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How to spot a Narcissistic Friend

Guest bazelette

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Guest bazelette

I think there is a difference between loving your self (in a healthy way) and actually being a clinical narcissistic. As was mentioned before.

It seems you have angry emotions about this idea of narcissistics. I speculate that maybe you are experiencing jealousy issues, perhaps caused by another girl.

Your signature:

“People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character”

How ironic.

Jealously issues? lol, I wonder how you even came up with that.

And we're not even discussing how people love themselves (in a healthy way). We're talking about people who harm other people through their actions. Actually, I have found that people who love/respect themselves in a good way are the most humanitarian and empathetic, so we're talking the other side of the coin here. And yeah, people who hurt/use others angers me. Just because I like to be realistic about some things doesn't make me a gloomy cynic.

How ironic. I'm actually a psych major who's not just propagating some 'idea', but trying to inform people (interested) of the reality of diagnosing narcissistics and those that have similar traits.

It's cool to have your own opinions on the issue, and this is just mine. Leave the personal attacks aside because you don't know me personally.

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veeery interesting to read. i'm surprised that i even read all of it myself. sometimes i do encounter into a few of these people. i never knew what the hell was wrong with them but i do now. thanks for sharing!

this convinces me to be sure to take abnormal psychology in the future.

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Guest jeollaboy7

Arrogance = thinking that one is really good at math, basketball, sex, etc. and letting people know.

Narcissism = not giving a crap about other people but oneself.

Narcissism (NPD) is actually a psychological disorder that is categorized in the DSM. It's actually considered a mild form of psychopathy. Here are the classic traits of narcissistic personality disorder according to psychologists:

1. Are self-centered and boastful

2. Seek constant attention and admiration

3. Consider themselves better than others

4. Exaggerate their talents and achievements

5. Believe that they are entitled to special treatment

6. Are easily hurt but may not show it

7. Set unrealistic goals

8. May take advantage of others to achieve their goals

Other common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include the following:

9. Preoccupation with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love

10. Belief that he or she is "special" and unique, and can only be understood by other special people

11. Expectation that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants

12. Inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others

13. Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her

14. Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame and humiliation

15. Arrogant behavior and/or attitude

I have met narcissistic people in the past. Trust me, they are the most unpleasant people in the world (more so than perfectionists, OCD sufferers, depressive people, etc.). Don't let people fool you thinking that narcissists are normal people who have accomplished a lot and deserve to feel more important. They are NOT normal in their brains. People who suffer from NPD need psychotherapy. If you have a roommate, co-worker, friend, bf/gf, or even a spouse who suffers from NPD you will feel it in your gut first and it will be confirmed by a professional diagnosis later. Don't let a NPD sufferer make your life a living hell.

At one point of my life I thought I was a narcissist...However I realized I was just reaaallllyy conceited or arrogant at that point in life as I believe that we ALL have narcissistic traits. It all boils down to one thing to be a true narcissist which is not having empathy towards other living things.

Everyone is somewhat narcissistic but in different degrees and levels. It is a trait that is necessary for survival in human civilization.

Yes, self-interest is a driving force of modern civilization to some degree, but so is enlightened benevolence. Narcissists are on a completely different level compared to most normal people.

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My mum is narcissistic but I have to put up with it.

I love her but I know she doesn't "really" love me.

I'm like an "object" to her, a daughter she owns.

Well, at least she cares about my health and safety.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest giles

The writer of this article shows amazing perception for his years, great essay. Very often it is difficult to know what you are dealing with. Here is my experience http://andandand.tripod.com/narcissist.htm rather than putting a huge essay here it is online. This is ancient freespace and produces one harmless pop-up, your browser may warn you, but it is completely harmless.

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Some of your description of a narcissistic individual sounds like the personality disorder called, "Asperger's Syndrome". Usually people with this syndrome aren't able to show much emotion or comprehend "normal" reactions to certain situations. Maybe a narcissist could be paired with a sociopath as well? Regardless, sometimes they are just unaware and if people around them have tried to confront them about these issues to help, they can change as long as they decide to do so. I have noticed throughout my life that a lot of folks who seem to harbor narcissistic tendencies are so obviously insecure that they are always saying negative comments about strangers or trying to hog all the attention. Even so, they are still people and hopefully they will realize what kind of impression they are really giving to others around them so they can learn from mistakes.

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Guest hearthealer

Old thread, but really....her description isn't so much Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but rather Antisocial personality disorder....
There's a massive difference between self-loving and self-adoring to having no empathy... -_-
Absolutely wrong on most counts, OP. 

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