even before they debuted because some of the Cassies (WHY!?) and Elves thought they were flirting with their oppas (DBSK and SUJU). CNBlue also had a tough break, gaining criticisms left and right just because they are not a dancing boy band. How can you hate such talented young men?! Who can compose and arrange such beautiful melodies and songs. No offence to American artists but they are losing their edge to people like Yong. His songs inspire me actually and make me feel giddy inside, unlike some of the songs here where all they talk about are sex and break ups.




Is there any way to send our love to these two? Especially to YongHwa? Even if they have a bit of a hard time reading English posts, I'd just want them to know that there are fans like us who actually see them as a human being (veeeeeeeeeeeeery talented beings).


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Guest Germbaby

Calling for help. Is there any korean yongseo fan who can help us post supporting word for yonghwa? I am really surprised that KOREAN BOICE is saying all the negatives stuff about WGM . However, I believe Yongseo has many international fans like myself. Too bad I can't write in Korean. I really want Yonghwa or his company to know that he and Seohyun has many supporters and they have our blessing. SO CAN SOMEONE HELP TO REPRESENT US?


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Guest fara_m7








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i'm surprised that some fans are not happy..















































































fans should support the artist not be















































































the one to cause the problems..















































































i feel sad that just because an artist(Yonghwa) finds















































































an inspiration from other person in this case Seohyun.















































































they would leave them..















































































we should be thankful to Seohyun cause because















































































of her we're given a beautiful song..















































































its their (artist) choice to choose who's (gonna be)















































































their muse for a certain work.















































































i wish we could reach out or help to make those















































































haters into a lover of this wonderful SWEET POTATO COUPLE..






























































































































people in a relationship could see how their relationship bloom















































































in this couple.. in my opinion their pace of relationship is















































































close to the reality.. awkward and as the day goes by they















































































became more open to each other..









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Guest yongseo_fighting

hi all my beloved gogumas... the reason i copied from cnblue soompi thread is for Kay77 is verify is this is true, but not to attack any of Korean fans.. esp not all of them and I believed this is just minority. Calm down, gogumas.. =) Lets wish that Kay77 finds out that this is not true...

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Guest haeanna
































































GOGUMAS.. calm down~~
































































































here is the full post of saturn, one of the regular poster in CN Blue thread which his/her reputation there is the same as silis7noy at SNSD thread..saturn provides translations, updates, etc in the thread..

































































































?? I don't know what's happeing. (Sorry I don't watch wgm, only when cnblue appeared:) ) But Korean sites I mostly visit, are quiet. (actually not quiet busy for chatting about Acoustic movie, and yesterday performance)

















I didn't see any related news articles at popular portal sites.
































As far as I know, nothing is new.
































Love light is one of YH's hundreds songs which he composed when he was in Japan and trainee days.
































And he already mentioned many times, that the lyric of love light is the story of his first love in middle school days, just like love revolution, why y.
































And the rap lyric is added recenlty, he got idea from SNSD's song and wgm. I already knew it.
































Today, Love light is jumped up to top ten again in digital charts! Isn't it great? It should have been aired 4 monthes ago. We expected wgm could help promotion of Love light more. but the airing was delayed.
































Anyway, Yong Hwa is a composer, lyric writer, instrument performer and singer.
































The copyright money in Korea is quite high. those four parts get 25% each. Yong Hwa is involved in all 4 parts.
































He is sweeping up money now! It's a celebration time. When Love light was released first in May, we Korean fans called him as a joke 'FNC's marketing director Jung'
































WGM is a show, it cannot be continued forever. Anyway it will be ended sooner or later.















































































cr: saturn at CN Blue Soompi thread
































































































p/s: hope this will enlighten us a lil bit.. Let's put this matter at rest.. :wub:
































































































as per their couple t-shirt MAKE LOVE NOT WAR

































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Before we jump into conclusion and say that KOREAN BOICES are childish, please be sensitive to many KOREAN BOICES who are supportive of Yongseo couple.
















We need to see real evidence that yonghwa is being flamed by korean boices.
















We need to see how large scale are the haters.
















We need to investigate are these "korean boices" fake boices? They could be trolls using the name as a BOICE.
















Lets try not to get over sensitive about this issue before seeing the real evidence. Real evidence meaning a large scale of haters, minor trolls are expected, but if a large masses of BOICES are flaming yonghwa, that is real evidence, as it is crucial to how Yonghwa would feel.
















Lets try not to be judgemental to korean boices. Saturn from soompi cnblue is a korean boice and she mentioned she didn't see any hate comments about Yonghwa in the BOICES korean site. Hence I believe whatever hate comments you see may not be from the BOICES community. If there is, it is definitely a minority.
















If you want to target a part of a society, use "SOME" KOREAN BOICES instead of KOREAN BOICES. It will definitely hurt alot if innocent korean boices were to see themselves criticised for nothing, but at least we should let them know that we are only referring to particular group which is the anti-yongseo boices.
















I am thankful that some of you mention "SOME" korean boices, lets try not to blame all the KOREAN BOICES, we have to see things with an open mind. I hope Kay77 or Silis can address this issue, because they know where are the direct sources.





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?? I don't know what's happeing. (Sorry I don't watch wgm, only when cnblue appeared:) ) But Korean sites I mostly visit, are quiet. (actually not quiet :) busy for chatting about Acoustic movie, and yesterday performance)


I didn't see any related news articles at popular portal sites.


As far as I know, nothing is new.


Love light is one of YH's hundreds songs which he composed when he was in Japan and trainee days.


And he already mentioned many times, that the lyric of love light is the story of his first love in middle school days, just like love revolution, why y.


And the rap lyric is added recenlty, he got idea from SNSD's song and wgm. I already knew it.


Today, Love light is jumped up to top ten again in digital charts! Isn't it great? It should have been aired 4 monthes ago. We expected wgm could help promotion of Love light more. but the airing was delayed.


Anyway, Yong Hwa is a composer, lyric writer, instrument performer and singer.


The copyright money in Korea is quite high. those four parts get 25% each. Yong Hwa is involved in all 4 parts.


He is sweeping up money now! It's a celebration time. When Love light was released first in May, we Korean fans called him as a joke 'FNC's marketing director Jung' :D


WGM is a show, it cannot be continued forever. Anyway it will be ended sooner or later.



I went to cnblue thread and this is what i got.. I want to share it with you so this thread would go back to its ussual positive self..kekeke.. saturn IS A KOREAN BOICE and I love her for posting this.. although she said she does not watch wgm, still this post makes me feel good... so DID IT WORK? are you feeling good? :phew:


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people's emotions blah blah blah... i lol'ed at those haters ... that song love light was personal for yong they should understand if they really are fans and one of the boice's..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just ignore them ... ^^ and just enjoy that the goguma couple's relation is progressing...

































































































































































































































































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