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[drama 2006] Queen Of The Game 게임의 여왕

Guest xosandy

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er i thought i can do it fast and quick but here what i got for now for esp 15 .will continue it later tonite ~

translated from the chinese subtitled version by TSKS. it was abit rush .so ....just a guideline only ...surely it will have loss in translation --;;

Esp 15

Shinjeong was telling his hyung that he cant accompany him today since he has tons of things to do ..his hyung asked what is it about ..shinjeong : didn’t you say to beg unconditionally .[ for forgiveness] -> he had spoken to his hyung before about this woman who he need to get back .so his hyung had advised you just had to beg for it .~ ! ..then the hyung know he was going to look for the mother’s of the child [lol but I think he doesn’t know is eun seol ]

Shinjeong asked him to pray that he dun get beaten up .he said even if you get beaten up you still need to beg for forgiveness .that the only way

So our shinjeong went right into office ..eun seol was there working late as usual and he close her documents she reading and asked her out for a drink ..when he see his invitation was not going to be accept ..he said :: do you want me to carry you there ? …and even make the gesture of really intending to do what he say ..then eun seol give in and agreed to go out and have a good talk .what they should do …they need to talk about it

At the roadside stall :

SJ: .since we come out to drink . you should at least drink one cup

ES really listen and drunk one shot of the soju .he seem happy to see she at least listening to his request …

ES: why are you doing this ? what do you want !

SJ: you !

Let be together

From now on ..let start our relationship afresh

ES: have you gone crazy !

SJ: why ?

is it because of the father who had collapsed because of me ?

that I just had to carry the burden of guilt for the rest of my life

and become strangers with you and yuenrum !

I am really very serious right now

From now onwards , in order to save a hopeless person like me

And for you and yuemrun

I will do it even if it meant throwing in my life for it

ES : just live as you intend to

This is not suitable for you

You should know that you are not really a good person

Losing one’s memory wont change one’s personality

You can even laugh in a situation like this

Looks like I need to re-evaluate, your rights to be a human being

A person who robbed my father of his hotel

After toying with me and abandoned me !

The person who asked me to abort yuenrum

Look like you dun even remembered who it was ?!!

Don’t give me such an innocent look!

Is me ..is because I am a fool!!

When I saw you ..i acted on impulse

Agreeing to let you play with yuenrum for a day

Now I do not believed you !

You should just stay faithful to your fiancé

She left with those words and shinjeong was still abit lost in thoughts over her outburst but then he soon recovered and chase out

SJ: I have decided

A jerk like me need to be able to met such a kind woman like you

Then can I awake

Please teach me

Teach me what is real l[true] love about

She wanted to go and stop listening to his words .but then he grabbed her hand and pulled her back and kissed her . ahem but the kiss backfired she pushed him away


ES: do you think by doing this , I will be moved ?!

I do not have any feelings for you now

And though yuenrum is your son

But the relationship between you and me shall never change

So ..do not have any expectation from me !

She walked away .but dang* this shinjeong really is not defeated :he said while watching her walking away

SJ: are my advances too fast !

Eunseol was going back in the cab but she called pilsoo .they agree to met for a drink ..just when he was going out .his exwife come by ..saying there a project that going to be restart for the hotel renovation . since seeing pilsoo company is having some difficulties .she wanted to hand the project to them but pilsoo said he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her father nor lee shinjeong . the ex wife said he should not get so emotional .this is a big project ..but still he ignored her and walk off .

Eunseol was drinking already when pilsoo come . he did told her about what his exwife said about lee shinjeong might be taking over the management of the hotel again .

ES: it should be this way ..

he is a capable man

it will be a pity if it had continue like this [ meaning he just keep going back to the site ]

then shinjeong walk past a shop and bought a sweater for eunseol’s father . when he was waiting outside …I dun know is because he did not know how to get into it or waiting for her .anyway ..he saw her come home with pilsoo beside her ..he was not really very happy to see that especially after she had go off from their “date” just a few hours ago and went to drink with another man

he passed her the bag and said it was for her father ..just then yuenrum come out of the house calling his mother ….and saw the two man there …the skating ahjusi and his uncle ..yuenrum asked for a horse ride on his uncle and so happily bade the ahjushi farewell [ lol the ahjushi I think is feeling so jealous how come his son is close to another man then him ]

the aunt was asking what is he doing here ..but shinjeong told her that she might think he is abit thick skinned but he will be coming here often ..

then shinjeong and eunsol has a talk :

ES : by doing this !! are you thinking this is FUN!

SJ: do you think I am doing this because it is fun !

I just want to express my apology to you and your family

And seek for forgiveness

What wrong with that !

ES: this is just to put your heart more at peaece !

But I do not wish to

Don’t just behaved so assumingly !

SJ : so …for my whole life I wont be able to hear

I wont be able to hear yuenrum called me abba [father] ??

ES: in the first place . you dun have the rights to hear that

It was you who asked me to abort that time

SJ: I cant remember

But ..why are you unwilling to accept me

Is it … you …like kim pilsoo ??

ES: why ! ..cant I like him ?

SJ : you cant

ES: tired ..i am really exhausted !

And I also detest you !

SJ: kang eun seo ..cant you give me a chance

Cant you give me a chance

Maybe I had done you many wrongs

But I surely must have loved you very deeply ! [awwwww ]

[noticed she dun dare look into his eyes ..aiyoo how can she let him think he want to abort yuenrum at that time ..so cruel]


then he grabbed hold of her hand and placed it over his heart !

SJ: can you hear ?

Cant you hear the sounds of my heartbeat !

[she wanted to struggled away but he pulled her hand back again ]

you really cant hear !!

this is the sound of liking you !

this is the sound of loving you !

ES: cant ! …absolutely cant! !

My father get his attacks whenever he see you

Casting a father like this away

How am I able to l with you ?!

Yuenrum ..

when yuenrum grow up ..

let’s met then

I will raise him up well

Then she walked ..he followed her ..not realizing the lights were turning at the traffic light ..i think he nearly got hit by the car .and he suffered his headache right in the middle of the road ..eunseol hear the car horn .and turned to see him in pain .!! ..and rushed to him asking if he is all right …

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Aww...thank you so much shirley. :wub:

Wow...SJ is really determined...his heart is telling him to hold on to ES...he really tried hard.

Preview for episode 17 & 18

SBS 특별기획 [게임의 여왕](HDTV)(17회)

방송 : 1월 20일(토) 밤 09:55~11:05

설은 강재호의 유골을 강에 뿌리며 서슬 퍼렇게 어금니를 악다문다. 강재호가 자신의 어머니인 한미숙 때문에 죽었다는 사실을 모르는 신전은 은설이 여름이를 데리고 들어와 한미숙과 함께 살겠다는 말에 기뻐하지만, 한미숙은 자신의 숨통을 죄이려 한다는 것을 알고 불안해 한다. 기억이 완전히 돌아온 신전은 주원에게 넌 날 사랑한 게 아니라 니 사랑을 사랑한 거라며 모질게 대하고, 더 이상 잃을 것이 없는 주원은 신전과 은설을 나락으로 떨어뜨릴 준비를 한다. 한편, 은설을 찾아간 한미숙은 어디 한 번 다 같이 지옥에서 살아보자며 소리치는 은설에게 니가 날 이길 수 있다고 생각하냐며 거침없이 뺨을 올려 붙이는데, 고개를 치켜드는 은설 빙긋 웃는 모습이 오싹하고……

SBS 특별기획 [게임의 여왕](HDTV)(18회)

방송 : 1월 21일(일) 밤 09:55~11:05

설과 한미숙의 다툼을 들어버린 신전은 은설이 한미숙에 대한 증오심으로 함께 살겠다 마음 먹은 것을 알게 되는데, 무섭게 변한 은설이 자신의 책임인지라 마음이 아프다. 주원으로부터 은설의 속을 뒤집어 자기 발로 기어 나가게 만들라는 코치를 받는 한미숙은 만만치 않자, 죽어주겠다며 만취한 채 옥상으로 올라간다. 맨발로 쫓아 나온 은설, 당신이 이겼다며 떠나드리겠다 하는데 눈물이 하염없이 쏟아진다. 아파 드러누운 은설은 신전에게 자신의 집으로 데려다 달라하고, 신전은 그 집 앞을 떠나지 못한 채 못박힌 듯 앉아 예전에 하늘에 걸고 은설을 아내로 맞아 사랑하겠다 했던 맹세를 되뇌고 있다. 드러누워 있던 은설, 필서와 장수자의 만류를 뿌리치고 뛰쳐나가 꽁꽁 언 신전의 얼굴을 보듬으며 아무 것도 생각하지 말고 죽을 때까지 사랑하자 하는데 일편에서는 한미숙이 여름이를 뺏을 묘책을 주원과 궁리하고 있다.

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shirley, thanks for the ep. 15 translation! btw, in this ep., does he remember who he is already? did he get his memory back? and if not, how did he know his connection with ES and their child? i'm so confused. :unsure:

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shirley, thanks for the ep. 15 translation! btw, in this ep., does he remember who he is already? did he get his memory back? and if not, how did he know his connection with ES and their child? i'm so confused. :unsure:

oh he don really recall who he is yet in esp 15 ~ ..i think he only got bits and pieces back in esp 16 ..~ .but not completely .oh how did he know the child and ES connnection ...

in esp 13 - > eunseol told him about how they were previously once a couple but it was not very significant relatinship but it explain how she knows who he is ..she told him .his name and even called his family come get him ....but at that time she never told him about yuen rum's father ...then ..shinjeong keep thinking about her ..he think it was not as simple as she said .his love for her runs more deeper ..soooo..he keep going back to the construction site ..say his home is strange to him ..since he dun remember anything ....and i think in esp 14 ..he saw eun seol and her father photo behind the photo of him and his father ..it puzzled him ..[ joowon seem to have told him about his takeover of eun seol's father hotel ..aka meaning he must not have loved eun seol very much he is the person who take over her father business ] .so shinjeong went to eun seol house remember ? and he scared the hell out of eun seol father

here what i translated before for someone on the part when shinjeong and eun seol was walking in the park after the incident with the father ...that how he questioned her about yuen rum parentage ..[ er dun ask me how his mind can jump to such amazing conclusion ...lol er just assumed his sixth sense is very alert ] so that how he found out .but in his mind i think er ..he might have think he reallly did something horrible / or bad to eun seol to get her with child ...but then another part of him will be telling him it cant be like this ..there must be love .....his heart telling him so ..

.......so he still confused actually what happen between eun seol and him....but he does confirm the child is his ..plus er i think eun seol neevr put up a strong denial to over ride his conclusion ..so he know he was right ....if you want to time it ..lol it probably took him less then 5 min to find out he has a son ..

SJ : you might be a kindhearted person ..

if i were you ..i will not be able to forgive so easily ..

at the very least ..give me a slap ..

ES: what will that changes ?

: and my father was not also without fault

and ...i did not want to make someone who had lost his memories .responsible .

SJ : and i was so thickskinned ..to even play with " yeoreum" =>that is refering to summer actually they named the son after the season

ES: ..i did not expect the child to pester me to bring him out to play

okay .now come the critical moment ..you see him pause then looked at her strangely .like he suddenly discovered something ..and then he asked

SJ : is [he ] my son ?

[then he saw her ..there no respond from her ..okie before he used to asked her question ..and when she dun reply ..he will jokingly say ..that meant a consent ..er so i assumed he assumed that was a yes from her non respond ]

: seem like he is my son ~!

ES : is not your son ! ..

SJ : kang eun seol si .

no matter how kind you are

you will never had let someone like me

who had turned your father into such a state

to play with your son

do you think that is logical !!

from now onwards

i shall redeem my debts to you in my own way


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gosh ep 16 was sooo intense. I didn't expect the ep to end that way..:tears:

I liked ep 16 a lot. I think it depicted SJ's feelings very well. I can see his desperation and urge to stay by ES' side but circumstances forbid, he can't do that. And I think the ending of ep 16 will make things worst..if ES' father die.. ES will definitely hate SJ's mum to death man.. and that way she can't be with SJ anymore, even if he gets his mother's approval..I feel so bad for ES and SJ now.. why can't they be together? And the flashback part showing ES' dad and SJ's mum..i wonder if it's an indication of SJ being the son of ES' dad? Please..dun let this happen. I hope it's just SJ's mum's personal grudge against ES' dad for asking her to abort the baby back then. she's wants to avenge her plight which she had suffered back then, so it's a form of revenge asking ES to abort the baby. I hope it's not another sibling love..

Wellz, other than that, i am so liking the current SJ! He's so cute when he gets jealous seeing ES aroung PS..:P And he looks superrrrr HOT in the suit with that rugged look! :wub: (Emily where are you to rant on uri HOTTIEE JJM?? :rolleyes:

Alas, I am glad QOTG has picked up its pace..i really like it now. =)

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Aww...thank you so much shirley. :wub:

Wow...SJ is really determined...his heart is telling him to hold on to ES...he really tried hard.


ya he is determined .even when he lost his memory ..he still firmly believed in his heart ...poor shinjeong ..i think the writer going to torment him more before letting him off!!! ...

i think the queen of the game

is neither referring to kang eun seol

nor shinjeong's mother

nor park joowon ..

is really lee yoo jin .[that writer ] who is queen of the game

:wacko: she has the cards in her hands ..dang * is this going to be a crazy or mad game is up to her to decide ..

thank you, shirley! i hope ES forgives SJ soon!

dun worry ..she will forgive him before this drama ends ..

er ..maybe i should not do this line by line . -;

.-; there another 20 min towards the end .i try to cut it short .

esp 15 continued

in eunseol house , the aunt actually mistook the sweater as from eunseol and pilsoo just let her assumed it that they pick it together .....later she asked pilsoo why is that fellow [aka shinjeong coming here ] ..he told her that though SJ lost his memories but he still like eun seol ..but the aunt said it is impossible for them and asked how does eun seol think .pilsoo said that eun seol did not want to start afresh with shinjeong again ..and the aunt asked pilsoo cant he be with eunseol ..since pilsoo had remained single all this while becaues of eun seo ..and that yeorum like him too ..it will be better to marrry him then marry someone else .she think that the only person who can take care of eun seo for life is pilsoo ..he was asking her not to say anymore since it is stiring up thoughts in his heart


At the construction site ..

shinjeong was simling since eun seo was there to take care of him ..he was groaning ..with pain [pretending ] ..then she told dun pretend any more .~ and SJ asked her if she was scared just now by what happen ....it happen often to him this headache sometimes it hurt so much like his head is splitting apart

ES: that why you should go home .

SJ: .that home doesnt feel like home

feel too strange to be bearable

ES: even if that the case ..you cannot continue on like this

you cant just live by working on the construction site

SJ: that right ..cant really continue like this

for yeonrum .i cant continue like this

ES: yes .when in future .yeonrum acknowleged you

i too hope that you will be an outstanding father

SJ: hearing these words ..seem like implaying i need to earn alot of money

ES: a rich father ..that wont be so bad

if those are clean money

remember to go to hospital

SJ: are you just going to leave a patient like this and go back

let go .

even if sick i will send you home

just hailing a taxi for you ! [bec he hear her sigh thinking he being so stubborn again ]

at the taxi ..

SJ : you know that in my mind there only you

are you going to continue ignoring me tomorrow

all right ..you continue

i am okay ..since i am already used to it

^^then he even rem to asked the taxi driver not to speed ....

SJ: the knots in your heart .when wil it be untie ?


this mr jun come by telling park joowon .that he has a plan ..that to make a comeback .they need to use lee shinjeong as a front . she saw thruogh his plan that he want to use lee shinjeong to make the share prices of the hotel go up . as long as they keep it a secret ...ppl will not know he had lost his memory .they will trust lee shinjeong on his excellent management capability ..then their shareprices will have a rebound and .mr jung can use this opporunity to sell off ...he told lawyer park to bring lee shinjeong here ..no matter if it is lee shinjeong of park joowon ...he told her not to think of escaping ..


shinjeong mother overheard the jung father ad daughter ..saying about lee shinjeong coming back .

she went up to meey joowon and told her it is good to get shinjeong back o the hotel .since it will make him further away from eun seol ...but lawyer park said that now his eyes only has eun seol ..

the mother said she will settle this if that woman really loved shnjeong ..she wont make him remain in a construction site ...and she also asked joowon to forget shinjeong ..that shecant for her own personal desires to push a shinjeong who has a child to joowon ...


shinjeong as usual ...is "pestering * eun seol .even asking her why is she late .has yeonrum went to kindergarden ..if the sweater fit her father .but she said to him was that she know he is trying hard but just forget it

lol but the man does see a ray of hope ..~

then come lunch time ...you see eun seol getting the food for him ..the hyung was saying why didnt eun seol give prawns to shinjeong .lol .shinjeong was joking the teamleader dislike me but when the hyung give him prawns ..he quickly say .he is allergic to it ~ .kek the hyung looked at him and eun seol strangely [as if how did she know his allery ] and that SJ was sure delighted ..thinking she dun really dislike him ..

then his mother come ..told the hyung that her son wont be coming tomorrow and even if he come dun keep him here ..

.. .but shinjeong did not want to leave ..he told his mother he so grown up why is she still treating him like a fool .....she threathened him saying do you want me to say out openly that she seduces a man who engaged ..and make her embrassed infront of everyone ...

shinjeong said that what happend between him and eunseol ..there must be a reason why they had ended up like this . he said he will speak to his mother later tonite at home


shinjeong went outside eun seol office ..he hear her sighing and did not enter ..

.she was abit upset over his mother apppearance ..recalling what she had said to her about aborting the child ...how the mother told her for her son .she can do anything ...

eun seol come out ..and

ES: it been such a long time since i looked so closely at your face

can you spare some time this evening

SJ : time is what i have left

he was so thrill finally she is changing her attidue towards him ..


at the cafe ..

SJ: . .it is unexpected to have a day like this

right now ..we ...should be considered as dating ..?!

you ....when you are angry you are pretty

even when you dun speak you are pretty .

and even more pretty when you simle

ahh this weekend .let bring yeonrum out to have fun ..

what does that kid like ?

that kid cant take prawns like me !

what other resemblances to me does he has ?

yes....this weekend ..i will first take him to the public bath

[he seem so excited just thinking of it ]

ES: there is one thing that he strongly resembled you

SJ: what's that

ES : stubborness

thennnnnn.....kim pilsoo arrived and that really spoiled ..shinjeong mood to see him

PS: ..i know is time to make things clear so i asked eun seol to arrange for this meeting

i wont beat around the bush

we are getting marry

ES: yeonrum like obba too

SJ: SO ?

PS: i wil raise yeonrum up well .so there no need for you to worry

SJ: if i dun accept this ?

PS: it doesnt matter if you accept it or not

it is really not of our concern ..

SJ: mind your words !

yeonrum is my son !

how can i let you raise him !

ES: what else you want to do !

do you intend to make yeonrum more troubled [?]

when he is grown up ..i will let you two met

SJ : i just need to ask you one thing

do you really love this man

ES: the relationship between us is strong

ihe is the person i am most grateful to

and a person who is always there to give me support

when he is not by my side i will feel empty

i had decided to marry obba

PS: please give up eun seol

though we dun own much

but we wil be there for each other and live happily

[this shinjeong still cant believe what he is hearing but neither can he say anymore ...so he left ..]


SJ was up in the roof top of the incompleted building ....

SJ :

getting married

marry "

he recall what eunseol said to him before .

[A person who robbed my father of his hotel

After toying with me and abandoned me !

The person who asked me to abort yuenrum

Look like you dun even remembered who it was ?!! ]

and the moments when he spend with yeonrum


what pilsoo said to him before

[ to you who had lost your memories ..it do not matter ..but watching a father who is like a living dead ..do you think eun seol will accept you ? ]

"yeon rum like obba too"

"please give up eun seol "

SJ: i cant give up .

i dun wish to give up

am i really too selfish .?

am i doing this just for myself

am i the only one whose heart is pounding ..

can i let you go ?

then his hyung appear ..


PS : wont you regret it

ES : maybe ..

obba ...his mother come looked for me before

PS: what did his mother said to you ?

nothing never even cast a glance at me

sometimes i think

even when i will be doing a wrong against my father

even when my father suffer attacks whenver he see him

but ..as long as there is yeonrum

i can go to his mother

beg her to aknowleged us

that person 's mother ..will never acknowleged me and yeonrum

not even a glance meant she do not even care

PS: .she must have heard from park joowon about yeonrum

she knows but did not come

it meant that as not acknowledging

ES: in the first place .the one who want me to abort the baby was her

when i see that person's mother ..i am get so furious

whenever i see his mother , i shiver with my detest of her

sorry obba ..that i had to use you as a shield ..

PS: just cry ..

when you feel like crying just cry out loud ..

============================shinjeong was drinking with his hyung who was giving him advise again

saying that once a woman want to leave ..especially leaving with a child ..means that the woman heart is no longer with you

SJ :

so what hyung means .is that i should just let her go like this ? is this what you mean ?

hyung :then what do you think can be done

doesnt wish to be with you anymore

let her go

SJ : hyung ..you are really bad .

really a bad person

[he hit his chest so hard where his heart is ...]

here ..it is almost tearing apart !!

and you still want me to let her go

dont ..dont say it as if it is so easy

and he keep on drinking ..till park joowon appeared .coming to take him home..


park joowon and shinjeong mother were talking about eun seol ..ms park wonder if both of them had wrapped up what between them but the motehr think otherwise ..saying eun seol is a scary person ......from the fact she pretend to abort teh child but give birth to it secretly ..that she is as vicious and despicable as her father that why she hate her even more

but lawyer park think they really break off ..since from the way shineong had got drunk ..she wonders what happen

the mother said she went to the site this morning ..seeing her might have wake them up ...

shinjeon will hide the truth about the child from her .afraid she will take the child ..so she asked joowon to also hide the fact they already know ..and she want to get a confirmed answer from eunseol .[ i think regarding about her and shinjeong ]

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Guest chickalang

shirley, thank you.. thank you.. thank you! i really appreciate what you're doing. ES and PS, are they really getting married or its just for show? to make SJ stop *pestering* ES?

am really really loving this drama. wish for them (ES and SJ) to be together soon. :-)

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

for some reason i feel that the acting was a little overdramatic... so sometimes it looks ridiculous and i dunno, hard to explain. the bottomline is, i don't enjoy this drama as much as i thought i would so it's kinda disappointing. it's not a total waste of time but i probably won't put it into my kdrama collection. that's all. just an opinion.

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^^ You're welcome...hehe...

for some reason i feel that the acting was a little overdramatic... so sometimes it looks ridiculous and i dunno, hard to explain. the bottomline is, i don't enjoy this drama as much as i thought i would so it's kinda disappointing. it's not a total waste of time but i probably won't put it into my kdrama collection. that's all. just an opinion.

Yeah...I can't stand ES at the beginning...

I actually stopped watching around episode 5 or 6...hehe...but now she got better.

The drama is much better now toward the end.

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shirley, thank you.. thank you.. thank you! i really appreciate what you're doing. ES and PS, are they really getting married or its just for show? to make SJ stop *pestering* ES?

oh i think they just making it up to let shinjeong give up but er..pilsoo does has the idea of wanting to be with eun seol just that she ..do not share the same dream .....

Aww...Thank you so much shirley :wub:

Here are some new pictures of your handsome mo-shi ...hehe...


..omo *.take oxg tank * ....take bimbo pon pon *

moshiiiiii!! you are the main reason why i am surviving this you know !! ....you already lost your memory ! WHAT ELSE do they want to do to you !! *if we had know your mother can er destory your enemy with just one single push .!!! tHEN YOU should not need to plan your revenge on that daughter of his and get yourself into such torment ..lost your heart .lost your memeory ..now even losing your son !!!! you just need to send your mother ..she will probably drive that man mad .with her madness.

i will protect you from all future evilness!!! .

*come to shirley * ..me will take yeon rum too !! ..

^^ THANKS~LUV~ *kek ..i wont mind having him have a public bath sceen with cute yeonrum rubbing his daddy back .to compensate for any mad scenes of the crazy mother screaming and shouting at eun seol .. ahh i so want to watch the 200 pound beauty ..he look so omg in there keke !!

for some reason i feel that the acting was a little overdramatic... so sometimes it looks ridiculous and i dunno, hard to explain. the bottomline is, i don't enjoy this drama as much as i thought i would so it's kinda disappointing. it's not a total waste of time but i probably won't put it into my kdrama collection. that's all. just an opinion.

i prefectly know just what you are saying and somehow feel the same too .this belongs more to a 100 esp drama --;; [sigh the plot sounds enticing enough at the start .. .but then in fact some of the eariler esp .i feel it was so wasted and clueless as to why is it this way !!! .then it improves abit towards this end . ....you just want to finish it to see how they really plan to end this .and it has one of the hottest man ..* ..i heart jjm too much * lol...

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i was so behind with this then yesterday i did a marathon from ep6 to 16.

wow! the plot & pace certainly picked up from ep13 onwards. ep 13 is my fav....

i love JJM's rugged look, his relaxed mannerisms, his naughty taunting on ES, his rugged look, the suspense in the plot, the cute YeonRum, JJM's rugged look......hehehehe!!!

oh how did he know the child and ES connnection ...

in esp 13 - >

.......so he still confused actually what happen between eun seol and him....but he does confirm the child is his ..plus er i think eun seol neevr put up a strong denial to over ride his conclusion ..so he know he was right ....if you want to time it ..lol it probably took him less then 5 min to find out he has a son ..

SJ : and i was so thickskinned ..to even play with " yeoreum" =>that is refering to summer actually they named the son after the season

ES: ..i did not expect the child to pester me to bring him out to play

okay .now come the critical moment ..you see him pause then looked at her strangely .like he suddenly discovered something ..and then he asked

SJ : is [he ] my son ?

[then he saw her ..there no respond from her ..okie before he used to asked her question ..and when she dun reply ..he will jokingly say ..that meant a consent ..er so i assumed he assumed that was a yes from her non respond ]

: seem like he is my son ~!

actually i'm hoping someone who knows korean can clarify better but from the chinese subs in ep14....

when ES said she didn't expect "the"/"our" kid to pester me to let him go and play

i think the operative word is the pronoun she used to refer to YeonRum

SJ was quick to pick it up and asked her the direct question is he my son?

gosh ep 16 was sooo intense. I didn't expect the ep to end that way..:tears:

I liked ep 16 a lot. I think it depicted SJ's feelings very well. I can see his desperation and urge to stay by ES' side but circumstances forbid, he can't do that. And I think the ending of ep 16 will make things worst..if ES' father die.. ES will definitely hate SJ's mum to death man.. and that way she can't be with SJ anymore, even if he gets his mother's approval..I feel so bad for ES and SJ now.. why can't they be together? And the flashback part showing ES' dad and SJ's mum..i wonder if it's an indication of SJ being the son of ES' dad? Please..dun let this happen. I hope it's just SJ's mum's personal grudge against ES' dad for asking her to abort the baby back then. she's wants to avenge her plight which she had suffered back then, so it's a form of revenge asking ES to abort the baby. I hope it's not another sibling love..

Wellz, other than that, i am so liking the current SJ! He's so cute when he gets jealous seeing ES aroung PS..:P And he looks superrrrr HOT in the suit with that rugged look! :wub: (Emily where are you to rant on uri HOTTIEE JJM?? :rolleyes:

Alas, I am glad QOTG has picked up its pace..i really like it now. =)

my thots exactly....i dun want this to turn out to be some incestuous relationship!!!

poor SJ - so torn by his love and the whole situation seems so insurmountable....

do u think such inter-generational, unforgiveness & revenge will end with one/many deaths?

really bleak ending.....even if they end up together there's just so much pain that it's hard to imagine they'll ever be happy *sniff sniff*

but i'll still continue to watch for ......his rugged look!!!

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i was so behind with this then yesterday i did a marathon from ep6 to 16.

wow! the plot & pace certainly picked up from ep13 onwards. ep 13 is my fav....

i love JJM's rugged look, his relaxed mannerisms, his naughty taunting on ES, his rugged look, the suspense in the plot, the cute YeonRum, JJM's rugged look......hehehehe!!!

actually i'm hoping someone who knows korean can clarify better but from the chinese subs in ep14....

when ES said she didn't expect "the"/"our" kid to pester me to let him go and play

i think the operative word is the pronoun she used to refer to YeonRum

i cant completely recall but i think she say our yeonrum .it can meant either way ..lol if they are a couple then it means our child ..or if not it just affectionately means her child ....depends on how he read it ..~but he shuld be very sensitive to really pick up things like that ....it is er..amazing thing ....

sibings ..no ..the writer is mad .but she not that mad ..it is incest with a child it cannot be that way you do not write that a child come out of a incest relationship for prime time TV ..othewise they wil have to make eun seol not her father daughter and .........

the mother should surely have already hold a gun and kill everyone involved if that is really the case .. ..from her reaction it dun seem to go so far .....

wellllllll i wont say there wont be a three years later at the end .should anyone die further from this ...but the drama will end with a happy family ...it just depends on how er ..much more need to happen to reach that .

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Guest suzziee

for some reason i feel that the acting was a little overdramatic... so sometimes it looks ridiculous and i dunno, hard to explain. the bottomline is, i don't enjoy this drama as much as i thought i would so it's kinda disappointing. it's not a total waste of time but i probably won't put it into my kdrama collection. that's all. just an opinion.

completely agree. I watched till about ep 12(?) or so and even then I was cursing LBY's character.. I stll dl this every week faithfully to check what's going on with JJM's character as well as Lawyer Park, but I spend maybe 10 mins just skimming through the episode. In the words of the famous Mr X, this drama has gone to "andromeda"-_-"

I thought I spotted the signs from the beginning eps- the bust budget production cost, the weak plot etc... but I had a soft spot for JJM :sweatingbullets: and I discovered Kim Soo Hyun who is surprisingly excellent for a newcomer.

But now... many years and memory loss and what not later... even Lawyer Park who is supposed to be the most rational of the lot is finally moving over to insanity and JJM's ShinJeon is just really confused... and well... *disheartened* (and I haven't even started on Shin Jeon's Mom, who I am convinced is the scriptwriter's vehicle character- a reflection of whatever she wants to do -_-

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completely agree. I watched till about ep 12(?) or so and even then I was cursing LBY's character.. I stll dl this every week faithfully to check what's going on with JJM's character as well as Lawyer Park, but I spend maybe 10 mins just skimming through the episode. In the words of the famous Mr X, this drama has gone to "andromeda"-_-"

I thought I spotted the signs from the beginning eps- the bust budget production cost, the weak plot etc... but I had a soft spot for JJM :sweatingbullets: and I discovered Kim Soo Hyun who is surprisingly excellent for a newcomer.

But now... many years and memory loss and what not later... even Lawyer Park who is supposed to be the most rational of the lot is finally moving over to insanity and JJM's ShinJeon is just really confused... and well... *disheartened* (and I haven't even started on Shin Jeon's Mom, who I am convinced is the scriptwriter's vehicle character- a reflection of whatever she wants to do -_-

yeap same here.. all she did thru out the 12 eps was cry cry cry and blame blame blame.. it's better that she's more mature as a mother now. and plus the kid was a factor which kept me going on from ep 13..

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Wow, those pics of JJM!!! thanks, Luv! and shirley too for the translations!

SJ's mom is really quite a character. She's such a hateful person towards ES...saying how evil ES is etc...but she doesn't stop to think about how rudely she has treated ES herself. In ep16, I guess after seeing how tormented SJ is, she softened up and asked Lawyer Park if she should just close one eye and let SJ and ES be together...for a quick moment I thought she's finally understanding her son's feelings....but no, she was easily persuaded by Lawyer Park's words and became dead against ES again. It seems like her hatred for ES's father overrides all her emotions, even her love for her son and his happiness...sigh....

So it looks like Lawyer Park will take on a revenge path of sorts too...I don't remember her words exactly but it's sad to see an intelligent person like her lose her senses over love, esp. since she knows all along that she doesn't have SJ's heart.

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