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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest unicorn_lover



this couple totally showing their bonding without others hesitant... they are not showing their lovey-dovey side because they're in WGM, but they desired for it...

for me this week scene ranking is:

1) when hyun stand up for MH, she showing her balancing side when not taking yong side as yong become "choding yong"

2) when yong give hyun his jacket n she is not backering hehehe, n also when his hand inside the jacket..

3) jonghyun nice shoot... (if only someone made the img out of this scene, he is totally irresistable.. :wub:)

4)when hyun watch the boys stufing their mouth with pasta n even given a  good comment abt the pasta... :) a woman totally happy when everybody  loves what she cooked...

5) when MH implies that hyun is indeed yong's girlfriend...

6) when yongseo ran towards the dark n hyun high pic scream... hahahaha...  

7) the goodbye scene, yong leader immersed out of nowhere, he is given me the charismatic vibe...

8)when they are totally into win each other, the 91s against busan boys... (act i am rooting for busan boys...)

about the khuntoria vs yongseo....

why there are so many antis??????? the antis are really annoying, when seohyun started wgm, the antis are making the antis seohyun vid... they don't even know her.. WTH.. it feels such nerve-wrecking, b4 she start wgm, nobody notice what she wearing, her stage-mistake, but all of sudden the unbearable comment arises out of nowhere.... if only i have a power to stop the antis... i think the ones who write the bad comment is just snsd antis...they have nothing good to do...

khuntoria is good, i understand if they have many fans, but, yongseo have fans too... can they be more empathy??? really, are they indeed a human ... they are being too protective... they are rate to 1000000000 hamburgers!!!fury.gif-_-

sorry for the boring-long post... my bad, but i need to voice out or my heart suffer...:( i'm sorry if i have make someone uneasy....

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As of this moment, SM TOWN Concert in Los Angeles is ON! :D






























And Seohyun and Kyuhyun had their performance again.






















































































credits to Cat Chung

































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Guest Crystal392
















































Because I need Goguma love the pic where Kyuhyun and SeoHyun are holding hands is making me feel sad... can you put it on 'spoiler' please?
















From dcmarried:














































































































































I know it's just work... but I can't help but feel sad because it's the second time they held hands and... well... I wish it were Yong~. Can't they sing without holding hands? xD Just ignore me... I'm sleepy and I'm not sure what am I writing
































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Guest hihi_hehe














crystal_malfoy: why you feel sad? kekeke










Remember Yonghwa's words "It's just work" btw, the duet we had a week ago is enough for us to get over the "holding hands"










and remember the FEELING is different ... YongSeo shippers, you guys know that, right? :phew:



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, time for the preview…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Thank you for the food.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Itadakimasu~ (Japanese expression for ‘thank you for the food’ or their way of saying grace before a meal)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: It’s plastic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Is it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Hahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: From there, in a row~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A married couple who are excited to have a meal out….
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I just saw…!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Each dish costs 3,300won and we’ve already had three dishes!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And a guest that no one has expected! Ueno Juri!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I’m already full after two dishes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Ueno Juri?): ___, come over here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Hmm…?...!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: …?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What is going on?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll be back tomorrow to spazz with you guys!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks J2dlee for translating! we are truly grateful! about the preview, was Hyun using banmal to Yong? I don't know how to distinguish banmal from the formal speech. I'm asking because since it is filmed more recently than the others, this would reflect the current status of their relationship. I would like to know if she is now really comfortable using banmal to him.

































































































































































































































































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Guest unicorn_lover

crystal_malfoy: mutual feeling here.... i'm feeling uneasy whenever i watch hyun holding kyuhyun's hand...

 i'm trying not be too possessive against yongseo... but like yong said, "JEALOUSY IS SOMETHING THAT CAN'T BE INEVITABLE..."  :P


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Guest blu3bird80



annyong *wave*

ahh.. to much thing happen in the past week that our goguma heart really need a serious shock start up.. hmm where to begin.. 1st of all thank to ALL for all the link, pic, comment and view and and many more that you guys have contributed.. KAMSAHAMNIDA.. i'm really lacking in these part MIANE.. thank redtulip and j2dlee for the translation a deep bow from me..

okay2.. let spazz.. i love the new ep.. love the family feel to it.. we say Yo~ong choding as well as some Hy~un choding.. *poor Minhyuk*.. love the JongHwa moment.. it show how close these guys are.. even the soothing of baby Minhyuk was great.. i like it when Hyun sided with Minhyuk and somewhat scolded Yong.. but i think Yong was a little hurt by it.. i think the whole senario is normal when you bring your gf over to meet up with your family member/close friend.. normally us boyfriend want to be the jewel in our gf eyes.. but in the gf point of view, she want to be accomodating to other, thus decrease attention to said bf.. if you see it from a girl view than it nothing and your bf really2 don't need to act so childish.. but from the bf point of view, when you side with his friend it hurt, not just your heart but your pride as well.. Hyun have all right to reprimend Yong behavior but do it gently not infront of the CNBlue brother.. he's the leader there.. hope everyone understand.. again it all forgotten when they went out for pool.. i love the whole game.. Hyun is really CNBlue lucky charm.. she won it foor the 91er and won it for hubby Yo~ong.. looking at this, no wonder the boys loved her.. saltwater kimchi all gone right? GAHH!! why oh why didn't Yo~ong went for it.. the almost hug, is LOVE..

i really like the ending to.. seem they really enjoy each other company & seem they loosen up a bit without the boys.. the running ending was epic!!

@K1L1On1Mr4 thank for the mp3 link.. i just hope someone can translate the lyric.. the song seem really soothing

on the other topic of bashing of YongSeo or other couple.. airtime and whatnot.. GROW UP!! seriously enjoy the show and be thankful of your idol is willing to be there.. I'm super YongSeo bias.. i just watch their segment.. but i don't go around complaining short airtime or go bashing on the other couple.. oneday our couple time on WGM will be over.. as they themself promote LOVE.. let show them LOVE..

@crystal_malfoy thanks for the update.. but work is work.. I dont think Hyun have much say in the matter..

lastly on the couple perf.. even on the day itself i felt that the song choice didn't do their great chemistry justice.. Yong didn't do well on RDR, Hyun voice overpower Yong in Love Light.. all i can say is they need practice, more practice singing together.. it one thing to harmonize on instrument *falling slowly duet* it on a whole different level when it come to singing..

MY WISH is another special stage but with enough pactice and their own song..

That all folk

*mode lurker*


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yesterday episode was unexpectedly enjoyable 30 minutes long. in regarding to yong's action of covering hyun with his vest during the billiard game, i think it was necessary since this game requires her to bend horizontally so that her views at the same level with the cue ball (nearly 90 degrees) so that she can make a good shot into the pocket (i played a lot of snooker and pool during my younger years). she might exposed herself slightly there. i would do the same thing as yong just to tell my girlfriend to cover herself up to avoid any unnecessary exposure.



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Guest _d3seohyun



How could anyone in their right mind not love this episode?!

So I guess I wasn't in my right state of mind when I posted my first impression regarding this episode earlier huh? Pabo me!


In my defense, can I just say that I just got home when I tried live streaming, was not fully awake, a little tipsy,

wasn't completely paying attention and with an internet connection and pc that were lagging? kekkeek


Come to think of it I only saw bits and pieces of the pool scene and didn't manage to see the whole ending.

So now having watched the whole episode for the first time after reading the amazing translation of j2dlee (Thank you so much!), allow me to spazz!

What a beautiful episode! It ranks on my top 5, probably even on top 3. An episode FULL OF LOVE, not only between

YONGSEO but also among CN Blue and of course the new family, the in-laws.

I love this episode so much that I did caps for the whole episode in one go. I don't think I've ever done that before kekek

It helped that I had some time to kill too :P

Broadcasted: September 4, 2010.

Filmed: June 14, 2010.

WGM Episode 22 caps.


Thank you.


I have another 18 batches of caps but soompi won't allow me to post.

Anyone knows why? Am i suppose to wait for the next page?

tnx! let me try resizing and removing spoiler...



















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Guest SophiaPia
















































































































sorry if i post too much kekeke! i just want to say what i feel about Yonseo. I'm addict to Yonseo that's why kekeke!
















































































1 thing is i remembered in epi1 when SeoHyun, Tiffany, Taeyon inside the van. SeoHyun told her unnies that's she will have a BF/husband. They surprise of course but they give her advise. I remembered what Tiffany told SeoHyun "You should be like the same like when ur at home, otherwise you will be tired". Meaning SeoHyun should show what's real she is ON/OFF camera. And that's what Hubby Yong told as well in 1 of their guesting for seoHyun what's u see is what u get. And i guess that's what's we've seeing to SeoHyun. She said what's inside her mind and heart. In a polite way. Like what she said to hubby Yong to be nice to MH in a polite way, but sure Hubby Yong is hurt that's normal man's pride/ego kekeke! I'm really proud of SeoHyun baby w/o any experience to be inlove by doing this we got married to be w/ hubby Yong. She's doing well. Asking advice to her mom about cooking, asking for help is a good sign. meaning she really want to be hubby Yong wife. I'm a housewife also, 1st time i don't know how to cook but once ur married you really need to cook for ur hubby and kids kekeke! so i can rely to SeoHyun baby.
















































































same thing w/ hubby Yong i guess his showing also the real HIM. E.g. If his jealous, we all can see that kekekeke! That's why i like this wgm show. It's real. Oh! well maybe their's a script but not much. All these couple will do the rest.  YongSeo couple aja! aja!
















































































re: other couples i watch them in livestream as well i don't mind other couples. But i luv YongSeo couple 1st :)) I don't, we don't say anything bad against other people. There is a saying that WE CAN'T PLEASE OTHER PEOPLE. so other people don't like her/him. We can't do anything about it. It happens everywhere. I i think we just stay cool and let's enjoy watching our goguma couple how they become reel to real awwwwwww! fighting. Let's all be happy. Life is too short. so we must all inlove by watching YongSeo couple. Lovely indeed.

































































































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Guest pamparampap
































































































































































































































































Jd2lee , redtulip , scatterbrain
































































































































thanks for translation!!
































































































































back to watch with translation ..:phew:
































































































































about khuntoria fans article dont think too much .
































































































































they just too immature ..
































































































































and kyuhyun and seohyun held hands thing,
































































































































just think it as bro and sist relationship :)
































































































































OK back lurking~

































































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Guest Crystal392






prechuz: You can watch from episode 8 with eng subs here: http://www.rundevilrunsubs.blogspot.com/ . Click on 'Streaming/Downloading' ^_^ I don't have the links where you can watch the first eps... hopefully someone will answer you soon :D


Btw, remember it's agains soompi rules to post one-lines and to quote pictures.


Let's follow the rules so they won't close our lovely thread :)


YongSeo :wub:



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I know how you feel Crystal ^^, I don´t like that pic either ¬¬ hahaha BUT I need to watch the fancam of it just for spazing about Yong and Hyun´s holding hands again haha (those 2 are pure love :wub:)
















Thank you for the screencaps, I really loved this ep ^^, especially the ending blush.gif
































re: other couples i watch them in livestream as well i don't mind other couples. But i luv YongSeo couple 1st :))  I don't, we don't say anything bad against other people. There is a  saying that WE CAN'T PLEASE OTHER PEOPLE. so other people don't like  her/him. We can't do anything about it. It happens everywhere. I i think  we just stay cool and let's enjoy watching our goguma couple how they  become reel to real awwwwwww! fighting. Let's all be happy. Life is too  short. so we must all inlove by watching YongSeo couple. Lovely indeed.















































Well said haha, I like the other 2 couples too, but yongseo is the only one that gives me the real feeling, that is why I love them most :wub:.
















Edit 2: this is totally out of context but I was watching playful kiss (I think the drama that was told yong would be in) and I was so glad that the guy is not him haha. I´m in love with Kim hyun Jong but can stand it, but for Yong kissing another girl, I don´t even want to think about it hahaha









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Guest hihi_hehe














hehehe I have an idea ... since this is YongSeo's thread, right










we are here for YongSeo, to avoid "things" that don't pleas our eyes










how about we should put it in spoiler? It may start off something that we don't want to










just my opinion ~



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crystal_malfoy: why you feel sad? kekeke

Remember Yonghwa's words "It's just work" btw, the duet we had a week ago is enough for us to get over the "holding hands"

and remember the FEELING is different ... YongSeo shippers, you guys know that, right? :phew:

hi5 yongseo style!!

i feel nothing, seriously.

BUT for the sake of others, i think its best that whatever pics of them coupling with others

(especially yong n other female) <_< should be put under the spoiler tag

ok with u anizet?

antis, they're not worth mentioning!

i suggest that we just filled up our mind with sweet yongseo moments and we will be alright.

d3!!! am glad u like this epi much. feel better now?

yongseo running into the night...ah...blessed their lovely heart!!

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Guest _d3seohyun



I'm so sorry if the page is hard to load. It wont' allow me to post in spoilers :(




































The end :P


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hi minna! i've been a silent lurker here, since like forever (i've ben a silent lurker - seems to be the introduction of all goguma fans who came out of the closet, kekeke)!




i really love the interactions between seohyun and the cn blue boys! its not only the evolution of her relationship with yong that we saw, but with JH, JS & MH as well.




i can stil remember how awkward they were when the boys saw them in their company's studio and they taught her how to play their respective instruments.




i'd like to comment on one thing though...hmmm, i really hope that there would be more interactions between seohyun and jonghyun. when they met at the studio before, it seemed like he was really excited to meet her (fanboy?). but in the end they were the ones with the least moments together. well of course he can't teach her guitar (like MH on drums and JS on bass) because yong was teaching her at that time.




and now, he was even the one doing the dishes on ep 21, and his room was the most presentable (i guess he really wanted to give a good impression), but it ended up being the most cleaned up in a hurry. plus notice him during the magic show part in ep 22, he just kept his head down most of the time.




niwei, just my observation....



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Guest unicorn_lover

i'd like to comment on one thing though...hmmm, i really hope that there would be more interactions between seohyun and jonghyun. when they met at the studio before, it seemed like he was really excited to meet her (fanboy?). but in the end they were the ones with the least moments together. well of course he can't teach her guitar (like MH on drums and JS on bass) because yong was teaching her at that time.

and now, he was even the one doing the dishes on ep 21, and his room was the most presentable (i guess he really wanted to give a good impression), but it ended up being the most cleaned up in a hurry. plus notice him during the magic show part in ep 22, he just kept his head down most of the time.

niwei, just my observation....

hye averille_05.... i am the silent lurker too, juz came out of da cave.. hehehe...

i agree wif u, i think JH want to be close to hyun, but, he does not know how???:unsure:

maybe because the fact that he is the Busan type, coz the Busan type seem very popular for being very manly....

i watched CnBLUE mta, YH commented that JH always said something that unrelated or not suitable n will make everyone goes like :blink::crazy:.... maybe because of that he become more cautious around people...

btw, i just love the _d3seohyun screencaps... u're frozen their precious moment to satisfied the hunger goguma lovers... i can so feel the love btw them.... :wub::wub:... gamsahabnida... :D

p/s: sorry for rambling abt unrelated yongseo, but i really don't know how to do the spoiler-thingy... so i use dif colour, i hope it's alright...:rolleyes:

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Guest hihi_hehe














watch the preview ... I don't know how to explain it ... but it gave off a new feeling ... Idk XD ... just that I saw a new YongSeo? (I don't know what I'm taking about :sweatingbullets)










can't wait for the new ep .... and it's just Sunday here :tears:










topped the page .....










New update from Soju Heaven













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