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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































baby_bo: i dunno, but how come the translation goes like this... (excerpt from Guani@YT/genxv's blog)
































































he stated that there's no lyric??? that means the translation should have gone something like this...
































































it should have been "i composed the melody..." & not "i wrote the melody..."?? i dunno, can someone clarify this? j2? kay?
































































happy all the time when he doesn't feel like it. btw, what does PIFF stand for??? @_@































































































































Yes I know, but if you read the translations i think there were some parts that were edited. If you notice, YOnghwa repeatedly say "the RAP part"
































































anyway, Yonghwa already said.. Seohyun and WGM inspired him to write the song.
































































Wheter he wrote the whole song or just the rap part for Seohyun is not really an argument.
































































What's important is that LOVE LIGHT is Seohyun and we know that now :)

































































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PIFF - if i'm not mistaken...












i'm confused....






why yong seems lifeless while performed in that festival






even Love Light he's seems different....






or it just me....



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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































































































































































































baby_bo: i dunno, but how come the translation goes like this... (excerpt from Guani@YT/genxv's blog)
















































































































































































































































































































































































he stated that there's no lyric??? that means the translation should have gone something like this...
















































































































































































































































































































































































it should have been "i composed the melody..." & not "i wrote the melody..."?? i dunno, can someone clarify this? j2? kay?
















































































































































































































































































































































































hey there raindrops! kekeke anymore invi cards? xD oh, about him looking sad in that pic... maybe it's just his crazy sched that's getting into him. he's human after all. we can't expect him to look happy all the time when he doesn't feel like it. btw, what does PIFF stand for??? @_@































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PIFF im pretty sure stands for Pusan International Film Festival
















































































































































































































































































































































































lets hope it is because he is tired and not because of hyun. or maybe he misses her since he hasnt seen her in like 20 or more days
















































































































































































































































































































































































Here are the links for CNBLUE's performances at PIFF
















































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1 - I'm A Loner
















































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2 -Lovelight
















































































































































































































































































































































































Part 3 - Love
















































































































































































































































































































































































Also there have been recent news about Yonghwa & Minhyuk endorsing Mzuu Jeweleries
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : 오징어땅콩@JYH DC
















































































































































































































































































































































































Even though he is showing off the rings he is endorsing. He still manages to keep the couple ring on hehehe:wub:
















































































































































































































































































































































































and yong has soo nice hands for a guy. No wonder hyun said his hands are really soft. you can really tell that they would be really nice to hold onto

















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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































PIFF - if i'm not mistaken...
































































































































i'm confused....
































































why yong seems lifeless while performed in that festival
































































even Love Light he's seems different....
































































or it just me....































































































































um... I think it has something to do with Cnblue's 1st meeting in Korea (it got canceled) :sweatingbullets:































































































































boice was angry about that































































































































you can read it in Cnblue thread
































































































































































































May I ask some icons or banner from this DEABAK ep?

















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Guest raindrops_919




@dreamyboo: PIFF is Pusan International Film Festival i think, they are there because of JongHyun and MinHyuk new movie i guess, acoustic. 




my photoshop having some trouble, i'll re-install it asap so i can make new ones, here's my idea: what if we insert our names on their next wedding invitation or wedding organizer cart? and please say what you want to be, example: "RAINDROPS919 as wedding decorator"who wants their name on it, just pm me or comment in this thread =)  i'm sorry if this is a lame idea.. if it's not fun i'll just throw this idea  :wub:




singing mode on: i'm genie for you boy  :wub:



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Guest toomuchsmiling








zealous- lol u and me did the same thing. checked out PIFF..








but omg, gogumas, wat was wrong with him?? he looked like death itself during Lovelight at PIFF. :unsure: he's lifeless. It can't just be about the cancelled fanmeet that happened that made him turn so ghostly? Really? :( I'm really worried. I mean, i hope the broadcast of this ep cheered him up if he saw it cuz i know now there will be LOTS of interviewers asking about this WGM episode? (to both him and seohyun) at least i'm hoping?








but he looks so gone. wat happened? where's Seohyun anyone?? someone should call her asap! unless it has to do with her but i don't think so....




anyway, glad to see he stil wears the precious ring everywhere. <3





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I personally kinda think that it is a song about first loves rather than for his first love. But I could be wrong.
















My take on the lyric, based on j2dlee's trans, is that he wrote the melody since a long time ago but it still didn't have a lyric. Then he met Seohyun on WGM, and he (almost immediately - it's like one day after, she must have left a deep impression on him) started writing the lyric. And since Hyun asked about that rap part earlier, as in why is there TMYW in there, he answered specifically that while writing the rap, that's when TMYW came to mind and so that's why there's that genie for your girl line in there.
















Dreamyboo I think "wrote" here pretty much means the same as "composed". Composed is the correct term to use but wrote is used pretty widely in place too. Composed to me cover the process of the artist first trying it out on the instrument to finally writing it down on the music sheet. While wrote is specifically referring to writing the finished melody on the music sheet part.
















So, by saying wrriting the music since long ago to me means that Yonghwa wrote the finished melody (or parts of them) a long time ago. But that the lyrics for them has not yet been written.
















baby_bo I think he said while writing the rap part first due to Seohyun asking about it earlier, (it's like the biggest hint that the song is written and the one thing that fans has been wondering about too. If that part at least is not about Seohyun, then what's that genie word doing in there?) but then he backtracked and start from the beginning and talk about the song as a whole.
















But that might just be my wishful YongSeo mind working there, so yeah... we need to ask the Korean language experts here as to whether the 'it' in "it didn't have a lyric yet" refers specifically to the rap part or is he talking about the song as a whole.
















[edit] And here's a little clearer version of Seohyun (and ring) in La La La. Downloaded the MV :)
















Though... it's still impossible for me to tell whether that is THE ring or it's SNSD ring.

























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Guest fara_m7





PIFF im pretty sure stands for Pusan International Film Festival




lets hope it is because he is tired and not because of hyun. or maybe he misses her since he hasnt seen her in like 20 or more days




Here are the links for CNBLUE's performances at PIFF




Part 1 - I'm A Loner




Part 2 -Lovelight




Part 3 - Love




Also there have been recent news about Yonghwa & Minhyuk endorsing Mzuu Jeweleries












Credit : 오징어땅콩@JYH DC




Even though he is showing off the rings he is endorsing. He still manages to keep the couple ring on hehehe:wub:




and yong has soo nice hands for a guy. No wonder hyun said his hands are really soft. you can really tell that they would be really nice to hold onto







even though he is endorsing mzuu jewelries, people will still focus their attention to the couple ring!!


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Guest rockinghorse




Thank you to everybody for sharing their thoughts, translations (j2dlee, redtulip), subs (sun_sun), videos, etc. I’m sorry I don’t really remember all your names after the sheer amount of pages this thread has jumped, but know that I am extremely grateful. :D




I’ve never posted so much about an episode before (this is my 3rd for this particular episode, I think) but I really can’t seem to shut up about it. (I think this episode is begging to be analyzed to death, although every little glance, every intense stare, every gesture, and every unguarded and authentic facial reaction is pretty obvious to anyone and everyone already.)




After watching it for the nth time, a thought struck me.




Hyun’s event for Yong and the subsequent confession about Love Light definitely created a shift in their relationship and moved them up to a more intimate level (as evidenced by later filming i.e. Ueno Juri arc, Chuseok Horror Special). The couple’s planting of sweet potato crops earlier that day can act as an unintentional symbol for that shift. Seeds/baby plants usually symbolize a new beginning and although this isn’t the very beginning of their relationship, I think the newly-planted sweet potato crops work because a new level in a relationship is like a new start (the variables are the same but you‘re seeing them in a totally different light now and you‘re treading on new and unfamiliar waters). Am I making sense?




I hope I don’t sound too delusional and ~analytical~ but my head made that connection of their gifts and I just found it nice and had to get it out. Recovering from this episode is impossible for me, it seems. Haha.



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Hi everyone!!!!

I just dropped by to remind everyone about our third project for seohwa...it's for their 300th day anniversary...

just follow this link for the full details

It's A YongSeo World Afterall

we are aiming 300 reasons for loving yongseo, and so far we have 91...there's more to fill so please PM me your reasons. Please follow this format


I love the YONGSEO couple because_____________________(REMINDER: please limit your answer to 15 words, but if you can't I'll be the one to summarize it for you)


Please help the project team to complete the target. We have fun reading everybody's posting previously, some very emotional, some very funny, some very long, some very personal. Here are some for everybody to read again, if you are comfortable to share, please post your reason in the thread.

Because they always make me giggling whenever I watch them...they such a lovely couple...and I love the way they stare to each other...look really like sooo much in love...they are really unique couple...YongSeo couple...fighting.

Maretta, 26, Netherlands

Because everything is in the details. They really act as if it were real. Their relationship is the relationship that many would like. She with her innocence and he with his patience and kindness... create perfect it. Create most of the sweet, their perfect relationship.

Caliope, 24, Spain (Europe)

I love them cause thinking of their relationship makes me flutter and happy. I smiled ear to ear when thinking or watching them. Seriously when i look at them, I feel like i want to have this kind of relationship lmao! haha and yeah, watching them makes my day! hehe

Nys, 22, Germany/Malaysia

One of my favorite movie lines said something like this.... "LOVE is like the wind. You can't see it... but you know it's there."

With YongSeo couple, I'm just fully convinced, without a doubt in my heart that LOVE is surely there.

Katrina, 25, Philippines

Because they are sweet, goofy, dorky, shy, funny, quirky, caring and just their unique, imperfect selves. The show sets them up as the cliché shy, innocent girl meeting the cool rocker boy; but you know what? That sweet girl has a mind of steel, has dreams to be an ambassador and loves sweet potatoes. And the rocker dude? He's the ultimate dork, gets nervous and shy, and has a sweet, caring streak a mile wide.

They are funny and fascinating on their own. But put them together and we see magic: Beautiful duets, hilarious bets, avatar dialogues. They are goofy together, serious together. Each makes the other better. The best part for me is watching their journey. I don't know what the end destination may be but I am most definitely enjoying the ride.

Jen, 29, US/Malaysia

Simply because their sooo natural, pure and innocent something in them that makes me just wanna watch every episode more and more.

Sam, 28, La,Cali

Because watching what they do, how they react makes me feel comfortable and happy^^. Even though they have very different personalities, but they look surprisingly good together!!!! Like how opposite poles attract each other...Well i just love them so much that I don’t really know how to put it down in words>.<"

jo_ce_lyn, 18, Singapore

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From his recent performance at Jump Guro, it is either Yong got alot of rest or he watched WGM and saw the memories he had with is buin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hhehehee am i thinking too much???:w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would like to think that on the Friday at PIFF he was depressed because he really missed hyun but then after he watched the episode, he called hyun and had a little love conversation with each other. :wub:  Hence why at Jump Guro he seemed to regain his energy back
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found a fancam of CNBLUe's performance at Jump Guro. However you cant really see them clearly because the camera was quite far back. But you can hear the difference in yong's voice compared to PIFF. He seemed to sound more lively and happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jump Guro 101010 - I'm a Loner
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jump Guro 101010 - LOVE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit: cnblue622 @ youtube
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here are also some photos. Yong looks super cute and happy. It makes me happy to see him back to his smiling self
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : as tagged@JYH DC + eiei129ou@cnbluebeat

































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Guest MrsAthenaG




Your Guma Omma needs the help of the Goguma FBIs.  Just finished re-watching the episode and I have my earphones on.  I want you to listen carefully as Yong slides to hold her hand and she starts swinging their arms and singing "Kissing You".  Did Yong say "Jowahe" or something sounding like that?  From what I know of that word, it means "I Like It or You", right?  Please confirm because they also zoom in to MC Park and she was cheering.  I thing she started cheering because she heard him too.  Thank you.



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Here is the gif about Holding hands part... Now I´m not sure if it  was YongHwa who started it :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love light is for her  people ^^, and No we are not dreaming :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FallenAnjewl:  thanks for the pics, I love to see yong´s smile too
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MrsAthenaG: I think someone points the same thing out yesterday, so you are not the only one ^^ (I really can´t listen it, because everyone is spazzing haha)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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kekeke u're right, baby_bo~! whatever it is, Love Light is definitely written with hyun in mind. :wub:

heartbreak, do u think IDKW is also written for hyun? kyaaaaaaaaaa at the thought! :w00t:

thanks zealous, fallen, raindrops for the PIFF... xD

fallen: LOL... yong somehow looks pretty funny endorsing the accessories while wearing that pure-looking ring ekkeekek xD i salute him! he still stays true despite it looking weird mixing with other rings.

raindrops, that's a great idea! kekekeke... but uh i'm not sure what i should be? maybe a ring bearer or just some merrymaker? LOL idk! xD

oh! time to work! cya all! :ph34r:

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PIFF - if i'm not mistaken...
































i'm confused....
















why yong seems lifeless while performed in that festival
















even Love Light he's seems different....
















or it just me....































Not to worry, 1 day after the PIFF, CNBLUE were at the NII fan handshake. He looks a lot happier(pics in the link below) because many fans turn up even when FNC cancelled a korean boices fanmeeting. So I believe he wasn't feeling as sad. I guess he was just tired and worried about the cancelled fanmeeting during the PIFF performance.
















He is still wearing the couple ring and the black star earrings(which might be related to Seohyun)





















































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Guest crystalblue




ahhh I swear I died a gazillion times for this EPIC episode! >.<




still HAVEN'T gotten over it yet lolz




it's their BEST BEST BEST and my FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE episode! hehe






so as I re-watching my most favorite episode again, I saw this ^^









Doesn't this look familiar? :D remember how she had the same reaction when she tried to deny that she was jealous with Juri Ueno? hehe






Ukie gogumas, I just wanna get this straight although it doesn't really bother me much (lies! lolz) but so.... he originally wrote the melody for his first love, but didn't have the lyrics to go with it. When he met and started going out with Hyun (oh how I wish this will come true some day hahaha), he started writing the lyrics while thinking about her, rite? :D he kept saying "while writing the rap part....while writing the rap part" is it just the rap part that was written while thinking of Hyun or is it the whole song? I'm confused -.-






Hi... I understood the translation that he wrote the music long ago but started writing the lyrics as they did their ring flashing mission on the music show and as he met up with Seohyun, he wrote the lyrics. The part where he said about writing the rap was in regards to the words "I'm a Genie for you girl" came from SNSD's song- Tell Me Your Wish. It made sense this way I think... oh my gosh, I'm panicking cz am I topping the page? Oh no! I have nothing else but to say I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE!!!


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Guest andalasa

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your Guma Omma needs the help of the Goguma FBIs.  Just finished re-watching the episode and I have my earphones on.  I want you to listen carefully as Yong slides to hold her hand and she starts swinging their arms and singing "Kissing You".  Did Yong say "Jowahe" or something sounding like that?  From what I know of that word, it means "I Like It or You", right?  Please confirm because they also zoom in to MC Park and she was cheering.  I thing she started cheering because she heard him too.  Thank you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I heard about this too :)..   I thought my ears playing trick on me.. I tried to ask a few goguma over twitvillage yesterday, whether Yo~ong sing along with Hyun or not.. Just wanted to make sure, since I thought that it could be part of the song..  But I dont think so..  So far I could only hear Hyu~un's voice singing Kissing Me...  Hope some one else could confirm about this again :)....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for j2dlee and sun_sun  for your never ending translation and subbing it.. wub.gif Also thank you very much to Yukilovesyou, redtulip, lovekim, _d3, and many more that I cant mention one by one, all Gogumas.  Thank you for all Ur posts :)..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a great day Goguma, or should I say Village People? sweatingbullets.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




@dreamyboo: judging by some lines in the lyrics of I don't know why, it could be possible that he was also thinking about Seohyun when he was writing that song. I'm open to the possibility that I don't know why is also for Seohyun. he left some clues in the lyrics but Yong is the only one that can confirm this.


I just imagined a scenario. 


Hyun: Oppa, why did you think of me when you wrote the lyrics of Love Light?


Yong: I don't know why. 


**Yong thinking in his head: Hmmm this sounds good. maybe I should write a song about this.


on a side note. I like it when Hyun calls Yong oppa. it really sounds sweet. also I think other people address Yong as Yonghwa-sshi (WGM MC's), Yonghwa hyung (CNBlue brothers) and Yonghwa oppa (I heard Sulli calling Kwon and Yong in Haha Mong show). I think no one calls Yonghwa as "Yong" other than Hyun. I don't know if I'm correct about this. this is just an observation.


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Guest begturtle



hi gogumas... :lol::lol:

i've been humming love light and kissing you since yesterday and i can't stop even when i have classes..

hahaha..this is really yongseo virus and it will haunt us forever..hehehe...

yongseo really makes my life happier...^^

l love yongseo because they are real.They have shown that they are being true to their partner and they are match make from heaven.^^...I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! Good luck in both of you in the future...^^



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