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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heorungnghenhac
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ Lovekim is that the present from Sing Fans to Yong? Lovely. I 'm dreaming to see it on some WGM eps someday (just like some gifts from fan to Adam couple- they showed it on some eps)

































































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Guest Kerube-Chan




























I am in Ring hunting mode again... this is bad I have to get over the thing...
























Well if you are interested Klaritia uploaded some photos of CNBLUE at the airport in Hong Kong. I really thing that YH is wearing THE ring. He have nothing else on his hands...
















































Cr. to the fan and the uploader.



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Guest lenovo
































































































































@lovekim ---- awwww, it's really amazing what you guys put in this. I really feel the connection we have thru the gifts. Thanks for representing the THREAD!!!!!! awesome!!!!














































































































































































































































































































suggestion: Can we have a raffle or sumthing with the same gifts as prize! hahaha.































































































































































































I so wanna get the HUGGY BEAR!!! kekeke.














































































































































































































































































































Seeing Yong in that leopard jacket is somewhat Bringing out the TIGER in me!!!! hahahahaha





























































































































































































































































































































































































































SEOHYUN rocks! She's so good at whatever she does!!!! - So proud of you Maknae!































































































































































































I'm sure your japanese-famous husband is even prouder --- that he's making a WILD FASHION STATEMENT today :w00t: (LMAO!)































































































































































































































































































@Kerube-Chan ---- You should be dubbed as the QUEEN Ring Ding Dong then. hehehehe/.

















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Guest Yukilovesyou



















































































My Mummy (Saranghae omma!) just bought me a magazine with WGM as the cover page.. so of course there's Yongseo!!  ^_^








































































My Mummy got it from Popular bookstore so head there asap to get it as well!
























It only has a page of them but still.. it made my day!! B)
















































There's this small section which shows husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband.
























I'm not sure when were they asked and I can't tell if it's recent.. I'll come back and edit my post with my translation of their messages ok potatoes?
























Goguma hwaiting!!





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Guest sally7







oh!! How lucky of Singapore


Proof label FB









what the last band mean?? hope it CN.Blue


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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sally7 I was just about to post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SG is so blessed!!!! Aiigooo.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The last band is intriguing. WHO COULD IT BE???? --- CNBLUE! CNBLUE! CNBLUE!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But Ft is already there... hmmmmmm?????

































































































































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Guest oceanprince
















































sally7 I was just about to post.
































SG is so blessed!!!! Aiigooo.....
















The last band is intriguing. WHO COULD IT BE???? --- CNBLUE! CNBLUE! CNBLUE!
















But Ft is already there... hmmmmmm?????























































IM WISHING FOR CNBLUE TOO. HAHAHAHA. YONGSEO AH! it's okay, snsd and shinee are coming over to Singapore too. since they are from the same management, there may be a possibility tht cnblue and ft island may come. :D i swear if both of them were to come to singapore, ORGANISERS SHOULD ALLOCATE AN AREA OF YONGSEO FANS! hahahaha!
































SG is so lucky! but why must they come this year :( i really hate having major exams. althoughexamsarethreeweekslater!
















hehehe. but anyway, since snsd is coming. should i shout "jungseobang" this time round? HEHEEHHE. or "yong oppa"?
































lovekim: those gifts were awesome! i really hope they'll show it on WGM. it'll be the proudest moment for us!
















yuki dongsaeng: yay, will be waiting for your translations!
































thanks for the pictures everyone. yong is working hard in hongkong while hyun is working hard in japan.
















and whts with the leopard prints? hahaha not my style though, but yong looks good!
















3 more days to sat! and2moredaystomylasttoturouspapers): hurry hurry!

















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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello fellow gogumas! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found this on another thread and I can't stop laughing!! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: Rippergirl
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have been noticing that Yong and Hyun always have performances/concerts happening on the same day or within a day of each other since early this year. Remember SNSD's encore concert where Hyun said there's a fan wearing Yong's mask? That was Feb.28. On the same day, CNBLUE had a big street live at COEX.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last April, SNSD had a concert in China on the 17th while CNBLUE had a live concert in Shibuya for their Japanese album release on the 18th.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last Saturday, on same day of 21st, CNBLUE had a showcase in Singapore while SNSD participated in SMTOWN concert in Korea.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today, the 25th, SNSD had just a showcase in Japan while CNBLUE will have a showcase tomorrow, 26th, in Hongkong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah, is this destiny? :w00t: Hahaha! And we all know how hard it is to fight with fate.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS: But then, if their concert schedules go like this for the rest of the year, how in the world will Yong be able to attend Hyun's concert?! crazy.gifphew.gif

































































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Hi, bout Korean Pop Night Concert 2010, I think CNBLUE chances to be attend as the last band is high, since Proof Label is the 1 that bring them to Singapore.
































































































they already know that is bring the band to the island will be a very big success.
































































































I don't remember the reaction from all the kpop news when the other group goes there and get really 'big' reaction from fans.
































































































but possibility maybe diff since JYP didn't have any representative, and FnC already send FTI. ;)
































































































hehe... it just my opinion.
































































































since i think singapore fans really lucky to have them.

































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oh!! How lucky of Singapore
































































































































what the last band mean?? hope it CN.Blue































































































































































































































































Hi..could anyone in SG keep an update on this please...if it's true and all the details (venue,ticket prices etc) I'll keep an eye on the FB page too...If it's true daangg I will be more than willing to go there eventhough it'll break my bank .. I hope the last band is also CNBlue! perfect !

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































@Rouenna. LOL at the pic. hahahah. its cute.
































reminds me of the fun they had that day. but I feel kind of uneasy because of the preview.
































a jealous Yong is a scary Yong. I don't know how Seohyun would react to the actions of Yong. Is the next episode the one with a fan account of Hyun+ CnBlue grocery shopping?
































I hope both of them can get some rest after their international activities. maybe there would be an episode in which both of them are just resting and chilling in their house. :):):)
































it like shooting 2 birds with 1 stone. they film WGM, which makes us fans happy, plus they get to have some rest. :)

































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Guest Yukilovesyou








Okay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!








Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?








Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)








The other 2 couples wrote messages to their partners as well, and our Yongseo wrote the longest message for each other. Kekeke!




Can goguma FBIs interpret when did they get interviewed about this?




It feels recent to me, and I can totally sense their love for each other LOL:wub:




Also, I just realised that there's a SNSD poster included in the magazine! Our Seobaby's so gorgeous. B)
















zealous, I hope they bring CNBLUE here too!! I'm desperate to see Yongseo right in front of my own eyes~








oceanprince unnie! Good luck to your papers, hwaiting ok!!




Yeah, they should give us potatoes on soompi some priority seats kekeke.








So, are we gonna hold another goguma meeting in Singapore again? Yay! :)





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Guest jmrabaya23

Hello fellow gogumas! :P

I found this on another thread and I can't stop laughing!! :lol:


cr: Rippergirl

I have been noticing that Yong and Hyun always have performances/concerts happening on the same day or within a day of each other since early this year. Remember SNSD's encore concert where Hyun said there's a fan wearing Yong's mask? That was Feb.28. On the same day, CNBLUE had a big street live at COEX.

Last April, SNSD had a concert in China on the 17th while CNBLUE had a live concert in Shibuya for their Japanese album release on the 18th.

Last Saturday, on same day of 21st, CNBLUE had a showcase in Singapore while SNSD participated in SMTOWN concert in Korea.

Today, the 25th, SNSD had just a showcase in Japan while CNBLUE will have a showcase tomorrow, 26th, in Hongkong.

Ah, is this destiny?  :w00t: Hahaha! And we all know how hard it is to fight with fate.

PS: But then, if their concert schedules go like this for the rest of the year, how in the world will Yong be able to attend Hyun's concert?!  crazy.gifphew.gif

ahhhhhh this pic is awesome and cute laugh.gifhappy.gifbiggrin.gif go guguma world

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i just listen song G>NA feat Rain - If you want a lover
















































































































































when i know the meaning ofthe song
















































































































































seems that song connected with/dedicated to yongseo couple,i last few pages i see fanmade video from that song
















































































































































G.NA Ft Bi - If You Want A Lover
































































































































































































































































































Namjachinguga sengimyon hago shipdon il nomuna mana
















































































































































(If I have a boy friend, there'll be so many things I want to do.)
















































































































































nan nul kumul guwoso
















































































































































(I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that.)
















































































































































Chot bonje kilgorieso kisuhe bogi
















































































































































(The first, kissing him in the street.)
















































































































































du bonje marya chunchonheng sebyok kicha
















































































































































(The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him.)
















































































































































se bonje sopung gagi
















































































































































(The third, going on a picnic with him.)
















































































































































ne bonje dunge ophigi
















































































































































(The fourth, the piggy back ride.)
















































































































































dasot bonje kopulingun kibon
















































































































































(The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love.)
















































































































































jongmal dalkomhal koya
















































































































































(boo boo boo It'll be really sweet.)
















































































































































We iroke dugun dugun dugun dweni sengakman hedo
















































































































































(The thought of it makes my heart flutter.)
















































































































































Han gajishik meil meil meil nowa da he bol koya
















































































































































(I'll try to do every one a day with you.)
















































































































































Nan nega iso haruga julgowo
















































































































































(I'm so happy to be with you.)
















































































































































ijenun duriranun ge
















































































































































(I'm so happy we both are together)
















































































































































Ne sojunghan no
















































































































































(You're a real treasure to me)
















































































































































Baby baby baby baby baby boo~
































































































































































































































































































Yojachinguga sengimyon hago shipdon il
















































































































































(If I have a girl friend, there'll be so many things I also want to do.)
















































































































































negedo mana hangsang burowo heso
















































































































































(I've always envied another's girl friend.)
















































































































































Yosot je shimyayonghwa
















































































































































(The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you.)
















































































































































ilkop je nolidongsando
















































































































































(The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you.)
















































































































































yodop bonje kamjak ibentudo
















































































































































(The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you.)
















































































































































jongmal hengbokhal koya
















































































































































(boo boo boo I'll be really happy bcause of you.)
















































































































































We iroke dugun dugun dugun dweni sengakman hedo
















































































































































(The thought of it makes my heart flutter.)
















































































































































Han gakishik meil meil meil nowa da he bol koya
















































































































































(I'll try to do every one a day with you.)
















































































































































Nan nega iso haruga julgowo
















































































































































(I'm so happy to be with you.)
















































































































































ijenun duriranun ge
















































































































































(I'm so happy we both are together.)
















































































































































Ne sojunghan no
















































































































































(You're a real treasure to me.)
















































































































































Baby baby baby baby baby boo~
















































































































































Honjayotdon sengiri
















































































































































(I've been alone on my birthday.)
















































































































































haril opdon jumari
















































































































































(I've had nothing do on the weekend.)
















































































































































Irum butun nalduri ijen kidaryojwo
















































































































































(But I'm eagerly looking forward to such named days.)
















































































































































Duriraso chowa
















































































































































(I'm so happy to be with you.)
















































































































































hamkeraso chowa
















































































































































(I'm so happy we both are together.)
















































































































































Odie inunji do muwol hadunji nowa
















































































































































(Wherever we are (G.Na), or whatever we do (Rain),)
















































































































































Na gu junge jeil jeil jeil hago shipdon han gaji
















































































































































(Everyday what I really try to do with you, is to tell you,)
















































































































































Nol saranghe gu mal gu mal gumal han bon marhe bonun il
















































































































































(What I really want to saying from you, is such a word, "I love you")
















































































































































Nol saranghe ku mal ku mal kumal han bon duro bonun il
















































































































































(What I really want to hear from you, is such a word, "I love you")
















































































































































Nege wa jwoso nomuna gomawo
















































































































































(Thank you for coming to me.)
















































































































































negyote nega inunge
















































































































































(I'm so happy to be with you.)
















































































































































Namane sarang
















































































































































(You are my only love)
















































































































































1.cacthing early train
































































































































































































































































































2.going on a picnic with him
































































































































































































































































































3.the piggy back ride
































































































































































































































































































4.couple-ring is basic to our love
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































5.I'll go to late night movies with you
































































































































































































































































































6.I'll go to amusement parks with you
















































































































































































































































































































7.I'll hold a surprise event for you
































































































































































































































































































*noy sure this is categorized as suprise event because cn blue did the job not yonghwa .
















































































































































what do you think gogumas ?

















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Guest BluMistLaydee
























































this is just a quick reminder, please do not quote images. If you want to show the image again in your own post, copy and paste it, or remove the %7Boption%7D tags.








































We've already had a couple of mod post about this and we don't want to have this thread closed down because Soompi Rules violations. So if you're a new member on here, please refer to the Soompi rules.









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Hello my fellows goguma!! :D Ah, feel a bit alive here, my work is driving me crazy everyday :wacko: Thank you for all the goodies! lovekim, awesome!! I love the huggy bears the most! Can you bring me to the shop in Singapore later on to buy that? :P I hope both parties will get the gifts.














Yuki thank you dear for posting up the magazine and the translation! :wub: Awwww that's so sweet of them. I wonder when did they actually told that to media.














Uwaaaa don't tell me that the last band is CNBLUE? And SNSD also? Uwaaaa I might be running there again! :D (sis Avelyn, please prepare for long vacation wakaka) But this time I will take a long vacation to SG if possible, so goguma SG, lets meet again! I hope I can hang out with you guys there! Imagine there are SNSD and CNBLUE!! :w00t: I should drag my own little bro who is a big fans of Hyun. keke!














Thank you Rouenna for posting up rippergirl's artwork! wwkwkwk XD Hilarious! LOL I wonder what did Seohyun's parents feel about it. Maybe Seohyun appa will ask his wife to carry him like Seohyun did with Yonghwa! :lol: LOL Like the one her appa imitate them calling each other short name. keke!














triplemama, hallyucraze and others who were falling sick after the showcase, hope you guys will be alright. I'm starting to sneezing and coughing. Aigoo hopefully everyone will be healthy. Take care of your health!



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Guest jo_ce_lyn































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korean Pop Night Concert 2010 for Singapore confirmed































































































































































































































































































































































































by Casper on August 25, 2010 at 9:43 am20100825_kpopnight_sin.jpg
































































































































































































Having had a wonderful star-studded K-pop concert back in 2008, K-pop fans in Singaporemag-glass_10x10.gif were disappointed that there was no repeat the following year. But K-pop fans can now rejoice for something like that, and perhaps an even bigger concert will be happening in Singapore this October.
































































































































































































It was revealed by local concert organizer, Proof Label that a Korean Pop Night Concert 2010 will be happening this October, on the 23rd where a concert of epic proportions will be taking place.
































































































































































































How epic is it?
































































































































































































Well, there’s SNSD, Big Bang, F.T Island, SHINee, INFINITE and there’s one more that’s yet to be revealed. It might not be the Dream Concert but its almost like the real thing, but in Singapore!
































































































































































































Stay tuned to the Proof Label Facebook page or Twitter for more updates.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anybody going???? Also anybody noe when they start selling the tickets
































































































































































































Hope i can make it this time round^^

































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Guest hilaria

hello all, finally able to post.."nice to meet you"

i dedicate my 1st post to goguma couple since joined soompi last year.

too exhausted, thanks to the boys... the showcase was fantastic, the boys were awesome, yong was very charming

i even held yong's hand tighly more than 5 seconds at authograph event haha..he has big puppy eyes and bright smile.. i almost couldn't take my eyes of him, i can understand why hyun buin is mesmerized by him lol..

edit: suddenly remember there's wrongtyped

i've finally met SG potatoes, lovekim, hallyucraze, dee, oceanprince, triplemama, yuki n others (sorry for missing your names, my memory failed me). funny thing is i texted biiianx but in the end, we might be met but didn't know haha..too excited until i forgot to check my hp

thanks potatoes for the hardworks, i feel bad because i took part in the photo, but no contribution in preparing the presents to yongseo

hopefully the last band to be in the KPop concert is CN Blue, we all have to go. So, this time we will shout together with Oceanprince lol..

back to WGM, the last episode is my favorite so far. they are very comfortable now and it looks like they understand and care for each other

yong didn't laugh at her when she cut the raddish badly

yong comforted hyun few times that their kimchi would be ok

yong joked with makin kimchi as their hobbies to comfort hyun because he knew that hyun's embarrased of her fail cooking

yong suggested them to communicate through their eyes and hyun followed it spontaneously

yong postponed the banmal and she's thanksful of his understanding

she pat his hand to ask him not to talk when he's throwing the raddish

she pat his shoulder on the way to the sink, when he's mumbling like a grandmother

she pat his arm when the kimchi hit his white shirt because of his silliness

they fed each other without being asked

they paused talking and suspicious looking at the kimchi at the same time

and many other small things.. omg too many interesting moments happened between them

i've never thought that making kimchi is this very enjoyable thing to do.. yongseo is the funniest cooking couple ever lol

thanks yuki for translating their messages. yongseo wow wow *speechless*

ok, back to rewatch this episode again for the N times :P

ps: sorry for long post

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hi gogumas~!!! thanks everyone for the pics, info, links & many more! ^_______^
















Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?
















Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)































OMIGOSHHH!!!! Yukilovesyou~!!! thanks so much for the trans!!! :D the way they wrote the message to each other is soooooooooo simple, straightforward but very meaningful & "deep"!!! :wub:
















hahahaahah yong even mentioned jinwoon in the message! but telling her that his jealous when it's just WGM is really something! it's also like a warning to other guys who're interested in hyun that she belongs to him alone... kyaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t:
















and hyun telling him that he makes her feel protected... haha can totally see that! he's like a mother hen protecting its chic! xD also, her last sentence... i can't help but to over-imagine that yong will confess to her!!! kekekeke but who knows he has already done that! >.<
















deng, i can't get over their messages. been reading them quite a number of times already!!!! xD
































hyun buin is soooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!! :w00t:
















































































































































here's something from Hong Kong~!
















2010.08.25 Mingpao Ent - CNBLUE at HongKong airport









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Guest DeeOmfg
































































































(Link to previous post about magazine with caps)
































Okay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!
































































Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?
































































My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)















































































































































Omg!! Yonghwa really said that?!? I have no idea why I find that so adorableee. How can two people sound so adorable and real and full of love ON PAPER. I mean, seriously, we don't even have to see them saying it and you can still feel all that's genuine and affectionate coming off it.
































































Ahhhh I'm hoping so bad that the last band coming to SG is CNBlue. Both Yonghwa & Seohyun in one concert!!?!?!!? Every Goguma's dream come true.

































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