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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hihi_hehe




























btw .. just saw this post




















Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun







































During the interview:






























































How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?







































YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.






























































Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?







































YH: Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.






























































(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)






























































Cr Baidu Goguma Couple Translated by : 小雨







































the question about who is prettier, and Yonghwa's answer is "Different"




















Yonghwa could say "Ueno is prettier" that's ok ... but the word "different" means something "different" !




















that's pretty much of it LOL





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TODAY IS THE DAY :) WGM YongSeo special episode kekekeke
































































I don't know, but i feel that something will happen today that will make us all LOVE our couple more and more and moooooooooore! kekekke
































































Thai YongSeo fans, DAEBAKK!!! I don't know anyone of you personally, cause I don't think I have someone from your group i always chat with at twitter or ym or skype but I would like to thank you guys for what you did :) You've done a great job! *hands down*
































































hahahah YOnghwa you are such a dearie.. "IDEAL IS IDEAL" hope this ends everything! lol!
































































and with regards to the sentiment about yonghwa saying he's not dating seohyun, here's what i have to say.. ill make spoiler cause some people might get offended, don't read if you don't want to kekeke

Do you guys really expect them to date now?? or do you really think their dating? If so, do you think they will admit?? Ofcourse they wont.. that's like career suicide.. people should just stop over analyzing and start enjoying the couple while it's still there.. nevertheless, i am 100% sure even after WGM ends, YongSeo will remain friends.. besides, Yonghwa is the first guy outside SM that Seohyun got close with.. just be happy guys!

































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Guest fabregas215

crystal & cailel: about yong had been to jail: as far as i know,he kinda explain it in the making the artist cn blue but i dont remember in which ep. 

when they performed at the street suddenly a few policemen come along and asking them question in japanese. they had to tell the policemen their name but yong dont spaek japanese fluently and he can't remember how to spell his name JUNG in japanese character. so the policemen had to take him to the policecstation ( thinking that he is an unregistered immmigrant or something)

so,at the police station he is given a book of japanese character name and he has to look thoroughly in the book to spell his own name.

and their manager came a bit later to explain everything to the policeman.

so,its kinda misunderstanding situation. our yong did'nt do anything bad.

and sorry,i dont really remember the full story as i watch the MTA quite a long time ago.

hope this is helpful=)

today is saturday guys!!!wub.gif

a dose of goguma love to made my hari raya day~

edit:baby_bo: yup.he also mentioned it in a show with onew. this is when onew said that he get caught because he went to female dorm. when the Mc asked whose dorm is it, onew jokingly said its seohyun.

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Guest Crystal392
















































baby_bo: Sis *hugs* are you going to stream WGM later? I haven't talked with the CNR girls in a loong time :( I miss all of you.
















fabregas: Thanks for explaining that.

Ohh I am such a bad Boice and YongHwa fan, I can't believe I forgot that. Yeah now I remember, it was because of that. When he told the story he was laughing but he said that in that moment he felt very scared; and yeap he didn't do anything bad. He was so nervous he forgot how to spell his name in Japanese. After that he said every time he saw a police car close to where they were perfoming he felt nervous :3

















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baby_bo: Sis *hugs* are you going to stream WGM later? I haven't talked with the CNR girls in a loong time :( I miss all of you.
































































fabregas: Thanks for explaining that.

Ohh I am such a bad Boice and YongHwa fan, I can't believe I forgot that. Yeah now I remember, it was because of that. When he told the story he was laughing but he said that in that moment he felt very scared; and yeap he didn't do anything bad. He was so nervous he forgot how to spell his name in Japanese.































































































































Hello :) *hugs back* yep i ll be streaming WGM later :) im not sure if their will be a conference but if there is join us :D
































































and about yonghwa sent to jail, i read that somewhere.. i think he said that in a show where he was guest, the show was with Onew... hahah

































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I have a question for everyone, and I know this may have been asked countless times already, but where do you watch the live streaming of the show?




This is actually the first time I have become relentless with the upcoming episode (except for the GaIn revealing her bare face to Kwon, but other than that I think I still lived for another day) for the YongSeo couple.




The YongSeo couple has definitely kept me on my toes, wondering how they have progressed each and every step of the way.


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I have a question for everyone, and I know this may have been asked countless times already, but where do you watch the live streaming of the show?
































































This is actually the first time I have become relentless with the upcoming episode (except for the GaIn revealing her bare face to Kwon, but other than that I think I still lived for another day) for the YongSeo couple.
































































The YongSeo couple has definitely kept me on my toes, wondering how they have progressed each and every step of the way.































































































































hello, im not sure if it's allowed so ill just link you to genxv's blog..
































































































































Click on the VIDEOS tab, from there you can find the links to where you could stream WGM today :)

































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hello everyone whose waiting for the new episode! :)












havent shared anything in a while but i found this--its a mixed version of Seohyun and her unnies, SNSD, japanese performances and MV. the beginning is an introduction of all the girls and Seohyun's japanese is so good. not sure if it was scripted or what exactly, but why do i have the feeling that her japanese might be better then yonghwa's? lol. study much, yong? haha. just picking :) but here it is mixed by recentcomments(aka codemonmon, monmonsnow, and some others!)












SNSD Genie Japanese Mix












and not sure if this was shared yet on this thread or not (found this at the cnblue thread), but here is yonghwa doing an impromptu acoustic of "love light" at a radio show called SEED 97.5FM. from what i've read it was a 40 minute meet and greet interview.




































just a random thought strayed into my head just now. i was watching a fancam of seohyun at smtown in seoul and its during jessica's naengmyun song. how cute would it have been for hyun to make a dish of naengmyun for yong and do the little dance for him too. :) haha. i know its jessica's song and all but it would definitely be super cute, especially after watching this video, and i can totally imagine hyun trying to teach yong the dance... if he doesnt already know it! haha. random, i know!!












Seohyun NAENGMYUN!!!



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crystal_malfoy You are such a dearie - for sharing YOngSeo's reaction seeing their idol. I think Seohyun would play the supportive gf/wifey for Yonghwa here... well,other than the fact that she's most benefecial because --- originally-- she's the first to confess of her love for the NODAME manga right??? - that's HER IDOL!!! haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you have good relationship with your bf/hubby, i think you would be happy for him as well to be meeting his dream girl.... - You are not that insecure!!! hahaha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Miel - i love the SHANGHAI arrival pics. Our SEOBABY looks so FEMININE in a dress!!! I guess that's her way of treating her hubby - oh it's rather rather teasing him. DROOL BABY!!! haha. We all know YongHwa is all out crazy for feminine girls, and all out-crazy for SEOBABY!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the episode --- I'm just waiting as to how Yonghwa would answer his idol when asked who he is with and say --- "I'm with my wife" :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HA! maybe the PD was expecting to see a jealous Hyun for this special ep this but she's too nice.... --- UNPREDICTABLE events from our dear couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... reminds me so much of CLUMSY's fic! Unpredictably sooo good! ha! (oi, i miss u much. it's been like what? 2 days???. HUGZ!!!)

































































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Guest clothpighwa






Not sure if this was mentioned before..


In this thai video:



From 3:56-4:02


The boys were receiving the gifts from the fans,


and Yonghwa was going to pass this bag (with yongseo printed on it) to Jonghyun,


but after he turn the bag and saw the print on it,


he didnt gave it to Jonghyun and instead hold on to it. blush.gif


& I saw a cute smile on his face! ^_^


After which he hugged it and say thankyou to the fans. :lol:


Missed his hyun buin so much yea. Hehehe. :wub:


Cant wait for the episode that is going to air later!! :w00t:



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Guest crystalblue




SNSD is already in China.. aigooo.. I can't believe they still have those smile on their faces despite the jetlag.. they went to 3 different countries in a week!




sorry to cut you short there.... baby bo- sweet of you to worry about them but I travel thru Asia often fo my work and Japan, Korea & China has only 1 to 2 hours time zone changes. Not enough for jet lagging but still, they do have a massively tiring schedule! as long as Hyun makes time for Yong, we're happy, right??? :D


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Guest bintangkalerbiru



Hello everyone!!

it's saturday,another goguma day!! :lol: new episode is just around the corner...

as expected, this goguma thread is moving so fast and it took me awhile to finish reading the posts. i tried the quiz from redtulip and it says that i'm addicted to our goguma couple and almost at the point of strongly addicted. hahahaa.. :lol: the quiz is so cool. thanks redtulip. although i know that i really am addicted to goguma couple but this quiz confirmed it. :lol:

rainie_chu your insight is really good and i totally love it. u know y? bcoz it's almost like wat i think. ^_^ it's just that i dont know how to put it in words like u did, n u did really well. thanks for sharing those insight! ;)

cherimerci wow,those gift is really daebak! i love the bag with cnblue and yongseo cartoon on them. it's extremely cute!! wish i could get one of those. :lol:

puivixe please don't discourage on watching our couple.. we need all the goguma love that we can get. dont miss any ok?

just my little POV:

i think that someone ask whether yonghwa and seohyun are dating for real. i think they are not. this might be dissappointed many of this couple but i think what he said in the intrview is right. they really did not dating for real. but do they love each other?? definitely a big Y.E.S !! it's just they never admit it with themselves that it is love between boy and girl. it's ok. time will show them all. hehe.. ;) and i do agree with rainie_chu that seohyun is the one who fall in love and got besotted with yonghwa and he with her a little time later. there's an interview for cnblue that said "who wouldn't love Yonghwa? it's easy to fall for his charm" and i agree with that 101%. thanks rainie_chu for pointing out your insight beautifully which just like reading my own opinion. i was nodding like crazy reading it. :lol:

anyway,a few hours to go before new episode!! have a nice day goguma!!

p/s:i wish i could answer to all of the post coz all of them are really good. thanks everyone for the pic,vid and simply for ur post. u guys making my day..like always.. ^_^


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Guest SophiaPia








getting ready for episode today :) i don't know why i'm the one who's nervous on this special episode kekeke!






To all who will translate later episode Kamsahamnida. Thank you all YongSeo fans every time u share news, photos, fancam video and a lot moreof our lovely couple.






Yong nampyeon didn't wear his couple ring in fan signing 2day in Thailand. Maybe boz of work, coz they had their photoshoot in OK magazine Thailand. It's OK no worries.


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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi...everyone...I'm happy today...

@Lenovo, monie 1909, sophiapia, Caliope, Trent, Crystal, aurora, Rouenna, sierralainewalsh, miel, panGG pen, gettawa,waniey haha, magdal


@Miel and red tulip thanks, I'm happy u like it...

@Genxv: Unnieeee thanks... We are lovely, happy,  family..  :wub: ke..ke..ke where is naz unniieee?

@ Dreamy boo thanks for thats pic...Hugs...:wub:

@DJHinata thanks....you are lovely.....^_^

Thank You For All Your Wishes

I just wanna share my new fan mv lovely skinship 22 (song: Stand by me-Shinee)

here is the link

lovely skinship 22

thanks for watching ^_^

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My god, I have been trying to find sites that had these two specifically, since I'm beginning to have a weird obsession over them!








Anyway, for u guys who are trying to find eps with the Goguma couple here are some useful links;








http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/ [for ep 8+]








http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html [for ep 1-7]













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