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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OK, i said... I'm no a traitor right? hahahaha. but for the sake of showing everyone HOW GOOD A SINGER SEOHYUN IS - power voice! she can hit high notes without wavering. Love it! .... here's a longer clip of her SM TOWN duet with Kyu.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hyunhae.14
























WAH~ second time posting but my first time wasn't that acknowledged! XD








anyway, I just have to say something about the recent SEOKYU moment during the SMTown.








I am a goguma fan first before I became a fan of Kyuhyun (and Super Junior). But to be honest, lately, I haven't been enjoying much of the YongSeo couple. I guess because their airing time became shorter, and second, i know most of you would disagree, but seeing Yonghwa and Seohyun comfortable with each other now made me loose the feeling they made me feel before~ i mean, i liked them because of the awkwardness they had in the beginning, and i loved them more when slowly, little by little, they became closer. but now that they are already close and comfortable, it's like the mission is finally over. :(








that's why I travelled away from the goguma couple and found SeoKyu. Now, it was fun seeing the SM family show some love to each other like the leaders, TaeTeuk (and HaeSica, my other bias). ANYWAY, I like Seohyun and Kyuhyun personally individually, but seeing them being paired after knowing how much Seohyun has changed after being with Yonghwa, I feel uncomfortable. Their holding hands was clearly just for the concert and not because they like each other. Even during their singing, you can feel the shyness and embarrassment between the two. And knowing Seohyun, she is not comfortable with skinship like that, especially when it is an oppa from the same family. It's like incest? XD and knowing Kyuhyun, he is also uncomfortable with such skinship. Kyuhyun may be the "evil maknae" (he even made Seohyun cry before by calling her sexy) and he may goof around with his hyungs, but doing stuff like that isn't his thing. He is reserved and conservative in that kind of way, if you can call it that. :P








So guys, we need not be affected by mere holding hands. We need not throw proofs here and there that KyuHyun was the first one to grabe her hands or Seobaby was the one who first let go or the two reached for their hands at the same time giving off that it was planned---we should be understanding enough for Hyun. It was her job, she had to do it. And it wasn't like Kyuhyun liked it too, as one LMAO comment said, it looks as if he was holding evil's hand. :D








Don't worry, gogumas. Yong is the only one for Hyun.








(And I think Seohyun was so worried for Yonghwa the whole time, unless of course she had his permission! XD)









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I did a little summary for episode 20 and please pardon my messy typing and grammar errors because I'm supposed to study now but I didn't want to leave you all waiting for subs.. hope my summary helps a bit :)

When they were wearing aprons, Yonghwa said that they look like fishmongers and the MC agreed.

In the black room interview, Yonghwa said that after Seohyun fed him kimchi, he was already intending to bite it for a while and tell her that it's good. But it was really sooooo salty he couldn't help it, it was as if he was drinking sea water.

Then he comforted her by saying that it's okay because it's meant to be eaten with cabbage, and it's still delicious.

When they called Seohyun's mum for help, she mistook green onions as leeks.

She only found out during the black room interview when PD told her and she was embarrassed.

Yonghwa said that they should just let making kimchi be their hobby and he started professing their love for making kimchi by saying things like he does them every weekend, and he loves to visit the supermarket for ingredients. (It's not true, he's just playing around)

When Yonghwa got their walls stained with kimchi, he lied that it's graffiti.

Then Seohyun was like yeah right and cleaned it up, showing him that it's obviously carrots.

Seohyun then wondered what were her brother-in-laws doing, and Yonghwa suggested to give them a call.

Seohyun asked if they were done cleaning up, and Jonghyun told her yes.

Minhyuk got excited because Seohyun thanked them for their hardwork. (LOL)

When the couple was on the way to CNBLUE's dorm, Yonghwa told her that they used to all sleep in the living room and asked if she was sad for them.

Seohyun was shocked and said that her heart aches

During the black room interview, Seohyun said that she was really curious about Yong oppa's room, because people usually say that you can see one's personality through one's room

Then the 3 brother-in-laws were only discussing their plan when they were hiding in the kitchen eg should they say congratulations or welcome.

Thank you for the summary!

:lol: at the onions/ leeks. I was wondering why put it in there, and did Yong know?

Interesting tidbit about all the members having to previously sleep in the living room!

I hope they'll show her reaction to Yong's room next week.

And I noticed in this episode during the black room interviews how their smiles and laughter genuinely reached their eyes. I don't know what happened during this visit to the CNBlue dorm but it looks like it was something good and that they had a lot of fun. Hopefully we'll get an idea next week! (this was taped around around the time of Yong's birthday, right?)

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Guest dbskisluv2































































































































































 i remember seeing that CF that part was cute (: when hyoyeon asks if her husband was treating her well
































@ 2:53
































































































































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Guest Yukilovesyou

fengz, thank you for the edited photos! So pretty :)

1sweetlove and dbskisluv2, thank you for the videos too! Kekeke Yongseo is spreading everywhere <3

cailei23, I'm glad I helped! And according to the calendar on sweetpotatodays, they filmed it on June 15th B)

With reference to the videos blueshoes (thank you!) posted:


Do you all see what I see?! :lol:

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tks for sharing your views, hyunhae.

you're put off by our goguma couple comfortableness?

err..i don't know how to react to this...

from pics, they don't look comfortable doing it.

to me, seokyu doesn't really give out that romantic vibe.

that's just siblings singing together ;):P

no worries guys.

i'm sure our goguma couple will call each other and yong will understand that its just another job. jealous? maybe. but they'll comfort each other in their own

special way :wub:

enough said. lets spazz on epi 20.

thread so quiet, it makes me miss j2's translation even more now.


is this the only diary hyun has?

its like 3/4 pages already used ever since she first met yong.

i want to steal it and read her thoughts on yong :w00t:

edit: i just saw yuki's summary in the above post. tks soo much yuki!

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Guest _d3seohyun




@yukilovesyou. thank you for the translations!

that kimchi making was hilarious!




reposting ahn_annann's caps :wub:







Remember how nonchalant seobaby reacted when Sooyoung was spazzing about Yong

helping her with the apron in episode 13? Well compare that to this episode.


How come seobaby was suddenly twirling her ponytail, wiping her forehead, stretching her

hands as yong was tying the apron? And yong seobang suddenly whistling? Aigoo! :wub:



This episode has a couple of scenes where you can feel the awkwardness(?) between the couple

when they are just inches away from each other (massage, elevator, apron).

that kind of awkwardness is totally spazzworthy because you can tell they're feeling something

when they're physically close to each other. kyaaaa! am i making sense here?

me and my wordings..i'll just put it this way... CLOSE CONTACT = awkwardness = HEAT = :w00t: + :wub: LOL


To the SWEETEST OF SWEET POTATOES who when to the SG CNBLUE showcase, i have a question.

Did you guys see a new ring or still flaunting the old one? thanks!


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































gogumas. my lovely gogumas. if you trust SEOHWA enough i think you won't freak out with that holding hands thingy(unless you're a seokyu fan ahhaha. or perhaps a kyu fan?)
































and ofcourse! that's for the song.. to be more what? meaningful maybe or like for fanservice. :) hehehe.:DD and im a seokyu fan way before this wgm happened. so.
































































anyways, aaah yonghwa is so cute happy at singapore while seo, seo. anyway. they're the same now. remember the photoshoot where yonghwa had a close contact
































with the model's face?? lol. they're the same. hahaha! im excited to see the next episode, jealous caring yong.. aah..









































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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EPISODE SPAZZ u say???? Let's go!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good EVENING.... _d3, jnj :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































funny how my bg music is SAX, and PIANO.... ooohhh.... and you are talking about??? mmmm....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love that APRON scene. I was an avid COSMO reader when I was young...er. And I remember well, that in their FLIRTING 101 article, --- GUYS love too see a girl's back-neck part. kekeke. Cheers for Hyun! haha. FLAUNT IT GIRL! Aja!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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1sweetlove thanks for the YT vids of SeoKyu duet & the CF..She really is an AWESOME singer.Love their perf there..
































































































































































blueshoes thanks for sharing the Runningman vids..happy.gif
































































































































































































"Kyu acted like he had to hold evil's hand." *LMAO*































































































































































































































































































































































































wootae.luv LOL to that statement..But he does seems uncomfortable & awkward..Even after they finished singing the duet,they seems like rushing out of the stage..ROFLlaugh.gif
































































































































































lenovo oohh..i didn't notice that..Thanks for sharing the gif & Kyu definitely did caressed Hyun's hand..LOL.I think he's just comforting Hyun.Well we all know how shy & awkward Hyun is with guys (except for YONGHWA )..Oh and the photo of Hyun with wings is so AWESOME.She does looks like an angel there.Bravo to the person who capture that photo..and don't worry you're not a traitor *wink*
































































































































































hyunhae.14 I second your thoughts about the holding hands thing.When I watched the full vid, you can see the awkwardness during the holding hands part.If I'm my eyes is not playing tricks on me,it seems like Hyun is trying to hold back her laughter.Like i told lenovo,they look like siblings trying to cross a road(just my opinion :-P).And I think Hyun must have told Yong about.RIGHT?I mean they've been practicing for the concert..sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































Yukilovesyou glad you like it..and ohh i see the RING!!wub.gif
































































































































































Posting few photos from yesterday's event
































































































































































CN Blue SG Showcase
































































































































































































































































































































credits: triplemama & as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































SMTown Concert Live in SEOUL 2010































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































WGM Ep 20 (Kimchi Making)



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Preview for next week
































































































































































































































































































































credits: DCmarried
































































































































































Enjoy potatoes..laugh.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo: WOW I LOVE your photo of Hyun & Yong holding hands..DAEBAKK!!!
































































































































































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hello sweet potatoes~!!! whoa.. been catching up with this thread like mad! :wacko: and thanks to u guys, i get to see & know about lotsa seohwa related matters! heh heh heh :phew:

Diezen, ur pics are truly jjang!!! love x 3 them so much!!! thanks for sharing~! :D

Annyeong potatoes! Thank you norabella and tripplemama for correcting my identification of the gogumas group photo! :lol: I did a little summary for episode 20 and please pardon my messy typing and grammar errors because I'm supposed to study now but I didn't want to leave you all waiting for subs.. hope my summary helps a bit :)

When they were wearing aprons, Yonghwa said that they look like fishmongers and the MC agreed.

In the black room interview, Yonghwa said that after Seohyun fed him kimchi, he was already intending to bite it for a while and tell her that it's good.

But it was really sooooo salty he couldn't help it, it was as if he was drinking sea water.

Then he comforted her by saying that it's okay because it's meant to be eaten with cabbage, and it's still delicious.

When they called Seohyun's mum for help, she mistook green onions as leeks.

She only found out during the black room interview when PD told her and she was embarrassed.

Yonghwa said that they should just let making kimchi be their hobby and he started professing their love for making kimchi by saying things like he does them every weekend, and he loves to visit the supermarket for ingredients. (It's not true, he's just playing around)

When Yonghwa got their walls stained with kimchi, he lied that it's graffiti.

Then Seohyun was like yeah right and cleaned it up, showing him that it's obviously carrots.

Seohyun then wondered what were her brother-in-laws doing, and Yonghwa suggested to give them a call.

Seohyun asked if they were done cleaning up, and Jonghyun told her yes.

Minhyuk got excited because Seohyun thanked them for their hardwork. (LOL)

When the couple was on the way to CNBLUE's dorm, Yonghwa told her that they used to all sleep in the living room and asked if she was sad for them.

Seohyun was shocked and said that her heart achesDuring the black room interview, Seohyun said that she was really curious about Yong oppa's room, because people usually say that you can see one's personality through one's roomThen the 3 brother-in-laws were only discussing their plan when they were hiding in the kitchen eg should they say congratulations or welcome.

thank u so much for the trans, Yukilovesyou!! u're truly one high-spirited singaporean goguma xD u, Oceanprince, Lovekim, triplemama, hallyucraze, star sapphire, nazweena & many other SG boices are jjang!!! u guys make me wish that i should have been there with u all~! well, i hope in the coming event, we'll get to see each other! :) u all are truly our eyes & ears!!! kekekeke... i'm glad to hear that they're a friendly bunch & especially this; that yong smiled & flashed his ring right after u guys chanted anything related to hyun!!! :wub: like some of u, i too, think that yong will feel very motivated in deepening his relationship with hyun. i hope it will give him courage too! ekekekekek why am i talking like as if they're already in a relationship!? >.<

oh, about seokyu holding hands thingy... i'm thinking that if seohwa hasn't hold hands yet, the progress may be speeding up as we all know that yong doesn't like other guys to "overtake" him. for example, after seeing hyun taking a pic with a "V" sign with her college guy friend, yong also initiated to take the "V" sign pics with hyun. and of course our yong won the guy by a gazillion mile xD he took many pics with our hyun & we even make some pics, icons, avatars, banners, etc outta them!!! LOL~ so yeah... i've a feeling yong will "retaliate" (haha is that even the right word to use?)

edit: fengz, d3, shml & many more... luv those pics!!!! daebakkkk~!!! thanks so much for sharing~! ^_^


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































at lenovo omg talking about cosmo i read a while ago. lol. it says when guys wants to bond with girls they usually touch the sensitive parts such as the upper part.
































that i remember during the earlier episode of WGM.  YOOOOOONGGGGGG :)) i hope we can see more piggy back probably HOLDING HANDS since it wont be a major issue anymore(for the general public)and for hyun since she already held hands already. :D and and that "annyeong hasseyo OMONII" that yonghwa did. it made me squeel like
































OMG this is forreaaalsss. :))









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Guest star sapphire
















































Hello all Gogumas! ^_^
















It's a lazy Sunday afternoon (when I first started typing...) and I feel like I'm still in dreamland! Did yesterday's events really happen? It wasn't a dream?!!
















First of all, I'm trying very hard to recall the events and realised that everything seemed to be in a blur! :wacko: Ottoke!! It must be the rush of adrenaline .... I was too high and frankly was too absorbed in that moment that I can't seem to remember the singing in details now. But the sense of euphoria I could remember now and forever!
















Thanks to lovekim, who managed to contact the gogumas for the meetup! It was really nice to meet up with the rest of you all!! :lol: And as hallyucraze said, it's really funny how we intro ourselves to one another with our nick and then go "Oh, so you are who and who!" "You are the one who did the what and what......" Anyway, there is no time to get to know each other's real names, but that's fine, cos we can just call ourselves gogumas! And we were really a mini international fan gathering yesterday, with fans not only from Singapore, but also Nazweena who flew in from Malaysia and also Bamz from Jarkata! Bamz sat just one row in front of me while Nazweena was about 3 to 4 rows in front. So sorry, didn't get to say bye to you two after the showcase, or you two flew out immediately already? keke...... ^_^
















We had a nice mini gathering, with chats on how we got to know Yongseo, CNBlue etc etc. And thanks to Yuki who posted the group pic which lovekim put into the carton box full of goodies for the couple/CNblue as well!! Oh ya, we also bought some merchandise from the showcase. Remembered that Norabella bought the tumbler... I bought the handphone tag cum cleaner, think it's stocks from their korea concert? Of a good quality as well.....
















The showcase as you all knew it by now, was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my first band showcase/concert and I was VERY VERY IMPRESSED (keke, can't resist using this word which they used too. When the host asked them if they were impressed by the video that the fanclub did)!! It's really fantastic to be able to hear them live, the whole atmosphere was electrifying, the audience all hyped up, the boys themselves having fun too! To most of us, it's a FIRST time experience, never to be repeated again. A first stop in the Asian showcase tour, a first for the boys to really showcase their talents to the region, and for us the fans a first to be able to really LISTEN TO THE CNBLUE up close and personal. Really, I had listened to the CNBlue! To all of you all out there, if they are going to your country, just grab the tickets and go go go! I was telling my friends who went with me that the memories from yesterday can sustain me for the rest of my life already even if they can't drop by as often as they can...... Smile reaching to my ears...... *^___^*
















I really need to watch all the fancams again to relive and hear properly what they said at the start of the showcase (trying to juggle camera and binoculars at the same time was way too busy for me!!). They spoke in English and I think Yonghwa seemed more confident in speaking in it as well. Their live performance was really stunning... Could really see Yonghwa oozing charisma with his on stage persona, leaking megatons of he-know-it-too powerful electrifying piercing gazes. He also tried to move close to the crowd in front of him too but was hampered by his guitar cable? (as noticed by my fren from one of the fancams). And really, I'm liking JongHyun more and more... the quiet and reserved one... :wub:
















Not sure about the others, but I'm definitely glad that the showcase was not a freestanding one or my feet will sure collapse or I'll be squashed by the enthu fans or I'll be pushed to the back or er....... I think all the above! tears.gif We were all seated comfortably listening to them perform when Yonghwa said to the audience..."Level one.....Level two.....Level three........ STAND UP!!!!" WOOOOOOOOHH! YESS! I can't remember what song it was now already, guess it should be Now or Never (?) The whole venue just burst with energy and everyone stood up and sang and screamed all their way! w00t.gif As for me, I was seated at the last row of Level one and since there's no one behind me already............. I stood on the seat itself!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I think the youngsters beside me must be thinking "What's up with these 2 ajummas??" But hey, I'm here to watch a LIVE BAND and this ROCKS!!!!!!!! And was it at the end of this song that Yonghwa threw his guitar pick into the crowd too~~ Dunno which lucky fan got it!!
















The Q&A session was really good as it allowed us the chance to oggle O_O B) at the boys themselves and listen to them talk. I really thanked the heavens for not letting my memory fail me and I brought my binoculars (surely a must when you are at the last row). Frens asked me last night if they looked different on screen and in person? I could only say they look the same, if not better!!! They look good, play good music, seems like really genuinely nice ppl, what else do I expect?? I'm happy and contented liao (sorry la, my singlish came out liao...)...... And again, KAMSAHAMNIDA to Oceanprince for making the statement of the year!!!! You are the best! It was most appropriate and led to many more higgghhhs later~~~~ I was laughing and screaming when I heard that and thought, "Wow, who is that fan!!" Haaa~~
















As some of you may know already, there was a lucky draw and luckyyy fans got to win hugs, autographed albums, Jungshin's worn Tshirt, Yonghwa and Jonghyun's guitar picks and Minghyuk drum sticks.... The hugs really were in a freee flow mode these two days they were in Singapore...... The Korean idols really know to capture the hearts of the fans... We the fans have no chance at all. How to survive this approach???? Tsk. tsk. Using what Julius Caesar said - They came, they saw, they conquered. Period. And the scariest thing is that we are all willing parties in this. We are all fools........ happy fools......
















After the showcase, we had another short gathering with the rest of the gogumas and I went off first to meet up with my other friends....... And guess what?? The 3 of them were actually waiting at the car path near the exit at the backstage waiting for the boys. I was like "What??? Aren't we going off to Orchard Road to meet our frens? Why are you all there??" In the end, my 3 frens (they watched the goguma couple too but i never thot them to be so "on") were as excited! Really, I was really happy that my frens did not tease me for coming to a young idol group's showcase but instead, we all believe in having fun and going out to support the stuff you like. Life is too short to do otherwise. Yongseo is a new experience for the on screen couple, and this is also a first time experience for a lot of us. Precious.
















We saw fans crowding near the van meant to shuttle the boys.... My frens and I parked ourselves somewhere dwn the car lane...... and we took a few pics... (ahem, for memory sake!) My frens then told me that while waiting for me, they heard the van uncle talking happily to the fans........ told them that the boys are staying at Conrad etc etc etc. There were 2 vans carrying fans who were in a 2 days chase of CNBlue.... guess they followed them to Long Beach Seafood at Dempsey later to fulfill the guys' schedule of a chilli crab date! When the van came out, it slowed down near to the curb and my fren managed to see Yonghwa (as she said!) sitting in the right innermost seat in the van.... I vaguely saw some people inside but cant make see well at all as the windows were tinted........ Oh well, nevermind! Have a good dinner guys!
















And that's the end of my showcase day... As I recalled now, the video made by the fanclub was really sweet and utterly touching.... CNBlue may have debuted for just eight months but looking back, they have put in a lot of time, effort to prepare for all these to come. When the opportunity came, they seized it and were rewarded greatly with their fans' adoration, support and applause. They have came a long way and the future is shining bright for them! May the success of this first stop in the Asian tour give them the added confidence to make greater music and earn more fans in the showcases/concerts and all that they do! Fighting!!!!!!
















Sorry for my lloooongg post....... The thoughts just came to me and I really wanted to pen all these down~~~~
















Not sure if anyone had posted this... Press conference with CNBlue... who oozed princely charm (thats what the headline said!) and video as well...
































1st time trying to post some pics... hope it worked... Not sure if I did it the correct way and din break any rules??
















A group pic before the items were put into the carton box... to the guys!
































Preparing the box full of love...
































The polaroid pic going into the box too!
































A dark dark pic of the venue. View from the last row
































A shot during the Q&A session
































Club tshirt, lanyard, and mobile tag/cleaner
































Bought at showcase. Mobile tag/cleaner
































Crowd at the autograph session on 20/8. More crowd on the left... The guys are at the middle bottom of pic.

































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EPISODE SPAZZ u say???? Let's go!

Good EVENING.... _d3, jnj :rolleyes:

funny how my bg music is SAX, and PIANO.... ooohhh.... and you are talking about??? mmmm....

I love that APRON scene. I was an avid COSMO reader when I was young...er. And I remember well, that in their FLIRTING 101 article, --- GUYS love too see a girl's back-neck part. kekeke. Cheers for Hyun! haha. FLAUNT IT GIRL! Aja!

at lenovo omg talking about cosmo i read a while ago. lol. it says when guys wants to bond with girls they usually touch the sensitive parts such as the upper part.

that i remember during the earlier episode of WGM.  YOOOOOONGGGGGG :)) i hope we can see more piggy back probably HOLDING HANDS since it wont be a major issue anymore(for the general public)and for hyun since she already held hands already. :D and and that "annyeong hasseyo OMONII" that yonghwa did. it made me squeel like

OMG this is forreaaalsss. :))

lenovo - gal, what other things should we be looking out for? ;)

hyun showing her bare neck..done that.

ilovesnowwhite - can u be specific in the touching of the upper body parts? :sweatingbullets:

oooh...*rub hands together* i'm intriqued by this cosmo thing.

ah, star sapphire - i miss the chance to meet u awesome ladies.

naz know the reason why ;) am really really proud of SG potatoes :wub:

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star sapphire!!!! ur description is so daebak! it's like as if i went there with u while reading ur post!!! omigoshhhhhh i'm sooooo envious here >.< hahah

ilovesnowwhite like jnj, ROFL i'm amazed at how direct ur statement is....xD but yeah...i kinda get what u're saying theree ;) guys are generaqlly like that huh kekekeke

if i were to imagine seohwa holding hands... they may prolly look like this xD



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Guest lenovo
































































































































It's on!!!!!
































































































On a recent news, WG Hye Rim seems to be likin' CNBLUE too!!!
































































































Who could it be??? Aigoo!!!! RETALIATION??? hahaha.
































































































































































































But YongSeo love is too strong to even be shaken now. :wub::wub::wub: :wub:l
































































































































































































jnj - well, just by memory (keke)... there's the famous 3sec eye lock then look away (then no matter what happens, even if it kills you to look again, try your best and pretend to ignore him. he'll love the chase and he'll do his best to get ur attention again, wanting another EYE LOCK.; CHECK!
































































































there's the (sexy) look/talk to your man over your shoulder (guy should be slightly at ur back). CHECK???
































































































another one is Biting of your lips. ummmmm -CHECK????
































































































then there's the rubbing of your neck (just like what you do when you want a massage).... CHECK???
































































































dreamy cuzzie!!! good work on the Yonghwa holding hands pic. hahahahaha! Awesome!

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























does anyone know were to watch Yong's episode of running man??
















I want to watch something while waiting for the eng subs by rdrsubs. :)
















about the holding hands and not wearing the ring, its just work and I think Yong would understand.
















remember the CF (I think, I don't clearly what it is) that Yong filmed, he had to remove the ring and after the filming he put it back on.
















*maybe after the SM town concert, she put her ring back on. :)
















*or maybe she did not wear the ring because she's afraid she might lose it. she dances and does quite a few hand gestures with open hands. in contrast with Yong who plays guiter, although he does hand gestures himself, his hands is mostly closed by playing the guitar.





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blueshoes posted this a while back.

and this one i got it from cn blue thread. credit to the poster


not sure if they're the same, since i've not seen any

if u don't mind watching it w/out subs, heartbreak, then enjoy.

and for those who wants to see yonghwa in Happy Together (eng sub), here goes





cre to jayparklove@soompi / cjkpopfive

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Guest oceanprince




aigooo~ i'm really really flattered. but embarrassed at the same time. but i did my job as a yongseo fan! and i finally managed to at least make some contribution to this thread. (bcos i've been lurking around since may and i feel really guilty about it) but anw! :D i really can't believe i was so LOUD. oh my god.




abt the hand-holding seokyu~


"it's okay. he'll understand. it's just work"


sounds familiar? HAHA. hyun ah~ she's so sneaky. using this opportunity to take revenge!


hahaha kidding. but i am so sure that yonghwa will understand. he'll probably tease her about it, making her whole face flush into deep red shade, then demand her to do something for him. HAHA i can totally picture this for the upcoming episodes?




YUKI! thanks for the summary! YOU ROCK! i totally understand how you're feeling right now. YOU WISH YOUR EXAMS ARE OVER RIGHT! ME TOO. :( we shall spazz on twitter soon alright!




anyway, about this week episode. yes, epic phonecall to hyun's mum! i really love that scene. and the phone call to the other cnblue boys. jonghyun was using informalities with yonghwa AND THEN when yonghwa wanted them to speak to seobaby, he using formalities despite the fact that hyun's younger than him! this shows that they really respect her a lot :D




oh, i'll try to help translate this part.(but im really bad at chinese so i might be wrong!)


STAFF: brother-in-laws seem to like seohyun a lot


YONG: of course. firstly she's their only celebrity friend. their one and only celebrity friend. and bcos she's their hyung's wife.




not only yong, but i guess cnblue really loves her! who wouldnt love our adorable maknae seobaby from snsd who is so pure and innocent! she is so lovable.




has this been shared?


oh and yes, im also a huge fan of jossa fanfics. AND SHE UPDATED!





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















blueshoes posted this a while back.














































and this one i got it  from cn blue thread. credit to the poster















































not sure if they're the same, since i've not seen any
















if u don't mind watching it w/out subs, heartbreak, then enjoy.
















and for those who wants to see yonghwa in Happy Together (eng sub), here goes
















































































cre to jayparklove@soompi / cjkpopfive































thank you. :)
















hope someone comes up with the eng subs of running man.
















*now off to watch happy together. :)





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