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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest eran_31





MinSun who is receiving presents from YongHwa questions SeoHyun, "Who would you rather get married instead of YongHwa?" Is that like a sarcasm of her saying that he's a pitiful husband or is it like the biggest mistake of her life time?




I mean obviously YongHwa is showing a lot of effort and taking care of his fans and she's right out rude right there in front of him. Kind of awkward or the translation was totally wrong!







Hi calculator i think minsun said that who would you want to be your husband besides yonghwa? it's like what yonghwa asked seohyun on their first meeting when jungshin pretended to be her husband.


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Guest baby_bo



Hi calculator i think minsun said that who would you want to be your husband besides yonghwa? it's like what yonghwa asked seohyun on their first meeting when jungshin pretended to be her husband.








YOu are right.. let me repost what silis posted.

Account of a little act by CNBlue boys and Seohyun yesterday

Minsun is a 14 year old girl going through a difficult cancer treatment. One of her wishes was to meet her idol CNBlue and after some juggling her caretakers got in touch with WGM staff and CNBlue gladly agree to come visit Minsun. Yesterday (Aug 17th) was the WGM filming and they arranged to visit Minsun after the filming.








Minsun couldn't hide her happy excitement when CNBlue appeared with cake. What was more surprising was that little later Seohyun also appeared. Everyone was surprised since no one expected her. YongHwa gave Minsun a necklace present and the party went on. Minsun asked Seohyun: "Unnie who would you like as WGM partner besides YongHwa oppa?" which made Seohyun panic a little and everyone was laughing up.








"It was really the greatest", Minsun said at the end of the day








cr: hizom@cyworld


















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@monie- hahaha yeah for sure!! watching them during da latest epi.. i think dat is not possible..hugging and tugging until the end?? lucky yong..gonna be seobaby's 1st man eva..:P both r lucky!! tq pdnim and all wgm team.. :wub:



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Guest baby_bo




















HOnestly, that rumor about the latest filming is making me go crazy. I've been keeping my cool since I dont want to keep my hopes to it's highest level (this is what i always do by the way and Im always glad i always get more than what i expect with this couple)... but deep inside i am screaming like crazy.








I'm seeing skinship here and there.. my gosh! just thinking about it.. im going mad! hahaha








kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah if MBC will be good to us, we will be seeing this episode the week after next.. (according to rumors) and that would be totally daebakk!!








gosh! bow hahaha



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Guest _d3seohyun






O M G! i haven't back track yet but new pic! the first thing that came out of my mouth was



"Jonghyun movvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" lol i love that boy dearly but he should haven't been in middle of the two bwahahhaha and we can always photoshop anyways kekekke






edit at first glance..the way yonghwa's arm was positioned, i thought he was reaching for seobaby kekkeke












not done reading yet but i can't contain myself from commenting about the horror special!



kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! when i heard about an island filming..the pictures in my head



were more like wet seobaby and yonghwa hahahah but this horror special ain't bad either :w00t:



i guess we'll be seeing yonghwa holding on to his wife for dear life :lol: can't wait!









EDITING for the third time...how sad lol just have a lot of things to say and i'm not done yet :P









tnx miel, geumjandi, bezbezbez, kubih and the rest for all the goodies. and of course thank you silis for



dropping by once and again and for the fan accounts. :D












I am just so proud of our couple :)






They are the sweetest.. So that's the reason why other CN Blue members were seen after the filming that day :) They all went to that event. I think that's the reason why on Silis post before the YOngSeo fans said CNblue's manager talked to seohyun's manager maybe asking if seohyun is okay to join them with the event :) and since there's a proof that seohyun went i bet seohyun gladly agreed. So i guess it's pretty much confirmed that that event was held Aug 3 :)










awwwwwwww! seobaby is really part of the CN Blue family now. kekkekeke






Minsun's question is so cute. I would have love to see seobaby's and the boys' reactions. :wub:



kyahhhhhhhhh! my heart is going to burst from yongseo happiness!









*wave* @baby_bo. kekkeek I had a feeling you would claim JH again LOL. wonder where was minhyuk









and at that pic! what's up with Yonghwa's smile?!!! kekekkeke trying to hold something in yong seobang? :P












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Guest baby_bo










O M G! i haven't back track yet but new pic! the first thing that came out of my mouth was















"Jonghyun movvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" lol i love that boy dearly but he should haven't been in middle of the two bwahahhaha and we can always photoshop anyways kekekke
























edit at first glance..the way yonghwa's arm was positioned, i thought he was reaching for seobaby kekkeke















annyeong d3seohyun :) i saw your post awhile back and wasn't able to reply.. you said you missed my spazzing kekeke.. ill try to post as much as i can.. it's just that i don't know why even though my heart is going to explode of happiness i can't spazz that much haha maybe im too overwhelmed. but will try to post more :)








and don't worry dear, it may seem that MY JONGHYUN is standing in the middle of yongseo but if you look at it clearly my jonghyun is standing AT THE BACK.. he's scared of me you know hahhaah :P



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@baby_bo-i understand your feeling..hehe. me feel da same thing too..haha.cant wait to watch dat epi..wat suprise that they gonna give 2 us...i hope dat not sumthing dat will give us heart-attack.. :rolleyes::w00t:

wanna share diz.. i think diz outfit is da same with da 1st pic dat she gave to yong..i dunno what happen to yong if see his buin dance like this...anyway tell me your wish, gonna be their song forever rite?

seohyun-genie(mbc gayo daejun)

and diz one.. i think yong watched diz..coz he's 1 of da mc dat day... B)

2pm n snsd special dance

saturday,plz come faster!! :P


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Guest lovekin




rdrsubs is suspended again. I wanted to watch ep 19 again but the video is no longer available.




but they have a new channel already, but will not be uploading ep 19.




hope they will upload episodes in dailymotion. seems like MBC is unto rdrsubs. their videos are unlisted but YT still gave them a strike.






i would suggest just snagging the episodes instead of streaming it.  the pay-off is great since you get to watch it whenever at your own convenience – with no wait time! w00t.gif




eek, i can't wait for the horror episode.  though i have half a mind to think that yong will be far more scared than hyun.  still, it allows for some kind of skinship~


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Guest miel_1301






Thanks blueshoes for the map location of those two islands: GangHwaDo and YeongHeungDo



TaeYeon & SeoHyun (SNSD) Dubbing cut , Despicable Me Aug. 18, 2010









cr: aslotussmusic



[Audio Teaser] 100818 SNSD Despicable Me Voice Preview









cr: TheSoneSource12



These two ladies --- Leader Taeyeon and Maknae SeoHyun--- are simply oozing with talent. They never cease to impress.






They're effortless... really sounding like PRO dubbers.



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Guest _d3seohyun






@blueshoes. thank you for those. quite far from the couples house huh? kekkeke kyah the thoughts in my head need



to calm down :lol:









we're getting goodies right and left today. here's another one...






Seohyun and Taeyeon's Despicable Me Dubbing cut



c: uploader





LOL @miel_1301. *wave* we were stalking the same thread hahahha



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I´m so sad :( I just found out that NulSaRangHaeS5 (goguma couple WGM ep 1-6) was taken off. Do you guys know another place to watch them? Why they keep doing this, it so anoying <_<!
















































But let spazz... now we have the island´s map! hahaha you guys are the best hahaha,. I´m dying for know more about the horror film haha ^^.
















































Thank u blueshoes, and  miel_1301 and _d3seohyun for the links.:rolleyes:

















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Does anyone still have the cuts of NulSarangae on their harddrive? We could put all the files into one big zip file and offer it on megaupload or something, so everyone can download them. And put the link onto this thread's first page, like it was during the first season of WGM.

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Guest kasualane
































































































































































































































































































just want to ask where I can watch their episode with subs???
































































































































thanks in advance!!!!

















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Guest lovekin






just want to ask where I can watch their episode with subs???




thanks in advance!!!!






i don't know which episodes you're looking for, but rdrsubs has a good chunk of the episodes.  except for the latest (19), which is only available for download.


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just want to ask where I can watch their episode with subs???
















































thanks in advance!!!!































































































Here rdrsubs but just from ep 8 ^^.
















































 I wonder if we can reach soshified´s 50 post we will be able to watch all of them, cause if is like that I will start posting right now! ^^

















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@blueshoes. thank you for those. quite far from the couples house huh? kekkeke kyah the thoughts in my head need































































































































































to calm down :lol:





























































































































































































































































































































































we're getting goodies right and left today. here's another one...






























































































































































































































































Seohyun and Taeyeon's Despicable Me Dubbing cut































































































































































c: uploader















































































































































































LOL @miel_1301. *wave* we were stalking the same thread hahahha































































































































































Ah......h!!! They are SO...O cute!!!!!!!! I'm a keen anime fan and my goodness, Seohyun is SO....O good!!!!
















































































Yonghwa must be proud that his wifey is multi-talented which is true.
















































































I think Seohyun is a strong believer of 'IF U PUT UR MIND INTO IT, U CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING' which kind of reflects her motto in life. Also, she hanging out with CN Blue boys gives this rookie group the needed energy to push themselves. I love CN Blue, but as rookies, it must get tough at times esp. when they started out, they were once criticized as a fake band (which is SO...O not true). Seohyun being so positive and bright must be comforting to Yonghwa, awwww.......w :)

















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Guest j2dlee












Hi, happy Goguma lovers!




Woah, I missed out on so much this week, Yong's WinWin, Strong Heart, and Yongseo couple's charity work....




Thank you everyone for awesome pics, fan accounts, links, translations, and so on. Had to go back about 30 something pages but really enjoyed reading all of your posts. Keep up with happy spazzing, Goguma lovers!




Just dropped by to say that I won't be able to translate the upcoming episode of Yonseo because I'll be away tomorrow till early next week.... There is no internet working where I'm going (shocking, isn't it?)




Sorry guys, but I can see some good translators in this thread so I hope someone will do it in place of me this weekend (anyway with your hawk-eyed observation and subbers all around the world I'm sure you'll have no problem following the story line). I've developed some kind of responsiblity(?) that every Saturday you may (or may not) wait for the translation of the latest Goguma episode and without doubt I'm happy that I could be a tiny help in this thread.




It's just that this is the first time I've got this attached to an internet community and when the schedule for this weekend was settled the first thing I thought was, 'Oh, heck! I won't be able to see WGM and do the translation!'. Sorry, I wrote nothing about Yongseo in this post (is it OK? This will be my first and last time to write something like this). I felt like I should tell you about my absence in advance because you guys are like one big happy family that I'm delighted to be part of. I was simply going to write 'Sorry, I can't do the translation this weekend' but it turned out to be a kind of a love letter to you all (oh, am I blushing). See you later!





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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's just that this is the first time I've got this attached to an internet community and when the schedule for this weekend was settled the first thing I thought was, 'Oh, heck! I won't be able to see WGM and do the translation!'. Sorry, I wrote nothing about Yongseo in this post (is it OK? This will be my first and last time to write something like this). I felt like I should tell you about my absence in advance because you guys are like one big happy family that I'm delighted to be part of. I was simply going to write 'Sorry, I can't do the translation this weekend' but it turned out to be a kind of a love letter to you all (oh, am I blushing). See you later!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Sorry to cut but, you are so kind!  ^_^. Don´t worry, we will be missing you for sure but it is ok. Please enjoy your trip and come back soon to spaz with us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a nice trip!

































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun






@j2dlee. enjoy your trip. be safe. :D












i just have to post this away before i log off..






so it's a haunted house kind of thing for the special right? maybe each couple has to go thru a maze of some sort? the adam couple will 99 percent be holding hands as they walk thru it, and khuntoria too, but how about YONGSEO?!!!



kyahhhhhhhhhhhh they've come along way since their haunted house date on episode 3 (which Yonghwa was the one who



hold onto seohyun when he got scared lol), what will our couple do? piggyback hug all through out the course?!!!



*dies* kekkeke i cannot contain the scenarios that are running in my head right now lol









have a good one everyone :D



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