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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This past few days we have had lots of new habitants in Gogumaland.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Welcome everyone :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just remember: don't quote pics, don't post one-lines (less than 20 words), and this is a SeoHwa/YYongSeo thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really can't wait until Saturday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo ftw! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope we will have some news from them filming in Japan soon *fingers crossed*

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Durianzi








Hi to everyone:)








Please just let us calm down and be mature enough to keep this thread peaceful.




I don't want to see people attacking, blaming and posting disrespectful comments here......








Instead of competing againg each WGM couple, I would prefer to fill this thread with a full of love toward our lovely couple.




If we encounter those who want to make us swayed, just ignore and post supporting comments for YongSeo.








Tomorrow is Saturday that we always wait for!





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love this couple!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they're so innocent and sweet and i can't write all the adjectives here because it'll fill the page up...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































one thing i love is that they're more like we're friends... instead of pushing that romantic "WE ARE MARRIED" feel
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest .:LaUrEn.:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found these two articles on daum regarding Saturday’s chuseok/horror special, and it turns out the special mc is our very own jungshin chingoo! Haha it makes sense because in the preview there was a 7th person sitting with the couples, next to yonghwa. And the articles mention that after it’s all over, the couples get revenge on jungshin for just sitting around watching them suffer the horror course haha. It sounds like funnn I’m so excited for the episode :)

































































































































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Guest Crystal392












Thanks for that info :D our Jungshin chingoo was the 7th person? hehehe :lol: I can already imagine him laughing so much xD kekekeke














I agree with you Durianzi :D







Welcome juhee!! *throws lots of confetti*














I am really excited to watch the next episode, the only thing that bothers me a bit is that it's a competition between couples. =/ Let's cheer the three couples and respect each other. We are a big WGM family. :D




It's going to be so much fun! Adams, Khuntorians and Gogumas united!




As Durianzi said let's fill this thread with love for uri YongSeo ^_^ soo I was thinking,




what has been your fave YongSeo scene so far? (if you could include screencaps it would be even better ;) )




-I think my fave scene was the last part of the episode where they visited CNBLUE's dorm. What they said on the black room interview was :wub: and when they ran together at the end ♥




EDIT: Btw, did you notice our lovely thread will soon reach the 6million views? :) Goguma power! hehehe





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Ahnnyong goguma lover,





1st at all, i want to wish 'HAPPY EID' to all muslim.


2nd one, i want to mentioned that i really love wif our goguma couple and i love this thread so much eventho i'm not often post anything here but i 've always visit and read all the lovely post from all of you almost everyday. i can't denied myself that i've fall in love with all of you post and of course wif our goguma couple. so, i wanted to warn to those which try to make our thread 'dirty' or post anything like 'rubbish', please go away.





ok stop complaining.





I love episode 23 when our couple meet Ueno Juri~san and from there we can saw uri yongseobang for the 2nd time look very nervous (1st time - when his for the 1st time meet his buin in the first episode.  I dont know y, but i feel that yong quite nervous before meet seobaby).  From episode 23, eventho have some of us quite disappointed about 'bag accident' vicx.gif but  I can still feel the love & care that YongHwa has for Seohyun even at the presence of Ueno. How the way Yong react and confess his jealousy as he looked at SH by the mere mention of Chiaki’s name inside the restaurant eventho his 'I' type just around and also little skinship yong do seemed like yong cant do anything without his buin especially when he said 'ottoke seohyun-naa'.  can u feel what i feel?? Seemed like yonghwa can't live without seohyun. OMG! my imagination sweatingbullets.gif. I think Seohyun is still more important to Yonghwa than UJ. He was only quite embarrass for not immediately recognizing Ueno, i think  that’s the reason for his excitement but not so much because of the ideal girl issue.



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Here's a translation of the article on the Chuseok Horror Special.








I'm usually a frequenter on another WGM couple thread, just because I decided if I followed all 3 of the threads, I'd never be able to sleep. But I adore the Goguma couple (second most on my list), too. I love watching all three of the couples because I think they're all adorable, amazing, hilarious, and great to watch in their own ways. For me, this "competition" episode just shows more of it--there's no competition, rather, it shows their individual strong points. To me, each couple has it's own attractive parts. I loved Goguma since the first episode, the two are just too cute not to. I think if it was just one of the couples, something would be missing or we could get tired. But each couple adds to the show, displaying different types of relationship and relationship styles, so it becomes a refreshing show, one hour of different hings.








I hope (and no, I'm not directing this at anyone here. I just noticed this thread starting to talk about it. :) ) we can support all the couples of WGM because together they make up the show. Goguma's such a great couple.








On another note, lmao, poor Jungshin. I can imagine Yonghwa "That was horrible...scary...awful...wait, is Jungshin still here? *thinks about the driving episode a while ago* Ah. He still hasn't suffered. PUSH!!!" lmao. The couples must have been scared out of their wits (I have a feeling Yonghwa might have been, haha, just from the amusement park episode). And poor Jungshin gets the worse end of it. Awww...








Wanna guess to which couple each "type" below refers to?















What happened in the pitch-dark that night in the abandoned school?






























WGM's Adam Couple, Goguma couple, and Khuntoria greeted Chuseok by gathering together.








The  three couples had taken for granted that the strongest/best couple  would rise out of a sports competition, with a man/wife relay to end it  all.








However, the true mission to select the best, strongest  couple was actually another (type of competition). It was instead "We  Got Married Horror House," where, in the pitch-black of night, they  experience the gloominess of an abandoned school.








With the  special efforts of guest MC, CN Blue Lee Jungshin, each couple  experiences the abandoned school in their separate units. The couples of  the Adam, Goguma, and Khuntoria couple can depend only on their  husbands or wives for help. Under these circumstances appeared a  high-pitched singing type, a bodyguard/protective type, a  terror-stricken type, and more, resulting in an episode that will truly  be exciting for the audience.








After experiencing this horror  (house), the three couples thought, "We can't be the only ones that were  forced to go through this torture," and dragged in Jungshin, pushing  him into the abandoned school.








Can the Adam couple, Goguma  couple, Khuntoria couple, and Lee Jungshin smoothly sail through this  frightening/horrible experience? The question that has yet to be  answered, who can achieve the title and honor of "The Strongest Couple,"  will be revealed in the Chuseok special of MBC's"We Got Married Couple  Competition - Welcome to the Horror House" on September 18, 5:15PM.
























































亚 当,红薯,khuntoria夫妻和李正信能否顺利通过恐怖阵呢,那对会得到“最强夫妻”的荣誉呢,中秋特辑“我结最强夫妻决定赛-Welcome to  恐怖特辑”将在18日下午5点15分(韩国时间)MBC《我们结婚了》放送。























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.:LaUrEn.: Than U for the info!! I really can't wait for this horror special. Jungshin definitely has been getting popular lately in and outside WGM. Good for him!




monkie2884: Regarding the allkpop article talking about the Korean website 100Beat list of best/worst idol group in ranking for the past 10 years, supposedly based on professional critics.


I also read the article early in the day and got angry but now I can speak in a reasonable tone about it hahhaha. Well, I will try! I read a lot of the comments and pretty much 98% of the people believe that the list is wrong, especially the top 5 worst idol groups. I mean CN Blue, Super Junior, H.o.t., Rain as the worst???? In the past 10 years?!!? Come on! None of those in my opinion come anywhere close to being in the top 5 worst list for various reasons!! There are a LOT of others that have the 'honor' especially if they are doing the analyses of idols active and inactive during a decade. In addition, the reasons the 'critics' are giving to support their decisions are completely bogus. You can definitely see that the list is not really based on an objective analysis were everyone is judged accordingly. I don't really think it was done by real professionals, and if they were, the analysis was biased and subjective. 




They say that CN Blue is the worst idol group because it is a group imitating a rock band. That they are not real. I don't now what they were thinking because as we all know they are a real band and they know how to play their instruments. They even can compose their own songs, something that cant be said with a lot of other groups. They can perform live as well. It is not their fault that music shows obligates them to hand-sync their instruments instead of letting them play for real. The critics also mention the plagiarism controversy. If they really studied each artist they should know that the plagiarism controversy for I'am a loner  was not the fault of CN Blue. I will quote:


“The plagiarism issues are the fault of the composers, Kim Do Hoon and Lee Sang Ho. We hope CNBLUE does not get scarred from this issue. This issue is between us (Ynot) and the composers of ‘I’m a loner’, in no way is it an issue between us and CNBLUE.”


Ynot added:



“We expect and look forward to a long career from CNBLUE, who is talented and has the ability to play instruments, compose and write songs. We hope this incident does not hinder their activities and we hope it does not scar them at all.”



The original group, Ynot, clearly stated that the guilty party is the songwriter who sold the song to FNC for CN Blue to play it. Even after Ynot defending CN Blue and, even saying that they are really talented, the list creators still decide to give the impression that CN Blue a false band full of plagiarized songs. Also they mention that their genre is not rock so that is another reason they are not a rock band.  What?? I completely understand that in Korea rock is not mainstream so I am not sure if the critics believe that rock band should play hard rock songs?? Metal?? Rock is formed by a diverse range of styles, types, whatever you may want to call it!!! Besides, they are classified as an Indie Rock Band, not Heavy Metal.


Phew! Needed to get that out of my chest. What made me happy is that pretty much people who are supporters of SNSD and Super Junior (which is a pretty large fan base), were also supporting CN Blue. Since SNSD, thus Seohyun, have passed through a lot of critics and survived, I know she will be there for him cheering him up as well as the rest of the boys. Hopefully, they will not take the list to heart and notice how the list is not even professionally made. Maybe they will also pay attention to the others on the worst list and not feel too bad. I mean, even if you don't like SJ music, the boys version of SNSD form the same company, you can't denied that they are the first idol group that has crossed ALL branches of entertainment (singing, dancing, MC, Tv host, radio host, acting, etc) and succeeded and is pretty much known internationally. They can't definitely be described in the worst top 5 idol group so maybe the Yong and the boys will notice that their position in the list must also not be real. 




So Yong~, JongHyun, MinHyuk, JungShin, I still support you no matter what the list says!! Maybe if they see each other in Japan, Hyun will comfort Yong about this happy.gif  






OH! Than you POGA for the translations!! It will be very funny if Jung Shin alone is braver than all the others that are inside the abandoned school as couples. 




Also, although Yongseo is our favorite, lets support all the couples as part of their WGM family. None of the couples are bad because each one brings different aspects of relationships. Lets just be happy about all of them being together, especially since they are partly close or connected to each other outside the show.  


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so.. drama? haha. just joking.

but thanks so much for the info lauren and thanks to POGA for translations. i love how jungshin feels almost like a regular on the show. haha. maybe they'll fix him up with someone one day! like an older noona relationship. :) that would be super funny. but i'm excited for for the special!!! because we'll get to see all 3 couples interact and hopefully lots of skinship :wub: haha. and i'm excited to see yongseo in the dark... ALONE perving thoughts? sorry!!! :lol: haha. and i wonder how jungshin is going to survive by himself? hm... :lol:

btw, just thinking, if they are showing the horror special tomorrow, the 18th, what about what happens with juri ueno? are they going to continue that the following weekend or something? cause that would be super confusing AND so mixed up with the rest of the episodes. but oh well i was sold on HORROR (although, not a big fan of it myself) and SKINSHIP! :) who isnt right?

have a good day and night to everyone~

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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you everyone for all the goodies! just clicking those + buttons until I exceed the allowed quota :D

@dbskisluv2. The Way You Are is one of my favorite songs at the moment. I also can't help but think of Seobaby and her Yong when I hear that song. I hope one of our talented gogumas can make an mv out of it. .


Seobaby the Fangirl



Chicaki/Tamaki Hiroshi


Capt Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp


Jung Yonghwa/ CN Blue

<3 from head to toe


+ add the fact that she chose Y WHY, a song written by Yonghwa, after telling him she preferred happy songs :lol:

We all know who's topping her fangirling heart huh? But I'm still not 100 % sure about this one...

Yonghwa vs Sweet Potatoes kkekeke :lol:

that's another one on my goguma wish list. what's Yonghwa's ranking on the sweet potato scale? :D


What would you like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?

1. Let them go to a skating rink. That's always fun and someone always tumbles.

2. Let them do couple bungee jumping. No further comment. ;)

3. Go on a wilderness trip.

4. Swimming pool? Go swimming?

5. Let them look after kids/baby for a day.

6. Do a CF/MV together.

7. Yonghwa fetching Seohyun from college? Scare the fanboys?

Yeah ...

Best regards,


I want to see Yonghwa seranade Seobaby with Love Light. I'm hoping we'll get to see something like that on the episode filmed after Seobaby's birthday.

I want to hear what Seobaby thinks of Love Light and CN Blue's Love album.

I want to see Yonghwa's reaction when she praises him and gushes about his new songs.

Will it be as candid and sweet as episode 7? :wub:

One of my favorite moments...Yonghwa's reaction when Seobaby mentioned Y Why. His surprised yet very pleased expression was priceless.

REQUEST: can someone please make a gif out of that? tnx!

JongHyun asks Seobaby what's her favorite song from the album.

Yongseo staring moment

H: (while looking at Yong) Besides Loner...Love Revolution.

Y: Do you know...that song...

H: You wrote it..right?

Y: nods, smile, bites lip and strums his guitar

also mentions that Seohyun prefers upbeat/happy songs.

JongHyun asks for another song she likes.

H: Y Why.

Y: *surprised. turns to Seobaby*

(Y Why is an upbeat and happy song? <3)

(Minhyuk and JongHyun: you only like songs written by Yonghwa hyung)



Aigoo! Talk about being real. That scene is just one of many Yongseo moments that show how realy they are in front of the camera, saying and expresssing what they feel.

There will always be haters and jealous/insecure freaks in this world. But there's an upside when they create unwanted buzz in this thread...lurkers and newbies come out and post to defend our goguma nation :w00t: it always brighten up my goguma day when i see familiar and new names in our thread. :D

gogumas fighting!

oh and i want them to have another movie date. <33333 i have a feeling they'll be more jumpy and awkward in front of the camera because there are now deeper feelings between them kekek kyaaa! YONGSEO squirming in their seats because they're feeling THE heat *dies* LOL


can't wait for the horror special. with jungshin chingu around i'm sure ti'll be even more daebak for our couple!

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annyeong gogumas~!!! :)

sophiapia, pen(..^^..): glad u have the same opinion as i do... BUT blueshoes just posted saying that cnblue had some other schedule at that time? oh well... it's indeed a bummer that the guys isn't yong! she must be very comfy with the manager or whoever that is huh <_< ... not that there's anything wrong to that... but haha we're talking about yongseo biased gogumas here! :P

I don't think the mysterious guy is YONGHWA because he has event at OSAKA 09.16 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Osaka) 7:00 PM at Namba Hatch09.18 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Nagoya) 7:00 PM at Bottom Line09.20 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Tokyo) 7:00 PM at Shibuya-AXcredit http://codenameblue.wordpress.com/

thanks for the info, blueshoes~!!!! if u didn't burst my bubble, i could have reached to the infinity & beyond! thanks for pulling me back to reality LOL~! the same goes to lovekin too for always being realistic & rational about things keekeke

lauren, POGA: thanks for sharing the info~! :D

yes, panGG... i am also bought over by the word HORROR haha xD and i also wonder how will jungshin survive by himself 'cause i don't think he'll be tagging along with any of the couple. LOL poor avatar! oh, unless he's the one behind all the scary effects? i hope they won't cut our yongseo's skinship scenes! :angry:

crystal, i wish i could include the caps but gahhh i'm not at home right now... anyway, here's my answer to ur question:

my most fav scene is when yong was looking at hyun preparing gogumas for him. those looks in his eyes are full of :wub: !!!! my heart will explode if he looks at me like that haahahah :w00t: but wait there's suddenly another fav scene came into mind! the one when he was feeding hyun the dried strawberries! KYAAAAAAAAAA ok... i'd better stop for now. my colleagues are looking at my weird expression right now xD ekekekek

edit: dunno if this has been shared but it's a veryyy sweet FMV... credits to MsPinkslippers@YT

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Hello everyone!! *excited*rolling here and there in gogumaland* :D







Gosh! I miss spazzing in this thread! Had enough one week holiday and now I'm back! Anyone miss me? LOLs :lol:







Thank you very much for all the goodies! I've to backtrack so many pages and I miss the 1000th pages celebration. keke~ Anyways congratulations everyone for keeping this thread alive and stronger! Hello to new comer and lurkers! *waving* Old spazzer, miss you guys a lot! But I rarely see you guys posting, where are you guys hiding anyway? :phew:







I smell something's wrong going on here.. *isk isk* Don't start the old bad memories here guys :tears: I want YONGSEO LOVE only. Others, doesn't matter, please go to your own spazzing world. This is GOGUMALAND, for people who adores the couple so much and sharing the worldwide love. :wub: And this is a SHOW, a fake pretending marriage between 2 young idols. Whether it is REAL or REEL, it's up to you guys. Keep it for yourself and spazzing the worth worthy moment in the program only. *peace*







Read about the bag incident after I watched the latest episode. I'm LOLing after realized that the split second scene can cause a big and hot discussion here. :blink: Oh please~ That's the real life of couple! I bet we have almost the same experience, joking and bickering with our loves one. So, it's not a problem!







I'm very sure Seohyun didn't feel anything weird, maybe just tiny hurt moment because usually her husband will carry the bag for her. She was fangirling over Ueno Juri more. :w00t: Gosh those two were so cute chattering with each other about UJ, feel nervous, happy, excited together and I bet both of them will use UJ as their main part of conversation after this. Didn't this thing can makes them more closer by sharing their special experience meeting their Japanese idol/ideal? Think positive. :D







Alright, I don't want to discuss more about it. We come from around the world and some have different opinions. However, we are human like YongSeo. Sometimes we can do wrong and it's normal. All of us are human and not a perfect angel. Don't take anything seriously, just a pinch of salt. *grouphugs* I love this thread and all the people in here. I got so many new sisters, brothers and dongsaeng. I love you guys, so make this thread as a happy home thread and PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES. *why did i sound like a mother now? lol* :D







I know the thread will move on so fast but I need to tell everyone that the Goguma Project Team will announce our new project on Saturday. Hope everyone can participate in the project since we want to gather our LOVE towards YONGSEO. The 1st project is still going on smoothly and I need some designers now. I saw so many new lurkers have talents on the design matters, thanks for all the lovely design! I would love to work with you guys. Do PM me if you are free and feel excited to help YongSeo Project. I will brief more later on or you can see them here.







Yaish! I can't wait to see the new horror episode tomorrow! I don't care who will be the strongest couple or whatever it takes. I just know the episode will be the most worthy spazzing ever since we get to watch for one hour special show, plus the unpredictable skinship / closeness / sweetness etc etc :w00t:*ready for diabetes medicine, anyone wants some? LOL* Till the fingers meet the keyboard back! *rush to re-run YongSeo episode*


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_d3seohyun i love your recaps, thanks so much for them!! i'm currently having a yongseo marathon and now i'm going to go back and rewatch the ones i've already rewatch because of your caps!! :) btw, i love it when a guy bites his lips, my heart melts and dies

dreamyboo i agree! they better not cut any skinship scenes. but i was thinking that they might not since they hardly have any anyways. and so to get good ratings or i guess reviews they better show it all! i hope the PDnim hears our cries and screams to air it! :D I LOVE YOUR SIG! so cute.

so just some randomness to hold me off till tomorrow...

i had a yongseo marathon again today and found things i never noticed before. if its been post, please ignore :)

in the episode where they move into their house and their sisters and brother come visit them. the scene where they finished with most of the soudproof walls and yongseo are locked in the room together. of course it was hyoyeon's idea and when you get a close up you see this:


for some reason i never noticed that she was wearing yong's rabit ears from the amuzement park! i dont know why (lol i wrote that just now and instantly thought "i dont know why~ i dont know why~ i love you baby!" love that song right now!) but i always remember her wearing something but it totally went over my head. i was too focused on our yongseo couple! and i know this cap isnt of yongseo but i figured it was okay because well its an wgm episode cap and hyoyeon is so supportive of yongseo. jungshin and her make a great team! lol

another random thing i just NOW noticed was the placement of their "avatar babies" lol:


i always wondered where yongseo had put them because the scene following that where he has the dragon saying bye to "mommy" XD haha. but i always thought that they were going to put it outside or something since that is their "avatar world" and so i never expected them on top of the fridge. geez... i'm really SLOW!

and this last cap is the returning home scene where cn blue gets back from thailand and their in the car. right after the awkward confession that hyun found out about the thailand gig from jinwoon and hyun's icebreaker is the seatbelt. i didnt notice this before because again, too focused on the yongseo couple. jonghyun is, i guess, whispering to jungshin, trying to maybe keep from feeling even more awkward in the backseat, and he points something out. i know its not anything significant but its just funny because he points and then hyun gets the starring role because of the seatbelt. funny stuff.


anyone else seen any random stuff they want to mention?!

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REQUEST: can someone please make a gif out of that? tnx!








JongHyun asks Seobaby what's her favorite song from the album.

Yongseo staring moment

H: (while looking at Yong) Besides Loner...Love Revolution.

Y: Do you know...that song...

H: You wrote it..right?

Y: nods, smile, bites lip and strums his guitar

also mentions that Seohyun prefers upbeat/happy songs.





JongHyun asks for another song she likes.

H: Y Why.

Y: *surprised. turns to Seobaby*






Sorry for cutting your post.

Request scene gif.....

For the Y Why reaction for YH need to see from the mirror..



Hope u will like it.



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Hello, I have been a lurker since page 1 and ep 1. I been trying to post and join in all the fun but I couldn't figure out how to post...hee hee..I posted in other Soompi stuff but somehow couldn't post here...not until I figure out that I have to log in...duhhhhh!!! Anyhow, I'm here and will be joining you guys from now...happy posting!!!!


I just started watching Korean drama last year but fell completely in love with their stories, music, characters and cultures and don't forget their food. I like Seohyun the first time I saw her in a music video and yes, I am a woman (happily married with 2 kids) but I find Seohyun's look very soothing and fresh. I started paying more attention to her and her unnies and now my kids are listening to their music...got them hooked too and my husband is starting to whistle their songs too...so cute. I love CNBlue's music too...love band music especially guitars and drums.


As for this couple, the more I watched this couple, the more I like them...actually sorry....love them. I love their commitment to the show and to each other. Like we all know, this is a reality show and we all have dreams or have thoughts that they might be real now or hopefully some day to be real. That's for us "fans" to follow up years from now. I know I will be supporting Seohyun and Yonghwa in all their projects (current or future) regardless who they paired with.


Never know, maybe Yonghwa's love faith might be like who he looks up to...Bon Jovi!!! I am a huge fan of Bon Jovi. He is a fabulous artist, handsome (his skin is so good...saw it in person), and a great family man. He married his high school sweetheart!!!! He admitted in an interview that he have women throwing themselves at him while they were starting out and touring all over the world. He did not denied the temptation of all the beautiful women but he knows deep inside who is the woman that he wants to marry and have children with. He said that he's lucky that he found his wife at a young age. They dated, broke up and they were good friends during his early debut years. They finally hook up again when he and his band mates got really popular...made it big. The backbone of his life!!!


I guess, as a leader of a up and rising band, the pressure of keeping the image in tact with himself and his band mates and keep what's real in his life will always be a balancing act until they hit it big....so big that really nothing matters and his fans loves them for their music and not their looks and style or other silly reasons (character in a drama...being sarcastic...I know...sorry)


Maybe, one day we will see the results for Yonghwa and CNBlues and Seohyun will be Yonghwa's backbone (friend or wife).


BTW: Love all the fanfics....I am so addicted...I don't think I ever read so much and get addicted to reading since Memoir of a Geisha!!!! (many years ago)...Happy Thursday here in North America!!! Peace Out!!


One more thing...just one more!!! Yonghwa's lyric is fine....It is how most artists in North America writes their songs/music...it’s suppose to have meaning but hidden message to it...its pretty deep. ...lots of unfinished sentence. Very common.


Really Peace Out!!



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Guest lzellski
































































































































































































Hi!!! Welcome to the thread *throws lots of confetti*






























































































































I hope your friend will enjoy Goguma cuts and will join Gogumaland too :w00t:































































And thanks for that info... awww so it is one of the managers? I was hoping it was Yong but I knew it was almost impossible because of the hair color... xD Thanks soo much for the info :D






























































































































You can find the links to the first episodes (and all episodes) here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/, also on the right bar there are links to YongSeo and SeoHyun facebook accounts (created by fans) and I think they've uploaded the episodes there too. Go to Video Section.






























































































































Hope you are able to watch them. :D































































































































































































































@crystal_malfoy thanks..i'm so excited!...i will definitely check-out the links that you posted. thanks again.

































































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oh my god..whatever happened to my lovely sweet potato thread? i just went back to lurker mode for a few months (i bet no one would even remember me) and then goguma world is in chaos?
























regarding the article where in cnblue was mentioned in a not so good way..don't read it..people have different standards of music..calling themselves as professional critics doesn't mean we have to believe or agree with their own opinion...kpop has become too idolish that when good music comes along..it is either go unnoticed or accused as worse music...band groups are still underrated in kpop, but one thing i can say, being called as a fake band is harsh. these 4 boys are just so new to entertainment business and it breaks my heart that they are being harshly criticize for a craft that they are passionate about..yong would be devastated but there's his hyun who will comfort him..i too have an opinion on that article but i won't just post it coz i don't wan to add fuel in here..
























to the trolls..GET LOST!!!!!!!
























let's spread love and continue loving yong and hyun..cnblue and snsd, and all music artist that are passionate of their music.
















































till next time...mamasang will be back :wub:





























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Guest SophiaPia
























:( why i cannot open this forum in my mcbook, but in my hubby imac i can open it huhuhu why why why :( what will i do.?
















yes! i'm always excited to watch wgm YongSeo every saturday. So i really can't wait. and still hoping that the rumor on 21st is true. Aigoo! still a lot more to see on this goguma couple. So i hope wgm will still show all the rest :)
















Whatever it is, whether SeoHyun and Yonghwa are REEL or REAL i'm fine. At the end of the day these 2 only knows what's it their heart. And i don't think they faking it. It's real what they showing w/ each other. U really can see that from time to time both are still shy w/ each other meaning something in their :) They make me happy and for sure they are best of friends now. SeoHyun baby will not give her phone no. to Yong if she is not comfortable w/ him. same what happen to the 1st couple i luv in wgm season 1 the Sanggchu couple or the lettuce couple. They ended in wgm but i can't do anything about it. But they make me happy during that time in season 1. Now. YongSeo couple makes us happy and excited every saturday. And nothing wrong w/ that if we love them. But of course it will be nice if they will become real. But both of them still young and have their dreams ahead of them. So, why not we just sit back and relax be happy and inlove while supporting YongSeo. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
















I don't mind the other couples, and i don't hate them either in fact i'm watching their episode in livestream. it's just that i luv YongSeo more. For me they are diff. and bcoz of the progress it become real. You can't be sweet right away when u 1st meet right? the real relationship goes w/ the transformation, goes w/ progress. 1st time u will awkward and shy then after that FALLING SLOWLY awwwwwwww! and that's Yongseo couple that's why i luv them. But this time around i want SKINSHIPS hahahahahaha!
















i hope i can open soompi in my mcbook :(
















Cheers to all





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Guest waniey_haha
















sophiaPia : i'm totally agree wit u...yes of coz we cannot right away falling deep or be sweet to each other if we just meet with the person....and for me i love them because yeah ...their relationship takes slowly....make each other feel comfortable... know each other first... and thats we call the REAL !!! like normal people ...normal relationship....some of my friends think that their progress is very slow compared to other couple but for me....if u treasure. feel n see clearly .....yongseo is just like many of us....at first ...the awkward moment can't be avoided.... becoz they didnt know each other well.... but seeing them in the latest episode which have been recorded during September...u can't deny that they are different from the beginning...they feel more closer,, more relax,,more comfortable to each other...the sweetness..... O MG.... with hyun that we know was a very shy ,pure n never have any experience with other guyz... but with yooong she looks sparkle not juz her eyes,, but i also feel that she is more and more beautiful and stunning during each episode....i'm feel grateful for her bcoz she've got yoong as her husband but i'm also feel the same for yooong tooo....








they are really made for each other... i'm saying this not becoz i love them too much but i've seen them from the beginning....








well of coz ,i'm also looking for next level of skinship....like many of us do....heeee....can't wait for tomorrow,,,







































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