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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun

It's just too precious to witness a girl who had always chosen sweet potatoes over boys flip out (in her own cute little way) over not receiving a text from a certain boy. I feel for her..imagining her waiting all day for the text that would have really made it a happy birthday..but it never came :(

But I'm sure Yonghwa did it on purpose to suprise her the next day (:

I'm feeling for Yong too...to be broadcasted on national tv that he didn't reply to a text sent by the maknae of the nation's girl group..tsktsktsk. That's like a target on his back :lol: all eyes are on that poor boy kkekeke

Y: looking at his buin..smiling..biting his lips..

H: with her killer look "After fangirling over your "I". no way!"



I was squealing when the guest left and smiling like a fool seeing YONGSEO alone in that house..on that couch again! :w00t:

Yonghwa could tell Seobaby was jealous and he was trying to make her feel better.

tnx in advance j2dlee for the trans.

awesome wallies/arts gogumas!

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Guest desirenhope
























I think the reason why MBC didn't show their MC cut first before this fishing trip could be because Adam Couple








s background setting is at Music Core this week and I think showing both couples at Music Core at different Music Core airings but same WGM airings is a little weird, no? So i guess maybe they'll show the MC cut after the birthday trip or something.








I love seeing their little arguments, cos I feel this shows major progress in what they mean to each other.









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Sun_sun thanks for the vids.....































































I am guessing Hyun is opening up her feelings about Yong not sending/texting her a greeting msg for her Bday... wow Hyun opening up her emotions and dissapointment is really a HUGE improvenent. That's what love can do..eehhh Im excited about Yong surprise to HYun....









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








j2dlee. we need you. :) Im quite curious on what Yong said in the backroom interview after Ueno Juri left their house. also, the bickering part when they are on the bus. I guess Hyun feels something for Yong. you could be jealous of your friends, but it would not be obvious. but if you are jealous of someone you truly care about, it is not easy to hide it. now we saw a jealous Hyun. and we saw how Yong affects Hyun's life. normally she wouldn't say whats on her mindor how she feels. now she is open.



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If you guys notice, on this bday trip only Seohyun is wearing a couple ring kekekke




I am really wondering if this is the episode where they will be getting a new ring..




Anyway, i cant wait for subs.. Bickering YOngSeo is so cute. keke




Also, i wish fOR mbc to post a preview just like before kekke




Can't wait for next week.




later peepz :)





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I'm thinking for some reasons why Yong was not able to reply to Hyun's birthday message.. and I came up with this... I remembered that Yong mentioned that CNBLUE boys are not really fond of using a handphone and he only uses his handphone for WGM filming.. whether we believe it or not is our choice but, it might be possible that he did not receive or he was not able to read Hyun's text at that time... :unsure:


And I agree wih most f you here, she wouldn't flip over him not greeting her for her birthday if he is just some random guy.. :wub:


Now I'm excited for next week.. what would be the ANTIDOTE Yong has prepared.. :wub:


He knew someone from where they are going and checking the weather, so he MUST HAVE PREPARED SOMETHING.... maybe the ring will be inside the fish that they'll catch(Yongseo style)...LOL (just like a ring inside the side dishes)


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aslina i'm happy you like them! :) and by all means, save them all! haha. i love sweet holiday too. the pink shirts definitely inspired me!
















































magicaL.chubi3 thanks and your pretty awesome yourself too!
















































jnj i would give you a thumbs up but my quota is done for the day. lol.
















































what i think is yong must NOT have thought to contact her for her birthday because 1. he was busy and at the end of the day, it wasn't technically her birthday anymore so he didnt think it'd count. 2. he was already planning the fishing trip already and didnt want to spoil it yet for her. and 3. his a guy, they rather do something more 'physical' then a mere text. and when i mean 'physical' not like THAT! lol. however that doesn't excuse him from not contacting her, i agree, but like i said, his a guy. and hyun is still innocent and doesnt know much about guys yet to understand that he is being normal and she is being normal for being hurt that he didnt contact her first. i've already posted earlier that i feel that her being a GIRL about the situation is the best thing that has happened in this relationship. and also i feel that this argument/discussion they are having in the bus is part of their "vows", can i call them vows? lol the ones that they wrote during the return from thailand/school day/cooking soybean paste soup.. they are trying to keep their cool while both are obviously a little upset about it. but i have high hopes for them! come on, just think of the horror special! :)
















































and here are a few caps i did really quick!
















































jealous YONGSEO!!!
















































































































































couple presents from ueno
















































































































































































































































yong's goguma mic :lol:
































































































jealous hyun~ 2
































































































just look at these stares and yong's pout! melts my heart :wub:
































































































































































































how can you not LOVE this couple?!
















































































































































































































































"man my wife is cute~!"
































































































hold up, wait a minute~ someone doesnt took too happy searching through their TXTs
































































































and the AWKWARD gogumas~
















































































































































































































































i love the bickering. i love the jealousy. i love the fact that they are too perfect together. yongseo always~









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Omo!! look at seobay's face when yong teach Ueno hungul "oppa" :sweatingbullets:
































































Jealousy is ok hyun...no matter what, wify would important than ideal so calm down. :D Really great to see this side of hyun even it made me a little bit hurt for her :tears:
































































Including in the bus situation, yong numpyeon would get more Hamburgers this ep :w00t: kekekeke
































































However, younseo means forgiveness!! :wub::lol::lol:

































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its cute to see hyun feeling discomfort after yong apologised.


she will always say "its okay', then we see her expression, like feeling 'regret'?


see how cute yong is shouting out the window....


am not going to sleep until j2 or redtulip comes in here.. :phew::lol:


panGG, its okay. i'm alright.




someone needs to make a gif of hyun skipping


what is dasin and hyobo?



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i'm downloading today's wgm ep torrent and waiting for it to finish. although yonghwa unable to reply or wish seohyun a happy birthday, it was like a blessing in disguise for us to witness seohyun showing her disappointment towards yonghwa. sometimes they need to have a little bit of 'conflict' in their relationship so in that way both of them can understand their feelings better. yonghwa surely felt apologetic towards seohyun but we can bet that he has something under his sleeves.






i have watched and downloaded the horror special by wild2day. the next step is to convert it to avi and join all the parts to a single avi file.



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































hope someone does a screencap of Hyun's face at around 0:35-0:37 of this link (part 3 of diodanoo1 channel) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBUurUwGnlk&feature=channel **hyun clearly looks upset, angry even. she looks genuinely ticked off because Yong did not greet her on her birthday. and this is the first time for everyone to see this side of Seohyun. she changed so much after meeting Yong. to her, Yong is not just a friend or an "oppa", she expected him to greet her. this means Yong is special in her eyes. thats why she is really disappointed. Hyun was trying so hard to keep her cool. but she clearly was disappointed. I know, girls would act that way if it happened to them. but guys does these kinds of things most of the time. they will do it on purpose then they would give the girl something that would really touch them. I think Yong prepared the fishing trip before even Seohyun's birthday because the way he called the person in charge (while waiting for Hyun) seems like they talked for the 2nd or 3rd time. so he gave a considerable amount of time preparing for Hyun's birthday.

















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Guest magicaL.chubi3








































lolz. i just realized yong's expression, it looks like he's going to cry. haha! and the smirk of hyun's face...lolz. daebak! :D
















oh also this one.
































from the expression of seohyun it looks like "i'm really sad yong~ it hurts but i don't know why" hehe~ :rolleyes: must be because of yong's reactions toward UJ. :phew:
















panGG hehe~ thanks. :D but not as good as you though. :)
















j2dleeif ever you'll gonna post your translation can i use it? Thanks in advance. you're DAEBAK! :D:lol:





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today's episode was fun to watch!


two were bickering, first couple quarrel, so cute they were. :)


this is what i understand,


SH says yesterday was minhyuk's birthday, we two are same birthday, you must know. but didn't receive a messege from YH.


YH says they had schedules and it was long past midnight that he finished work so he couldn't.


( i think he is saying this just to make today's event more surprising )


SH usually says 'it's ok' to most things, but this time she says


'it's ok... no it's not' with a smile. kekeke


i loved the way she says this!


YH remembers that he also didn't get a messege from SH on his birthday.


SH says she did replied to YH's 'it's my birthday' text message.


YH says he didn't see that message he was looking at his phone all day and he felt disappointed that time.


SH says she was disappointed not having any reply from him.


chemistry happening here.


can't wait for next week!


when they get seated on the bus, both talked about their failing of driver's license test.


i wonder if they got theirs after this episode.


nikkunn got his in today's episode.



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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Yo~ng you disappointed me in this episode! But, I'm not angry at him. We should wait until the next episode! Maybe he purposely lied and didn't text so he can surprise her with the trip? And also, I remember a while ago the boys said they didn't have cellphones.. but, then they got one and I don't think they use it frequently. I do feel sad that he didn't call her, but I'm sure he didn't do it with malicious intent!
































































































































It's good that they have small arguments too! That's how you build a relationship.. if there is never any fights, then how boring would it be? Though, a perfect life sounds nice.. it'd get tiring if there was never any change! The argument will only bring them closer! So, let's look at it as a good thing, right gogumas?! ^^
































































































































I loved seeing Seohyun's jealousy too when he asked to take a picture of him and Ueno and when he taught Ueno "oppa".. that look is NOT fake. She was genuinely giving him the side eye like "HEY! I'm your wife... I see what you're doing!" LOL.
































































































































Yong seemed very ashamed on the bus and so embarrassed.. you can tell he genuinely felt bad about it.. hopefully, he does something to make it up on their trip! I understood a little of the bus ride. My Korean is no where near fluent, so take what I say with a grain of salt and wait for real translations!
































































































































Seohyun asks why he didn't send her a message/call for her birthday... he was going to make an excuse, I believe.. but, then he said "no..." as in stopping himself from making something up and he said sorry. Then, he said his birthday was a week ago, but he never received anything. Hyun calls him a liar! :lol: She says she sent him a message, and he said he didn't receive anything and he sent her a text saying something about his birthday and she didn't reply back.. then she said she was sorry, she was thinking.
































































































































I'm not 100% sure that's what they said, but from the Korean I can understand.. that's what I got! Again, don't take my translation too serious yet.. wait for a real translation! I just wanted to give you all a little bit of what happened, I think! ^^

































































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i wish sat is here again so we know how yong will make up to hyun.



it'll be daebak for sure!!!






ah, the more i see the pic of skipping hyun, the more i lol.



who would've guess that after this cute act,



she dropped the bombshell on yong.. :lol:






chyme, i love that antidote of yours. the new ring on the fish's dish? hehehe






panGG, now THAT is a v good analyse.










i like what you translate already, uh-ohxev.





tks to u too, joelyne .


both waiting for each other's texts. i find it romantic somehow.


i think destiny cupid is somewhat playing trick on them..



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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo












firstly special thanks for sun_sun ,panGG and everyone who share feeling in this EP. Because i can see how it different of HYUN express her feeling when she saw YONG~~ do something with his girl ideal.sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif




We know immediately that what is she thinking  with her husband hehe~~rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif




Second, for their argue i feel their relation was real and real like a real couple 




Last, i hope YONG will do something to surprise HYUN and us 




Love u guys , Gogoma supporter 




Thanks again for all your shared...



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Oh my God !!!

















Sorry for making everyone don't like

















It's my ERROR , error about something that i don't know

















What's going on !!!!


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Guest blueswim_boo




























Hi,i'm normally just stay lurker if i happened to watch new ep on saturday but i'm bit impatient to know exactly what they talking about. Waiting for  jd2lee come to rescue us.But,i'm pretty much sure during the backroom interview,yong choose hyun over ueno juri.Now,my fav part is couch talk.Right after they  sat,i think the look on yong's face was like  challengely ask Hyun if she like it.being Hyun she answered she like it very much..I think he might want Hyun to confess that she didnt feel good about it.right after that,hyun asked about juri unni as his ideal type,not sure what yong answer but Hyun try to act cool about it again..then they talk about chiaki and i think he said ideal is just an ideal,she's agree and they laugh about something he said.(again,this is merely by my limited understanding of korean,dont take it seriously)Tho, when watching the first part with ueno juri, i have this sudden urge to kick her out of the house for contributing to make hyun feel hurt(hehe,pardon my 'biasing'-cant stand to look at her being hurt) but at the same time,i'm glad that she started showing her emotions openly (i guess she was in the state that she unable to contain it like her usual calm/cool Hyun) for  Yong need/has the right  to see that she is affected by what he did .(good way looking at it-Yong is not just another people with whom she normally play calm and courtesy with.)He need that reassurance.And regarding the birthday wishes,i can just pass it over despite whatever the reason he didnt do or didnt reply to hyun's, for that was filming around june.Lot of things has changed in their relationship since then,my guess.Ok,enough of my unimportant thots.Feel free to skip it..haha.Just need to wait patiently for the subs and next week episode..





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Guest DJHinata


♥Good morning,good afternoon, good evening for everyone Goguma lover !!♥

!! omg yonghwa is a fanboy !! How cute ! and hyun give the look you know that look the girls give to her boyfriend/husband haha i think she was a little bit jealousblush.gif

*about the yong "forget the text message to hyun for her birthday" maybe yonghwa did it on porpuse, you know for the surprise trip ? ! maybe he gave a birthday present! *cross fingers*

Angel27391 !Thankyou So much ! For your comments!!

panGG: omg !! what the .. ! i almost faint when i saw this wall ! XD was like  ! OMG WHEN ?!! haha took me a few seconds to  recovery XD thanks a lot !!


Semi-fly: Thanks  for the download links !

ahn_annann: Thanks FOr the screenshoots

cherryhana88: LOL hahaha "all the single ladies... " thanks for sharing our gogumas are very clever

blueswin_boo: another goguma Eagle eye ! thanks for sharing that screenshoots ! omg yonghwa and hyun are made for each other

pollykpy: ! thanks for that cute  news about yonghwa taiwan interview 

joelyine: thanks for the little translation !

Thanks to All goguma Lover and chipppers too !!   YONGSEO couple Fighting  

Now something for All the sweetpotato chippers !

this walls are dedicated to Crystal_malfoy , panGG and J2dlee 







Yonghwa relieved haha


Yonghwa upset

when jo kwon says " they're holding hands" Yonghwa expression's face change ! he looks serious ! hahaha 


Well Gogumaland !  you are awesome ! sorry for my long post T_T ! and if my images disturb somebody

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