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Guest rainbow*

wow PINKBARBIE is unique, i dont know -- cant make up my mind if she's pretty or not >=p but she really does have some feautures of Ariel =P ZZ and her gf/bf is cute But i reckon all those lesbian/gay couples would look cute if they had opposite sex couples. Since they already look cute when their with the lesbian.gay thing. yeah >_<!! ZZ is actually really pretty! her eyebags are cute xD lol im weird. i know!

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Guest darling

PINKBARBIE is pretty but she got a really BIG nose! @@

i agree, still trying to decide if the nose adds to the prettiness (definitely more unique) or just.. blahs it o-o

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Guest chigusa707

I would love to but I'm really sleepy now.. It's 4.21 in the morning here now... *sleep while typing*

So, request here everything you guys wanted (I can find Taiwan girls photo especially people like Zai Zai. I think you guys know what I mean.) And I will fulfilled them tomorrow night. GOODBYE EVERYBODY!

^ ^ ^ Yeah ZZ IS ONLY 16! AND I DON'T EVEN LOOK HALF AS NICE AS HER even I'm 16... *look in shame* Lolz. I WANT TO SLEEP NOW!

WOW.. 4am~ and I thought I slept late.. ^^:: get some sleep~ hahaha.. cant wait for ur post. ^^

well not naked naked but... enough showingXD

click link to see

"doing it"



Those are... pretty.. extreme.. but not uhm.. 'porn-ish' looking.. I dunno..

Its kinda like art~

PINKBARBIE is cute.. ^^ and I agree, she does sorta resemble Ariel..

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Guest XiaoHei

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I think they look adorable and freaking HOT together!!!! x]

post more!! heh heh :D

This is for you~ I live at Malaysia btw. Yeah I sleep late and I wake up at 2pm today~ Lolz. I think is ZZ friend birthday and these are the newest picture of her. Not much of her and her GF. I will be back with them later. I wanna see TV. :D I don't know whose birthday is it thought.







FUNNY! :rolleyes:








Oh man I think they dress nice! I love their style! <3 Why aren't there winter here? :tears:

well not naked naked but... enough showingXD

click link to see

"doing it"



VERY ARTISTIC! :w00t: Lolz I kinda like it... THANX! Those just made my day~ Lolz. *watch TV* AND PINKBARBIE IS SO SO SO SO SO PRETTY! SHE REALLY LOOK LIKE ARIEL LIN! But I think she is prettier. Lolz. Not so chubby face? SHE IS PRETTY! Her eyes makeup is really nice! And I think she look natural without too much make up. <3

P/S : NO TAIWANSE ULLZHANG WILL PLAY MYSPACE. TRUST ME! And those in Friendster is kinda fake too. I only say two of them which is real before from Taiwan but they never play FS anymore. Too many fakers.

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Guest SeSgirl

This is for you~ I live at Malaysia btw. Yeah I sleep late and I wake up at 2pm today~ Lolz. I think is ZZ friend birthday and these are the newest picture of her. Not much of her and her GF. I will be back with them later. I wanna see TV. :D I don't know whose birthday is it thought.


oooh malaysia~ icicic...


haha..i've tried that b4..went to bed at like 6 AM and woke up at 3 PM..x]

but thank you for the pix again!

still cant believe ZZ is only 16...

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Guest kaoru104

my homestay told me that YANG YANG is realli popular in asia ...




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Guest rainbow*

from those new ZZ pics, she looks so pretty! but she doesnt look like a lesbian at all =/? i'm confused with the tomboy tomgirl thing xD ~

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Guest 보석미남

^ It's VERY common among Chinese teens. T_________T.

I AM Chinese but I had the shock of my life when I went for a volleyball tournament once and they had all these chinese players (I'm from a white-washed/urban/whateveryoucallit area so we're all like you americans haha) with short hair and walking around with their gfs. The scariest thing is the way they walk. The tomboys walk like guys it's not even cute or funny anymore. T___________T.

My friend who happens to be in a girls basketball team told me how most girls are bi/homo and they'd frigging molest you (jokingly i supposed *cough*). *dies* anywho, the nakie pictures are hot. sexy buttttt yooooooo

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Guest paportforce

lol i like how this thread is for chinese uhljangs but most of the "uhljjangs" here are either lesbians or gays, and you can't tell either way. but they're still so pretty and cute looking.

*so envious*

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Guest chigusa707

The new ZZ pix are effing cute! hahaha... and I agree~ I love their style.. Its just that if I wore something like that here.. Id probably die of heat. XDDD

@KIRARI: hahahah.. *lol* in that case, i'll c u! XDDD

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Guest XiaoHei

I wake up earlier today! 1.14pm.

Lolz, yeah Yang Yang is WAY more than popular.

SHE IS HUGE! I can say she is quite the most popular in Asia but with more and more coming in she is fading cause you know, she close her blog and everything.

*will be back soon with a spread of ZaiZai* (If I'm hardworking...)

^Yeah I would be cook dead with those clothes. Lolz.


This is the 2nd page I own. Lolz~

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