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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ryeo_hyun_yong_7

It's my first time to post here in soompi. I've been a silent reader of this thread and an avid supporter of YongSeo.

I really love today's episode. My heart can't contain the joy i got while watching their scenes.

This is the best episode so far and would be my most favorite episode.

I'm really glad I was able to watch the live stream.

I want more YongSeo!XD

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okay, first and foremost i want to mention that i was super tired earlier, at around 1:30ish AM here where i live, and i didnt realize but i fell asleep!!!! then when i felt my laptop weight making me hot, i moved around and was like "OHMYGOD! Did i miss the showing?!?!?!" and then i logged into back into my user name and it was exactly 4:10 AM! i was like OHMYGOD! are you serious?! and here i'm spazzing with happiness because here where i live the show airs at 4:15 AM! lol and i was so glad i happen to open TVUnetworks super early, just in case it didnt work for me later! haha. crazy goguma alien? i think yes! lol so i got it just in time to watch it. and boy was i happy that i did!
















































this is a super LONG post, so if you dont want to read just skip it, and i'm putting it under a spoiler so that it wont take up the whole screen! lol
















































when the screen came up, they recapped what happened last week. yong was complain so much about her needing to add one more, joykill, i've always wanted to say that word, lol, and then she finally does and dun, dun dun! whats that?! hahaha she's so shocked and when she pulls it out she instantly knows he planted it there. i want to call it "yong planting goguma love to hyun" lol (sorry such in a happy mode right now) and then she pulls it out to reveal a sweet necklace! awww i love it when guys give girls jewlery, even when you think they wont. its the best. yong daebak! haha.
















































then moving onto their "snack time", like seriously who thought it was more a FEAST then snack. haha. they were enjoying it so much that they hardly looked at each other. they had soybean paste soup and when yong did his sanchoo wrap, i was like, OMG is he going to feed her?! and then he didnt :( haha but she didnt seem like she cared either. haha. and then afterwards they are walking back and see the dog, how freaking cute! his all excited and i think yong mentioned maybe that he was an snsd fan. haha. because yong of course knows the strength of the snsd fandom! haha. and then BOOM they get a camera! haha, this is hilarious on my part for some reason (probably because its so late/early for me) and they take shots of with the dog and how cute was it that yong was able to make it sit. good dog training skills with jjing jjing! they need to definitely get a dog together, or at least go to a pet store. and when saw i this scene it made me think of jnj's request for the dog with yongseo picture
















































and then off to potatoe harvesting! i love how their working so hard together. its like, if they weren't idols they could be farmers togther haha. it would be so funny if they were called "goguma farmer couple" from now on, but it would be daebak! haha.
















































and then when the owner tells them about the fishing pond and it shoots to them walking to the fishing pond, i was like WHAT?! THEY WALKED?! haha. and then when they get to the store door and looking for the owner, then his like, "over here" and his standing right to their right and its so funny because they didnt notice him, nor did i, and its like how can you miss the guy, his wearing a white shirt!! haha.
















































fishing expedition! haha. so i thought it was a little funny how yong didnt know how to fish. lol, because i mean most guys do right? and he is from busan, which is a big seafood place, right? please correct me if i'm wrong. but at least together its a learning process, and like the mcess have mentioned before, when you learn something together, you get closer. then as they are patient waiting for their fish to bite, who else thought it was super cute how they were swatting at the bugs? first it was yong's random outburst, i loled so hard. haha. and then later hyun's fan like swatting. lol can these two get any cuter?!?!?! (and the answer is YES because of later :wub: ) and while i was watching with no clue as to what was being said i noticed yong leaning over closer to hyun, and it made me think why are you guys sitting so far apart?! is it because you guys are in chairs and now on a couch/bench/floor? lol (sorry i'm spazzing about EVERYTHING! lol. i feel like i just had an adreniline rush because i'm so wired right now lol thats what yongseo does you! gives you energy to love them more and more every weekend!) and then hyun started looking suspicious, and during her back room interview, i'm guessing she's probably releasing her unspoken frustration with how she's going to surprise yong. and so she comes up with the idea that he should go get something for their bug problem, which he takes willingly because heck bugs = annoying! haha. and so when he walks off and she's rumbling in her bag, i'm thinking, what is she going to do?! and she pulls out the pink guitar and a mask!!! and i instantly know what she's all about! (and THATS why she asked if he remembereed the "yonghwa oppa~" earlier in the bus) and when he walks back not knowing anything he looks down and she, in her best imitation voice ever says "yonghwa oppa~" and once again, we get to see a priceless facial expression from yong! lol and she starts singing LOVELIGHT!!!!!!!!!! how freaking sweet is that and yong is so touched and so happy that his face is giving him away so much! and i think it might be because she cant see his reaction, and i think it would have been sweeter if she didnt wear the mask either, but i think she needed to wear it to be more confident with playing it. i can imagine under the mask she's probably closing her eyes trying not to be embarassed. and then when she raps, can anyone say how freaking cute?! god, i'm sure this is the exact moment that yong fell in love with her, it has to be! if i was an anti, which i'm not, i would not be able to resist hyun rapping to yong's awesome lyrics. and then she pulls off her mask and his just all smiles, how freaking cute! and then he makes her sing again! and its probably because he really wants to see her face singing it and not the "other seohyun" haha. and it's probably will be embreded into his memory FOREVER!!!!! they seriously need to stay married forever, too. and then i love his little smile when she's singing the 2nd time. when his got a serious face and then it sort of lights up and his whole face is just beaming with happiness. god, can you love these two ever more! and then finally after all that love hyun shows to her husband i think she says she has something for him and then i think jinwoon must have guest a book or something because when she pulls out "yong and hyun's story" all the mcees were like wow! and can you say a handmade book like that is the ultimate girlfriend or in this situation, the ultimate wife present ever! guys secretly love all that stuff :wub: and then so do i! :lol: and so he opens it up to reveal her putting pictures and words describing their time together, and yong is just speechless and loves it so much :) there are scenes from their first meeting, to their amusement park date, and to the blood donating. and at the end there is a heart. and i'm not too sure if she told him there was something in there or not and then the mcees are commentating and this is where i will forever love mc kim! he guess ring and was right!! and his so happy he guessed right too! lol and yong is so touched by this too! and hyun explains something and they show a video of something and it sounds like maybe she made them or something but i'm not sure... but how freaking sweet! and then when yong tells her to put it on, and its a tight fit, and they finally get it on, i think hyun probably said something along the lines of maybe "good, so it won't come off anymore?" please correct me if i'/ wrong and if your still reading this? lol hahaha and then yong slides the new one onto hyun's finger too. and can you say BEST COUPLE EVER!!! because i think yong later thinks that his presents were as good, i think, and they are both so sweet because they both are scared each present isnt going to be good enough with one another. it shows how much they are invested in this relationship!
















































and so their fishing some more and i'm thinking when are they going to get to the lovelight lyrics explaination?! and then finally hyun asks the ultimate question about the lyrics! thank god! his explain it and i'm just thinking, god! what is he saying and then they cut to the mcees, and i'm like, i dont want to see them! i want to hear the rest of the explaination! and mc kim had the same thoughts and was frustrated and was like, 'BE QUIET, LETS HURRY AND WATCH IT!" and then all i can understand is their expressions and yongseo are both being shy about this because its a big step for the two of them, the serious talking! i love it. and hyun seemed satisfied and happy with yong's explanation. and yong seemed still shy and i love how its hyun who sort of breaks the shy happiness by exclaiming that she caught something and it ends up being nothing. and so i guess that triggers a lets just leave and then i'm like, did they catch any fish? but i dont think they did, but when i really thought about it, i didnt mind because i feel that the fishing was more an excuse for them to spend more time together away from their everyday lives.
















































and finally i'm getting to the end...:wub: when they are walking back, i already feel a sense of satisfaction. i was happy and content with how their relationship as grown closer and i thought they were going to leave it at that. but NO! they, or yong wanted to do something else to show that they, as, a couple have become more! and so he offers her his arm! and i was like whoa!!!!!! and she takes it a little awkwardly and then some words are being exchanged and suddenly, THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS!!!!! and not really shyly, although i'm sure they both were blushing like crazy and you just cant see it. but rather openingly. and its so cute because can you imagine just what their thinking??? hyun's thoughts "so this is how it feels to hold hands with someone you're falling in love with?" yong's thoughts "finally, FINALLY! now i know her hands fit mine perfectly!" lol just what i really want them to think. and that ends the episode.
















































BEST EPISODE EVER! SERIOUSLY! you see so much happen in this episode and i'm so glad its a good change for them too. i remember reading someone write that its the turning point of their relationship, and it really is. they GREW so much as a couple in that one day. and i think they were both feeling that maybe they needed to step up their game, for each other (and maybe their audience) too. when they had that conversation in the bus, i think i now understand why the pds made the bus ride so long, was because their was a lot of talking about a lot of situations and in the end a lot of what was mentioned on the bus ride, was uncovered during their birthday celebration together. i know i spazzed like crazy but can you blame me? haha. i was honestly satisfied with the gift exchanging and lovelight singing and explainations. but what made this episode classic is the fact that this is when they official start their skinship! :) yes its just holding hands, but its such a big step for the both of them that it made me almost want to cry with happiness for them. i really wonder what their brothers and sisters thought when they went back to them after the filming?! i'm sure hyun went home and ran straight to her room to tell hyoyeon about it! and then the other girls will come barging in and ask, 'SO DID YOU GUYS FINALLY HOLD HANDS!" and hyun will look away with a smile and her sisters will instantly know what her facial expression means and they all are screaming and spouting stuff left to right and hyun is just laughing sillily! and yong, well since his a guy, and has his own room, he probably went home, layed down on his bed, and his brothers were probably waiting up to hear what happened with the goguma farm and such and yong will just have a silly face on and just ignore them, and remember hyun singing lovelight and thinking about them holding hands :wub: yea, i can totally see that!
















































so now that this episode has aired, it makes me want to go back and think of all the more recent episodes that were aired or about things that have happened since. 1. the rdr/lovelight stage. they probably did that because of hyun's surprise event for yong. and 2 would be added onto that because since the episodes were backed up for so long, they probably wanted to reveal that they were or had held hands already and so of course to give the fans some fanservice. and now it makes me wonder about the fancams that had captured the moment when they were leaving the stage and some speculated that maybe they held hands, maybe they really did now! who knows for sure thou right?. 3. the ueno episode where the mask and guitar were revealed--i knew there was more to that! but i thought it was a fan who did that for yong haha. but it was his wife ;) and lastly 4. the horror special where they were naturally holding hands. i think since they jumped episodes the mcees were cleary surprised too that they were holding hands, and surprised and satisfied that this was the episode that they intiated the hand holding. and i am too of course.































































































yongseo is the BEST COUPLE ever. really. they... god, i cant even think anymore because of all this writing i just did. if you are still reading this, YOU ARE AMAZING! if not, its okay, i wouldnt want to go back and read this either. haha.
















































and sorry for all the missed spelled words!
















































cailei23 are you from the us (east coast), too?
















































piru1804 and keira53 so fast! thanks for sharing (running off to watch it again)
















































and, heck i'm going to join you guys on twitter because i cant sleep anymore! haha. watch my energy drain out at like noon here. lol
















































have a goguma day/night everyone!









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Guest blancface
































































Lurker of the thread...but after this episode there is NO WAY I can keep on lurking.
































































This episode is definitely the best and this is seriously why we all love this couple so much.
































































The ending when they hold hands and the way they talk to each other...aslkdjflkdsjfs UGH so cute! Honestly, if they're not really dating...I don't even know hahaha
































































Cutest couple of WGM, hands down!

































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Hiyaaaaaa GOGUMA's..............I'm OUT of my lurking MODE for today...Ahh the thread is really going SUPER FAST...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I saw my name being called..Hiya _d3seohyun & miel *wavesmadly*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you goguma's for the translations,infos,lyrics & everything..Such a wonderful Saturday..For me this is the BESTEST & AWESOMEST episodes ever..No wonder MC Kim was so excited about this episode..What can I say EXPECT the UNEXPECTED from YONGSEO..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Yong giving Hyun & her mom a couple butterfly NECKLACE which we always see Hyun wearing..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Yong writing a thank you letter to Hyun's mom "THANKING HER FOR SEOHYUN"..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun surprising Yong by singing "LOVE LIGHT"..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun making the Yong & Hyun "HISTORY BOOK"...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Hyun giving Yong a new custom made RING just like the old ones..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Yong CONFESSING to Hyun he wrote "LOVE LIGHT" rap part while thinking of her (which I doubt he only wrote the RAP part thinking of her..Just admit it YongHwa-ssi you wrote the whole SONG for her...)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- YongSeo HOLDING HANDS which makes all the MC's & GOGUMA all over the world squealing,screaming & dugeun2...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okies...I'm done with my blabbing here & I'm going back to tweetville...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To all GOGUMA's with twitter account let's trend #YONGSEO...

































































































































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keoconvoineverdie& keira....just started watching the show(I  was not able to catch the live streaming because of work) but I decided to pause it because, I just have to say  thank you to both of you..tata, gotta continue the show.



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Guest gettawa

:wub:Hi ......  every YongSeo Lover

until now I can't say anything

just smile and smile

this Ep is the most of the most

Thank you yongseo that you  shared your feeling till we can touch that

Thanks .... every one there Let me Hug everygoguma

I thinks now i can't keep attention to anything except go back to see this ep again   :wub:

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Guest mizzochan
































































































































































































Can I just say that every time I hear Yong~ say "Seo Ju Hyun", it makes me squeal like a little piglet rolling in mud? The way he says her name is beautiful, it's like a sigh of bliss, breathing out her name with love. Gah, I cannot get over how adorable this episode is, honestly, if this doesn't show that they care for each other, I don't know what does (besides a full on kiss, but that's another time). I've been watching this couple from day one and it still amazes me how far they've progressed in terms of their relationship with each episode. Yong and Hyun are so heartwarming and endearing; sighhh I want to see moreee~! Haha.

































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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello everyone!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I thought im never gonna post in this thread again.. but i can't help it!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today's episode is totally DAEBAAAAAAK!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's full of YongSeo LOVE! Jake oppa was right, it's a must watch! I really thought everything was special already and didn't expect them to hold hands (though i wanted them too) but at the end of the episode they did hold hands!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We were all wishing before for YongSeo duet remember? And we wanted LOVE LIGHT + KISSING YOU but it didn't happen. Now i know why, it happened in this episode.. Seohyun sang KISSING YOU when yonghwa held her hand.. and then bg music from love light to kissing you!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my gaaaaaaaaaahd! my heart! im so happy! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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OMG! I'm having diabetes now!! Anyone got medicine? I'm seriously out of stock! LOL :w00t:
















YONGSEO! This episode is the most DAEBAK & definitely the starting of all the closeness/sweetness or whatever term we have. :wub:
















I'm speechless! I really love the necklace gift, the ring and the song singing by Seohyun! At one time I thought Seohyun was going to sit on Yonghwa's lap. wkwkwkw :lol: because she was imitating the gagman, so i will be fainted if she's doing the same thing! keke~
















They are truly matching and gosh! It's like a fairytale story! I'm going to rewatch! Love light is going to be officially Yongseo song from now on! :w00t: Back off haters. Let us enjoy this moment! keke~ *group hugs* everyone! Thanks for all the goodies! I see so many lurkers coming out from the goguma cave. Welcome!! :D



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Guest zero_one
































i think that i could die peacefully now...








this episode make me laugh so hard and cry like a baby...








love u yongseo








love u all goguma :)









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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have just rewatched today's episode and i cant help to feel extremely curious on the part when yong was talking to hyun and all the MCs screamed "whoahhh~" as if they were agreeing on what yong said. i hope one of gogumaland aliens could translate that part! sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

































































































































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Guest miel_1301


LOL @miel. like what our fellow gogumas have said before, maybe he wrote LOVE LIGHT way before WGM, but then added the rap part after meeting Seobaby :D:wub:


@yuki. thank you so mcuh! hahah i'm going to cry again :lol: this is ridiculous!


i miss you guys! i want to read the crazy thoughts running thru your heads right now hahhaha

Thanks Yuki for the translation of the letter.

_d3seohyun, Sinchia! This is really ridiculous! I am not even watching a melo-drama or a heavy drama yet I am having running nose now from crying.

And yeah, _d3 I really really miss you and all these people. I too want the exchanges of crazy thoughts like we used to before. I feel that my spazzing ain't even complete without all of you guys. So Palli! Come over here as I am a neanderthal in the world of tweets and writing is very very limited in twitter.


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The MC's reaction was so funny and cute at the last ep b/w 7:50 to 7:53... MC Kim even shouted "BRAVO"....waaaa what a suprise, the gugoma field, plus the necklace for Hyuns Mom and holding hands part I didnt expect..... this couple really know how to kill and make goguma pipol crazy with their unpredictable surprises..... really the BEST thats why im so in love with them.....









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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry been hiding in tweetville for such a long time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the thread kinda gave me some trauma kekeke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i simply LOVE this episode. why?? because we all can see how much impact they've made for each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































looking at past months, who would have thought that seohyun, yes that INNOCENT CLUELESS seohyun, will throw a surprise event for a GUY??? nobody will expect that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for yong... i really adore the letter he gave to hyun's mom. isn't it beautiful?? someone THANK your MOTHER for YOU?? that's the most beautiful things i've ever heard....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so, yes. there's no doubt yongseo makes me wanna fall in love so bad. and i pray to God to give the guy who will thank my mom's for ME.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that's all i wanna say. now, i'm back to tweetville...annyong...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: shout out to all of gogumas!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








I died multiple times when rewatching this episode. watching them without understanding made me die several times, what more if the translations came out? seriously, this couple is really something. so the ring was custom-made, yey our hunch was correct. and it was made after Hyun's ring. so they are now identical. the back room interviews are I think very interesting. I want to know what Hyun thinks about during that time. and they way they held hands, it was really natural. but Yong took it slow by suggesting arm linking, then leveling up to hand holding. he is very considerate and does not pressure Hyun into doing anything. also Im very curious about the pictures inside the "Yong and Hyun Story" book. so off cam, they take pictures of themselves or was it edited out? there are pictures of them in their house, and there was a solo shot of Yong lying in bed with the pink couple pillow.



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panGG, i read your spoiler and loving every single word u said.

can see u so hyper now despite the timing

*u're 12 hrs diff from me and dreamy* :o

yuki, tks for trans. so yong bought a chain for mom-in-law too.

how sweet!

d3, i love your intake on the rap part.

magnae has grown soo much!

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Guest armedbattle








I have been following the thread steadily (on an almost daily basis) over the past half a year or so, choosing to remain as a lurker because I'm not a very vocal person. Anyway, what makes this episode endearing and allows us to understand the depth they are into their relationship is not only SeoHyun and YongHwa's special presents to one another and the effort they went to make it special. It is how SeoHyun broke out into "Kissing You" as they held hands. You wouldn't start singing a song while holding hands unless you're really happy. And what makes it special is the meaning behind the song. The way they held hands wasn't stiff and uncomfortable. I believe we could all see how happy they were, swinging, etc. Enough said. I believe, we are all gonna have a good week ahead(:




I found an english trans of Kissing You and highlighted the parts I saw in YongSeo




Original Source SNSD - Kissing You Lyrics (English/Romanization) ~ Where Wonderfuls and Sones Meet ~ Wonderful Generation http://www.wonderful...l#ixzz11r5VrYiR




Wonderful Generation  




SNSD - Kissing You (English Romanization)




I feel happy with your joking kiss




Even if you have a cute & innocent expression




Without knowing like a lady my lips




are calling your name




We walk while matching our feet, holding our hands




I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.




"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love




Tomorrow you are lying next to me in the warm sun




when i sing you a love song you smile




The sweet & happy words "I Love You"




Kissing you baby~ Loving you baby~




When i kiss you while closing my eyes




my cheeks turn red




I have already fallen for you, in my chest







you can hear my heart beating




*We walk while matching our feet, holding our hands




I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.




"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love




Tomorrow you are lying next to me in the warm sun




when i sing you a love song you smile




The sweet & happy words "I Love You"




I Love You I Love You I Love You only as much as heaven







I will always make you happy and smile







I'll promise you a special girlfriend




You stay next to me & become my eyes,




I will always be in your arms




*We walk while matching our feet, holding our hands




I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you




"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love




Tomorrow you are lying next to me in the warm sun




when i sing you a love song you smile




The sweet & happy words "I Love You"




Sweet words "I Love You" Happy Words "I Love You"



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panGG, i read your spoiler and loving every single word u said.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can see u so hyper now despite the timing































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*u're 12 hrs diff from me and dreamy* :o






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yuki, tks for trans. so yong bought a chain for mom-in-law too.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how sweet!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































d3, i love your intake on the rap part.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































magnae has grown soo much!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OHMYGOD! i cant believe you read it all! haha. i was spazzing like crazy i didnt even know what i was saying afterwards! i probably made no sense whats so ever, but you are AMAZING :wub: for reading it all. and i know its 12 hrs difference and i cant go back to sleep anymore haha. hey, i'm at twitter now! and i did a "follow" request for you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































armedbattle i wish i could thumbs up you, but my quota is done for the day! lol. thanks for sharing your bit and the lyrics. :wub:

































































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Guest _d3seohyun
















































*hugz* to all the lurkers coming out, regulars postings and oldies coming back :w00t:






































































































I have work in an hour but i'm still here refreshing the page every chance i get.













































































































































LOL@ panGG. I read that WHOLE post of yours. every word hahha. i could feel your excitement.































































and did you just say you just woke up? it didn't show hahahha













































































































































@miel. i'm such a crybaby...reading your post is starting to make me teary again LOL




















































































































































































I think Seobaby's unnies might have been crying after the episode too..and for sure Seobaby's mom.






















































































































































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