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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest sunbaenim

"do you like yong?if yes say it...sister will help you." i guess tiffany said this

your unnies will help you,hyun. c'mon, say "yes" out louddddddddddddddd

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Guest Crystal392



Thanks soo much for your translations! :)

Awww Hyun's unnies are soo sweet!

I never knew much about SNSD girls personalities before WGM but thanks to this show I got to know more about them. Since WGM began I began watching more videos to find out how Hyun was before WGM and I always thought she had changed a lot thanks to this show. But I wasn't sure... now after reading the message her unnies left to her I feel she has indeed changed a lot and WGM (specially uri Yong~) have played a big part on that.


This is also one of the things I love about uri YongSeo... that we get to see how they grow together ^_^


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For those looking for Seohyun's ring in Star King, the SNSD is a segment recorded long time ago before WGM. Other segments recorded that day were already broadcasted months ago like the part were Minho (Shinee) chose Seohyun out  of the rest of SNSD. I don't know, I guess the show needed some footage to fill the time slot. Also the editors put some people laughing that were not there when you see the whole guest group. That is why you see Jungshin who is laughing for 2 seconds when he was not even there at that time of the recording biggrin.gif. You can notice his hair style is the recent one instead of the one he used on their debut.




scatterbrain thank you for your post! 


The majority of the girls are approving her with Yong and/or implying that  Hyun likes him!!!! They even want to help her!! Let's celebrate!!! biggrin.gif




Yong with his patience, caring attitude and respect not only is making him win Hyun but also his overprotective in-laws, the ones everybody said he should be scared laugh.gif




What does Jessica mean with???




"no 5. maknae ah, it's good being married.japan on certain day certain evening...zzang...you really look different now...sarang hae (jessica)"




We know they spent a day in Japan together, but the evening?!?!? Does the 'evening' mean the CNBLUE concert in Tokyo, or did they met alone one evening!!!?? Isn't this exciting news?!! What does zzang mean?  






ppsf: Than you for the additional translations!




For those interested in the Minho Seohyun video I mentioned at the beginning of the post, it is very funny. Promise! He really didn't want to choose anyone because they are like his sisters (SM family). He is closer to Seohyun, especially because they are the same age so I think that is one of the reasons he chose her when they put him 'against the wall' in the end.











Hola! Me haces sonrojar! Honestamente cuando escribo un post siento que escribo demasiado y me da pena cuando le voy a dar el botón de submit. Gracias de todo corazón por tus palabras!! 

smile.gif Un abrazo desde PR!! 



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no 5. maknae ah, it's good being married. Japan on certain day certain evening...zzang...you really look different now...sarang hae (jessica)

no 7. hyun ah...blah...blah(sorry don't understand this part )do you like yong?if yes say it...sister will help you.

OMG!! what happened in Japan in the evening?? Hohohoho...


Wawwwww I'm not a SNSD fan, but I feel that they care so much for Seohyun.


Me encantan tus posts. Ojalá mi ingles fuese como el tuyo y así poder escribir post grandes xDD

Saludos desde Spain xDDDD

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Guest SE7ENsyuhja

































































































































智英(dunno who this is)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kang Jiyoung from KARA.

can anyone who know korean helps me to understand what yong said when hyun said to yong in the bus "you are mean. you did not even send a birthday message to me". i heard that yong at the same said something and the words are more or less the same as what hyun was saying. did yong sense the reason why hyun thought he was mean ? did yong really read hyun's mind ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pretty much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He was just like, "Because I didn't send you a congratulatory (birthday) text message?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So yeah, just basically reiterating what Seohyun was saying. He knew exactly what she was talking about/going to say.

































































































































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Guest Crystal392



I want to join the dreamers at Goguma land!! :lol:


hehehe I also wonder what happened in Japan at the evening... did they record the whole day and night? :)


I can't wait until the next Saturday!!





As a guy myself I feel for Yong, I think we've all made similiar mistakes in relationships where we effectively treat a woman like we might our guy friends.


If it's true Yong didn't get her text message on his birthday, I understand to some degree why he didn't message her either. He is still planning her surprise (most likely) and plans to forgive her quietly because I doubt he planned on bringing this topic up, still though he couldn't bring himself to text message her on her birthday when she didn't on his and like Seohyun waiting with her cell phone on her birthday, I bet Yong was looking at his and contemplating whether he should or shouldn't message her. This was a battle of his male pride and that's understandable to me.


Also he must have been somewhat confused too ... Maybe she's just not into the marriage the same as him and that's why she didn't message him back? With such thoughts running in a guys mind, he isn't about to chase after a girl because you lose too much pride in chasing a girl without them having any reciprocal feelings.


And we know one thing if Seohyun is holding onto her cell phone all day waiting to hear from Yong, the girl REALLY wants to hear from her man! And like others mentioned when she ran up to him and forgot she was supposed to be angry and not happy that was the cutest thing ever.


And for a girl without any boys experience whatsoever, Seohyun has learned pretty darn fast how to herd her man! I bet when all the SNSD unnies watch her on WGM, they turn around and ask her who taught her how to do that. Seohyun is teaching them now! haha



Thanks so much for sharing your point of view as a male, I also want to thanks heartbreak, K1 and I hope all the male Gogumas will share their point of views more often ^_^


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@scatterbrain thanks for finding the unnie goodies!

I think it's some pretty powerful evidence Seohyun likes Yong too because what incentive do the girls have to mention it if it's not true? The other SNSD girls aren't making money from WGM and the WGM Yongseo popularity doesn't profit them in any way, so in my opinion because the SNSD sisterly bonds aren't fake, they're honestly cheering on these developments.

Jessica is starting a mini scandal with #5... LOL

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The unnies are just amazing! "that evening" "sister will help you" (I think that one is Tiffany or hyo XD), "if it's yonghwa,feels like it's okay to give you away now...everyday i...really sorry" OMO!! they are in spazzing mode just like us!! hahaha:wub:. There is something BIG going on here ^^! Now I can´t wait to watch Japan´s episode ^^...
























Thank you gogumas for the news, and subbed ep, and everything else ^^
























OMG! i´m happy because seems like we still have a lot to dream about of our Goguma couple ^^!!!

























yo también hablo español ^^, y es bueno saber que no estamos tan solas amando a esta linda pareja coreana desde tan lejos^^. Saludos chicas!









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Guest Crystal392



So from this episode we can conclude that:


1) They definitely maintain contact with each other outside the show wub.gif.

2) He is watching/monitoring her every move wink.gif. He has mentioned it in several episodes. He doesn't have much time so that means he is dedicated to her. You don't do that if you don't care about that person. For some reason, when I read that part of monitoring I got an image of Yong with eagle piercing eyes focused on her on the tv or something hahahahaha


3) Seohyun REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted his text message biggrin.gif. That was so girlfriend/wife attitude. She really wanted his acknowledgment on her special day.


4) Yong definitely has a surprise for her so all the people who got sad about him not texting her I think they should just wait until next saturday. From experience maybe the surprise planned by a guy is not the best surprise from a girls point of view, but what makes it the best surprise is the thought and the effort to do something special.


5) Hyun is definitely jealous.


6) I think there are several reasons why Yong said that he knows her more than anyone is:

-Because in spite of outside appearances, they are very similar. A lot of people thought at first they will not match because they seemed like opposites (rocker dude vs bookworm/shy/good girl), but we have seen that it is in fact the opposite. Throughout the episodes we have seen them find those similarities between each other and in those qualities that they are not similar they complement each other...I hope I am making sense.

- He is a smart analytical guy (see running man episodes) who has been watching listening (patiently stalking his prey waiting for the attack - I am sorry hahaha ...eagle image again)... *cough* back to what I was saying, he has been paying attention to her and compare to other people he doesn't treat her as fragile doll that you can't get close to or a baby as a lot of people do.

-He may be revealing something about their relationship, how close she really is to him. Also after almost 7 months working to gain her trust, understand her etc, he may be feeling a sense of achievement and we clearly, as well as he, have seen the results of his dedication. Yes, she is close to other guys (SM family) but she treats them in a brother-type relationship. But with him you see the jealousy. For a girl not interested in boys before that is clearly a giveaway of romantic (not brotherly) feelings.


What remains to be seen is if she understands those feelings and what does it really mean.


Now I should just shut upsweatingbullets.gif Its just that the episode was so exciting!



I love your conclusions. I agree 100% with what you said.

I really can't wait to see the surprise Yong prepared for his Buin... I wonder what it was... the rings?

6 more days until the next ep!

They didn't show the preview right? :o


lunasol, Caliope:

Yo también hablo español!!! (: jejeje


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I found this...

Seohyun and Yonghwa's First Love Quarrel?

On the latest episode of MBC We Got Married, SNSD Seohyun expressed how she negatively feels toward her virtual husband Jung YongHwa.

Seohyun interrogated Jung Yonghwa as to why he didn’t greet her ‘happy birthday’ on the night before her birthday.  

She expressively stated, “I was disappointed. [You're] Unappreciative. I’m not going to text you anymore.”

To his surprise, Yonghwa explained, “I was waiting to send you one at 12 AM, but it was too late.” And Seohyun called him out again and said, “I got a lot of messages even after 12.”

Jung Yonghwa, to his defense, said, “I have a reason for not sending it.” This brought confusion and curiosity to viewers as he made it look like he has a surprise prepared for his wife.

Their cute love quarrel probably brought them closer together, no?

Source: Jung SaeRom @ tvreport.co.kr

Translation: ch0sshi @ kpoplive.com

Written by: hanjibear @ kpoplive.com

Crystal_malfoy, magdal, lunasol and DJ Hinata...

De 199 posts que he escrito, esta ha sido la primera vez que escribo algo in spanish en Soompi...

Es bueno leer, aunque sea en ingles, a gente del mismo idioma con los mismos gustos ^^

Saludos chicas :D y sigamos amando a nuestra pareja favorita.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








thanks scatterbrain and ppsf for SNSD unnies' message for Seohyun. it feels like her unnies are giving approval to Yong. that they are happy for their youngest, because they see that Hyun is happy. by the way, which is Taeyeon's message? I would like to know what's her message, since she is the oldest. Hyoyeon nad Fany's message too. since they are close to Hyun, and also Yoona's.




jessica's message is intruiging. definitely the unnies know something happening outside WGM filming. but my guess would be Jessica is saying that Hyun went to CNBlue's concert in Japan that night.




I remember the couch talk after Ueno Juri left. Yong asked Hyun if she was jealous. she denied it. but remember, she is a TYPE A. she would not say it directly. just like how she replied "Im not like SOMEONE" which I think pertains to Yong.




I really like how honest Hyun's eyes are. you could see easily how she feels. the glares she gives Yong when Yong was teaching UJ "oppa" but we know that Yong was only joking. he looked immediately at Hyun the said it was nothing. when she was about to take a photo of Yong+UJ. her eyes enlarged.




I think with Yong, she is having a hard time suppressing her emotions. the reason being that she really likes him. that she is comfortable with him. comfortable enough that she knows Yong would understand her. that at the end of the day, even if something bad or weird happened, they would both go home with a smile plastered on their faces. a clear example would be when UJ left their house. it was weird talking about "ideal type" Seohyun, in fact, was the one who opened the ideal type topic. it was a sensitive issue, but they managed to pull through and laughed. the ideal type was definitely bugging her. Yong gave her his honest answer and I think Hyun was satisfied.




it was a real treat for us to see the current state of their relationship. that Ueno Juri episode was filmed in September 1, while the birthday trip was in June 29.



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Guest seohyun_yh




For those interested in the Minho Seohyun video I mentioned at the beginning of the post, it is very funny. Promise! He really didn't want to choose anyone because they are like his sisters (SM family). He is closer to Seohyun, especially because they are the same age so I think that is one of the reasons he chose her when they put him 'against the wall' in the end.




really, minho and  seohyun  have a good relationship, on a radio show, the announcer asked to seohyun What  SM´s boy would be her ideal couple, and she replied: Minho. Seohyun had the modesty to make a phone call to minho and congratulated  him for his graduation.


minho´s mom   makes  sweet potatoes for seohyun, minho always watching to seohyun and always he´s looking to seohyun and i would not hesitate  think  minho  is  jealous of yonghwa,  even her unnies are jealous.


seohyun surprisingly has shown her anger with yonghwa, the truth is that sometimes I think that this couple seems to have true feelings, and  the explanations given  by yonghwa in China, his responses on the last episode were different.  Maybe yongseo are a hot topic in Korea  and not only in Korea, also the rings are famous in Thailand and China, is amazing what they are achieving. 


I had never seen seohyun act this way,  yonghwa  just remained silent, after he tried to explain things to seohyun  and then he could not even keep his eyes on seohyun. in these episode seohyun was another girl,  yonghwa was  different too. Yonghwa not usually so serious and he  was it,  I'm surprised.

jessica's message is intruiging. definitely the unnies know something happening outside WGM filming. but my guess would be Jessica is saying that Hyun went to CNBlue's concert in Japan that night.


I do not think so, I think something happened when they filmed the episode in Japan. Perhaps, when they finished their filming of their episode, they met and had a pleasant  evening, where  both of them were free and were alone in another country.  :wub:



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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































I've been following SNSD for 2 years ... and I know the love SNSD's girls sharing together
































































































































































Soshi's bond is awesome and really sweet, seeing their messages to Seohyun touched me indeed.
































































































































































The girls obviously know better than us, and yet they wrote the messages for Seohyun, it proves something ....

Do you like yong? If yes say it...sister will help you.
































































































































































I have the feeling that the one who wrote this is Fany, I still remember that Fany taught Seohyun how to know a guy's personalities, this girl has experiences in boy-girl relationship, and sure she knows enough to ask this question (really sweet of her to say "sister will help you")

i also like yonghwa. if it's yonghwa,feels like it's okay to give you away now
































































































































































"..it's okay to give you away now" I got a chill after reading this line ... still haven't figured it out who wrote this ... but moreover, this girl has approved Yonghwa to take their maknae away from them??
































































































































































I do not know what has happened between YongSeo outside WGM, but I do know one thing
































































































































































They've changed since they first met, we've seen their other sides ... and we've known their memories they've built together are precious
































































































































































Thank scatterbrain for the translations ...
































































































































































YongSeo :wub:

































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For Yong. Since he was also sad about not receiving her text on his B-Day.


It would be better with Hyun in the middle biggrin.gif With her pouting lips he would have melted happy.gif








SNSD Maknaes (Yoona, Sooyoung, Seohyun)


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Guest Crystal392



Dinatale: Hii! *waves* SNSD had a fanmeeting today and Hyun unnies wrote all those messages to her :)


hihi_hehe: I also wonder who wrote that 'it's ok to give you away now'... maybe Hyo? :o


lunasol: The girls are soo pretty. hehehehe since Yong is always monitoring his Hyun, I wonder what he thought when he saw that pic. :lol:


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Guest ikay_poks
































































































































































































































































转自:韩剧社区 红薯慈祥楼
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1.    务必....找找你遗失的融通性    即便如此....(因为)你是忙内,真好 (sunny)
































































































































































































































































2. 你好,忙内。 你受苦了。我个人真的疯狂想知道以后你会什么时候和谁结婚。虽然现在已经结过一次...但你真的很独特所以...    就是很好奇...以后作为忙内,也要多多做美事
































































































































































































































































3. 我也喜欢容和? 如果是容和的话,感觉好像现在把你交出去也可以了...我每天....真的很对不起.....但是,你可要知道我对你的爱真的是超超超超超级大...还有,最近你真的完全越变越漂亮了啊? 真上火,闹木闹木完美....的程度虽不至于。严父严母之女...sa rang hae
































































































































































































































































4. 你变了....最近也不和姐姐们玩就光拍《我结》,上学,很好吗
































































































































































































































































5. 忙内啊...结婚了很好吧..你真的很有型。日本某日的某晚....zzang....你现在看上去很不一样了...sa rang hae..(jessica)
































































































































































































































































6. 徐贤的每一句每一句话把姐姐们否定的(消极的)想法变成肯定的(积极的)的想法。和徐贤一个房间常常感觉到的事情...啊...真的是遇到了很好的同屋
































































































































































































































































7. 贤啊...融通性增加真的是太了不起了....氛围嗖嗖    你喜欢容和吗? 如果是就说话..姐姐帮你促成
































































































































































































































































8. 贤啊...皮肤管理努力..忙内的皮肤要变好才行...不能输给智英和雪莉
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From 우결갤러리    용서귀요미
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































found this in baidu. they say this is what the SNSD members wrote to Seohyun during the fanmeeting today.
































































































































































































































































i have limited chinese....so can't translate really well, hope someone will correct me later. i'll translate the ones that mentioned about their marriage :wub:
































































































































































































































































no 3. i also like yonghwa. if it's yonghwa,feels like it's okay to give you away now...everyday i...really sorry...but,you have to know that my love for you is really really really huge...and also,recently you've become more and more beautiful
































































































































































































































































no 4. you've changed.recently you stopped playing with your sisters and keep filming <<WGM>>.how's school?
































































































































































































































































no 5. maknae ah, it's good being married.japan on certain day certain evening...zzang...you really look different now...sarang hae (jessica)
































































































































































































































































no 7. hyun ah...blah...blah(sorry don't understand this part :sweatingbullets: )do you like yong?if yes say it...sister will help you.
































































































































































































































































no 8. hyun ah...maintain your skin...don't lose to 智英(dunno who this is) and sulli - i read some comments and apparently both of them were guests in HaHAMong together with yonghwa
































































































































































































































































really thanks to:
































































































































































































































































转自:韩剧社区 红薯慈祥楼
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some of the SNSD members wrote their name down and some don't
































































































































































































































































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Guest ikay_poks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you scatterbrain for the post... ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think the No. 3 is Hyoyeon - she is the one who acts as the mom in SNSD ryt? do u guys remember when yong and hyun exchange CD with autograph form their members??? she also says there that she felt like she is giving away her daughter... 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when he reason out to hyun that he has an excuse for not greeting her - i think because yong was planning to celebrate her birthday with him in private... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im really looking forward to the fishing trip and hopefully we will see if they will show up the NEW RINGS... ;)

































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aigoo! i can't wait for saturday again. Excited to see what will happen to the surprise bday for Hyun and probably also for Yong. I was thinking Hyun might have bday gift for Yong inside her bag. Knowing Hyun so generous :) 
































































































































































































































































































































































































@scatterbrain : Thanks for that translations. This is the thing i luv about the girls generations i really think that they have true sisters relationships. Some groups they doing it bcoz they have to. But for me i can see that SNSD are all close like sisters what we see is what we get from them. ON/OFF cam they are sisters. And in the family always the youngest are the loved. So what they wrote to SeoHyun is coming from their hearts. I remember watching that show when they walk in the streets (i 4got whats the name of that show Guirella show something like that) Tiffany ask SeoHyun "are u happy everytime u see ur husband" something like that kekeke! and SeoHyun replied "aigoo! YES" and that show film April :):) kekeke! so the Unnies always teasing SeoHyun baby about Yong wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































Can i request pls. can u re post again the screencaps of Hubby Yong @ MC Inkigayo i want to see the RING. And if you guys knows the video of Trax performance in inkigayo that time coz they show SeoHyun in the screen pls. re-post here. I wonder if Yong looking at that Trax performance while wifey Hyun showing on that screen. If not video even screencaps PLS.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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According to my knowledges of SNSD’s personalities I guess…




1# Sunny - She wrote down her name.




2# Taeyeon - It sounds like the most mature message to me and seems encouraging, so I guess it’s from Tae, since she is the leader of the group and it (to encourage) is the way she is.




3# Hyoyeon - ‘If it's Yonghwa, feels like it's okay to give you away now.’ immediately after I read this line the name crossed my mind was Hyo. She mentioned several times (for example in the letter she wrote to Yong also in a show which name I forgot) that she feels like giving her daughter away when Hyun got in the show WGM (seems like Hyun is her property xD haha). The person who wrote this message also expressed her huge love for Hyun, since Hyo is Hyun’s roommate and cares a lot for her so I’m quite sure it is from Hyo. I guess she is the person who Hyun is the closest with (of the group) too.




4# Yoona – If I’m not mistaken, both of them attend the same university so I guess why she asked ‘How’s school?’.




5# Jessica - She wrote down her name.




6# Yuri – Although there is no translation for this message but Yuri is the name which remained.




7# Tiffany – This message seems really lovely, so since Fany always support Hyun in any case (perhaps the most supportive unnie of SNSD for Hyun) also the unnie who gives Hyun a lot of advices.




8# Sooyoung – This one is very warning and I think that is the way Sooyoung could act. Because she has a very strong personality and a little bit mean sometimes (no offence). But maybe the person who wrote it wanted to be funny since Sooyoung is the unnie who jokes a lot so I think she wrote this message.





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