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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest aoi_enma






Kyaaa~~~ piggyback :D the piggyback so hilarious :lol:




at first it look like Yong~ wanted to backhug hyun~




first and second attempt failed .... actually for me it`s enough to try because Hyun~ seem didn`t have enough strength to carry Yong~ in her back but she insist to try again until they reached their house fence :wub::wub:




Yong~ look so happy kekekeke :)




when playing billiard, they have some skinship ^^ *find myself smiling widely in front of computer while watch it*




PD didn`t cut when Yong~ protect Hyun~ by jacket at the street :D




They are so playful ^^




Today episode so sweet <3 <3 <3




Overload skinship >,<




*faint* waiting for link to this ep raw ^^ i think i will faint again when re-watching this episode ... really DAEBAK!! :wub:


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OMG! I'm already fainted many times when watching the episode! :w00t:














No hold hands before but suddenly major skinship happens!! YongSeo daebak!














As I imagine, they were unpredictable. The sweet scene has become hilarious and funny how Seohyun has to carry Yonghwa at the back. He looks heavy there. wkwkw XD














And I'm suppose, Yonghwa was like given her a backhug! :wub::w00t:














I'm sure we are going to spazz more than a week about this! :sweatingbullets:



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Guest _d3seohyun












Yonghwa is indeed smart. Playfing pool against a wife who's a beginner?!!!











That episode was filmed on June 8. Yong seobang, after 4 months of filming




and taking care of your wife, you've earned it!




And aigoo, Seobaby didn't even want to put him down LOL




MY LORd, Does he love to ZIP HER UP?????!!! Gosh!




I'm sure JINWOON was in total HEARTBREAK with this episode!!!!!




I also love his "RUn, Table Table Run Run...."




I love the ending!!!! It faded away with them after the piggyback... happily, SKINSHIPY <lol!> going inside the haus....... hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm <thinking, thiking> LOL!










sip up in front of camera...unzip behidn the camera? LOL














kyah!!! my head is gonna start spinning of scenarios of what can happen when







they get back into their house...on that couch...or in front of the sink..or







gosh maybe tehy'll all go soundproof on us! LOL














i guess i'll spend my weekend doing caps! :w00t:

























LOL 500 users?!!! 500 people who had been waiting for 6 months finally got rewarded!







our long wait made this episode even more special!





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Guest shenibabi




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a lot of shipper


yongseo's power:X


i cant help but this ep is the best



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OMO!!! what a backhug!! I mean Piggyback!











Is everyone still here or fainted from happiness?











And the pools scenes were daebakk too!! OH Yong, you and our crafty ways....











































he really knows how to treat a girl and he nailed it!






















very clever for hyun insisting to play pool, really this game is skinship-hungry game











and more clever for yong to bet on piggyback!!!!






















oh.my.gosh. spazzing much???? :lol:

jinwoon died with envy! *evil*laugh* sorry jinwoon fans, i don't mean any harm, lolz


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i love this episode. Finally we got the biggest skinship ever.. The most shocking was Hyun insist to give piggyback until they reached home.. She even gave suggestion for Yong to stand at the stair so it would be easier for her to lift him up.. Yong seem happy ...



I think it is a good idea that YOng won..Hyun would be hesitate/shy to get piggyback. This is a first step for Yong to make Hyun feel it is ok to have a skinship..



Wah..Yong should just celebrate his victory because HE IS THE FIRST MAN EVER TO GET PIGGYBACK BY SNSD's SEOHYUN. I bet thousand of guy died of jealousy.. I dont think even SMTOWN bro get a chance to have that kind of skinship ..with SEOHYUN. Indeed he is PLAYER :)



The jacket scene, as we predict ..yong was the one who gave the jacket ..meanwhile Hyun still dont get it why she should wear that jacket.. Duh, Hyun your YOng wants to protect ur purity .. he wont let entire nation see something they should not..



Yong why not u just date her , cuz you are the first man ever she ever date and have a shinship for the past 20 yrs.. Everything she did was her first time .. Celebrating TWO TWO Day, play poll, make dinner for a guy, take driving license, i bet she even go to watch a movie for 1st time with a guy too..



The biggest accomplishment was Hyun not afraid of skinship.. i bet after this , we will see a lot more from them..finally!!!



Enough of spazz, off to DBSK's thread



Edit: i laughed so hard when i saw how Yong ate his pasta.. OMG, that is so wrong!! He such a dork.



So many lovey dovey scene even on the way to the spaghetti 's restaurant.


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Guest digidigibob

Waaahhh! What happened to the latest episode? I wasn't able to watch the livestreaming.

Can someone post a screencap of the piggyback ride? Please please please!

I want to see it badly!

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Guest isdupt15




















this episode is really daebak!!









all the skinship can supply the energy i needed for the week ahead :))









skinship here, skinhip there, skinship everywhere.. omo!! i cant stop smiling :))









cant wait for the subs, scaps, and raw vids :))









keep spazzing potatoes!! dis i the day :)))


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yong runnig up the slope is oh! so cute!!!









the piggyback!!! not once but three times! (i think)









piggyback or backhug....THEY DID IT!!!!    :w00t::wub:  :wub:









I love your post.



















We waited so long for it, about half a year and when we are finally rewarded, we go so much MORE!!! This episode is really such a hugh contrast to the first time they met.





*Pull party popper* Lets us all celebrate!!!! Cheers!! my friends, my fellow Gogumas, aliens, sweetpotatos.


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Guest aoi_enma






the second part




(Ḁụᶃ 14) Wedding Cut




cr. absolutekeoconvoi :wub:




thanks so fast ^^


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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waaaa...I'm so proud of hyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she finally made it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's her first major skinship in her entire life...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*cheers everyone*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder what will they show next week?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































will they show some interactions inside the house or will they just go directly to part where they will celebrate yong's birthday along with the cnblue mems?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait to see the preview <3

































































































































































































































































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Guest tripplemama
















































SMILE EVERYONE!!!! (caused I am smiling & giggling just by watching them)
































Our patience & waiting is REWARDED TODAY..
































I think PD did us some super justice for this episode....our "chanting" for a better cut is is fullfilled...
































from the jacket scene to the "body slamming"  ***hahah ok this one I just made up*** to the back hug **it is more back hug than a piggy ride** to Yong's gentle touch after the gate scene
































is all worth our waiting...









































































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Guest lenovo










Yonghwa is indeed smart. Playfing pool against a wife who's a beginner?!!!























That episode was filmed on June 8. Yong seobang, after 4 months of filming








and taking care of your wife, you've earned it!








And aigoo, Seobaby didn't even want to put him down LOL















sip up in front of camera...unzip behidn the camera? LOL
























kyah!!! my head is gonna start spinning of scenarios of what can happen when















they get back into their house...on that couch...or in front of the sink..or















gosh maybe tehy'll all go soundproof on us! LOL
























i guess i'll spend my weekend doing caps! :w00t:















ZIP and UNZIP????? kyahahahahaha!!!!!!
















I can't stop myself from laughing hard at ur comment d3!!!!








Oh well, im sure they both enjoyed the all the skinship in this episode!



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Guest miel_1301




If I get the raw episode correctly, the reason why he agreed to teaching her how to play pool was because of that past incident with Jungmo Oppa of Trax. I think he mentioned something about that incident when he learned that Seo Hyun had to ask help from him to teach her how to play the guitar.


I hope I was not mistaken because this will only show and prove that he did mind and got really jealous of Jungmo having to teach SeoHyun how to play the guitar when in fact it should be him doing so.


Ha..ha..ha!!! He somehow got afraid that if he won't agree to what Seo Hyun wants--- to learn how to play pool--- she might seek the help of someone else.


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Guest deep _sea
































































































































Hallo goguma lover..
































































































have been a silent luker for a long time. But today,i can't get silent enough..
































































































Uaaa..skinship fever all over goguma world..this ep make me want to smile all day,although idk what they r saying,but from our lovely couple facial n gesture,make my heart flutter.. :-P
































































































love for all goguma spazzer in here..

















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Guest LalaCAKES
















Just a few summary of some of their dialogue. (This is based on memory so it may not be completely accurate) I hope this satisfies most of you until j2ldee posts more detailed translations :)
























The whooooole way there, Yong complained about playing pool and stated, "I will not just follow all your wishes any longer" (His first outburst?! Kekeke) Once they got to the place, he told her that he hated pool because of a girl. When he mentioned girl, Hyun instantly widened her eyes. Yong said he didn't want to say anymore, but Hyun insisted so he continued. Turns out he and his friend lost to two girls at a game of pool. Yong tells Hyun that she needs to wear his jacket. She keeps asking why, but he just shyly walks away. Anyways, game starts with the bet of a piggy back ride. Hyun cooly agrees. Loooooads of skinship, lalala. Every so often, Hyun tries to use banmal, but it's still a bit awkward for her. The MCs kept saying that Yong is supposed to let Hyun win. Lol, our kiddy Yong.. After the game they go to eat spaghetti. Yong tells Hyun that spaghetti is his favorite food, after daenjangjigae (the soup she made for him). He says that she can use formal language to him for the duration of their meal because she seems really awkward and uneasy. Hyun says that it truly is hard for her to use banmal, but she'll try hard to use banmal to him. They leave the restaurant and they piggyback scene we have all been waiting for! Yong says that he has to walk heavily because he's going to jump on her back. In the end, Yong teases her about not being able to carry him more and she says "Why were you moving so uneasily then!" (Her first outburst as well EHEHEEHEH). THE END.
























I am absolutely in love with this couple. I did not think that I could be even more in love with them, but I am after this episode. I love that they are progressing slowly (as frustrating as it may be sometimes) because it really proves that this isn't just for a television program. The two of them are truly developing a solid relationship, whether it be as a couple or as friends. I love that Yong can be so mature about their steady progress and takes his time to make sure that Hyun is comfortable with him. I really appreciate that above all, they have the utmost respect for each other. This episode shows just how much their relationship has developed as we get to see Hyun slowly opening up to Yong's natural skinship. Also, the fact that they both had mini moments of outbursts in this episode was loveeeeee <3









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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































lol Poor hyun had to carry her husband Yong AND Their bags. Yong was so cute while fanning Hyun.
































































































































I will make better caps when i get my hands on the raw video :)
































































































































i thought this was cute :)

































































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Guest Maggie-Seohwa

wow 5oo users reading this thread..

girls u make me courious until dying....bad connection here....


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i will write a longer comment later, but really
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dear yongseo couple, just be with us
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the way you were in this episode
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































forever <3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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