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Guest IonNuke

JAL stores....like at Narita airport??

lmao@ the berries XD

hmm...guess I'll check that out ^^

i'm going to visit a docomo store regardless though ^^

can't wait to see all the spiffy handsets~ :3

Narita has too many places that sell keitai junk. The stores @ Kansai actually has more even more junk. And the Loft stores throughout japan amazingly enough has a huge section of misc crap that is used with keitais. Some stuff makes no sense but is fun to buy anyways ;)

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Guest Kawaii-A*

Narita has too many places that sell keitai junk. The stores @ Kansai actually has more even more junk. And the Loft stores throughout japan amazingly enough has a huge section of misc crap that is used with keitais. Some stuff makes no sense but is fun to buy anyways ;)

oh...I see thanks for the advice ^^

i'll take a look at some of the stuff XD..i'll probably end up buying a bunch of straps ^^;;

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Guest IonNuke

oh...I see thanks for the advice ^^

i'll take a look at some of the stuff XD..i'll probably end up buying a bunch of straps ^^;;

Every stand there has straps. And right before the security check-point (below the escalators for the shops in Terminal 2), there's a docomo kiosk there now. You can get docomodakes there. Last time I went by it they gave me a bunch of them because they were under the impression that I was leaving Japan from saying in Japan for some period of time. hahahahah fail!



^^^ These small useless little things. I think I ended up selling all of mine or probably just giving them away. No idea what happened to the kajillion number of them that I had.

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Guest quirkyrocket

There's an auction on ebay right now for a "gently used" Docomo SH-02A in pink, and I'm really tempted...


It's $230 for just the phone and battery though...I guess I could get a charger + hypersim pretty easily elsewhere, but does anyone know if this is a fair price/had any experience with this phone?

Thanks! :)

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Guest IonNuke

There's an auction on ebay right now for a "gently used" Docomo SH-02A in pink, and I'm really tempted...

It's $230 for just the phone and battery though...I guess I could get a charger + hypersim pretty easily elsewhere, but does anyone know if this is a fair price/had any experience with this phone?

Thanks! :)

That's a bad deal. SH-02A is 3G only. And with hypersims on 3G, you will not receive incoming calls. Unless you wanna toy with that phone I'd say it's a shotty deal.

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Guest quirkyrocket

Omg, good thing I asked about it first I guess :mellow:

It's just not often that I see a pink keitai I actually like :)

That's a bad deal. SH-02A is 3G only. And with hypersims on 3G, you will not receive incoming calls. Unless you wanna toy with that phone I'd say it's a shotty deal.
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Guest -ToFuFriedRice-

my friend got a p906i and she was annoy by it bc she keep losing signal n it hard to get it back, she have to switch the sim card between phones to get it back.

i was interested in buying a japanese phone too, n was wondering if this also happen to you guys?

n is ur signal strong n do u often lose the signal?

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Guest IonNuke

I only lose signal when i go to places that I know will lose signal.... Say a warehouse made of completely metal where no one's phones get signals.... or underground parking garages or tunnels that go through a mountain where there are no cell towers ;)

But for the most part I just have low signal and then it finds the signal itself.

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Guest -ToFuFriedRice-

^ how much did u pay for ur hypersim, n what kind are u using? n what kind of phone? haha sorry i asked too many! ^^

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Guest Kawaii-A*

Every stand there has straps. And right before the security check-point (below the escalators for the shops in Terminal 2), there's a docomo kiosk there now. You can get docomodakes there. Last time I went by it they gave me a bunch of them because they were under the impression that I was leaving Japan from saying in Japan for some period of time. hahahahah fail!

^^^ These small useless little things. I think I ended up selling all of mine or probably just giving them away. No idea what happened to the kajillion number of them that I had.

LOL. nice! maybe i'll get lucky and get lots of free stuff too! ^^

i always wanted docomodake!!<3 so cute! ^__^

docomo kiosk here i come~ :3

i'll update the straps on my phones XD

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Guest registered99

I get decent signal pretty much everywhere I go, as long as I don't go deep into the Earth. And even then, I can usually pull through fine.

Yeah, N906i I definitely liked a lot better than SH906i; SH906i also is missing an external LCD.


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Guest peppermintsugar

I get decent signal pretty much everywhere I go, as long as I don't go deep into the Earth. And even then, I can usually pull through fine.

Yeah, N906i I definitely liked a lot better than SH906i; SH906i also is missing an external LCD.

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Oh goodness, don't even get me started on how sad I am that the SH906i doesn't have an external LCD ;---; I'm just scared that if I deviate from the original plan of getting the SH906i, I'll be disappointed in whatever I do end up with, and I'll wish I would have stuck with the plan! They all have the general things I want in a keitai, like swivel/touch screen, nice keypad, big screen, etc etc. I'm bad at making up my mind :| I guess it's good for me that I only have $95 in my Paypal right now and can't afford anything with that anyways HAHA.

Yours is so nice looking, btw!

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Guest IonNuke

^ how much did u pay for ur hypersim, n what kind are u using? n what kind of phone? haha sorry i asked too many! ^^

My hypersim??? $0.00 - I program and make them and probably sell them if need be.

what kind??? I guess my own. lol.... the name I call it is 3G-SIM.... it's actually printed on the chips (F300C IC chip used).... and used on F-01A, N-02A (not that I have to but it's fun to try), and SH-06A.... I love universal hypersims.... that's my brain at work there.

Oh goodness, don't even get me started on how sad I am that the SH906i doesn't have an external LCD ;---; I'm just scared that if I deviate from the original plan of getting the SH906i, I'll be disappointed in whatever I do end up with, and I'll wish I would have stuck with the plan! They all have the general things I want in a keitai, like swivel/touch screen, nice keypad, big screen, etc etc. I'm bad at making up my mind :| I guess it's good for me that I only have $95 in my Paypal right now and can't afford anything with that anyways HAHA.

Yours is so nice looking, btw!

I think I've gotten use to no external LCD by now.... None of the phones that I own have external LCDs.... The closest would be my K810i but that's a bar phone so you kinda see the LCD right away. hahahah!

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Guest peppermintsugar

I think I've gotten use to no external LCD by now.... None of the phones that I own have external LCDs.... The closest would be my K810i but that's a bar phone so you kinda see the LCD right away. hahahah!

Yeah, it's just something I like, but it's not really necessary. I guess I'll just go with whichever I can get a hold of first!

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I think I've gotten use to no external LCD by now.... None of the phones that I own have external LCDs.... The closest would be my K810i but that's a bar phone so you kinda see the LCD right away. hahahah!

uh they got external notifications last I looked, I used an sh-06a, sh9010c and registered's sh9020c, the same as what you have and I see an external screen on those three :P

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Guest IonNuke

uh they got external notifications last I looked, I used an sh-06a, sh9010c and registered's sh9020c, the same as what you have and I see an external screen on those three :P

Yea but those are OLEDs.... not LCDs.... bwa hahahahahha~~~~ (=_=")

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest peppermintsugar

Tryin' to sell my iNex HyperSIM for now, since I'm going to have to settle for an American phone for the time being. Have to enjoy the keitai goodness at a later time!

If anyone is interested, PM me. Reasonable offers, please. Low-balling will be ignored.

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Guest IonNuke

Trade ya an inex for the inex.... wait a tick... that does nothing ;)

LOL. Good luck to that? If you throw it on flea-bay you'll have to price it far lower than INEX does b/c you may have an outdated version.

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Guest peppermintsugar

Trade ya an inex for the inex.... wait a tick... that does nothing ;)

LOL. Good luck to that? If you throw it on flea-bay you'll have to price it far lower than INEX does b/c you may have an outdated version.

Nah, it's the latest version. I checked.

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