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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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Guest miniejungle

i love him speaking English!!!!!

that means during S'pore FM we will not need translator, oh yes!!! :) he sure knows how to make his fans happy and i can't wait to go to the S'pore FM!!!

S'pore eels, let's make it a memorable one for us, and for Sukkie as well?

I hope some kind soul would upload the english translation for the fan account...

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Pic of after the fan meeting.


cr. sujika@jangkeunsuk's land@pantip






Look! Even when he was ready to leave the venue, that book is still in his hand. How can we not love this guy... *sigh*

I think he broke down a bit when he was singing Goodbye at the end... :)

My heart almost expired when I saw that one clip when he made a call to a fan. The fans put their phone numbers in this box, and Sukkie randomly picked one. He made a call, and he was told to check the number and dial again... :lol: *his face was so cute as he listened to the message* Then he picked another one, and got connected. He told the girl to go up on the stage, and then he walked out of his dressing room singing As Ever to her. Then he knelt down, gave her a bouquet, hugged her, and while holding each other, walked together backstage. O.M.G...

Hong Kong FM is still up in the air. No confirmation yet on when it's gonna be. Maybe in May, since April is too close and he would be preparing for Beijing and Singapore?

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Guest jaimejgs

The date for the Hong Kong FM is not confirmed yet, but sometime between April and May.

Angel, thanks for the translation. Ahhh, Sukkie sure loves his eels and what they do for him.

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Taiwan news about FM:

credit:miclub of Chang hui


Female announcer:

A currently popular Korean artiste has arrived in Taipei. He is Jang Keun Suk., aged 21 ?? ( I thought he's 23??!!) Having debuted for 13 yrs, he has amassed quite a no. of fans.2,500 tickets for the fanmeet was snapped out within a few hours.

Male MC:

Handsome boy JKS has his 2.500 female fans all excited. Simply a smile or a small gesture will make his fans squeal with delight (not very sure about the description here).


I love you all.

I want you. ( I saw another other clip last night..at this point the Male MC asked (in Mandarin) if he said it wrongly...'U WANT' ?..& KS answered.."ABSOLUTELY" in english

Male MC

This is JKS’s first time in Taiwan but the 2.500 tickets priced at 3300 taiwan dollars each were sold out within 24 hrs.

Outside, the queue has snaked from the 1st floor to the 4th floor, going round a big circle of the memorial hall (event venue)

The fan meet was scheduled for 6 pm ; but JKS was late for an hour due to ????

regarding the seating arrangement for his parents. The fans were impatient with the delay.

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im getting all teary eyed with the gestures he showed to his fans.. he has a big heart indeed.. im so touched that he held the book up until the end.. i can only guess how those people who made the book feel by now..

that girl he sang still/as ever to is the luckiest girl alive!!!! calling her attention, if you're a member of soompi, kindly share to us that unforgettable experience please.. and btw, im green with envy but happy for you at the same time.. =)

i might have ended up in the hospital if i were in your position.. =P

sukkie is LOVE..

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Guest karrenstar

I am from Hong Kong!!! Can't wait for his Hong Kong fanmeeting omg!!! When will tickets be on sale! Is anyone here from Hong Kong too?

[2010.03.08] Jang Keun Suk Taipei Fanmeeting related articles

張根碩聊酒友 爆李洪基醉後不付帳

2010-03-08 葉宜欣/臺北報導 中時





他與FTISLAND主唱李洪基演韓劇《原來是美男》熟識,也曾和Super Junior的希澈合作《人氣歌謠》節目。他說李洪基酒量最好,「我來台前,跟他一起吃飯、喝酒到早上,結果他沒付錢就跑了!」他贊希澈酒品不錯,兩人喝酒總是各付一半。



Jang Keun Suk talks about his drinking buddies, says that Lee Hong Ki walks away without paying

Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk held his fanmeeting at the National Memorial Hall on the 7th. He said Taiwanese fans' enthusiasm has drawn his attention, "They follow me wherever I go! Looking at them getting on cabs, chasing after me on motorbikes, I hope that they can be more aware of their safety." He went onto saying that he once went drinking with showbiz friends Lee Hong Ki and Kim Heechul. Among the two, Lee Hong Ki's drinking ability is better and he drinks more, but also tried walking out without paying.

Jang Keun Suk said when he was studying in New Zealand, he thought Taiwanese classmates were very friendly, he also flirted :"Taiwanese girls are very pretty." Most Korean celebrities tour around night markets[Taiwan is famous for their night markets that sell a lot of special Taiwanese food and products] and the 101 Tower. But Jang Keun Suk does not go along with the norm, he said that he especially wanted to visit convenience stores because "from visiting convenience stores one can observe the consumer behavior and culture of people belonging to that place. Beside, I love drinking tea, so I am hoping to purchase a box of Taiwanese tea and bring it back to Korea."

He knew FT Island's vocalist Lee Hong Ki from working on "You're Beautiful" together, and he also worked with Super Junior's Kim Heechul on Inkigayo. Jang Keun Suk said humorously that Lee Hong Ki's drinking abilities is the best, "before he came to Taiwan, I had dinner with him and we drank until morning. He fled without paying!" He also complimented that Kim Heecuhl's drinking manners are quite good, whenever they go drinking they will each pay half of the bill.

Korean actress Park Shin Hye worked with him in drama "You're Beautiful". Jang mama openly declared that she likes Park Shin Hye a lot. Jang Keun Suk said that the two families live in the same area and the distance between them is only 5 minutes by road. However, when they were done with "You're Beautiful"'s filming, Park Shin Hye was too into her role in the drama and consequently kept a distance fearing that she would fall in love with him.

張根碩記仇 爆李洪基的料

【聯合報╱記者傅繼瑩/臺北報導】2010.03.08 03:54 am





看 到張根碩以近似「原來是美男」劇中造型現身,久候記者會場外的粉絲群情激動,張根碩還應要求秀劇中他的招牌臺詞及主唱曲「該怎麼辦」,但他表示,本身個性 與劇中主角黃泰京完全不同,他說:「我是A型的人,很小心翼翼,不會像劇中那樣獨斷獨行,但我不喜歡的人,我都會記在小筆記本上。」擺明自己很會「記 仇」。

記仇的張根碩,果然當場爆料好友李洪基,他說:「洪基來台前晚我們一起喝酒,他那時沒付錢就先走了,聽說他來台說我們很要好,但他 從臺灣回去到現在,我都沒接到他電話。」張根碩和李洪基合演「原來是美男」前,就透過好友金希澈介紹認識,三人常一起喝酒,他笑說:「洪基喝最多,酒量最 好,但酒錢是我和希澈分著出。」


Jang Keun Suk is revengeful, talks about Lee Hong Ki

Korean flower boy Jang Keun Suk’s handsome appearance portrayed during his playing of the piano and guitar in hit drama series “You’re Beautiful” has captured the hearts of fans from different Asian countries. However, it is surprising that the person who has all the credit from influencing him to learn the piano is Taiwanese pop idol Jay Chou.

During Jang Keun Suk’s first visit to Taiwan, he replied all of the questions from reporters during the press conference yesterday. When mentioned which Taiwanese celebrity he would like to work with, he replied without hesitation “I always watch movies from different Asian countries, and I really admire Jay Chou. I watched his performance in “Secret”. In the film when he is playing the piano he looks very handsome, which influenced me to start learning how to play the piano and other instruments.”

When he appeared at the press conference styled similar to his role in “You’re Beautiful”, fans were particularly excited. Jang Keun Suk also responded to requests and acted out a few famous lines from the drama and sang “What Should I Do”. But he said that his personality is totally different from his role in the drama. He said “I am a type A person so I am very careful with things. Unlike my role in the drama, I don’t do things alone. But if there are people I don’t like, I will record them in a little notebook.”, showing his revengeful side.

The vengeful Jang Keun Suk talked about his good friend Lee Hong Ki during the press conference. He said “The night before Hong Ki came to Taiwan we went drinking, but he walked out without paying. I heard that he told people that we are very good friends during his visit to Taiwan. But from his trip to Taiwan onwards, I still haven’t heard from him yet.” Jang Keun Suk and Lee Hong Ki knew each other before working in drama series “You’re Beautiful”. The two friends knew each other through Kim Heechul and the three of them always go drinking together. Jang Keun Suk said humorously “Hong Ki drinks the most among us and has the highest alcoholic ability, but the bill is always shared among me and Heechul.”


personally I think the 2nd article is more unbiased than the first one.

But you need to bear in mind that Taiwanese reporters are known for making up things. Somehow I remain dubious about a few things in the first article.....no offense to Taiwanese journalists. Hong Kong journalists love making up stuff too. :P

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He's departing Taipei already...



Some fan accounts:



Thanks for the translation, karrenstar. Hopefully HK FM would be confirmed soon... :)

Tofu just told me that someone wrote in baidu that Sukkie talked to her at the airport. She was bringing a board with something similar to Nachesama on it. Sukkie saw it and asked her how did she know about that in English. From her account, she said she had memorized what would she say when she meets Sukkie and has a chance to speak with him. In actuality, she was star-struck and forgot how to speak... :lol:

*somehow reminds us of that scene of TK and MN after their fan meeting... when TK kissed MN's hand, and she had that shell-shocked expression on her face before TK said fan meeting is over! Go and sleep! :lol: *

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Guest daily_tofu

He's departing Taipei already...

Tofu just told me that someone wrote in baidu that Sukkie talked to her at the airport. She was bringing a board with something similar to Nachesama on it. Sukkie saw it and asked her how did she know about that in English. From her account, she said she had memorized what would she say when she meets Sukkie and has a chance to speak with him. In actuality, she was star-struck and forgot how to speak... :lol:

*somehow reminds us of that scene of TK and MN after their fan meeting... when TK kissed MN's hand, and she had that shell-shocked expression on her face before TK said fan meeting is over! Go and sleep! :lol: *

Hehe.. it wasn't at the airport.. it was during the Signing event.. she was bringing a fan sign with "Nachesama" writings on it. and Sukkie asked in English "How do you know about it?" so the girl replied that she went to the Korea FM, to which Sukkie replied again in English. The girl couldn't remember what he said exactly, it was either "Nice to meet you" or "Nice to meet you again" hahaha poor girl.. she said, she was so dumbstruck to talk. .but I bet I"ll be in that same condition if Sukkie talks to me. She also mentioned that during the signing event, 2 lucky fans got a hug from Sukkie which cause an uproar and the security has to hold things back.

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Guest daily_tofu

Sukkie has just left a message!

Make your way to the official website.

This is the translation from Korean to Mandarin, unfortunately using Google translator, but we can still guess what he's trying to say...




...刷刷睡眠.... .........


携带大型铅白dasiohgeteum ..






今天任何人都穿着裤子... motipneungeodwa

Yigeodeong 27腰...


From the mandarin translation, he said, he's already home, ate kimchi something, and lay down on the bed.

Funny how this google translator always translate Cri as Creative..

Now.. let's just wait for proper translation hehe..

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If we had vids flood yesterday, it's pics flood today...

cr. baidu


He still can do his dak chan pose in the airport... :lol: and look how much he brought with him! His DJing instruments for sure. But there's also a media report saying he brought back all the gifts that fans gave him... :D

Last Night FM





Pics from the official merchandise









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Guest miniejungle

oh... new message, thank you tofu for the alert and shiro for the pics!!!

karen, i love you! thanks for the translation too! Hong ki was cute, drinking without paying, hahhhaa...i also think the 2nd articla is a bit biased, but i know nuts about Chinese so i just have to rely on your translation... Sukkie is great yah?

i heard that the FM was intended for 90 mins but it stretched over 2 hours! and gosh i'm getting nervous abt the ticketing thing in S'pore already... God, please make it easy for us!!!!

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Guest FatimaPio

Well... eerrr.. to tell you the truth (i'm not making this up), after I watched his "4 minutes" peformance, I secretly wished he would do a performance with Sexy Back, but it's just in the back of my head coz I thought it was far fetched... who knew... yay!

This is one of those moments where I wish I still live in Taipei hahaha.. I'd definitely queue for 3 days and will book the next flight to Beijing :P

A fan’s recount of the most memorable evening credit to baidu

"Taiwan fans had prepared a thick book. When the show almost reached the ending, some fans went upstage to give the book to Keun Suk. Before they could explain about the book, the fans was told to go down by the MC and the crew, but Keun Suk suddenly called out, “No.. no.. no” and kept the fans on the stage. After listening to the fans’ explanation AND gave them a hug. When the staff was going to take the book from him so he could finish the ending, he said “This is mine” and wouldn’t let go of the book until the end and he was still holding the book until during encore."

Sukkie has a really big heart...

Reading this fan's account just melted my heart... and made me realize why he is the only celebrity that I joined fanclubs and forums for. Because he is real...

Thanks very much also to the eels who posted pics and videos of the Taiwan FM!!! Its the next best thing to being there.

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The proper chinese translation is here...


回归 (Come Back)












今天穿的裤子 已经不能再穿了



From apple daily


and this one from baidu


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Guest aindy

thank you soooooo much for all the fancams and pictures and fan accounts from the fanmeet.. (especially to shiro401..) :D :D :D

and this is soooooo love.. still holding the book while performing..

this guy can really steal any girl's heart becoz of his kindness..




66803125.th.jpg 57629905.th.jpg 98415295.th.jpg 40877281.th.jpg

95318453.th.jpg 86084784.th.jpg 15168687.th.jpg 99469326.th.jpg 82688798.th.jpg

Credits: Baidu


100308 JKS back at Korea

lol at the 2nd pic.. :D



As tagged + Baidu


is there an HQ version of this pic??




i swear the first pic really hit me.. he's soooo angelic!! ♥♥♥


87106804.th.jpg 87415272.th.jpg 30759297.th.jpg 69336114.th.jpg 68304768.th.jpg

62923876.th.jpg 88358810.th.jpg 98272017.th.jpg 91890129.th.jpg

More Fanmeet Pics here:



As tagged + Baidu + JKS Philippines

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Guest aindy

ottokhe!! that girl is sooo cute in her costume!! no wonder JKS could be all smiles on that..

shiro!! you just killed me totally.. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! *pokes underneath* :D

his China fanmeet would still push through this coming weekend right??

we will still be flooded with pics and videos again!! :D

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Hmm...really wanted to go to his fanmeet, but it's so expensive for the VIP tickets. Sad...Don't know whether I should go since I really wish to meet him in person. I believe he will be very sincere and warmhearted towards his fans. I have really good impression of him actually from his interviews and stuffs.

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ottokhe!! that girl is sooo cute in her costume!! no wonder JKS could be all smiles on that..

shiro!! you just killed me totally.. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! *pokes underneath* :D

his China fanmeet would still push through this coming weekend right??

we will still be flooded with pics and videos again!! :D

The China fanmeeting has been postponed to April 17. The one in Beijing, that is... no words yet whether there will be fan meeting in other cities. Although the official website hasn't put up another notice about this date, HS media has put it in their website.

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