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Aion: Tower of Eternity


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Guest Atmosphere.

Yes, you have to buy to play, then pay to play. It costs $14.99 a month, but it gets cheaper when you subscribe for several months at one time - just like blizzard's subscriptions.

Yeah I found about it after I post it here :X But thanks for letting know still!

It's nice to know a people like you to at least give information! (:

I always liked free games like Maplestory D: The only fun part I liked was

buying clothes with real money lool! But I love how Aion is free for everything!! @_@;;

Maplestory - $500 reduced to $14.99 on Aion!! :0

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Yeah I found about it after I post it here :X But thanks for letting know still!

It's nice to know a people like you to at least give information! (:

I always liked free games like Maplestory D: The only fun part I liked was

buying clothes with real money lool! But I love how Aion is free for everything!! @_@;;

Maplestory - $500 reduced to $14.99 on Aion!! :0

Free to play games are fine, but you'll end up dishing out way more money with the cash shop than you would with a pay to play game because there is no cash shop. With pay to play games, everyone is even until you dedicate yourself to working hard for the things you want; that's where the fun starts.

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Guest KpXMystic

I'm one of the girls that play!

i was there for preselection&headstart~ x]

I'm playing on Azphel(w/friends, family, and guildies), race: Elyos, and I got friends on Zikel~

4x ranger and 3x spritmaster =D

gonna get both to 50

I also mastered Cooking! Getting it to 445! Thinking of mastering tailoring.

Maxed aether and vitality gathering =D!

it's not rly a grind if you know where to exp at, and if you got a good group to do instances or elites with. if you need help, just visit aion armory.

So there u are!! jeez... whats ur char name? Thought we were gonna start together... im 49 now and no friends that are up to my lvl T-T

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Dazzle and Destroy

So there u are!! jeez... whats ur char name? Thought we were gonna start together... im 49 now and no friends that are up to my lvl T-T

which server are you playing and your character name? =O im currently on azphel, char: Honey. if you're on the same server, !!!!! ADD MEHH.

Some things I came across; let's hope we get these soon.


saw that a few weeks ago, i am SOOO looking forward to it!!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest vulgar812

I've started playing Aion last week, Here's my info if anyone wants to add me. I'm an awesome healer :-) I've played countless other MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, Rose, Cabal, Guild Wars, and more. It's fun to be a noob again.

Name: Alessandria

Server: Kaisinel

Race: Elyos

Class: Cleric

Level: 23+

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Atmosphere.

Since you're rolling Elyos, you should try questing at Krall. After that, try the quests at Theobomos and Eltnen. If you have money, I suggest buying the gathered items from broker and turn in the quests that make you gather things like Titanium Ores.

Here's my info:

Name: Birch

Server: Yustiel

Side: Elyos

Class: Templar

Yay someone plays in the server I'm playing, Yustiel! I'm Elyos too! Cleric! Question, how many times did you die from that big crab? -__-; Lol died from it like 3 times T0T;

Anyways, I JUST STARTED PLAYING IT like 2 days ago!

Name: Atmosphere (Just like my soompi id XD)

Server: Yustiel

Side: Elyos

Class: Cleric

Level: 12 (for now >__<)

If you guys ever want to party with me.. don't always rely on me for healing cause I suck at it........ lol! I died many times as a cleric huhuhuhu T0T; I just need to get really used to the controls! I suck at flying too XD I fly like a drunken angel WOOHOO! Even though I don't drink in real life :X

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

sadly none of you guys are playing on my server =( i would definitely love playing with some soompiers, lol.

i'm still playing =x, got 2 high lvl chars, and a few lowbies =3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to buy Aion and start playing again. Atmosphere, you're only level 14, go to Azphel if you want to play with me. I won't be able to play until maybe Friday when my game comes, but I have the game all patched up haha.

Should I go Elyos again or go Asmo?

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

Hey Dazzle, do you still have any refer a friend trial code? If so, can you invite me? I'll pm you my email.

done~! if anyone else wants one, pm me =]

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Guest Atmosphere.

Add mehh azphel players =O

IGN: Honey , race: elyos

I was going to say "OMG you're friends with my boyfriend on Aion!" But I forgot that you can have same name if you go to a different server x] but there's this Honey user on his server, she's hilarious XD when she tried to glide from the cliff, she died so fast xD Not funny to you, but if you saw it, you would've laughed too xD he's on the ariel server(:

oh and aww... azphel already took the name ATMOSPHERE T0T

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I was going to say "OMG you're friends with my boyfriend on Aion!" But I forgot that you can have same name if you go to a different server x] but there's this Honey user on his server, she's hilarious XD when she tried to glide from the cliff, she died so fast xD Not funny to you, but if you saw it, you would've laughed too xD he's on the ariel server(:

oh and aww... azphel already took the name ATMOSPHERE T0T

Choose a new name and come! It's not too late to join lol.

Got the game on Friday and was playing until 3am then went to sleep. Woke up at 10am to spend my Saturday leveling and guess what?! My hard drive crashed, then my motherboard decided to go out too! Fixed the motherboard that night and got a new hard drive at Walmart. Now I'm behind on my leveling schedule and I have to catch up with homework =/

Server - Azphel

Race- Elyos

Name - Avo

Class - Ranger

Level - 20

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest yowzatheman

any one of you the leader of the Soompi Crew (elyos) on Azphel? Ive seen one of you around sometimes.

iloveyou - 50 sorc

youloveme - 34 ranger

monkeyindabush - 18 spiritmaster

lets play! hahaha

EDIT: oh dazzleanddestroy you're Honey? I've most certainly seen you and your legion around, Revolution. I recently saw your legion icon update to the picture of infamousb. hilarious hahahahah

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