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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hi gogumas!!!

jnj, @2.08... i actually took it from an interview about his 1st debut or something... it looks different 'cause i pasted hyun inside kekeekek sorry, i'm not at home... i'll find the link for ya later tonite yah *hugs* oh ya...good pointing out about the guitar colour! it's all about yong there! xD

panGG~!!! kekekeke so sorry about yesterday! asked u to join tweeting but i ended up going to bed instead :sweatingbullets: hoiyaaaa!!! i lurve those wallies of urs!!! make more! i know the inspiration is coming at ya! xD KAMSAHAMNIDA~! *hugs* oh! how about doing something about that rocker pic of hyun & yong? kekeekeke

aneng, thanks for hyun's rocker pic! she sure looks like a rocker's buin there! xD

lils, thanks for the link :)

sun_sun, GeumJanDi... thanks a lot for the pics! :) do u guys happen to know if there's a BTS for this Daum PIFF?

Sorry to cut your post. At first I thought so to. I was like how sweet is that! Yonghwa was being considerate of Seohyun's feelings and didn't want to look at those beautiful girls. But it was because the stage crew had to dismantle the equipments quickly for the next segments that's why you see Yonghwa qickly getting off stage followed behind by Minhyuk. I guess Jonghyun was too busy looking at the pretty girls that he forgot, so he got trapped..Hahaha:D

kekekeke butterfly! u may be right about that... i noticed that he didn't really dare to ogle at anyone of them. he looked like he was just staring very randomly around him... haha he knows buin is watching him! i wonder if cnblue did rehearse for those performances despite their tight schedule?

_d3seohyun, that G1art's vid is totally ROFL!!!!! xDDDD bwahahahahahaahahhahaha dang funny!!!!!! it really made my day... THANK U!:D

genxv unnie~ :D *hugs back* yeah, i missed u & ur posts! >.< aww don't think that way... actually, i think my posts are pretty worthless... nothing special to share most of the time <_< but wadda heck! i still wanna spazz with u guys... can't spazz with others 'cause they don't understand the feelings unlike all the gogumas here! :wub:

lunasol, u're another eagle-eyed goguma! haha it seems like whatever hyun does will surely have deep meanings. it's like yongseo are monitoring each other 24-hrs despite their busy sched! goshhh these two are an obvious lovebirds! and i wonder how deep is their feelings for each other now... pretty deep i guess! :wub:

constantia... jnj also asked me about that scene. it's from an interview. he was viewing his 1st debut. instead of viewing his 1st debut, i decided to make it look like he was viewing hyun. didn't know i managed to trick u guys into thinking that it was real...kekekeke oh, thank u~! :)

kay77~!! thanks for uri yong's rocker pic! someone should do something about the rocker pics! calling for artistic gogumas! xD btw, i've read ur PM! u're daebak in answering & giving out ur POVs!!! thanks so much for being so accommodating in answering my Qs. xD i may be back for more! haaha

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Guest raindrops_919


annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




honestly i'm speechless, yesterday my internet connection has some trouble and i'm totally panic, wondering if it still like that until saturday, i would really kill anyone for accessing soompi  :ph34r:




i've post a wishlist in iMBC, thank you for jnj :wub: hope PDnim read it  =) are we allowed to post image too? just the url or how?




@ butterfly07 : i'm totally laughing so hard when i read your post: " i guess JongHyun was too busy looking at the pretty girls that he forgot, so he got trapped" 




p.s: i rewatched the horror episode to remind me that they ALREADY HUG EACH OTHER so that i'm not too worry about the lack of skinship at birthday episode :w00t:










to all GOGUMA (can't name one by one) THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you post in this thread, i'm so much happy because of you guys, saranghee :wub:


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Guest Crystal392



This is a bit offtopic but I was talking to a friend and he loves the song 'Wedding dress' by Taeyang and somehow we began to talk about Super Junior and I saw their cute MV for 'Cooking Cooking' and it somehow reminded me of uri amazing YongSeo. hehehe we know uri Hyun~ isn't that good at cooking but I'm sure with some practice she will become amazing at it.

Sooo I recommend to everyone to watch this amazing MV by SuJu (hopefully someone will make a fanmade video with it, it would be amazing and I will be forever grateful! hehehe ^_^):

[MV] Super Junior H -Cooking Cooking [Romanization w/Eng Sub]


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[Rumor] It looks that Seohyun is taking the class at the university now :) #SNSD #sone
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre yurui
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mhmm seohyun is back in korea,seems no activity much, just school.

































































































































































































































































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Guest Caliope

I read now in twitter...

CNBLUE fanmeeting in Korea is cancel...from what I know, there are about 1300 tickets left :/ I won't say anything farther but tsk FNC.

Credits: cnbluesky@twitter

So saaaaaaaaad :-(


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Guest sassysnsd

Kay77 Thank you for that info! I am so excited to see that footage :) Sorry, I'm confused. Just to make sure is this more recently or the older rumor about Hyun visiting Yong's concert? Is there any more info?

Just have to say thanks for the posts gogumas, have been backtracking this thread for hours, can't keep up!It is keeping me going until Saturday though.. Can't wait for this couple's surprises.. Weeeeeeeeeee~~

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Guest eintann


Hi gogumas...




I was in twitter and read this


twitt by yongseofacts :


where's Seohyun? ㅋㅋ }}}}} In Yong's heartㅎㅎㅎ... :wub:


she went to Univ today but i don't know where she is now ...


Couldnt help but to share it here so that we could giggle together


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































kekeke! i luv that twitter 
































































































































































































































































where's Seohyun? ㅋㅋ }}}}} In Yong's heartㅎㅎㅎ... wub.gif
































































































































































































































































i hope our lovely couple will meet again while both are in Korea, wishing that they having dinner together if they don't film wgm before the girls and cnblue got busy again. 2 days more Saturday paliiiiiiiiiii only my medicine is YongSeo couple :)

































































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yep this thread moves like lightning and I am sorry for contributing to the length here but I like to post what I have in mind.










































































































































































First off, never mind about differences in opinion, we are all different but hey we are all interested in Yongseo right? hahaha, thats call trying to find similarities. Secondly, my suggestion is for posters to write shorter posts. I remember being taught to write concisely. Cyber bulletin is just not too suitable for longer than the screen writings. But its just a suggestion.










































































































































































Anyway FYI, Yongseo is so popular that in the Chinese forum on Baidu, there are even fanfiction written based on them. I find it interesting to read that lots of korea mamas are interested in them. Me for one, is way overage to be a Yongseo shipper.










































































































































































To me, they are very sweet, I dun like the fact that MBC breaks up and jumbled up their filming sequences. And I am really dying to know how Yong's new ring came about. And I cant wait to see also Hyun's visit to cnblue's concert backstage.










































































































































































I think lots of people like me is waiting for THE day that Hyun will initiate some sort of skinship with Yong. But I am not sure how long we have to wait.....Saturday is just two days too faraway!!





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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why is the tread m0ving s0000 fast..
































































































































































































































i can't catch up read all the spazzing huhu~...

































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101007 Seohyun sponsored clothes by - Jill Struat
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr bestiz ll Tetsuya@SONEms

































































































































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Guest miel_1301



Logging in the thread put a big smile on my face specially when I saw the DAUM SeoHyun Screen Saver.

Thanks GeumJandi, genxv and PowerOf9 for all those DAUM screen caps. This will make Seobaby's fan boys and idol boys ogle more easily this time by just using her captures as their screen saver.

sun_sun, thanks too for those caps of the SNSD from the 2010 PIFF (Daum) Congratulations Video. So the SNSD will not be performing in the PIFF this time around.

aneng, Oh! That photo of Rocker Hyun is pure DAEBAK! [as per Ueno Juri's expression]. In as much as I love her 8 other unnires but I wish though that she's captured in this shot all by herself. And someone pointed out that she's not wearing THE RING, but to make up for it--- she's holding a blue guitar with her finger on the "C" chord.

lunasol, you've got keen eyes to even notice that she has her finger on that chord. hahaha!

Goodness! Gogumas here are really very very sharp.

panGG, when I saw that vid clip of CN Blue's performance at the Super Model Contest, I was also surprised and I was wondering why Yong was in a hurry to make an exit with his dongsaengs still on stage. I was wondering if he did walk out after their number. hehehe! And nice art work you got there again. It's such coincidental that the CD photo inserts of YongHwa [and CN Blue] with all those facial expressions and that DAUM Ads of SeoHyun [and her Unnies] whose concept is somehow the same came out in just a short interval of time. Nice capturing both Yong and Hyun in varied facial expressions.

Thanks blueshoes, for that endorsement photo of Hyun. So we will be seeing her in that dress in one of the future episodes, I guess.

shane, soleil and panGG, thanks for all those gifs. Seems like we are having an overload of YongSeo goodies these past couple of days.

dreamyboo, dearie, I just saw your FMV with the "I Don't Know Why" BG music. Another fruit of your love for the YongSeo couple. Nice work again! This thread is really blessed with talented gogumas in MV makings. I just simply envy you ladies. Speaking of MVs... I seem to be missing genxv's works as she hasn't done any FMV lately, am I right? Or did I just miss anything?

And I've read all posts in here regarding all your speculations and guesses as to the possible B-day gifts of Hyun to Yong and I likewise recall that rumor about "the peck on the cheek". I don't want to make any attempt at guessing this time if indeed Hyun's surprise to Yong would also involve "skinship" because even if I am wishing, hoping, praying that such "kiss on the cheek rumor" to turn out to be true, judging from what we've seen in the Horror Episode when the couple first held hands, I just find it an illogical sequence if the "kiss" happened first before the "holding hands". hehehe! But then again, who knows? This couple doesn't fail in pulling surprises--- the YongSeo Style.


I read the twit that uri SeoHyun attended school today, 07 October 2010.

Should be these photos, I guess. Have these been shared?

Seobaby at the University


여전히 사인셔틀..........

바쁜 스케줄에도 시간이 되면 꼭 학교가는 우리 현이...

기특하기도 하지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

출처 서현갤

cr: DC


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Guest _d3seohyun
















































another bunch of things to spazz about...@blueshoes's new seobaby pic = a future wgm episode? w00t!, @dreamyboo's fmv :D, @kay77's tidbits about possible wgm bts at the concert :w00t: and so on..thank you guys! ALL of you! :D




















































































































































































i agree with @genxv. this is possibly the cutest thing i have ever seen. whoever thought of this ad is brilliant.































































only 31 seconds but one can continuously watch and stare at it for hours :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The more I watch this scene the funnier it gets :D



















































































































































































































































It also reminded me of a couple other episodes...when Yong could still put up a cool reaction hahha cute!































































@miel tnx...almost forgot about blood donation fan (:



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pc is acting crazy so caps are blurry and differe in sizes :(


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone's cheeks is about to burst while the other one is walking on air <3












































































































































































































See the smile on hubby's face when wife turned to him and offered help <3
























































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobaby you're one certified BOICE kekekke





































































































































































love when they pointed at each other...










































































































































































































































































































































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This thread is moving at a speed of light :sweatingbullets:

While you were spazzing, I was trying to dust off my subbing program that I put on a selve for a good while. It is much easier for me to sub while I translate, so I thought I would get the program out and start subbing. So I've thought...

Intead of brushing up on subbing skills, I ended up making this video. I had a concept for this video ever since I saw a teaser for Trax MV with Seohyun and I remembered a certain video of Yonghwa from a long ago. I just hadn't got around making the video until now. That figures... I set out to do one thing and end up doing something totally different. :w00t:

Anyway, here is a Yongseo video made by me. :lol:

It is called "Serenade".


It was originally going to be from Yonghwa's point of view, but it is more like from Seohyun's point of view. I haven't made a fan video in a good while so I was kind of rusty. There are about three places in the video that I am particular happy about, but I guess this will do for now since I don't have time to fix those places and reupload. Please enjoy! :)

I will get around to translating and subbing Yonghwa's second Running Man probably sometime next week. ^_^

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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































what? i'm top on page
































































































































































































































































ok I will repost pics from miel_1301
































































































































































































































































|| Today ||






























































































































































































































































Seohyun @ Univ






























































































































































































































































English Reading Class
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































add more ~~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1시 초허당세미나실 English Reading 수업입죠

































































































































































































오늘 1시부터 만해광장 이과대 풋살대회 예선전을 했습죠
































































































































































































































































예 그렇습죠
































































































































































































































































그렇게 된거죠
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































위의 사진들은 동기 씹새끼들이 날 엿맥이려고 보내준 사진입죠
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그렇게 된거죠































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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credit 서현갤 + yongseo.exteen.com/yongseofacts
































































































































































































































































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Guest torianamissu

Annyonghaseo goguma shipper :)

I'm newbie here. I'm SeoHyun Bias & I loooooveeeeeeeeeeeeee yongseo soooo much!

Btw, i from indonesia.Actually, i wanna join in this thread since i know yongseo pairing for wgm. But i don't understand to use soompi. Also, i don't have lappy :(. But i still keep in touch and still updates wit u guys wit my handphone.( Sorry, my english not so good). So, i'm sooo sorry  i think i can't contribute anything wit u guys:(. I just wanna say : Yorobeun, kamsahamnida for all updates,picture,fanfic,banner,news etc.@prncsschrming : i loooove soooo much ur fanfic,,,,,thanks for share wit us.

I'm so proud to  become goguma shipper.

YongHyun Hwaiiiitinggg....

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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks blueshoes and miel
































































































































































































































































So lovely SeoHyun is in school maybe english subject. She's in Korea and Yong is in Korea as well, i wonder if they meet already :) Is SeoHyun wearing couple ring in school i can't see kekeke!
































































































































































































































































i miss YongSeo, i luv YongSeo common saturday i can't wait 
































































































































































































































































annyoung to all newbie kamsahamnida for loving YongSeo :)
































































































































































































































































cheers to all

































































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Guest Crystal392



Hiii everyone! *waves* Ooh Hyun is at her uni right now, I wish Yong would pick her up. ^_^ and then they can go together to their Goguma field :) hahahaha


Welcome to alll the new spazzers to Goguma planet! :D dont forget it's against soompi rules to post one lines (less than 20words) and to quote pics. Also this is a YongSeo thread so the thing we all have in common is that we love uri Goguma couple :)


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blueshoes, tks for sharing hyun's sponsored clothes pics.

have not seen her wearing them in wgm yet.

and to miel to, for the uni pics.

buin looks just like any other student,

except that she could be the most famous girl in campus ^_^

d3, your caps on hyun helping yong pushing the caps..

the 3rd one, can u see yong's hand on top of hyun's?

am i the only one seeing something there?

one more random thoughts from me

in yong's bday letter to hyun, he wrote uri hyun, which means our hyun.

i was thinking...why didn't he wrote my hyun instead.

in korean context, whats the diff btwn 'our' and 'my'?

j2? kay? anyone?

tks to EVERY GOGUMA for making this thread daebak!!!


cr to the uploader

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@Sophiapia. based on the 2nd pic posted by blueshoes, unfortunately Seohyun wasn't wearing the ring. It was also the first thing I was looking for. but come to think of it, she already has a lot of fans in the university. maybe she decided not to wear the ring that day to decrease the fans approaching her. If fans saw her wearing the ring, a lot more people might turn up and ask for her autograph and get images of her wearing the ring. maybe she decided not to wear the ring to somehow decrease attention to her. after all, she is attending the university to learn. and we all know how Seohyun likes learning. hope Im making sense here.





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