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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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gosh, i love it when everyone thinks the same.






i so want them to perform lovelight and genie too. gosh it would be so perfect!






thanks for the info everyone!






(i spazzed earlier so i wouldn't be too, too crazy on here)


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Guest omgirly




























yongseo duet? OMG, this is too good to be true! i love it! with their busy schedules, it was probably hard to get together to practice, but they'll have a wonderful performance, like we all know they can.  







































  yes, from the CN Blue repertoire, any of the songs yong suggested: Love Light, Sweet Holiday, Love Revolution. i'm not familiar with snsd music, other than their most recent and popular songs. 







































  the spazz in me though likes Y, Why... where at the end, the lyrics go something, like "if you say 'i love you', i'll be happy". and then she can follow up with an acoustic, "oh! oh! oh! oh! oppareul saranghae". rolleyes.gif 







































it'll be nice seeing hyun on stage with yong and the brother-in-laws, separate from her unnies and SME, so I'm hoping she shows the side of her when she's on WGM with yong... the caring, smiley and playful wife. aww! maybe it was the mood of the song, but her duet with kyuhyun, as lovely as it sounded, looked a little distant.  







































  sure, they may hold hands on stage, but what i'm looking forward to are the gazes into each others eyes on stage... like the whole world isn't there and it's just the two of them, like we see them in the comfort of their own home interacting with each other.  







































i cannot wait until this weekend!!!


























































edit: i just realized that wgm is 2 months behind, so their duet stage will give us a glimpse into their current status. we've been seeing more skinship in the past two episodes and with the appearance of the couple rings in their promotions, one can only guess where they're at in their "marriage". 







































i love this thread! thanks to everyone for the cool news, awesome scaps, and wonderful company!! 





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Guest miel_1301






I know my reaction is coming out rather late about the upcoming YongSeo Duet cum CN Blue Bros but I'll still spazz, nonetheless, for I am afraid my heart will just burst after I read all these good news.


Just a duet of the YongSeo or a Duet with the CN Blue Bros accompanying them, I won't be choosy for as long as I see them both on stage singing together. This is again another wish granted and prayer answered for all of us Sweet Potato lovers.


Thanks to silis,hihi_hehe and clumsy for this wonderful news.


With regards to the choice of songs, definitely it MUST BE and it SHOULD BE "LOVE LIGHT" for the CN Blue's song. Now for the SNSD song, I trust the choice of baby_bo and clumsy. If you guys say "Complete" it MUST BE... then, "Complete" it SHOULD BE.


It looks like CN Blue has recruited their 5th female band member--- the keyboardist. But whether she'll be playing the guitar as what YongHwa wished for in the early episode of WGM or whether she'll be playing the keyboard, it wouldn't matter to me. Any instrument will be just fine, as long as we get to see some "real" action and interaction between the two.


Oh, boy, YongHwa don't tell me you will let Kyuhyun outdo you with that "hand holding" at the SM Town Concert?


Damn! Yong, you could do more than that...No! You could do better that just merely holding SeoHyun's hand. And knowing this couple, I would like to think that they will pull something out of the "ordinary".


However you would do "your thing" while playing your instruments just find a way to do it.


Give us the surprise of our lives, Yong Seobang. Make us all Goguma lovers proud of you, man!


And as much as I am excited with their upcoming duet performance, I am much, much more excited and curious as to what could have happened when they spent their time together practising. hahaha!!!


@baby_bo, thanks for the vid link to the Japanese Showcase of the girls with Sooyoung and Seohyun speaking Japanese.


Geez! I may have replayed the vid a dozen times. Seobaby is just adorable. I want to make her "Japanese speaking" as my ring tone, my message alert and even my wake up alarm. hahaha!


@PowerOf9, thanks for the vid clip to the MV of Genie Japanese Version. It's awesome--- all 9 girls! It's a play between cute and sexy. And goodness! Seobaby is just smokin' hot in that MV. I like her hair and her make-up. She has gotten more and more beautiful at each passing day.


@_d3seohyun, thanks for the MV screen caps. I knew you would make those caps to highlight how our girl has gotten more beautiful. She definitely is one gorgeous young lady now.


Thanks to everyone for all the goodies shared for today.



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lovekim thank you for sharing the HK fan sign photos... :) i kinda feel sorry for the other 3 boys in CNBlue...it seems that in every country they visit for their showcase, the goguma fans are so prevalent that it overshadows the support for CNBlue as a band in its own right...i wonder how the boys truly feel inside... :unsure:




few hours later and i still feel surreal about the news...in a good way though...~floating~...




hopefully both Yong~ & Hyun~ will openly show sincere affection for each other during the special stage...don't necessarily have to be touchy feely although that'll be a good way to shut the rabid KyuHyun/YongHwa fans up who kept bashing SeoHyun for being unfaithful *GRRRR*!!! :angry: it was just a performance for goodness sake...you can't be singing a love duet & standing 10 metres away from each other!




I'll be more than happy even if all they do is drown in each other's gaze... :) my friend in aussie, whom i was spazzing with about the upcoming duet in email, said they should just bobo (kiss)... :lol: much as most of us here would love to see it (and probably faint in the process), i'd rather not because i don't want SeoHyun to be in any danger from the scary antis who claim to be YongHwa fans...they could always do so in private though... :wub:




Edit: ilovesnowwhite i share your sentiments...would love to see Hyun rap because it'll show another side of the already super talented girl...she did rap a little of oetoriya during the unnies visit to their new house...i thought that was cute... ^_^





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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7


Hi guys its been a while...lately I was so busy with my university,work and I still have a flue so I couldnt visit our incredible thread  Huhu:tears:

Well thank u soooo much for the news I was hoping for it a Yongseo duet.....another wish has come true kyahhhh

For me it doesnt matter which song (of course it would be better if its love light  and complete or Love Melody or perfect for u) but as long they `ll perform on stage together what else do u want??


Its better then nothing Am I right???and thank u for the person who arrange that!!!!!


But I hope from the bottom of my heart they`ll surprise us,Yong should do the backhug thing during Seohyun sing kyahhhh ....


Is there anybody who `ll go to the performance????If yes could u record and report us in every single detail whats going on between them??PLEASE PLEASE........


Every single moment is needed so we can maybe analize how far has their relationship grown for each other...


xoxo and take care all goguma lovers;)




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Guest blackcat_kim
























Omo....yongseo duet make me








want come out from lurker mode!








i hope they will sing Love Light!








and maybe Kissing You...keke








or maybe they will sing tell me








your wish and oh! with yong








showing off his dancing skill...it's








gonna be daebak!!








can't wait for saturday and sunday!! i love this week...









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Guest fabregas215


since they are going to sing together, this picture suits them best..

sorry if someone else had already posted it..

found it at yongseo facebook pic profile

they should had a photo session before the concert...LOL

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Guest miel_1301

oh yes, i kinda forgot when was that music core hosting. which date was it? Coz gogumas in sweet potato baidu thread found a CSI moment. Since this week's epi shows Hyun hurting her finger, during hosting music core, Hyun was spotted having a bandage on her finger too! Left hand!!

Ok....i just saw Hong Kong goguma at work for the CNBlue fansign....check this out:


Credit: cnblue baidu bar, ent.ifeng.com & tungstar


No wonder he was beaming and showing off his ring. Muahahahaha!

Thanks for sharing this, lovekim!

Even the HongKong CN Blue fans are also YongSeo fans. hahaha!!!

Serioulsy, can't SeoHyun be a part time keyboardist for CN Blue? Joining them occasionally in concerts and showcases whenever SNSD doesn't have any activity? It really looks like she is part and parcel of CN Blue. That would be asking for too much, right? hahaha! I answered my own question.


About your query as to when the MuCore Emceeing of the couple with Yuri took place, it was on the 19th of June 2010. The episode with the CN Blue bros aired last Saturday (21 August) and this coming Saturday (28 August) was filmed on the 15th of June 2010.

Seobaby, Oh! So gorgeous!


Cr: on pic+ I.said.hi@snsdthread

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To Lovekim such amazing gifts you prepared, and you packed them all nice and pretty too with the ribbons and really love the letters you attached, great stuff, as well as Nazweena gift, hopefully Yong got to see them and passed them to Hyun as well.. wishing real hard :)








Such a great weekend coming, suddenly today has been super duper excellent for me








1st: seeing pics of Yong & CNBlue in HK, so many great fanpics








2nd: news that there'll be collaboration between Hyun, Yong and other CNBlue members, best news of the day!!!








3rd: next ep of WGM is just a few days away









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wow they perform together,thats nice but i wish they had a just duet performance (not with a band /cn blue)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look other couple like gain or jo kwon,or duet song like iu+seul ong
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there no interfere from their bandmates/members,although yonghwa also need the boys for his performance
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i wish they just perform only two of them,yonghwa on guitar,seohyun on piano.that will be a perfect
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































duet,maybe with a new song or covering duet song like lyn ft eddie do you want a kiss/ :D or anything
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































duet songs (celine dion clive griffin when i fall in love is great love song duet)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i wish they perform love light or love revolution (seo hyun fave songs)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































adn for snsd songs mhmm ppun sweet talking baby is nice songs,forever but seems too ballad
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe gee,genie or maybe run devil run :D

































































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:owahhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a great news































































































































































































































































































































































































cant wait
































































































































































































































































































































































































Uploaded with ImageShack.us

































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Guest t.sarahsarah






anticipating YONGSEO couple duet... :rolleyes:


i really want to see they walk the red carpet together.. :wub:


it will be awesome goguma performance !!!


YONGSEO wish for join performance is coming true !!!


yeay for them and aslso yeah for us !!



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Hiya goguma's...*wavesmadly* at everyone..Yup that is how i felt the whole day..Madly in love with YongSeo.I was head over heels.I was on cloud 10(not 9 anymore)..I am unable to concentrate on my work the whole day.
















































































Thank you everyone for sharing & posting the awesome NEWS, PHOTOS, LINKS & opinions..















































































































































































WOW..I really LOVE the month of August.A lot of happy news & happenings this month.We had CN Blue SG Showcase,SMTown Concert where SNSD perf, WGM YongSeo couple TMYW dance,piggyback ride & massaging session..All in 1 month..Whoaaa #gogumalove OVERLOAD..































































































































































































































Whoaa..I so want to be in Singapore.If the last group is confirmed to be CN Blue,I'll do everything I can to attend it..
































































Okay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!














































































































































































































































Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that? 
















































































Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :) 































































































































































Wow Yukilovesyou..Your mom is so awesomely COOL.I wish my mom is into K-pop & YongSeo too..Then I could spazz with her..LOL..Thanks for sharing & translating this article.I love reading their comments about each other.Especially Yong's JEALOUS part..ROFL..It's so hard to believe he actually blurted that out..Yonghwa-ssi you really like Hyun buin huh!!















































































































































silis7noy2, on Today, 09:26 AM, said: Seohyun and YongHwa special stage on Aug 29th at the Incheon Hallyu concert, the two will sing one SNSD song and one CN Blue song. Posted Today, 09:28 AM by hihi_hehe
















































































This has been making me mad,crazy,head over heals & can't concentrate the whole day at work..The moment we've all been waiting for..And yes chikaaa dear I remembered you started the trending for #yongseoduet..And walla it came true..Now waiting for that #yongseokiss...clumsy sis thanks for posting the news & I'm with you on song choice.."LOVE LIGHT & COMPLETE"
































































 Posted Today, 10:37 AM by chikaaaa YONG, YOU BETTER HOLD HER HAND, HOLD HER WAIST, OR KISS HER CHEEK OR I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!! *sorry guys i'm not in my right mind now 































































































































































I'll be joining the HUNT too....rofl
































































Posted Today, 12:28 PM by ppsf Dear Goguma, this is a slightly more detail news from those shared before. Credit to baidu Sweet Potato Thread   And to translate it roughly, this is what it said:















































































































































"Yong Seo couple" Jung Yong Hwa - Seohyun, formed a temporary band 































































































































































MBC We Got Married Make Believe Couple "Jung Yong Hwa and SeoHyun will form a temporary band.































































































































































MBC indicated CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD SeoHuun will collaborate on the 29th at 7:00 p.m 2010 Incheon Hallyu Music Festival. 































































































































































Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun will collaborate as "Yong Seo Couple" and perform each groups' song. 































































































































































For this performance, all CN Blue members will also assist in performing as well. 































































































































































This event will also be broadcase on 9/4 3:45 MBC Music Core.















































































































































































































































So we can't watch it LIVE but we can watch the replay on the 9th September 2010 at 3:45pm kst on MBC Music Core,am i right?
































































REPOSTING chyme_31 message Another friendly reminder to fellow Potatoes... :sweatingbullets: 














































































































































































































































Please refrain from:
















































































1. quoting images- please remove the tag on images if you wanted to quote






























































































































































































































































2. Posting a 1 liner message.
















































































We don't want our thread to be suspended right? So we have to abide some rules.. :sweatingbullets: 
















































































Please follow the rules fellow spazzers 































































































































































Congrats to SNSD for the success of their Japan showcase & Good Luck to CN Blue on their HK showcase..YONGSEO FIGHTING!!
















































































P/S: Sorry for the long post..I'm hyper excited today..wub.gifsweatingbullets.gifw00t.giflaugh.gifhappy.gifbiggrin.gifsmile.gif
















































































































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Guest Crystal392






Awww this thread is bursting from happiness. It makes me soo happy ^_^


Goguma World <3


We, gogumas, have been so blessed with lots of YongSeo news lately :) I am thankful.


I still can't get over #yongseoduet!!! chikaaaa sis we should begin trending #yongseokiss and #yongseomarriedforever hehehehehe


Btw, I saw a video that was a remix of Genie in Korean and Japanese (I remember it was made by codemonmon, hopefully someone can post the link here... Right now I can't) and, maybe it's just my imagination, but I felt Hyun looked more confident/brighter on the Japanese version... While she looked a bit shy on the Korean version. Also O think she lost some baby fat from her cheeks. She looks prettier each day :D does anyone thinks the same?



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Guest Angel27391




I'm not sure if anyone posted this before but I find it amazing that fellow Gogumas can spot this. Great job done!!! :D:wub: This part can be seen from the preview of the coming episode.


Credits to Gogumas at baidu.com (China)and naver blog








Translations(I'm sorry if I made any mistakes because I'm translating from the translated Chinese):




Hyun ~ is hurt...!!!


Yong's style of protecting his wife



Accidentally hurt the middle-finger of her left hand during the shooting of "We Got Married"!!!


Usually, Hyun's left hand is over the right hand when holding the microphone. But when MC-ing on MBC's "Music Core" 4 days later...


Subconciously covering her left hand with her right hand


To hide the band-aid (bandage)??


Please don't tell my fans that I'm hurt

---Admiral Seo Sun-sin





* I think the caption referred Hyun as "Admiral Seo Sun-sin"


because Admiral Lee Sun-sin , a Korean naval commander noted for his victories against the Japanese navy during the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598) in the Joseon Dynasty said ,"Do not let my death be known" while he died. So Hyun's caption says "Please don't tell my fans that I'm hurt".


Such creative Gogumas!!!



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Guest hilaria

thanks for the good news... it made my day

i don't care yongseo are going to perform only two of them or in a band, but i demand them to hold hands and stare to each other during singing.. they can also kiss, we don't mind at all, do we? hahaha

love light and complete would be perfect choices. great ideas, potatoes!

can't never get enough of goguma couple

their letters are like confession of their loves *faints*

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Guest Rouenna
















































































Kyaaa!! :w00t: A joint performance of the two, finally! Well, of course, plus the bro-in-laws. :P
































































I can't help but smile just thinking of Hyun hanging out with the CNBLUE boys. She seems to be around them more often than what's usual. Do previous WGM wives hang out that much with their bro-in-laws? :phew: I mean, Yong hadn't even met all eight Soshi girls in one sitting and here, it seemed natural for Hyun to just jam it out with the boys. I think, by this time around, she has developed a camaraderie and good friendship with the bro-in-laws that will remain genuine even post-WGM.
































































Hmm...I feel like the SNSD song would probably be Kissing You. Isn't that the most fave Soshi song of Seohyun? Read it somewhere. And the lyrics are :wub: (...saranghae, saranghae...) While the CNBLUE song is probably Love Light or Sweet Holiday. Anyway, it's just a guess. And what did they mean about "the Yongseo feel"? I think they're gonna rearrange the songs or something and sort of make it as a duet type, with the bro-in-laws playing as accompaniment.
































































Anyway, I can't wait for the weekend to come. :crazy:









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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo




i've heard news that they will perform together


wow.....it's a very very good news to me


i guess it will have something special this week both of WGM new episode and the performance 


wow i really happy


@thanks to every one that give me feel more and more happy when i read they news


see you on Saturday ^^ laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


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Guest hilaria

i just found something cute:

will yong~hyun's love win over this yong-hyun's? lol (edit: it's 3rd pic now)



cr. as labelled

yongseo fighting!

i rewatch the last epi of goguma, just realised that jinwoon didn't say anything except "she tought it's leek

be patient, boy.. yong treats you as potential rival, that;s why he mentioned your name on the letter :P

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Guest Yukilovesyou

Ah I'm very grateful for all your messages to me! Thank you for thanking me as well! Hehehe. :wub:

I would love to reply to everyone's updates about Yongseo too, but I have school tomorrow so I have to rush this post. Sorry! :(

Are those messages in the magazine for real?  Like it wasn't the magazine editors writing them or anything?  What did the other couples say?

Anyway, real or not, Yonghwa gave the answer as to why he gets jealous on a virtual marriage show.  He can't tell her what he wants to.... and if so, my guess is because of the show?  So if he truly is interested in her (as MH wrote on the CNBlue board) I guess that would explain why he is not shy about telling others to move away from his "wife!"  

cailei23, I briefly translated the other couple's messages :)

I'm not sure if everyone would like to see it so I'll put it under spoiler, okay?

Jokwon: We've already celebrated our 200th day anniversary, but why is your attitude towards towards me still so cold! Why won't you react more? I'm trying to be a good husband in front of you, so please don't look at me as someone younger than you, okay?

Gain: It's my personality! It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I'm not good with expressing my emotions. Actually, I appreciate all you've done for me! If it was another person, I don't think I would even bother about it. From now on, I would try my best to make you feel happier, okay?

Nichkhun: Do you know that I was delighted when I knew that you were my wife? Because we're both foreigners, we can understand each other better. Occasionally, I hear your mistakes in speaking Korean. You remind me of myself in the past and you're really cute~ We still have a long way to go, please take care of me!

Victoria: Though we just got married not long ago, I believe that you would be a good husband because you're handsome, generous and humourous. I like it when you care about me. You accepted my daughters, other members of f(x), on the first day we met so I'm really touched. However, you made me feel disappointed about our first agreement together. Did you do it to gain my attention?

Also, our couple really wrote the longest message to each other and it's just.. full of love.

I don't know, I may sound biased but seriously, after reading all the other messages - isn't our Yongseo daebak? Keke! ^_^


PS. I'm also wishing that CNBLUE would come to Singapore this October. This time, us gogumas must sit together to show them the potato power~ B)

Edit: Did I top the page? Omo mianhe! My post is so rushed.  :unsure:

Ahahaha sally7, I love how you read Hyun buin's lips!  :D

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