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How Tall R U And How Much Do You Weigh

Guest I Wonder

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Guest iftimecomes

Country: I am from Canada. {Mix of Chinese-Japanese. Mostly Chinese though :P}

Gender: Female

Weight: 80 pounds , 81-2ish pounds after I've eaten a lot but once I "flush" it all out, I go back to 80 LOL. No joke.

Height: 5 feet

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-Country of Origin:Korea

-Gender: female

-Weight: 100-105 lbs [idk, it depends on how much I eat that day LOL]

-Height: 5'5"

Am I the only one who gets really annoyed when people say they're 90-130lbs and say right after that they're fat? = =;;

Idk if they're waiting for someone to say they're NOT fat or that they actually do have self-esteem issues, but seriously.... don't be worried unless you need to scooch in sideways through a door :rolleyes:

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Guest dahlia♥

Country of Origin: Korea

Gender: Female

Weight: 108 lbs

Height: 5'8"

i weigh a lot less than what i should really be (considering my height) but i don't look STICK skinny. my family in general have really "thin-bone." i also have really high metabolism (also a family thing haha).

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Guest CocoCoco

-Country of Origin : Croatiaaa ( near Italy haha ~)

-Gender: girl all the way =)

-Weight: 45 kg

-Height:157 cm

last time i checked, and i haven't checked for a while =P

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Please List your

-Country of Origin USA asian though

-Gender FEMALE

-Weight 115

-Height 5'3"

I'm too short to be 115 right??? v.v Iono I got chub though v.v

immer thick chick hehe ^^

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Guest lovefool

Country of Origin: USA

-Gender FEMALE

-Weight 113-115 lbs. It changes everyday depending how much i eat

-Height 5'6

I think i am in a good weight range considering my height...but I would like to be around 108.

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Guest sylphid97

Country of Origin: Born in the US

Gender: F

Weight: 106 lbs

Height: 5 ft

My ideal weight for my height would be 98-100 lbs. Man... only 6 more pounds to go!

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Guest laliitaxoxo

Country of Origin: USA [im asian thouqh]

Gender: Female

Weight: around 70-90 :x oh qahhh im skinny >< more around 80ishh thouqh. ahh im nawt qaininq weiqht & i eat alot idk what to doo :( ***needs to qainn weiqqhtt ! -_- I have really fast metabolism so ><!!

Height: 4'11"/5'0" [uhm either one of those]

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Guest Alice_Draconus

Swear to God. Too many thin people. D:

Country of Origin: USA (English/Dutch genes)

Gender: Female

Weight: 125-130lbs

Height: 5'8"

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Guest sarangified

omgsh. I'm so skinny >.<. But I have really fast metabolism. I eat alot (:

Country or Origin: Vietnam (Born/living in U.S)

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1 - 5'2 feet

Weight: 78 lbs. (Last time checked.)

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Guest SeeFood

Country or Origin: usa

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5-5'6

Weight: eheheh nobody ever guesses my weight right xD I am usually 140lbs but apparently look 120-125ish so i could honestly care less what the scale says ^_^ Some people guess as low as 115lbs from the side....they say i am really thin from the side (I have a 26-27in waist...tho that's not particularly impressive seeing postings of other asian girl's measurements in other topics ^_^) but weirdly wide in the front (cursed broad shoulders and bust).

Though I must say I feel kind of on the fat side after seeing 5'7+ peeps that are below 110lbs. i haven't weighed 110 since middle school :) i swam for 8-9 years so I think (hopefully~) it is mostly muscle density ^_^ I never cared much about weight though *woot* so long I like fine I'm happy as a clam!

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Guest kimchiilover

Country: US of A! :D vietnamese american :)

Gender: female

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 132lbs

I'm chubby TeeHee :)

but a girls "curves" balances it all out. LOL :D

Am I overweight? ehh, prolly not that much :)

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Guest Neko-Yama

-Country of Origin: USA [i was born there, but i moved around few other countries]

-Gender: female

-Weight: 55 kg (i'm guessing it's somewhere around 120 or 125 ??)

-Height: 1.76 m (probably around 5'9 ?)

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Guest WYtherapist

Why is everyone so skinny?! wtf. T_________T

-sigh- this makes me want to go for a jog..

Country: United States.

Gender: Female.

Height: 5'6.

Weight: 123lbs.

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