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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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@ GeumJanDi 































































































































































































































































































































































































































Her sharp eyes when she looked at her unnies and her expression in Hello Baby look similar to the ones in this bus scene epi , right? 
































































































































































































She didn't speak out what bothered her mind  but she showed it all haha  I luv her for this. 

































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digidigibob i want to add one!

Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo

-You have a WGM marathon of your favorite scenes/episodes before Saturday's new episode

i totally agree!

and did anyone else find seobaby absolutely adorable when she running up to meet yong?!


credits: me

something i wrote when i was bored read/comment :D -> Gogumafics


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Guest digidigibob

Aww, I don't know how to multi-quote, but thank you to magicaL.chubi3, noo, uolam21, panGG for liking my post and adding on it, too!

Those things are based on my personal experiences so I can say I'm really obsessed with the YongSeo couple :wub:

To others, feel free to add more!

Here's the updated version..

Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo :wub:

- You wish it's Saturday everyday.

- You won't go out every Saturday. You won't accept appointments. You won't even go out with your friends.

- You watch their vids without subs. You can't understand anything yet you still smile and laugh like a fool while watching.

- You watch WGM (or other shows where they appear) on livestreaming sites even though it lags so much.

- You want to go to Korea and to MBC to steal their unedited YongSeo vids.

- You sign up on Twitter (or other social networking sites) so you can help on trending #YongSeo and also to spazz with other Goguma fans.

- Everytime you eat/see/hear "goguma" or "sweet potato" you think of them.

- You're obsessed with THE RING. Whenever you'll see a pic or performance of them, it's the first thing you'll search for.

- You analyze all of their actions and statements and try to connect it to their relationship or to WGM.

- You visit this thread at every chance you get.

- You have a WGM marathon of your favorite scenes/episodes before Saturday's new episode.

- Everytime you see any products (food and drinks) made of "goguma" or "sweet potato", it reminds you of the couple and you decide to buy it.  After tasting it, you would wonder why Hyun loves gogumas that much.

- You download your favorite fanmade MVs of them into your computer and even in your cellphone.  

- You have Yongseo wallpapers on your computer. Keep changing it  when you find new favorite ones.

- You go to non-English websites to look for any news about them. There's no problem even you can't read it, you'll just click and click until you finally find it.

- A sweet YongSeo moment just flashes thru your mind, and you'll smile for no reason, regardless of time and place.

- If there are any unhappy events that come your way, you always run to their vids to make you feel better.

- Even though you're driving, you still read episode translations.


Thanks jnj! I added it already!

I also added _d3seohyun's driving while reading! Haha!

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digidigibob, may i add few more pls..



ah! this is fun!!!






Signs You're Obsessed With YongSeo






- you go to non-english website to look for ANY news of yongseo.



can't read? no problem...just click and click until u finally find them..






- a sweet yongseo moment just flash thru' your mind, and you just smile for no reason..



regardless of time and place






- if there is any unhappy events come your way, you can always run to



yongseo (vids) to make you feel better





















ittne, i like that gif! *saved saved* tks for sharing!






yay! queen d3, is here! hi hi hi



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Guest _d3seohyun

@j2dlee. thank you so much for the translations! *hugz*

i even found myself reading them while driving...only for a few seconds though.

is that sign of addiction? :lol:

so many awesome reads gogumas. thank you guys. i wish i could put my thoughts into words the way you guys do.

spzzing through some caps...

YONGSEO is getting more obvious with each episode <3

Gah she's so cute! Luv the way she told the pd that Yong is mean lol

I guess this was the same day they they recorded their greetings for a school's anniversary when she went all seohyunacreepy on us hahhaha



Yong is so cute here..looks like a lost little boy. <3


Oh this boy definitely has something planned. I'm sure they'll be doing something else besides fishing.

GAH!!! in the fields? worried if it still be okay even if it's cloudy? definitely sounds more than fishing to me!

Imagining Yonghwa with the couple rings in the middle of a sweet potato field with a stunned and teary-eyed Seobaby in front of him gaaaaaaaah!


She's so excited to meet him that I think she forgot she's upset about something LOL


1st cap: She's nowhere in sight but you can see our boy smiling already. He probably heard her little shrieks.


DAEBAK!!!! For someone who already knew who he was meeting, Yong looked really shocked, amazed and in awe here. Reminded me ofthe first time he saw her through that revolving door on their first meeting <3 but this time his eyes have a luvudubdub feel to them kekkeke


The girl who's so high upon seeing her man that her hand reamined up in the air after their hi5!


Just beautiful.


Aigoo! caps like these make me want to put their lips together *sigh*


I wonder if these two really love fishing. Their laughs and excitement to ride that bus make going fishing sound so heavenly hahhaa


Aigoo! Seobaby,,,telling him you're not going to text him anymore? HA!

Good luck my dear. You can't even keep your eyes off of him. :P

I really love it when she tilts her head to the side while trying to catch his gaze <3


Love this scene when he took notice of the way she was dressed. the way he said it plus seobaby's giggles..<333333! and someone's bound to have some neck cramps if he keeps turning around like that just to check her out and compliment her :P good for you! hahha



@lenovo. hgjkl;'kjhgfdhjkl where have you been? can't catch up with you while i'm online on this thread?!

aish! hahahhaah

Flower bed?! bwahahahahah some things just don't change :lol:

can we add some cake's icing licking too?! :lol:

LOL well that's a bon jovi song after all <3

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hahahaha! d3seohyun unnie!!! I'm so glad to be catching ur posts in this ever so fast thread!!!!! LOL!

Aigoo! caps like these make me want to put their lips together *sigh*










I am so with you on this!!!!!! go d3!!!! don't be shy.... hahaha.










Oh this boy definitely has something planned. I'm sure they'll be doing something else besides fishing.










GAH!!! in the fields? worried if it still be okay even if it's cloudy? definitely sounds more than fishing to me!










Imagining Yonghwa with the couple rings in the middle of a sweet potato field with a stunned and teary-eyed Seobaby in front of him



















Awwwwww..... :wub::wub: I'm imagining a Flower-BED on the fields. hahah!



















Yes, you got that right. flower-BED!!!! LOLz










INTRO PLEASE: **background - Rocker SOng**



















I wanna lay you down on a bed of roses!!!!








































YAH!!! You really can't resist can't you? Cake-Icing-Licking???? hahaha! Daebak! :w00t:










I BET EVERYTHING CHANGED FOR THE BETTER... after that Bon Jovi song.haha! I meant after this episode. Oh, i'm really wishing for the COUPLE RINGS here. Coz it would mean a lot for Seohyun to have her wear it wherever she is coz it was given to her by her Nampeon/first real life bf on her birthday!!!!



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Guest pollykpy








Hyun buin's SNSD is having first fan meeting in Seoul today while Yong hubby is MC @ Ingikayo.








He is still RING DING DONG today to make sure won't get scold by SOMEONE. :wub::wub::wub:




I'm very sure this SOMEONE definitely not the WGM's PD, otherwise we'll see 2 RING DING DONG every week at Ingikayo. ;)








CR DC/jc_chul@BAIDU
































With FTISLAND Hong Ki at backstage of Ingikayo, ok, at least I know SOMEONE won't get jeolous :D













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I've already posted this at FANFIC at YongSeo internatinal forum. Some of you might have read it there. But to those who were not able to read it, then here's the link
















My Fanfic
















It's my first attempt for a YongSeo one-shot so it might not be good but...oh well I hope you'll like it! blush.gif
















EDIT: and here's my on-going fic
















Campus Crush
















Hope you'll enjoy my fics









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Hello everyone! This is my first time posting here. Wow, I'm nervous, haha.








I've been a lurker here since June, I think. The problem is because my PC was broken and I could only read this forum in my cellphone. And the second is because I feel I have nothing to share. 








A dear friend recommended me to watch the Seohwa couple in May. I was a bit afraid to watch it. I love the Al-Shin couple. And when Shin Ae married someone else, I was so sad. I know it's silly. I wanted her to really be with Alex. I know, WGM is a reality show but I really desperately wanted it back then. Well, I didn't become an Anti Shin Ae. I wish her a happy marriage and I still think she has natural beauty, but it made me afraid to watch WGM again. This show plays with peoples' heart. 








But I couldn't resist to watch it. My friend, who I think intentionally wanted me to get hooked, gave me the dvd of the first 6 episodes of Seohwa. So I watched it and I immediately became a fan. That first episode was so real. The awkwardness, the conversations, the laughs, everything. All of it seemed natural. It's normal, like it would be the exact thing that would happen if they are in a blind date together. And they were both gorgeous. I love Yong Hwa from that moment, he was gorgeous there and I could feel he tried so hard to make Hyun feel comfortable with him. And Seo Hyun looked so young, clueless, but I don't know, I have a feeling that she is special. Where else would you meet a girl who reads self improvement books, adores Ban Ki Moon, 19 years old, and a member of a famous girl group too in one package. Add the fact that she never liked anyone, never dated anyone, and had no idea the difference between like and love? Seo Hyun is clearly a special girl. 








I remember I couldn't help to imagine what Yong Hwa might be thinking. I imagine he thought something like : "Oh my God, so I'm your first?". LOL.








I could go on and on but let's see if I safely post this into the forum or not first.








I just want you all to know that I really love this forum. Thank you so much for everyone who wrote analysis, comments, caps, fan videos, make scans, gifs, fics and translations. Thank you so so much. You have no idea how many times I open this forum each day and feel happy even in a difficult day because all of you.








I can't make caps, videos, or gifs. I can only write fics. And my PC finally was fixed yesterday and I could write it, and I want to share it with you. It's far from perfect but if you want, please read it. 








Oh God, now how to make a link? Can I just paste the url?
















Okay. Fuh.








Sorry for the long post and I hope this got posted and if I did something wrong please tell me.


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































@j2dlee thanks again for the translations. I was thinking it's could be hubby Yong intentionally did that not greeting wifey Hyun on her bday coz of this surprise bday trip. It could be the text is save in his mobile phone then later on show it to wifey Hyun :) it's just my guess. I must admit i feel the same if i text people then no reply grrr! i hate that kekeke! But there's incident that they didn't get the text. It happens to me as well. So, we are all excited what will happen on this bday surprise. Wishing that wifey Hyun will give Yong a hug wub.gif wub.gifand viceversa hug for both belated bday's they had and making up for that LOST TEXT kekeke! 
































































































































































































@redtulip thanks for that translations it's been a long time i'm wondering what's that list that they wrote and stick in their fridge kekeke! reminder for both of them :) looks like 1 by 1 what they write in their list is somehow they done it. Except for driving license :( i hope they will get their driving license sooner or later.
































































































































































































@digidigibob :) yes! i must admit i'm a YongSeo addict since day 1 i saw them in wgm. The last time is the Lettuce couple for me now the goguma i luv them i wish they stay longer in this show. Like Hubby Yong said to Adam couple when they reach 1 year they can be like them kekeke! so hopefully they will be the LONGEST COUPLE WHO WILL STAY IN WGM. THAT WILL BE HISTORY iN WGM :) 
































































































































































































@Monie1909 : i can see that Trax photo performance in Inkigayo (soompi are not friendly to me 2day) you u have any link of video or link of that baidu? coz i miss it 2day in livestream coz i went out. I wonder while trax performance then w/ SeoHyun baby video i wonder if Hubby Yong looking at :)
































































































































































































@_d3SeoHyun : thanks for the screencaps but i can't see all ur screecaps (soompi is playing up :(
































































































































































































@pollykpy : thanks, but same thing i can't see the screencaps of hubby Yong MC @ inkigayo would u mind give me the link. I want to see the RING :)
































































































































































































and to all kamsahamnida YONGSEO FIGHTING

































































































































































































































































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Guest raindrops_919




annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




i'm just curious if because of the LOST TEXT incident, now Yong and Hyun promise to make a call when they need to contact *remember Hyun at airport captured was talking on the phone twice* :ph34r: ouuu i'm sorry i think i'm over fantasize :wacko:




is it just me or did Yong really excessively show off his ring this lately?  not that i'm complaining *oh please it's so romantic* :wub:




ninja me thinks SOMETHING REALLY DAEBAK happens at Japan filming which make Yong quite confident to show the world that SOMEONE will end up angry if he didn't wear it, haha poor Yong..i know you're sooo much happy because Hyun wants you wears the ring all the time,




it's just like obviously say: Hyun wants Yong to remember her every time , the ring is a symbol that a part of her will be with him everywhere he goes :wub:




and the ring is just SCREAM OUT LOUD hyun's warning to all other girls: DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, HE'S MINE !  :angry:










okey i'm going to shut up  vicx.gif hohoho, i'm crazily happy because of this couple  w00t.gif DAEBAK !



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Annyong Goguma....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Engsub Ep 25 is out...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let me share the link
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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[Eng Sub] Goguma Couple Ep. 25 [1/2]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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[Eng Sub] Goguma Couple Ep. 25 [2/2]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. YongSeoLove1@youtube

































































































































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As a guy myself I feel for Yong, I think we've all made similiar mistakes in relationships where we effectively treat a woman like we might our guy friends.

If it's true Yong didn't get her text message on his birthday, I understand to some degree why he didn't message her either. He is still planning her surprise (most likely) and plans to forgive her quietly because I doubt he planned on bringing this topic up, still though he couldn't bring himself to text message her on her birthday when she didn't on his and like Seohyun waiting with her cell phone on her birthday, I bet Yong was looking at his and contemplating whether he should or shouldn't message her. This was a battle of his male pride and that's understandable to me.

Also he must have been somewhat confused too ... Maybe she's just not into the marriage the same as him and that's why she didn't message him back? With such thoughts running in a guys mind, he isn't about to chase after a girl because you lose too much pride in chasing a girl without them having any reciprocal feelings.

And we know one thing if Seohyun is holding onto her cell phone all day waiting to hear from Yong, the girl REALLY wants to hear from her man! And like others mentioned when she ran up to him and forgot she was supposed to be angry and not happy that was the cutest thing ever.

And for a girl without any boys experience whatsoever, Seohyun has learned pretty darn fast how to herd her man! I bet when all the SNSD unnies watch her on WGM, they turn around and ask her who taught her how to do that. Seohyun is teaching them now! haha

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omigoshh so many posts to read! but i've read them all & yes, what i wanted to say... u guys have said it & some even posted something extra that i never even thought of! so, thanks so much for ur POVs, pics, gifs, links. muahhhhhhhhhhh~! :wub:

j2dlee, thanks so much for the clarification & the remaining trans~! :D ure DAEBAK!

shane... thanks to ur gifs, i just realize how mad hyun looked in the bus! she looks like an angel that's about to strike the devil kekekeke! xD her sarcastic gestures... omo, judging by yong's sad facial expression towards the end of the ep... yong must have been quite shocked by her impulsive reaction LOL! i remembered i also got into a fight with my bf when we just got together & i asked him when's my b'day & he intentionally answered wrongly. LOL he ended up being all upset himself xD that's why guys shouldn't play around with girl's important stuffs unless they already have a back up to make the girl happy again. :P

awww... thanks so much for the subbed eps, sun_sun~! :D

wokeh...off to watch the subbed eps :ph34r:

edit: was about to go off... LOL xD but...

AHHH... there's the kawai ichigo-chan~!!! thanks for sharing the vids & omo! another wally! yay~!!!! dunno why but u're so cute ahahaa *pinches* :P

thanks jooance for the eng sub links :)

and i love ur post otty!!!! DAEBAK!

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In... 1º fanmeeting SNSD

Seohyun - Why I think I am now older

1. It's been 3 years since debut. And more than 3 years with Sone. It must be so hard for you to support us. Thank you~

2. When unnies are having wine they don't leave me out anymore

3. I feel old when I look at students in uniform that I can't wear

When members are chatting Yuri suddenly says "You guys are too lovable to me~ You want me to be there with some rice cakes?"

Yuri after WGM last Saturday: "Unnie made Kimchee pancakes while watching you on the show~" and takes pic of the kimchee pancakes and sends it to Seohyun

Credits: silis7noy2@soompi in Girls Generation thread

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i love it when guys share their points of views. it somehow balance things up.







so tks otty! you said it very well..














quote from j2's trans














Y: So I was sad (not receiving a text from her).







H: You must be joking, I was sad because you didn’t reply to me.














i feel for them














even tho they're surrounded by fans & friends on the happy occasions,







they both were still waiting for that one very important text from someone that really







matters the most...














looking at them looking so forlorn, wondering what happen to their texts,







i just want to hug them....












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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








I was thinking the same way otty. good thing me and Trent aren't the only guys here. so there are a few thorns among the roses here. otty, me, Trent and alucard (who has been in lurker mode as of late. ^^,). 




Seohyun is the cutest thing ever. and she forgot that shes supposed to be mad when she met up with Yong. based on her behavior as late, I can say that she really likes Yong. and Yong, when he was looking at Seohyun checking her mobile phone, I think he already expected that they would talk about her birthday. definitely. but what he did not expect was Rapper Hyun's burst of anger. she was trying to hold in her anger. her flaring nostrils and her snickering face when shes mad, she was so cute but at the same time SCARY. usually a person who is very kind and silent most of the time are the scariest when mad. I don't know what Yong has in store for Hyun, but Im sure it was something very special. I think this is the first major event that Yong has planned for Hyun. 




many of us speculate that this would be the time they would get the new couple rings. there is a high possibility of that. but Yong and Hyun has the knack of doing or showing us what we wouldn't expect. they always show us the unexpected, just like Hyun's display of disappointment towards Yong.




I want to know what her unnies have to say after seeing this week's episode. they know Hyun very well. but they have always claimed that Hyun bottles up her anger and frustrations towards them, then suddenly she said what she is feeling openly to Yong. also what are their reactions with Yong's statement the he knows Seohyun more than anyone else? I imagine 8 of them sitting on the floor falling to the side just like what Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Fany did on the couch in episode 12.



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