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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest andalasa
































































































































the last group for Korean Pop Night Concert 2010 is D-NA...so no hope in seeing YongHwa & SeoHyun on a trip together to the little red dot... :tears:






























































































































































































































































































































K-Pop Night Update






























































































































































































































































































































Whoaaa :tears::tears:... I was really hoping that the last group is CNBlue, though it's  lil bit impossible.. Now, I really don't know whether I should go or not :-<...
































































































Thanks for news wollylamb
































































































About 'banmal'.. In my personal opinion, it doesnt really bother me.. (Mayb since I dont speak Korean and couldnt really tell the different :sweatingbullets:)... Because eventhough she's using formal language with Yo~ong, her gesture towards Yo~ong doesnt seem so "formal" (anymore) to me... :)
































































































thanks for all the links Timnat2010 :)..

































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yeay..finally i got the answer how wgm brought this couple...tq WGM team!! its really destiny... already meet last year during sbs daya gaejun..then yong with her unnies.. but in the end, they got married... and totally, they different from others..

1.hyun is younger than yong..

2. 1 from band group n 1 from dance group..

3.the way they build the relationship..(addicted to their stares power..both of them)

aigo..can't wait for tomorrow episode and also their special stage.. don't want to have any demand because for sure gonna enjoy their performance.. hahaha..

@timnat010 agree!

even she seems comfortable to this guys..but still cant fight yong's place.. as been mention,i'm not sure who.. it just hyun have difficulties to talk banmal with person who older than her..even her unnies..its not because of she not close to him..we all know how closed they now

:wub: ..n she try hard too, keep trying even its awkward..it just something that only that person know that feel... and no wonder she use banmal especially to jinwoon because, they same age, and...yeah they always meet during music show(for long2 time ago),so maybe they always communicate(and they share same best friend,nicole kara) n even her unnies always help this two to be comfortable to each other but this before hyun got married :P at least we know hyun have her same age idol-friend.. it was really funny because before this her unnies made project to find friend for hyun (nicole,minho).. and i think totally succeed..

have fun everyone :P


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












the thread seems quite.....




I don't know if someone has shared this yet, but anyway, let me share this fancam. I got a kick out of it. a fan shouted SNSD! then Yong smiled and showed off his couple ring. :)




CNBlue fancam




I feel as if Yong is really happy that he is married to Seohyun (who wouldn't be?). Showing off the ring makes me feel that their relationship is truly special. Seohyun could be watching these fancams and must feel really touched that Yong is happily showing off his ring.




Its like he is making a global announcement like "sorry ladies, I am taken"




EDIT: I was just browsing YT and stumbled upon this. My link




Seohyun was raised well. She is so adorable. :)





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Guest Avelyn




Hey all,


Now we wait with excitement.  Only a one day left for us (goguma lover) to see them in new episode. i totally cannot wait :rolleyes:.


Just now, i read an interesting article from allkpop and cnbluebeat regarding our yongseo couple.  I've find out that  the content of the article make me smile without any reason. I dont know if someone already posted this article but i love to posted it again. here we go...




News about the behind the scenes casting process that MBC’s We Got Married uses has recently been revealed to the public.

On the latest broadcast, 2PM’s Nichkhun told f(x)’s Victoria that he had told the production staff he wanted to be on We Got Married with her. Since then, viewers have been wondering whether personal preferences played a significant impact on the casting of couples on the show.


A representative stated,


“In Victoria’s case, Nichkhun’s wish played a big part. Also, in 2AM’s Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls’ Ga-in’s case, they both said each other’s name in the casting interview… Jo Kwon and Ga-in were each asked to list three people they wanted as their partners, and both named each other on this list.“


However, the “Yongseo couple” was a different case. SNSD’s Seohyun didn’t have anyone in particular that she wanted as her partner. Similarly, CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa didn’t have anyone in particular that he wanted as a partner either. As a result, they were “stuck” together.



Well, in retrospect, aren’t we glad the production staff decided to match the two?



ehem... ^ ^ ... Glad to hear that both Yongseo Couple don't have any preference 'partner' for them self during the interview.  So, now can we decided that yongseo couple now running for their true love?:wub::wub::wub:




Sources :allkpop



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Guest Caliope

Hey guys, I'm back.

I have bad news. My computer is broken :unsure: so I can't write much for a while.

But I'll keep reading from my iphone (still can not write very well from the iPhone).

Wawwwwwwwwww! Our dreams come true.

I can not wait to watch the next episode and also to see some fancam YongSeo's duet. ^^

I will see everything from the iphone. ^^

I hope you're all well.

Take care ^^

Many hugs for everyone.

PD1: By the way...

Who is she?? CNBlue's mum or CNBlue's fan?? Click here :o

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Guest hihi_hehe








































































Finally I have something to write kekeke
























































I was smiling while reading the "truth behind WGM casting decision". Our beloved couple is really unique, don't you think? They had no specific "wife or husband" they wanted to pair with them and they ended up with each other .... May I call it's destiny? :wub:
























































Now I understand why YongSeo was awkward when they first met ... now I'm loving them even more because the way they've developed their relationship is so natural and real :wub:
























































We got married is coming up and we have the "new band" .... how I'm gonna wait like this :tears:
























































I was really pissed off when I read some "bashing comments" about YongSeo,
























































they say how boring, how awkward and Yongseo is lacking skinship, but don't know why I started laughing about it ... well it seems like they don't know a thing about YongSeo
























































People have the right to hate them, but guess what I have the right to LOVE YONGSEO
































































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Guest jesc09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUES. nice one!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S is perfect coz it stands for may good things! 'splendid', 'sugar', 'sis-in-law', 'she'(for being the only girl), 'sarang'(for being loved?hahaha) and everything that has been mentioned.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































them being 'stuck' together is like a successful arranged marriage. v.cute and doesn't happen nowadays. wonder how WGM can come up with this perfect couple. agree with hilaria.maybe the WGM staff watched gayo daejun and saw these two. i like the fact that they don't have any preferences on who they are going to be paired up with. makes it more real.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about the 'banmal' thing...seohyun uses banmal with jinwoon and jungshin...does it mean that she's more comfortable with them compared to her husband? during the blackroom interview, when she was saying that she found out that yonghwa went to Thailand from jinwoon....she called him 'jinwooni' and then corrected herself and change it to 'jinwoonsi'..don't understand Korean, but by calling 'jinwooni' means she's comfy with him...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i feel that yonghwa is trying very hard to become closer but i don't feel that seohyun is trying as hard...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun uses banmal with jinwoon and jungshin because they are same-age friends, all born in the year 1991. I think quite a number of people have already explained the use of banmal but basically, you use it with people the same age as you or younger. With someone who is older than you, you use formal speech, unless the older person tells you to speak comfortably (i hope i'm explaining this right). With Hyun, she even uses formal speech with her unnies, as she mentioned in the piggyback episode, it just kind of became a habit through living with them - 8 girls all older than her. She is respectful by nature, and since the habit of always talking formally to an older person has stuck for so long, she finds it hard to change that and start talking in banmal or informal speech to someone older, even though that someone may be really close to her (such as her 8 unnies).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I beg to differ about Seohyun not trying hard enough. On the contrary, her STRUGGLING with the use of banmal while with Yong is proof enough for me that she really wants to give in to his wish for her to speak more comfortably with him. It's taking her time, but she said herself that she's willing to change step-by-step. She shouldn't be judged just because she finds it hard to break a 20-year habit. And as long as Yong doesn't mind the slow progress, I don't mind the length of time it takes for her to be able to speak comfortably with him. After all, even without banmal, their actions speak of a type of sweetness you can only see between people who are REALLY close to each other. ;p

































































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Guest Carrotgirl

hello guguma world..

this is my first entry in soompi.. actually i had follow this threat long2 time ago.. but i didn't have time to post any comment here (due to my busy day.. hehe).. seems like this threat have gone through many story and discussion.. it almost reach 900 pages..

i would like to share my opinion about our guguma couple.. honestly speaking, im not interested to watch seohyun in wgm.. coz i think everybody know that she is soo innocent n pure.. but then when i got to know that the partner is yonghwa, i tried to watch the episode (coz i'm one of yonghwa's big fan).. surprisingly, i stuck to this couple.. im soo into the couple.. from there, i follow the episode..

in my opinion, guguma couple is different from other couple.. like adam couple, they are more to skinship.. khuntoria based on foreign couple.. but guguma couple is more to natural relationship.. both of them are really awkward during their 1st meeting.. then, they try to adjust n now as what we can see, they are more comfortable.. they can spend their time together, making lots of funny things n having memorable moment. we can see their relationship develop.. that's how true relationship develop..

sorry for long post.. i will continue following this threat.. im soo excited to watch tomorrow's episode.. to see yonghwa jealousy.. hehe..:lol:

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edit @ hearbreak_warefare22: At the beginning I thought we were sharing the same NEW link from HK showcase fancam, which Yong had also showed his ring AGAIN in addition to his interview in Singapore showcase ... Sorry that i made a big mistake ... :sweatingbullets:






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































OK, Credit 柯南公公 from Baidu Sweet Potato Thread This is the link from Hong Kong showcase when Yong was showing his ring TWICE to fans when they boys are being interviewed
















































































































































This is the best I can cap, please forgive the quality, this is the best I can do and here is the video from Tudou:
















































































































































FIRST ATTEMPT (low profile) @ 0:02 (for fans in front of him):















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SECOND ATTEMPT (much more obvious!) @ 0:05 (for fans to his left) :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMGGGG ... he is SO BOLDLY declaring his "marriage" status!!!!! Deep down my wild assumption is their relationship is much more stable and solid, that's why Yong is more bold lately?!
















































































































































Hyunnie ar ... please do something too even we know you are shy ~~~~~ :wub: ... we all are waiting for this Sat's performance!!!!!
















































































































































Edit: Followed by Yong's hand gesture, this video clip include MC interviewing the boys about their ideal type:
















































































































































Jungshin - a girl that understand & tolerate him, and a girl wears baseball cap
















































































































































Jonghyun - a girl that understand and tolerate him, and always be happy when being with him
















































































































































Yonghwa - a girl that is feminine, well mannered, and honest
















































































































































*erm ... we already know who she is*
















































































































































Minhyuk - a girl that a like a friend, a very very good friend that you can comfortably so everything with
















































































































































Edit2: Well said Blueswim_boo!









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Guest blueswim_boo
































































































































































































































First,i'm sorry if any of you find it offended or unnecessary.It just that this thing have been bothering me since banmal issue came out and some ppl keep mentioning how upset they are with Hyun for not talking banmal with Yong.Just sharing piece of my mind.Ppl said that Hyun inability to speak banmal in because it is 20 years habit.But,i think it is more than just a habit to her that make her so difficult to speak banmal with Yong.We know that Hyun live her life based on rules that she followed strictly.Not many ppl can tolerate to live the way she did.Taeyeon and Sooyoung said she so stiff that they call her 'constipation'.Taking a quote from Auratus "She just refuses to see shades of gray, and she chooses to ignore the things that would get in the way of her goals (like boys). Things fall into the good/bad equation, the acceptable and not acceptable. Really, she's a bit of a puritan. " Thats who Seohyun is.Following certain rules of life making her secure,confident,certain and make her who she is today,A great singer,excellent pianist,dilligent student,great dancer,respectful donsaeng,obedient daughter,humble idol/celebrity.Ask her to do anything,she nailed it because of the discipline,rules that she strictly followed all this years.She does not compromise despite ppl judging her because she only focused on her goal.She is stubborn as her unnies said.If she had to sleep at 12am because the skin cell will generate that time,she will sleep at 12am despite they still have event ongoing.Or,if u owe her even 1.60 dollar,it must be paid despite how little it is cause debt must be paid from a single cent.Or you must wear seatbelt despite you sat at the back,middle ,as long as you in the car. And it happen another one of life rules that she followed strictly is same age ppl=can speak banmal.Older ppl= speak formal.For many of us,rules are made to be broken.For Seohyun,following rule is who she is.It is one piece of things that make herself.That  keep her grounded,firm,strong to the root.To ask her to bend one of her life rule for a guy she just knew for 6 month is a bold things to do.It is a big deal,if you ask me.The fact,she agreed to do it,shouldnt be look as simple,easy as we thot.Put ourself in her shoes.How hard it could be,if we had to compromise on being ourself,on what we believe and practice through out all our life?I think she will find a kiss or holding hand or backhug or any amount of skinship is much easier to agree than speaking banmal with older ppl.Cause that wont need her to gave away pieces of herself.The day she readily speaking banmal with Yong is the day she finally truly accept that Yong is indeed that shade of grey of her life that she been avoiding all this time.And i think,Yong knows and realized that as well.So,until that time come,which i hope is sooner,please give Hyun a break.Dont get too upset with her..It really broke my heart,when ppl keep blaming her for that..

































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Guest baby_bo






Hello everyone!!!


Today is THE DAY! WGM EPISODE 21 with CNBLUE and their newest member! kekeke


Banmal, wazzup with the banmal issue? Actually I myself don't understand why it's so hard but Im not Korean, and since even the MCs are saying it's really difficult to use banmal if your not used to it then i believe them. And as a SNSD fan, I have seen her unnies force her to speak banmal to them even just for a show but failed to do so, so SEohyun trying out banmal for YOnghwa is already a big deal. I totally agree with everything blueswim_boo has said! thumbs up! It's part of the korean culture. get over it! If yonghwa understands how seohyun feels, why can't these people? Oh well, bec their jealous! hahaha


YOnghwa at HK fanmeet.. why is he showing off his ring? hehe i just want to know, are the people around asking him to do so or his doing it on his own? oh and btw, don't get me wrong but Im super happy with YOnghwa being so proud that he's married to Seohyun :) I know some are expecting seohyun to do the same in Japan but sadly she isn't wearing her ring since SM Town and Japan.. I would understand though, JAPAN activities this week is a MAKE OR BREAK event for them. But luckily they MADE IT!! and it's obvious :) Let's wait till Seohyun returns from JP activities :)



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Guest lilmssunshine




i think Yong meant it as a joke. since they are not that good at making kimchi.




also, Yonghwa had a little experience making kimchi, in contrast with Hyun.




after that, he pretended that they were being interviewed by a reporter.












i would just like to ask whats the title of the song being played on the background


when yong and hyun where talking of making kimchi a past time?




i think this song was also used in Season 1.








cant wait for the next episode and their collaboration!!!




few more hours til goguma love!! :wub::wub:


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First,i'm sorry if any of you find it offended or unnecessary.It just that this thing have been bothering me since banmal issue came out and some ppl keep mentioning how upset they are with Hyun for not talking banmal with Yong.Just sharing piece of my mind.Ppl said that Hyun inability to speak banmal in because it is 20 years habit.But,i think it is more than just a habit to her that make her so difficult to speak banmal with Yong.We know that Hyun live her life based on rules that she followed strictly.Not many ppl can tolerate to live the way she did.Taeyeon and Sooyoung said she so stiff that they call her 'constipation'.Taking a quote from Auratus "She just refuses to see shades of gray, and she chooses to ignore the things that would get in the way of her goals (like boys). Things fall into the good/bad equation, the acceptable and not acceptable. Really, she's a bit of a puritan. " Thats who Seohyun is.Following certain rules of life making her secure,confident,certain and make her who she is today,A great singer,excellent pianist,dilligent student,great dancer,respectful donsaeng,obedient daughter,humble idol/celebrity.Ask her to do anything,she nailed it because of the discipline,rules that she strictly followed all this years.She does not compromise despite ppl judging her because she only focused on her goal.She is stubborn as her unnies said.If she had to sleep at 12am because the skin cell will generate that time,she will sleep at 12am despite they still have event ongoing.Or,if u owe her even 1.60 dollar,it must be paid despite how little it is cause debt must be paid from a single cent.Or you must wear seatbelt despite you sat at the back,middle ,as long as you in the car. And it happen another one of life rules that she followed strictly is same age ppl=can speak banmal.Older ppl= speak formal.For many of us,rules are made to be broken.For Seohyun,following rule is who she is.It is one piece of things that make herself.That  keep her grounded,firm,strong to the root.To ask her to bend one of her life rule for a guy she just knew for 6 month is a bold things to do.It is a big deal,if you ask me.The fact,she agreed to do it,shouldnt be look as simple,easy as we thot.Put ourself in her shoes.How hard it could be,if we had to compromise on being ourself,on what we believe and practice through out all our life?I think she will find a kiss or holding hand or backhug or any amount of skinship is much easier to agree than speaking banmal with older ppl.Cause that wont need her to gave away pieces of herself.The day she readily speaking banmal with Yong is the day she finally truly accept that Yong is indeed that shade of grey of her life that she been avoiding all this time.And i think,Yong knows and realized that as well.So,until that time come,which i hope is sooner,please give Hyun a break.Dont get too upset with her..It really broke my heart,when ppl keep blaming her for that..






very well said...seohyun is a very special lady...so special that make her stand out among the others..her principles in life is something i admired so much...and i believed tha yonghwa understand her..its just he is at times playfull to loosened the awkward feeling of seohyun as he knows that the situation is a first time in her..i believed that in some way she has confident in yong presence..seohwa fighting..



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came on to see what came upon the "S" for the 'new band' name. great ideas everyone! i really like them all.
















































plus, i got bored awhile ago and made this. just to add to the first one posted by crystal_malfoy.
































































































what do you guys think? seohyun's head is a little off, i know. haha. i made it from cnblue's new photoshoot for NII.
















































edit: oh and i called the "album" blue wish because i used seohyun's picture from one of her photos from "genie" (i think... lol :D)









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Guest Crystal392
















































OMG pangG that pic is amazing!!! you Did a very good job. ^_^
















Thanks to everyone for sharing pics, links and everything.
















Gogumas are the best!!! 24 hours more until WGM new ep ^_^

















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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you for the article about wgm casting. that makes our couple even more special. :wub:

@crystal_malfoy. LOL. mentioning that "title" made me feel guilty because that's the only screencap I've done for episode 20 :lol: . sorry.

our other awesome screencaptors did some beautiufl screencaps right after the episode aired. shml, sally, jnj, ahn_annan and others...thank you.

here are some random scaps so I don't feel too guilty hahhaha :P

The leek/shallots scene was hilarious. But what made it eve nfunnier is the male mc's reaction.

I think he even drooled :lol:


The phone call between the in-laws. JH's "Oh," MH's animated reaction, and Jungshin chingu's cool

and "Oh this could be interesting" look and Yonghwa's "I knew it!" laugh...too cute!

I love how these boys differ from each other yet are awesome together.


Jungshin chingu :lol:



Fact: Angels can't cook.

Confident buin before the PD broke the news to her hahha


LOL. The staff was laughing at this part too.



And I just cannot get over this scene. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how shy they were towards

each other while talking about visitng the dorm for the first time. I couldn't keep

still from watching that scene :D

I expected Seobaby to be shy because she is visitng an all boys' dorm for the first time,

but why Yong?! kya! super cute! Now I'm really curious on what happened before they got on that


And I must add that I love how you can still see Seobaby's expressions even though she wasn't

facing the camera because of the reflection in that elevator. The walls in their house should

be like that, just like the FNC practice room kekkeke




This is the scene that was shown before the elevator one. I find it cute how

Yonghwa was eyeing and going towards Seobaby while rapping (just like what rappers do when they're performing

on stage with a female). Then you can kinda tell that Seobaby became a little concious at end because of that kekkeke

Hyun buin wearing all shades of blue, what a fangirl! :D





Yong's smile before asking for the massage kekkeke



@ppsf. thank you for the link. LOL. Yong seobang you better be showing off a new ring and

not a glued one! :P so he wasn't even answering a question? just out of nowhere showing it off?

@blueswim_boo. THANK YOU! *hugz*


@panGG. that's too cute. I want to have it printed as a poster.

I hope the YONGSEO fans going to the concert bring some kind of poster acknowledging the "new" band. :D

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@ppsf. thank you for the link. LOL. Yong seobang you better be showing off a new ring and































































































































































































































































































not a glued one! :P so he wasn't even answering a question? just out of nowhere showing it off?





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ d3seohyun: Salute to the Queen of Caps! Sorry to cut your post but Yes, Yong seobang isn't even answering any questions but flashing his ring to fans at front then follow to fans to his left (which starts at the very beginning of the video). The MC question of ideal type was followed after 0:07. I was really surprised when he flash it TWICE! My guess is some fans probably shout out SNSD or Seobaby's name or he saw some Yong Seo sign that triggered Yong seobang his ring flashing gesture.
















































































































































Thanks again all for the goodies!









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wow! the gogumas at baidu sure have eagle eyes! tks for sharing those

caps, angel127391. so, we'll get to see some footage of them filming

Music Core soon, since hyun has that bandage on her finger. ;)

hey dreamyboo, rmbr your photoshopped pic of hyun & yong duet?

i'm soo glad that this dream duet is coming true!!! :w00t:

tks for the traslation for the prev, kim.

hyun can't really cook but the boys will love her even more for her effort! :wub:

so CN Blue won't be coming for the Kpop concert in Oct.

i'm disappointed -_- , wollylamb, but buin confirmed coming right?

so , yeah....tks for the news.

lenovo gal, they're fated to stick with each other.

it adds more to the thrill of not knowing anything to everything abt them. :phew:

scatterbrain - abt hyun using banmal with jw and jungshin chingu, its because

they're of the same age. she is such a respectful person (her upbringing maybe)

that she speaks formally to everyone older than her, even for a mere few mnths diff.

to say she is not trying as hard as yong, is just not right.

even the MCs agree its not easy for her.

if yong is being understanding with her uncomfortableness, so should we.

BUT we can see that she is trying v hard.

she can't do it with her unnies but she is doing it for yong. :wub:

i take comfort just thinking abt it....

carrotgirl, welcome to goguma planet. i like u already! :P

i'm hoping there are more ppl like u who give this lovely couple a chance instead

of just bypassing them because of hyun's 'pure n innocent personality = boring'?

see, when they're together, slowly but surely we see the other side of hyun

which we nvr knew before. i don't know CN BLue before too, but i can now say

that i'm a fan

d3 - u nvr cease to amaze us with your wonderful caps!

sorry for the long post, gogumas.

Saturday is here again!!! lets meet up later and spazzz

ah..just to remind everyone again, not to violate the rules


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This is the scene that was shown before the elevator one. I find it cute how

Yonghwa was eyeing and going towards Seobaby while rapping (just like what rappers do when they're performing

on stage with a female). Then you can kinda tell that Seobaby became a little concious at end because of that kekkeke

Hyun buin wearing all shades of blue, what a fangirl! :D

I liked this because when she'd previously dress in blue and Yonghwa would remark on it, she'd deny it meant anything and say something like, "What? It's not like that." But here, *she* pointed it out to Yong herself. I thought that was interesting! :) So really, it has been step by step...and Yong has shown patience and good judgment...and it seems that he is finally being "rewarded"... and so are we! B)

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