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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































Mad props to Yong. he was ready to protect Hyun from anyone or anything that would scare her. the way I see it, he is willing to use himself as a shield to protect Hyun. that shows how much he cares for her. Protecting Seohyun and caring for her made him overcome fear. :)

































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all gogumas: YONGSEO HOLDING HANDS TO THE MAX...:wub: :wub:














sorry Jinwoon for sure you envied Yong so much..lol





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Guest Shane1430276559




To all the YONGSEO SHIPPERS: "Please post more pictures about today's episode..." blush.gif


because I'm collecting pictures of YONGSEO COUPLE..happy.gif



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Guest miel_1301


when they play the game inside the moving bus, we see all 6 of them wearing

helmets, but we only saw hubbies playing the game..

another edited scene?

would love to see how hyun stood up balancing on a moving bus..

err..was loling the moment adam fell on khun's lap!!!

love the SM family



i just notice that their T shirts are actually half of hearts joined together

aww... :wub:

I was also waiting for the wives' turn.

Yeah, jnj. That's why Hyun suggested that they practice first before the actual photo taking.


YONGSEO has shown us ---- TRUE LOVE naturally came out under the most horrific PRESSURE!!!! :wub::wub:

Someone enjoyed the HUGGING-PICTURE TAKING moment there! Yong!

i cud imagine how they savored that moment and tightly pressed their bodies on each other!!!


is this a horror ep or what??? they look so sweet here, you guys!

Yong was the proudest hubby ever! --- He was so supportive of Seohyun!!!

By far the most romantic amongst the three!!!! Adam is the funniest!!! Khuntoria --- ummm.... they're ok. hahaha!

Keep the screencaps comin'!!!

CHEERS TO ALL GOGUMAS!!! it's our day!!!!


I noticed... our couple's strength/stamina is quite something. hehehe. R u thinking what i'm thinking?! dirty! LOL!

The PRIDE really registered on his face. Like he is saying, "At long long last I am able to show the whole world that this precious girl is MINE and ONLY MINE".

Jinwoon might have just died the moment he saw Seobaby wrapped her arm around Yong's waist. Hahaha!


Remember how Yong won over Nickhun... and Hyun won over Victoria on that --- wat shud i call it game???? ahhh.... WINNER ON TOP game. hahaha!


I wonder if the two would play the same game --- say, for championships given they both won --- I wonder WHO STAYS ON TOP???!!!!!! ahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Would you want to make a wild-naughty guess??? hahah.

**nightshifters, my senses has returned. Spazz with me! N-O-W!!!! NOW! ** LMAO!

I will and I am in the right mood to go as wild as I can with my imagination. Hahaha!!!

Thanks ladies for sharing the links and all those screen caps!!!

No one can be as NATURAL as this couple!!! Amazing YongHwa! I am so proud of you and it's because you truly deserve it for your patience, endurance and self-restraint for the past months.

You definitely earned our Seobaby's COMPLETE TRUST all these 6 months.


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Guest Norabella




Hello gogumas....I was sooo happy to the maximum! Been away for sometime but I still read almost everyday.


This episode is the best ....lots of skinships between our Yong Seo couple...and boy they seems so comfortable with each other. I took special notice of SeoHyun who is no longer the naive wife anymore. I guess their level of closeness has reached to the maximum that only both of them knew. Its not so easy for Yong Hwa all this while but I think he has got the best today. I still love the lovey-dovey, starring or love glances that they used to do on every episode.


So the next episodes will be on tuesday and thursday??? Hmm....shall i take half day to watch them???


Okay. let me watch the episode again....


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Guest monie1909

just finished watching this episode..i LOVEEEEE IT..this is the best episode ever..but i said it every week..haha..seriously this episode is daebakk..the skinship overload..the sweetness still there..perfect.

My most fav scene..

1)their interlinking legs.. :wub:

2)the fact that Yong cant face hyun directly during the sit up..cant handle the fact that Hyun face just inch away from his,Yong? :phew:

3)Yong offered his hand to hyun after her winning against vic

4)the failed hug...haha..that is so uri Yongseo..

5)the 'never let go of my hand' during the mission..

6)yong help hyun with the shirt..that is so Yong.

7)the hand on the shoulder and waist ..pure love. :wub:

8)And the epic final pic.. :wub: i bet that the pic gonna be the 'signature pic for this couple for some time....haha..unless there are newer pic that can beat that..wedding pic,maybe? :P

i'm sure there's still a lot of my fav moment that i miss..need to rewatched it again..and waiting patiently for the subs..YONGSEO JJANG...

Another thot

hmm,if we find anything we didnt like about other couple,can we just keep it to ourselves and not post it here?its pretty uneasy to read if other couple's fan said the same thing about our Yongseo..just sayin.. :vicx: .

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now i know where they got the couple t-shirts.

aaah...its from the shower room pabo me!! :rolleyes:


whoever leave it there, i want to say...THANK U!!



anyone knows when this epi was flimed?




tks for editing your post noo. hugs!! :wub:

monie, for the spoiler..well, hi5 yongseo style! the latest shoulder nudge? hehe




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Guest littlebiebie

jnj I guess It was filmed in Aug 17th. That's a few days before Yong and CNBlue boys' showcase in Singapore.

Today's episode is hilarious.. It's all goguma shipper waiting for.. :wub:

Thank you for all the caps, translation, gif, etc.. Now I am going to rewatch uri Yongseo..

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Guest oceanprince




i rewatched this ep for the 2nd time! and i saw something!




straight after yong's match with nickhun, it was gain and victoria's turn.




nickhun passed yong this spray thingy (i guess its insect repellent?)






and he was spraying it on hyun <3.






as the match was really short, he didnt see how did gain lost this match, thus he said that he didnt see it






that is bcos, he was taking care of his hyun!






aaaaawwww. our yong is so sweeet towards his hyun!



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Actually.... Vic is older than Hyun. Vic is born in 1987. I heard the MC say she is Dongap with GaIn? I'm not sure if I picked that up correctly but I'm sure as a f(x) fan that Vic is born in 1987 :)




haha ...what i meant is based on debut not age ...thanks to all for the caps and translation




sorry i already spazz and wow so many people still in here..


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Guest SophiaPia
























jnj this is filmed 17th August 
















still feel i'm in drugs w/ this horror episode hahaha!  we all wish for this SWEETNESS and NOW WE HAVE IT. I wish this SKINSHIPS hahaha! i'm only hoping holding hands but i didn't expect LOTS AND LOTS OF SWEETNESS. From the start till the end SWEETNESS. Very NATURAL INDEED YEAHHHHHHHHHH! 
















and they have new HI-5 hahaha! 
















I'm very proud to hubby Yong, what he showed is makes me appreciate him more. To be a man, to be a husband who will protect his wife Hyun/family is really amazing. And to wife Hyun who put her TRUST TO HER HUBBY so so lovely indeed. I was thinking YongSeo can join AMAZING RACE coz there really a couple who's supportive w/ each other and competitive as well. They help each other. Even though they not the winner but to be in 2nd place is not bad. 
















SeoHyun baby, u'r  smart, beautiful, talented lady, lovely wife indeed. I don't regret admiring u since day 1 of wgm. 
















i just want to ask why adam couple is the winner? Is it because they are the couple who's not afraid inside?





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snsd ETUDE
































































i think this song really match yongseo couple...it's like seo hyun was taught by her onni's...heheh..
































































listen to my words
































































girl, please let him know
































































girl, listen carefully to what i say
































































for this moment that you've waited so long for
































































i know why. your sexy image,































































































































your childlike purity.. show them all
































































oh no. talk a little louder
































































yes, right. sometimes like a girl
































































be careful in everything you do
































































why are you like that. your mistake-filled, awkward actions and words
































































your charm, none of it is showing. (listen)
































































show yourself, filled with your lovable cuteness and smile
































































just like we practiced.. so he'll fall for you, by your side
































































girl, show him well, even little things like fashion
































































be lovable, and not awkward
































































makeup to complement your pale skin
































































don't put on too much. lightly, vaguely
































































oh no. heavy perfume is prohibited
































































yes, right. sometimes like a lady
































































so you can steal all the gazes
































































why are you like that. your mistake-filled, awkward actions and words
































































your charm, none of it is showing. (listen)
































































show yourself, filled with your lovable cuteness and smile































































































































just like we practiced.. so he'll fall for you, by your side






























































































































































































































if he's hooked, send him a sweet look































































































































and let your soft hands lightly touch him
































































that's it. your perfect actions and words that can melt anything































































































































he's going to fall for your lovable charm (feel it)
































































girl, please let him know your everything.. little by little, slowly, show him
































































just like we practiced.. so he'll fall for you, by your side

































































































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jnj: i saw the award plaque stated the date 2010.8.17.


i guess they both admire each other now for their strength in preserving their much needed skinship.


those items were randomly placed or was it designated by the PD staffs?!

if it was randomly placed, then no doubt it's FAITH!


if designated, then manse to the PD-nim for showing her LOVE to our yongseo pupu!




maybe they were the first to go so i guess they were interesting to watch and most anticipated...honesty, i'm glad or else i wouldn't be grinning and shouting here. their scary journey turn out to be lovely and sweet! oh, pls agree with me ^_^



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Im so happy YongSeo went out first for the scary thing. The PD edit less so we saw at lot of sweetness..lol:phew: :lol: Kamsahamnida.....






























































































































waahhhh Im so happy with r couple... I love their picture when Yong put his hand on Hyun shoulder and then Hyun wrapped her arm to Yong.... MC's reaction (especially Jiwoon) is PRICELESS.... hahhahha!!!!!

































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Cont from previous translation


Before the start of the sit up competition, SH encouraged YH and Yh answered arasso. Jk said next will be Gain which she half heartedly said Hwaiting. NK was very fast in doing sit up and YH was a bit slow. MC commented that YH is up against beastly man. When the game ended, YH jokingly asked where is he, causing SH to laugh. End score, NK: 76, YH: 41, JK:71. YH said NK is a battery and SH told him it was ok.


Next up was the ladies which they only need to do sit up for 30 seconds. MC Meseo guessed Vic to win. While courting, YH jumped from 27 to 40. End score Vic: 29, Sh: 27 and Gain: 17. Hence, Khuntoria won the game with another 100 points.


Next was the wrestling competition which the winner will receive 200 points. YH said that this game was designed with Khuntoria in mind while JK said they were not taken care by the PD. Vic shared with YH that she did wrestling with Narash in another show before and won while Jungshin was talking Both Jungshin and NK told the two of them to pay attention. In order not to let our Goguma couple felt the burden, Khuntoria and Adam couple will start first. JK was worried and Gain gave him another half hearted encouragement "Hwaiting". Yh said it made him nevous. When JK lost, he was embrassed and Gain asked whether he need to go to the hospital. When it was YH against NK, Jungshin estimated that it will be over in 5 seconds. MC Miseo also thought that YH will not be able to last long. YH and Seohyun were surprised that he won. Nk said Yh was strong while Yh said it was painful


YH said it was over before he could see anything when Vic won Gain. YH told SH to let the rest see her strength. Eveybody thought that Vic will win and SH apologised to Vic for winning. MC Miseo commented how come Yongseo was so good in wrestling. Jungshin said now each of Khuntoria and Goguma couple had 200 points while Adam couple had bang point. JK rebuked that just said zero point and what is bang points.


While Jungshin was checking his cue cards for information on the next game, YH said that now he will know that being MC is not easy and will not say it again. Jungshin had to repeat the game details cos all the couple could not understand. Khuntoria won with another 300 points added. YH said that he used to be a runner when he was young and JK said he was one too.





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Guest waniey_haha
















oceanprince yes i noticed that too...yoong busy taking care of his buin.....  (spraying thingy)....























i wonder if someone notice in the MATH room ...when hyunnn got scared becoz the door ,,,yoong use his 2 hand to hold hyuun hand n to calm her down..... SUPER SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wub.gifwub.gif























today is the SWEETEST DAY !!!! 








lets replay the episode for the 5th time.....









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i think adam won because yongseo and khuntoria couples voted for them.

don't know why exactly. but no worries there..


when hyun was doing the math prob, notice yong didn't help her at all?

he stood on guard instead.


some random thoughts abt this part..

they each know their partner's strength and weaknesses... :wub:



tks for another part of the trans, red.

we can see that yong did run v fast to catch up with Nick, but still.. :sweatingbullets:

i thought he'd lost the wrestling match since N is soo strong,

i guess yong's competitiveness knows no boundary..but it does look painful..



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Guest ryuni_cello






jnj: i saw the award plaque stated the date 2010.8.17.


i guess they both admire each other now for their strength in preserving their much needed skinship.


those items were randomly placed or was it designated by the PD staffs?!

if it was randomly placed, then no doubt it's FAITH!


if designated, then manse to the PD-nim for showing her LOVE to our yongseo pupu!




maybe they were the first to go so i guess they were interesting to watch and most anticipated...honesty, i'm glad or else i wouldn't be grinning and shouting here. their scary journey turn out to be lovely and sweet! oh, pls agree with me ^_^








Hi .... Nice to meet u all in this thread.




For the Shirt that our couple wear it. My guess (Correct me if I'm wrong), as I watched the other couple.


The shirt not randomly placed, the PD put it for each couple.




I can't make any caps of pics of it, but all of you can see clearly on the khuntoria couple moment.




And I have been watched our couple moment for countless time




This is the best moment for our couple




Happy goguma day all ^^



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