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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Nikkayyheyy
































































I'm watching the episode right now and totally fangirling over Hyun's jealousy. YEAH, SHOW YOUR FEELINGS! xD

































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Guest miel_1301


Daebak episode! :w00t:

Watching their bickering on the bus, I can't help but think, so this is the Rapper Hyun the unnies are talking about. Haha, she was speaking too fast and too many words were spewing out of her mouth. :lol:


The way Yong said that he knows Hyun more than anyone else feels like he's saying he knows her best than ANY OTHER GUY out there. Marking his territory again? Just a thought, haha! :P

Ah, I can't wait for next week. Wonder what Hyun's reaction will be. I'm really looking forward to it.

And notice too Rouenna the tone/pitch of her voice. Even if she wasn't using banmal she sounded like she was just talking to someone of her age.

I said in my previous post some pages back that I'd pay just to see SeoHyun go "ballistically angry". Hahaha!!! Though she was still smiling all along while confronting and interrogating Yong, she gave the impression that she was unleashing the wrath of the Goddess SeoHyun, but only maybe in a somewhat milder manner.

And there was an instance that Yong was about to explain already but held his tongue.

And that's a good and valid thought you've got there rouenna about marking his territory again with such statement he made in the backroom interview.

Some fan act. from the just finished CNBlue fan meeting in Taiwan.

Cr Baidu.

Once again, the MC asking about the ideal girls, our Yong hubby answer still the same,

he likes kind-hearted girl who is very supportive in his music, and the fans start

shouting his buin's name.

He said the ring in his right hand actually belongs to Jung Shin chingu, but he likes

it very much so he just grab it, the MC immediately said then the one in your left hand

definitely not belong to other ppl, and he smile shyly and answer : IF I'M NOT WEARING


Thanks pollykpy for the translation of the fan account.

Aigoo! I wonder what could have happened between these two [YongHwa and SeoHyun] in Japan cause it looks like our boy has gone even bolder with his statements and actions---From Singapore, then in Hongkong, then in Thailand and now in Taiwan--- I guess there's really no way of stopping him. hahaha!

And shane09, can I give you a hug for those lovely, lovely gifs. You captured all those wonderful moments of their "couch talk". Thank you for sharing them.

I specially LOVE these two scenes...

gifs by shane09


Those gentle and warm exchanges of gazes can melt ones heart.


And I love Seobaby when she was doing such gesture/action of looking at the ceiling with both hands cupped under her chin. And look at how YongHwa's eyes are just simply adoring her.


I am off to read j2dlee's continuation of her translation [Part 2]. Hugs again and again to you j2dlee!. You are so kind to grant and satisfy our desires at such great speed for us to better understand the episodes every week. We won't cease "Thanking You!", j2dlee. You are such wonderful "gift" to each and everyone of us here.


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DJHinata super cute pictures! thanks for sharing. i personaly love the lovelight one! and your so funny! :lol: i'm glad it made you stop and be like "WHOA!" makes my day.
















































thanks for the caps GeumJanDi!
















































sun_sun great .gifs! i love their facial expresses because they are truly invest in this relationship :)
















































and OMG~ thank you j2dlee for the translations! you are DAEBAK!!!!! :) if i could i'd thumbs up you 1000000000000 times.
















































redtulip thanks for the LIST!!!
















































dreamyboo thank you thank you! i really liked it too. i was going to use another picture but then i saw those and was like BUSAN!!! hurry and go to busan!
















































raindrops_919 me too! i can not wait to till next week. HURRY SATURDAY! lol (its still saturday here)
















































yukai that is super cute!! thanks for sharing ;)
















































as always shane09 posts the best .gifs ever! thank you thank you my favorite are the 4th and 6th of the set where they are sitting on the couch! and the .gifs of hyuns reaction to chiaki senpai being mentioned and yong's head turn to her. aww yong, we know you are jealous of any guy that runs through your buin's!
















































pollykpy OMG~ thanks for the translation. and that is too freaking cute! IF I'M NOT WEARING IT I'LL BE SCOLDED/GET BLASTED BY SOMEONE. i'm sure he knew that was going to be major FANSERVICE!! (i literally squealed out loud and my little niece came in asking 'what is it?! what is it?!' and i told her and she was like "awww!" and my niece is only going to be 7 in two weeks, :lol: ) and i love that picture of yong flashing his ring.
















































i love how his so expressive and gesture-ish with his hands. OH HIS HANDS~~
















































rhowone awww! i love that song. now i'm going to think about it all the time :wub:
















































oh gosh... reading the translations REALLY makes me want to watch it again. ahh! really hoping someone subs it soon :D please and thank you.
















































































































































so i was thinking. the backroom interview of yong where his wearing the blue shirt with his hair slicked to the side reminded me of the picture of him with jjing jjing that was posted on twitter. does anyone know by chance if it was the same day? he went to busan after filming?! or before maybe?!









































































































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annyeong fellow gogumas! i'm gonna de-lurk (if i may borrow the term) because i can't take it anymore! Seriously this couple is killing me lol laugh.gif



am i weird for saying that i actually enjoyed their bickering?sweatingbullets.gif they really behave like a real couple! wub.gif 



I mean would not replying to a text be such an issue if a person does not mean anything to you? I kept repeating the part where seohyun said " I was sad because you did not reply to me" because from that statement we can all see how comfortable she is now with yong enough for her to actually admit what she felt. Even jinwoon got surprised from such an honest confession. I'm happy to see her more open about her feelings. Communication is an important factor in a relationship, kekeke. 



Thanks for the translations and other goodies! This thread is DAEBAK!!biggrin.gif


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Guest k.rivera19












I just notice something while watching the part where they are in the bus after Seohyun told him that he didnt even text and after he said I'm ashamed - according to J2lee's translation (thank you soo much for that... you are our lifesaver every saturday!!) - look at Seohyun's expression ... haha it was sooo funnie and cute ... like shes saying thats what you get for not texting me hahaha ...i think Seohyun can be scary when she gets mad... Yongseo and Yongseo shippers daebak!!



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Thank you yet again J2dlee!!!!

Yonghwa did look affected after Seohyun said that she was sad abt him not replying her text abt his birthday. You can see it from his eyes, he was thinking: 'What happened? Why didn't I get the text? Hyun is sad and disappointed... I really really didn't get the text, pls believe me... AND I didn't wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday. Double of the sadness, oh my, ottoke!'

Yah, I agree with u lot that he didn't forget her birthday, he just got something planned for her on that trip :wub::wub:

Regarding, his 'declaration' of I know her better than anyone, it is bold. But I remembered in one of his past interviews, he mentioned that actually surprisingly, he and Seohyun are quite similar. I don't know abt u all, but for me, thru advising and telling others/my friends/family what I want from them and thru talking it out kind of make me realise abt myself? My point is Yonghwa wants Seohyun to be more open abt her feelings and talk it out to him, yet at the same time, I think it is making himself realise he needs to be more communicative towards people too- his members/Seohyun, etc. This marriage is indeed a road to self-discovery for both and not forgetting TRUE LOVE hahahahaha :wub::wub::wub: Sorry I couldn't help it heeheehee

EDIT: I was just rewatching the episode again- watch part 3 right at the beginning when Seohyun said to Yonghwa- I'm really disappointed in u. U will notice a facial change on Yonghwa's face, there was sadness. Awwww...w this guy really really really cares abt what Seohyun thinks abt him and when she said that, it was like a stab to his heart. Another evidence that she occupies a very place in his heart.... :tears:

lunasol U totally make sense to me on ur point 6!

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Oh Wow. Thank U again j2dlee!




I never thought I will see Seohyun bickering like this, especially with a guy. I saw her once 'arguing' with Tiffany in the Hahamong show? and she was making her statements in a cool rational manner. Here you see her being emotional about it! It also made me smile when she said that she is not going to text him anymore from now on hahahaha Does that sound like a cool rational comment? hahahasmile.gif  I don't think so. Also, as miel_1301 was saying, apparently she is not using banmal but she definitely is not talking to him as an 'elder' but as an equal. For crying out loud, she even talked to him as a real girlfriend/wife with the "I will give you the chance to explain yourself" hahahaha She was demanding him to explain. So much for the person who according to her unnies bottles her emotions.




So from this episode we can conclude that:




1) They definitely maintain contact with each other outside the show wub.gif.


2) He is watching/monitoring her every move wink.gif. He has mentioned it in several episodes. He doesn't have much time so that means he is dedicated to her. You don't do that if you don't care about that person. For some reason, when I read that part of monitoring I got an image of Yong with eagle piercing eyes focused on her  on the tv or something hahahahaha




3) Seohyun REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted his text message biggrin.gif. That was so girlfriend/wife attitude. She really wanted his acknowledgment on her special day.




4) Yong definitely has a surprise for her so all the people who got sad about him not texting her I think they should just wait until next saturday. From experience maybe the surprise planned by a guy is not the best surprise from a girls point of view, but what makes it the best surprise is the thought and the effort to do something special. 




5) Hyun is definitely jealous.




6) I think there are several reasons why Yong said that he knows her more than anyone is: 


    -Because in spite of outside appearances, they are very similar. A lot of people thought at first they will not match because they seemed like opposites (rocker dude vs bookworm/shy/good girl), but we have seen that it is in fact the opposite. Throughout the episodes we have seen them find those similarities between each other and in those qualities that they are not similar they complement each other...I hope I am making sense. 


    - He is a smart analytical guy (see running man episodes) who has been watching listening (patiently stalking his prey waiting for the attack - I am sorry hahaha ...eagle image again)... *cough* back to what I was saying, he has been paying attention to her and compare to other people he doesn't treat her as fragile doll that you can't get close to or a baby as a lot of people do. 


    -He may be revealing something about their relationship, how close she really is to him. Also after almost 7 months working to gain her trust, understand her etc, he may be feeling a sense of achievement and we clearly, as well as he, have seen the results of his dedication. Yes, she is close to other guys (SM family) but she treats them in a brother-type relationship. But with him you see the jealousy. For a girl not interested in boys before that is clearly a giveaway of romantic (not brotherly) feelings. 




What remains to be seen is if she understands those feelings and what does it really mean. 




Now I should just shut upsweatingbullets.gif Its just that the episode was so exciting!






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 in this episode you can see that seohyun is really jealous haha i don't know why but when yong is jealous i'm happy and i think it's funny but when hyun is jealous i feel...a bit sad :( but i still love it because it shows that she likes him :D maybe yong thought "first time she gets jealous...hmm so she likes me?" aaah i don't know i love this couple so much and it's like i am the one who feels the jealousy..i'm i too addicted??:P  the next episode will be interesting. but i wished the time gap would not be about 3 months...it would be great if wgm would be twice a week :huh:

















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hugs j2. thank u soo much. love ya!






wow! see what a diff a translation can do?



hyun, under that serene calm look, there lies another side of her which i'm



waiting to discover..a girl in love..



as for Yong...he just make us love him more...






he has his ideal infront of him, and his lovely buin besides him.



of course he will choose the one beside him to go on a journey with.



'journey' as in the journey of life? i like that yong!! :w00t:






and when they were having a heart to heart talk on the sofa.



i got to say i love that sofa soo much now!!



hmm..what will yong's reaction be if hyun admit she is indeed jealous..



but i think he knows it already, that is why he still cares to ask



abt tamaki for her...aww... :wub:






the bold statement



'I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else.'


yes, yong, u are the first guy who can trigger her other feelings which she has



been trying to hide under all that calmness. even her unnies say its difficult to see



hyun getting angry..kudos to u, yong!! :wub:






even tho we are left hanging in this episode, i have the feeling that next week's



conclusion would be just as daebak daebak daebak!!





ah, hugs to u too shane.. u r jjang!! :D



this gif touched me the most!




its like yong asking hyun: "u feeling sad right?



hyun: " no, i'm okay"



but the eye sparkle is lost somehow..






shane, could u do one on hyun skipping on the sideroad. she looks so cute there..









tks to redtulip for the wishlist translation.



see that some of the wishes are already granted. tks PDnim






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semi-fly:They really went fishing and according to a fan account they also went to a sweet potato field.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































panGG:The pic with his dog was taken last August 7 but he tweeted the pic 4 days after their Busan gig.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank u so much j2dlee!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so in love with yesterday's episode! I want to marry it kkk. But seriously, it's all sorts of daebak. It's nice to see Seohyun being more open on what she feels. I really love how she said that she was sad because he didn't reply and Yonghwa's like, 'really?'. The boy must've felt special when he heard that.

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































"I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else."































































































































































































































































































































































I have to say this line hit me right on my face !
































































































































































To me, before WGM, Seohyun was a mysterious girl ! I knew nothing about her besides she was SNSD's maknae, pretty, good at singing, shy and had no interest in guys. There was no way a guy could say that "oh, I know Seohyun pretty well", no way ! Her unnies who have spent 5 years living with her can say that!
































































































































































But now a guy who has spent 6 months with her, states that "I know more about her than anybody else", really, I couldn't even imagine some day one could say that about Seohyun like that
































































































































































Really brave of Yong ... "than anybody else" Yes !Yonghwa, you said that and keep that
































































































































































p/s: still pissed off, no preview for next week ... fury.gif

































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so i was thinking. the backroom interview of yong where his wearing the blue shirt with his hair slicked to the side reminded me of the picture of him with jjing jjing that was posted on twitter. does anyone know by chance if it was the same day? he went to busan after filming?! or before maybe?!

No, it wasn't from the Busan trip. On 3rd Sep 10, Yonghwa had the same hairstyle on the 37th Broadcasting Award Show, CN Blue performed Love then. Seohyun was actually away with SNSD in LA for SM Town concert. So meaning he went to do the backroom interview himself while she was away :mellow:

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J2dlee, pollykpy you both gave me 3 or 4 heart attack today ^^... thank U so much for translations and news! you are daebak!!!















































I´m so happy and at the same time I am overcome, this ep was too much information that the only thing I can realize right now is that YongSeo is real... REAL hahaha...:wub:. Anyway, any assumption leads us to the same place... LOVE <3.
























Poor Hyun, I feel bad for her and for Yong too because he didn´t realize that she sent him a message. They are so in sync that texts each other at the same time XD. Maybe Yong erased her message in mistake, since they were send at the same time...  -_- , poor boy, he must have felt hurt for a whole week. I´m sure that was the reason for Yong to not send a message to his buin, Yong`s insecurity. Maybe he thought he could be a little overwhelming if he send a message since she "didn´t want to do it" in his own bday.
















































And talking about Uero Juri part too, I´m delighted discovering that  Is SeoHyun the one who is starting to lead their relationship, it is just best thing ever!! If she leads them like she is doing by now, I think they will grow even closer and deeper  ^^. We all know that Yong would do anything she asks for,  he is so in love, then she only needs to guide them on the right path, talking, making express their feelings, putting the sensitive issues on the table. He definitively won´t do it, but now she is starting to do it... I´m so happy, "if" this relationship "were real" would be a very long one, I´m sure. they have laid the right foundations and are still doing it!
























Thank U all gogumas, for links, arts, pics, news, thoughts and everything... I really appreciate each of your post!
























YongSeo fighting! and more real than ever :wub:









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Thanks again j2dlee! Wanted to ask, there was a line from Yong at the very end, and Hyun made a move to answer but the show cut out...do you know what he said?




I guess in Yong's defense of saying he did not receive any text from her, it is possible. I've also received messages saying that a text was sent to me but with a message saying it was undeliverable or was unreadable by my phone for whatever reason, but it never tells me who sent the message.








    - He is a smart analytical guy (see running man episodes) who has been watching listening (patiently stalking his prey waiting for the attack - I am sorry hahaha ...eagle image again)... *cough* back to what I was saying, he has been paying attention to her and compare to other people he doesn't treat her as fragile doll that you can't get close to or a baby as a lot of people do. 








sorry to cut, cuz I agree with all of your points, but this I agree with the most :) I think that, objectively, he has always been able to read her well and is one of the reasons why this relationship has worked out so well so far. Of course where it gets muddled is when anything having to do with their feelings re: each other gets in the way. It looks like at this point of time on the bus, they haven't been able to express these thoughts or feelings, so anything pertaining to them is over-analyzed and misread.


But I think he has always treated her as his equal, and I think that despite her being known as the pure and innocent "baby" to everyone else, his view and approach to her on this show shows how much he truly sees her and respects her for the woman she is becoming. I think she has taken notice of that, and is one of the reasons why she has revealed herself to him in ways that she has not done with anyone else.... and is also one of the reasons why I think she has started to dress more like a woman (no longer the schoolgirl).


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I think we may be in for a great surprise next week. When my husband proposed to me, he had argued with me the whole freaking day...about this and that... I didn't even want to go out to the beach that night... he kinda bullied me into it... and then, BANG! He proposed...ring and all... some guys are nuts... I must admit though that it was a great tactic...
































































































Can't wait until next saturday! Yong! You better have something up your sleeve... lol...
































































































Yongseo FIGHTING!!

















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Good morning!




I woke up and immediately checked this thread wishing j2dlee already have translations and there's translations already!!!




j2dlee.... DAEBAAAAAAK! (ueno juri version) lol! thank you so much :) you are heaven sent :)




AFter reading the translations, made me love this episode more and more! Jealous YongSeo and bickering yongseo is just love!!!




And ueno juri's mugs hahah yeobo and dangshin.. she though that's what they call each other and she wanted yonghwa to give hyun the pink one and hyun giving yonghwa the blue one! hahaha Ueno Juri is jjang, other than she's funny and cute she actually already thought about a scenario she wanted to see from this couple! how sweet is that? A celebrity YOngSeo fan! hahahah I bet she saw seohyun perform Adagio Cantabile kekekke




Yonghwa's description of a wife definitely touched my heart.. he really treasures hyun :)




I can't wait for next week's episode.. After reading the translations i am 100% sure of what i am feeling for the bday trip is correct. kyah!








posted by. I.said.hi




Seobaby's japanese genie behind the scene pics












cr. dc seohyun gallery





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kimipot07 dont worry I LOVED THEIR BICKERING TOO!! lol. i love it because its not over anything major or huge and its all about their birthdays :) so real.
















































Purestupidity i agree with you on the point that being in this relationship, they are both finding new things about themselves, be it good or bad, and they want to become better people for each other, neh? lol.
















































lunasol i love the part where she says "i'm not going to text you anymore" too! its so childish of her but its so cute :wub:
















































OH! thanks jinkee and Purestupidity for clearing that up. i'm really bad with dates :( haha.
















































prncsscharming awww that is too cute! thanks for your lovely proposal story! i hope yong has something EXCELLENT planned too, to sweep hyun off her feet!
















































baby_bo thanks for the picture share! she looks so darn cute. no wonder her husband wants to stay on her good side ;) and i'm not a lesbian or anything but does anyone else love her legs?! and her shoes are so darn hott.









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Guest raindrops_919


GOGUMA annyong  :wub:




it's already monday in here, but i'm still can feel the goguma effect from last night..*even i dream about it, OMO* :ph34r:




i don't know if i can stand another 6 days without any goguma dose  :w00t: so dear all, please keep posting in this thread, say what you think or just droppin by to say hi..it will be a very nice consolation for me to stand another week :wub:




and once again THANK YOU so much for all comments, picture, gifs, translation, video, investigation, everything on this thread 






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