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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest miel_1301






GeumJandi, there is a story behind that photo according to silis.

YongSeo did something good... I'll edit with the story



Reposting the photo and quoting the account translated by silis at SNSD's thread:




cr: silis@snsd thread






Account of a little act by CNBlue boys and Seohyun yesterday


Minsun is a 14 year old girl going through a difficult cancer treatment. One of her wishes was to meet her idol CNBlue and after some juggling her caretakers got in touch with WGM staff and CNBlue gladly agree to come visit Minsun. Yesterday (Aug 17th) was the WGM filming and they arranged to visit Minsun after the filming.


Minsun couldn't hide her happy excitement when CNBlue appeared with cake. What was more surprising was that little later Seohyun also appeared. Everyone was surprised since no one expected her. YongHwa gave Minsun a necklace present and the party went on. Minsun asked Seohyun: "Unnie who would you like as WGM partner besides YongHwa oppa?" which made Seohyun panic a little and everyone was laughing up.


"It was really the greatest", Minsun said at the end of the day


cr: hizom@cyworld



Thanks silis for the translated account. You are another ANGEL for us YongSeo lovers.




A correction had been made by silis@SNSD's thread and to quote:


Account of a little act by CNBlue boys and Seohyun yesterday


*Edit: It is not confirmed to be yesterday. It seems more like near the date of a filming that happened few weeks ago.



From the description of the fan account which was also kindly translated for us by silis and posted in here last 03 August, it would be safe to assume now that the meeting of the CN Blue and SeoHyun with the young patient Minsun took place on 03 August 2010.


And here's a re-post of that said fan account:


Yes YongSeo had WGM shooting today, they already filmed one before today. The one today was for additional extra footage. CNBlue was there too but unclear if they filmed too. YongSeo WGM filming will continue.



YongSeo fans visited the shoot with presents for YongSeo


Bit of the fan account


"...We asked the manager if we can just say a quick hello to Seohyun and the manager gladly said ok keke


We went to the car and Seohyun herself opened the door... oh my, wearing a dress and smiling at us... she wasn't human TT TT


Seohyun checked out each of our gifts and she was delighted and she asked us where we got the clay figures~ She loved the guitar pick!!!


... then CNBlue's car was passing by then stopped, their manager talked to Seohyun manager...


And YongHwa was sitting beside him~~!! He put his head forward and nodded and greeted us with his eyes~!!"




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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so proud of YongSeo couple ! It makes me more love them !
































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo rock ! :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































About the horror ep, I can't help but to LOL, it remind me of the scene when Yonghwa hid behind Seohyun's back :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































I hope Yonghwa and Seohyun had the great time filming it !

































































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wow that from yesterday pic,so yongseo go a good deeds ,i recall maybe some of their promise
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is doing a charity works.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: "Unnie who would you like as WGM partner besides YongHwa oppa?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why seo hyun panics ?,at first she only choose yonghwa even she told that her (fake)husbands is jungshin.

































































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GeumJanDi!!! where did u get that pic?! could it be.....during the date when hyun was said to wear a dress?! look at yong's black shirt & hyun's top looks the same as the pics below! :crazy: that was during their recent WGM filming!?

edit: just look at the hairstyle...it's totally the same as the pic GeumJanDi posted! >.< i'm confused now -.-"



edit: miel! thanks for the juicy news! LOL hyun getting panicky 'cause of such question! it must be that she didn't wannna make yong jealous kekekeke xD


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cr: silis@snsd thread







thank you for sharing the heartwarming news miel_1301 & silis...so proud of our young couple & the rest of CNBlue guys for having a good heart... :wub:














dreamyboo...exactly what I was thinking...seems like the photo that Yongseoforever shared with us earlier was from yesterday's filming because the neckline & cardigan of what Seohyun wore in both photos look the same... ^_^












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Awww I feel touched by them. This couple is the best ever! Yong and Hyun are really something together haha ^^.:wub:
















































About horror movie LOL I can´t wait for watching it hahaha, I hope this time Yong will not hide behind buin as he did in their amusement park`s date hahaha :wub:.
















































And Yong Blushing :rolleyes:  Isn´t him adorable???
















































Love love love for all the potatos!

















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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww....I reallly love this couple....




































I just wondering something, yesterday, SNSD has fan meeting...looks like to me , Seohyun dress seem the same as her unnies...( I mean that same colour and theme) hahaha...but then she decided to visit minsun...that's probably she changed her mind...instead went to fanmeeting...




































well dont know...just my guess...:D








































































about horror movie with other couple....cant wait...seem from the picture...it will air on 4 september...??





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Guest kimchi.hyun
































































































































awww aren't our YongSeo couple the sweetest ? <3
































































the little girl is so lucky~ good for her :)
































































































































keke nice picture, but it could be better if Yong stood closer to Hyun :P

































































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Guest silis7noy2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh you guys are quick you already have the post here~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the account I said this happened yesterday (Aug 17th) because that's what Korean fans were saying initially, but actually I looked through the account again and it did not mention a specific date. So it is not confirmed to be yesterday and from the evidences above it does seem they met Minsun on the day of those gifts~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Oh you guys are quick you already have the post here~




On the account I said this happened yesterday (Aug 17th) because that's what Korean fans were saying initially, but actually I looked through the account again and it did not mention a specific date. So it is not confirmed to be yesterday and from the evidences above it does seem they met Minsun on the day of those gifts~







so grateful for news of cnblue's & seohyun's charitable act...thank you a million times for sharing this silis7noy2...














the date is not that important...if we can put an exact date to when the photos were taken, then it's a bonus...but most importantly we see the kind & loving nature of our favourite wgm couple together with the other cnblue members...they really made an ill child feel better & being positive is the road to recovery... ^_^ a sincere prayer that the child will be strong & recover soon...














high-5 back to dreamyboo! :lol:







i'm now in a happy buzz to see the news from silis7noy2...












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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think the charity event took place not yesterday, but the day they filmed in the park. The same day the yongseo fans gave them gifts and food...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by the way... saw this cute-y poster for special ep. of WGM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: winniebar@baidu and seohwa@pantip.com

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest monie1909

miel_1301 and silis Thank you for the news.Aaawww,they are such an angel..so sweet,so touched.They could be next jolie-pitt,doing good deeds together in the future..hehe.Seohyun in cnblue little event.Cnblue and seohyun is like one happy family now.She must be hesitate to go there at first since it cnblue thing but i'm sure yong and the boys ask and encourage her to come along..hehe,this little assumption that i make up in my mind make me feel warm inside..

marettahehe,not to sure about that..but,i love that she choose to visit minsun with cnblue boys..uuhhhh,not sure how her unnies will respond to this..her choosing hubby little event over snsd big grand event..

Wgm horror movie filming..this is getting better.Not sure who will be more scaredy cat between these two..hehe.i watched hyun in snsd horror movie factory before,she's quite a screamer..hehe.Hope Yong hubby could tough up his act this time..

Edit:Ohh,thank you silis for drop by and info about the date.hmm,so the charity prob happened on the same day of park filming..there goes my make believe-happy assumption bubble.. :P but of course,i'm still happy and touched that they did this event together as one family regardless being arranged by wgm or not.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























@silis: that is great news. :)
















That must have felt great especially for Seohyun, she loves charity work.
















that fan is lucky, meeting not only her favorite CNBlue, but Seohyun as well.
















it is indeed quite a good deed as the fan is fighting against cancer. cancer patients really need encouragement and support. and what better encouragement than meeting your favorite band plus the leader's awesome wife. :)
















this good deed will truly help that fan.





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Guest miel_1301




Oh you guys are quick you already have the post here~


On the account I said this happened yesterday (Aug 17th) because that's what Korean fans were saying initially, but actually I looked through the account again and it did not mention a specific date. So it is not confirmed to be yesterday and from the evidences above it does seem they met Minsun on the day of those gifts~



Thanks, silis, for the clarification as it also somehow got me confused. Because based on the rumored filming of WGM on August 17, 2010 at an abandoned school in Yeongheungdo Island, it had all three couples for a special episode [WGM Horror Episode].


The pictures (of both YongHwa and SeoHyun) that dreamyboo re-posted somehow match the description and the fan account, which by the way you also kindly translated for us. I had to dig up such post you made.


Yes YongSeo had WGM shooting today, they already filmed one before today. The one today was for additional extra footage. CNBlue was there too but unclear if they filmed too. YongSeo WGM filming will continue.



YongSeo fans visited the shoot with presents for YongSeo


Bit of the fan account


"...We asked the manager if we can just say a quick hello to Seohyun and the manager gladly said ok keke


We went to the car and Seohyun herself opened the door... oh my, wearing a dress and smiling at us... she wasn't human TT TT


Seohyun checked out each of our gifts and she was delighted and she asked us where we got the clay figures~ She loved the guitar pick!!!


... then CNBlue's car was passing by then stopped, their manager talked to Seohyun manager...


And YongHwa was sitting beside him~~!! He put his head forward and nodded and greeted us with his eyes~!!"



So it's safe to assume now that they (CN Blue and SeoHyun) met Minsun on the 3rd of August 2010.


Again, thanks silis!



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@silis7noy2,miel n all- tq for da info... really luv them...and again,they matching each other... with da clothes and hair... :P

@monie- hahaha i watched dat too... but da funniest thing is, during hyun with sooyoung turns,when dey went together to 1 room which have 1 zombie(not sure to called dat thing) can u heard dat she laugh? (i think when they said dat da person is someone familiar) hahaha..even until the end,when she saw da piano,she wants to play it.if not mistaken,she said dat as long she know dat nothing can harm her,then she not really afraid of it... omo, cant wait to see dat.. i dunno how its gonna be...:P

have nice day gogumas!!


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the pic is from snsd thread by silis .but that pic look alike when yongseo shoot wgm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and some fans giving their a present,but fans didnt mention cn blue in there.also picture current date
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some checked its from 3 august ? ,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*3 august is where fans from dc gall married give yongseo and staff wgm a present
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because someone posted pic of the present on 4 august with title [Pic]YongSeo Fan Gift from DC on yesterday wgm Shooting,yesterday thats mean 3 august.

































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Guest monie1909

@cunna haha,yeah i did watch that part too.She is so funny in that ep,even ask sooyoung to quickly finished their script.wonder if she can keep her cool like that too but i hope not so cool cause then there will be no excuse to hugging and tugging her yong :lol: Really looking forward for this ep :D

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Guest calculator

MinSun who is receiving presents from YongHwa questions SeoHyun, "Who would you rather get married instead of YongHwa?" Is that like a sarcasm of her saying that he's a pitiful husband or is it like the biggest mistake of her life time?

I mean obviously YongHwa is showing a lot of effort and taking care of his fans and she's right out rude right there in front of him. Kind of awkward or the translation was totally wrong!

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Guest baby_bo












I am just so proud of our couple :)








They are the sweetest.. So that's the reason why other CN Blue members were seen after the filming that day :) They all went to that event. I think that's the reason why on Silis post before the YOngSeo fans said CNblue's manager talked to seohyun's manager maybe asking if seohyun is okay to join them with the event :) and since there's a proof that seohyun went i bet seohyun gladly agreed. So i guess it's pretty much confirmed that that event was held Aug 3 :)








calculator, i think your translation is not correct. silis posted a different question.. the girl asked who seohyun wants to get paired IF IT'S NOT YONGHWA.. the girl is just giving seohyun an option which she couldn't answer (and it's a good thing)

Account of a little act by CNBlue boys and Seohyun yesterday

Minsun is a 14 year old girl going through a difficult cancer treatment. One of her wishes was to meet her idol CNBlue and after some juggling her caretakers got in touch with WGM staff and CNBlue gladly agree to come visit Minsun. Yesterday (Aug 17th) was the WGM filming and they arranged to visit Minsun after the filming.








Minsun couldn't hide her happy excitement when CNBlue appeared with cake. What was more surprising was that little later Seohyun also appeared. Everyone was surprised since no one expected her. YongHwa gave Minsun a necklace present and the party went on. Minsun asked Seohyun: "Unnie who would you like as WGM partner besides YongHwa oppa?" which made Seohyun panic a little and everyone was laughing up.








"It was really the greatest", Minsun said at the end of the day








cr: hizom@cyworld










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