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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest zero_one


hello fellow goguma


newbie reporting...




my girlfriend recomended the show in june and i have a liking for yongseo couple since then


been a silent lurker in this forum since last month...




now im going to start digging for some goguma....err news to spazzz hehehe :D




btw @raindrops the wedding invitation is GREAT


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Guest DJHinata

Raindrops_919 Thanks for sharing you artwork !! Really Clever!! owo !! Beautiful Wedding card !

Here is my artwork ~ 

i love to read every post~ gogumaland is so wonderfull after all !!! Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughs and your good feelings about yonghwa and Hyun !! 







i was searching in google some gifs of yongseo couple and lol my picture came up it was so random


omg i have this dream yesterday D_D Yonghwa and hyun was in a house for some photoshoots , and i was OwO yonghwa and Hyun *o* ! But yonghwa had a headhache so i'm talking with him and BAM O_o suddenly Hyun broke her right leg O _o i was OMG why Hyun O_o what a crazy dream !! and yonghwa hugs me because, i was so worried about hyun , and she left in a car to her home the end  





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They're walking, standing and eating so close.

































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































OMG! aneng thanks for sharing this photos in Japan what can i say w00t.gif just look at their body language and the answer is there :):) lovely lovely lovely. I don't know why i don't know why i love u baby wub.gifwub.gif 
































































































































i'm not feeling well, i guess my medicine is the goguma couple :) so i'm always excited to see the next episode of YongSeo couple. Like what i said to my hubby. I wish it's always saturday kekeke! he knows i'm YongSeo addict kekeke!

































































































































































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Saw this at dc married.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9월 4일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼 했어요'(우결)의 시청률과 관련된 논란이 일었다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































방송 후 각종 인터넷 커뮤니티를 통해 '우결'의 시청률 그래프라는 2장이 도표가 떠돌았다. 도표는 방송 시간대별 각 방송사의 시청률을 그래프로 표기한 것. 큰 차이를 보이는 두개의 그래프를 사이에 둔 논란이었다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'우결' 제작관계자는 9월 9일 뉴스엔과 통화에서 "2장의 그래프를 모두 확인했다. 우리가 갖고 있는 것과 다르다"며 "출처를 알 수 없으며 사실과 맞지도 않다"고 밝혔다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































문제의 도표는 '우결' 방송 초반에 등장하는 정용화-서현 커플의 시청률이 다른 커플이나 여타 프로그램보다 높거나 낮게 나타난 것이었다. 이에 네티즌들 사이에서 논란이 일었다. 각 커플을 지지하는 팬들은 도표의 진위여부를 두고 논쟁을 벌였다.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































일부는 지나치게 낮은 정용화 서현 커플의 시청률을 두고 '하차론'까지 들먹일 정도였으며 정용화 서현 커플의 팬들은 '악의적 조작'이라며 맞섰다. 그렇게 한동안 인터넷이 뜨겁게 달궈졌다. 감정싸움으로까지 치달았다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이에 대해 이 관계자는 "우리는 AGB닐슨, TNS 2개의 시청률 조사표를 모두 확인한다. 그러나 문제의 그래프는 어느 쪽에도 들어맞지 않는 전혀 다른 것이었다"고 밝혔다. 누군가가 조작한 것이란 의혹이 힘을 얻는다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그러나 문제는 논란 자체에 있어 보인다. 각 커플의 응원하는 것에 그치지 않고 감정싸움으로까지 치닫는 현상에 대해 이 관계자는 깊은 우려를 표명했다. 그는 "각 커플들의 개성적 모습을 비교하며 즐기는 정도가 돼야한다. 시청률에 지나치게 집착하거나 서로 감정적으로 대응하는 것은 바람직하지 않다"고 말했다.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Used Google Translator. It says something about incorrect ratings and it has something to do with Yongseo couple? IDK.

































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Guest miel_1301



Seobaby visited an ear piercing shop [with Yuri and Sunny] that SNSD members frequently visit. It's also a shop of other accessories and jewelries, like rings. Here's silis' translation of the account of the shop's owner. I just quoted the part of Seohyun.

Thanks to silis@snsd thread, as always.

Thank you~!

SNSD "Seohyun"


Seohyun whose beauty is developing exceptionally each day


Lately she was contemplating whether or not to pierce her ears

but saying fans might not want it.

it must be protected or something like that.


As if piercing her ear is some big crime.. keke

She left after contemplating like that


The ones who contemplate like that always come back and do the work in the end.. that's what I think.

Come any time.

Just come and Nana always welcomes sonyuhs.



cr : NaNa piercings shop naver blog http://blog.naver.com/ap9maxnana , bestiz

Thanks and hugs to you aneng for bringing in those BTS captures of uri YongSeo Couple at Kawagoe Japan. Lots of photos seem to have surfaced which all the more are heightening the anticipation and excitement of all Gogumas to see this episode filmed in Japan.

And all the concepts for the couple's Wedding Photoshoot posted in here are simply DAEBAK! [as Uri Jueno said] that I can't seem to make up my mind as to what concept I like the most. I shall have to think about it and probably make my choice later.

To all Sweet Potatoes here who've shared art works, gifs, photos, vid links and just about anything and everything of our YongSeo couple--- my "Thank You's" to each and everyone. In as much as I would like to make mention your names individually as I used to before, such task is becoming overwhelming as I can't seem to catch up anymore with the speed of the thread's movement.

Just to specifically mention soleil and shane for all the wonderful gifs and _d3seohyun for the daily supply of screen captures. Every time I see all your gifs and screen caps, they always make me want to re-watch the episode to validate those small details which I might have missed when I watched them.


Thanks aneng for the article you posted from DC. I used google trans and I pretty much got the same gist that you also seemed to get--- about WGM ratings and specifically the YongSeo segments/parts/episodes and some kind of controversy. I hope j2dlee passes by the thread to translate such info. Or anyone who knows Hangul for that matter. I am one person who is quite anxious reading news and articles about ratings. Hope someone can translate the article. The curiosity is killing me.


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Guest athrun_azzoe










I'm a new member here. i was a silent lurker before. but i can't restrain to post a comment here since i really love uri goguma couple.




i've seen this couple a few months ago and started to love them for the first sight. they are so adorable.




i share with my friends who love korean stuffs too about yong who gave hyuun goguma field and they are couldn't stop yelling "SO SWEET"




aah, I DON"T KNOW WHY this couple really makes me crazy on them


































ps: I'm sorry for my bad english


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Ah Seohyun-ah don't focus too much on Yonghwa. I couldn't see your smiling face.

































































































































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Guest sun_sun


im really curious what is the bday gift of hubby Yong to wifey Hyun and what is the bday gift of wifey Hyun to hubby Yong :) saturday hurry up kekeke! as mush as i want to see all the episodes that been filmed and the Japan filmed but i guess its better to continue 1st their bday episode so that all our questions will be answer. What happen to the bday surprise. Aside from goguma field, what is that hubby Yong buried in that goguma field and what is wifey Hyun gift to hubby and she's hoping that hubby Yong will like her belated bday gift aigoo! i want saturday already. What is the story of that NEW COUPLE RING? :)

i think it's sun_sun who share the video of hubby Yong in Come to play. Pls. i hope u have all the episode. kamsahamnida.

about the wedding photoshoot of our lovely couple i was thinking they haven't done yet any wedding photo shoot maybe when they reach 1 year, what do u think guys? Beach photo shoot is fine but since they both musical incline must have piano and guitar set up i've seen in some wedding photos here w/ guitar and piano that will do as well.


Sorry to make you disappointed T-T...I tried to record but it's work only 5 minutes that i have if you want to see I will upload it and post it here. That scene talked about Busan accent.  Or be patient ...I think someone will upload whole Ep. soon...I hope ^^

Credit : DC gall





Edit : CNBLUE Today in Event about Super Model.. this is short vid from Dc gall  >>> Link

Edit :  I think I did too many edit lol...

This is SNSD's billboard at Tower Records Shibuya Japan ...Credit DC gall



Edit : Please let me edit last time for this post ...lol  I think It's too long ^^

YongHwa in Come to Play




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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































@sun_sun it's ok i'll just wait maybe someone will share the guesting of hubby Yong in that show come to play. We should see YongSeo guesting together in any show. It's always hubby Yong.
































































































































OMG! when is that? the photos of SeoHyun baby she's wearing white tee and jeans she looks sexy w00t.gif oh my goddess.
































































































































yeah! i think YongSeo couple really had a good time in Japan. For sure they miss each other hopefully we can see SWEETNESS/SKINSHIPS in this Japan episode kekeke! i'm not feeling well so i might as well see skinships so that i will be well soon :) 

































































































































































































































































































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The japan photos looks great! Its going to be an awesome episode!






























































Just dropping in to share my latest fanvid: Yongseo - Beautiful






























































Its a really simple fanvid that I put together quickly. The latest episode is quickly becoming my favorite, but I'm almost certain next week's episode will be even better! Saturday needs to be here now!






























































Hope you guys enjoy it!

















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Guest eintann


@sun_sun that's it.. I'm loving seohyun more looking at those pictures..


She's sooo precious and stunning. I could watch her everyday..


which i actually do lately.. :)


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Guest ahn_annann




















I am sorry I didn't get to respond sooner. I haven't had a time to catch up and didn't see this until now. :tears:
















I haven't seen Come to Play,yet, but I heard that Yonghwa's cut was very limited in this show.
















I've seen all the other shows and they all are fanstastic shows. I've heard that Happy Together was already Eng subbed. Of other two shows, Happy Birthday & 0919 Running Man, which one should I do first? Also, should I do just a summary or do a full, word for word translation? I can do either way. Just let me know. :) Thank you for those links to Yonghwa and CN Blue thread. I'll check them out. :)















































haha, of course we'd like you to do a full as word for word.
















- Come to play I read on News as Yonghwa said about his mother, can you translate this is the first? after you watched.
















- Happy Birthday
















- Running man 100919
















hope to find you share the experiences of Yonghwa and CNBlue on that threads.
































aneng, thanks for japan pics..
















Shy or Show power of the ring.. Yong~~
































cap by me





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Did anyone notice that in some of the icecream pictures, Yonghwa and Seohyun change places? Is he protecting her from the fans or from the sun? ;)

Best regards,


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omo raindrops!!! i'm completely hooked by ur artworks! sooooooo beautifully made! indeed one of the most talented gogumas around here has finally surfaced! ohohohoh u're dang creative! ban kin moon! ROFL!!!! xD oh! i guess i'd better think TOO MUCH about yongseo starting now & hopefully i'll dream of them tonite! xD

aneng, thanks so much for the yongseo pics in japan!!! that fan is jjang for being able to capture those. :) gosh, they really look like a stable couple! :wub:

miel, thanks for the trans! ^_^ yahh i bet hyun's gonna get her ears pierced sooner or later. then, we'll hear some resentful fans or anti-fans making noise about it. uhh hopefully the later won't occur.

DJHinata, i luvvvv ur wallies!!!! :wub: thanks so much for sharing~!

goguma a.k.a. soeulmate, I LUVVVVVVVVVVVVV UR FMV! soooo touchingggg!!!! it's indescribable!!! DUGEUN DUGEUN!!! :wub: gee, i wonder where's the other great fmv maker, genxv? she seems to be MIA for quite some time :(

sun_sun!!! thanks for hyun's pics! where & when's that pic of hyun behind the beaded curtain-thingy?

edit: *hugs back lovekim* :wub:

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Guest sun_sun



dreamyboo  >>  so sorry I don't know where she is but I think she's in GEE album..notice from her costume^^


and I dont understand Korean well but I think this is from Super Junior in their radio pragram...and they said Yonghwa and Seohyun...please someone translate this ^^ >>>>> Link

Ep. 26 eng j2dlee's translation

part 1

part 2


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Guest eintann


aww.. seo is scared to get her ears pierced??


she's beautiful without it anyway..


but if she had it pierced then she could have couple earing with her hubby.. :wub:


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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anyone notice that in some of the icecream pictures, Yonghwa and Seohyun change places? Is he protecting her from the fans or from the sun? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oiya, I love a guy's POV on this.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It really did seem like Yonghwa was in his protective stance.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Awwww.... Is seobaby gonna be spoiled all her life??? (from parents, unnies, now her boyfriend. :wub: ) Oh well, she's an angel. She deserves it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The thread is fast! must do some .... LOTS of catching up.

































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thanks so much, sun_sun~! :D u're one goguma angel~! hyun looks sooo young in that pic!

eintann, haha that's a good idea! LOL maybe the couple rings ain't enough that she wanna have couple earrings too eh! omo... she just can't get enough of yong~ kekeke

lenovo!! yeah, i also think what trent pointed out could be yong's protective streak emerging from him. :w00t:

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