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Guest putasmileon

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Hi everyone!

Can someone please tell me what this means:


I have no clue. XD

Like akira53 said, it does indeed say I'm Sorry probably.

I say probably cuz it should be ごめんさい

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does anyone know how to say "is there a cheaper coat?" in japanese

uhm and do you mind if you write it in romaji? because japanese characters dont show up on my computer..theyre just squares -___-

thank you in advance.


Motto yasui coo-to wa arimasenka?

Coat (I wrote it above as coo-to) is pronounced like...Koh-To (Streth the O in Koh a bit so it's like Kohh - To [To would rhyme with RO, not FOO - so don't say it like Too xP])

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your teacher was partly right, but the difference is very subtle and hard to explain unless you know how ん and の work ( as in どこにいたの? ・ 学校に行ったんだ / 学校に行ったの ) ..for now you can just use them interchangeably but note that ので is softer/more formal than から, so for the time being remember it as ので = formal and から = informal, given how interchangeable they are in-depth explanation can come later

thanks a lot for the explanation - once again. although... it's still not 100% clear to me.

if i put this in simpler terms, formal vs. informal.

i can use NODE when im talking to a sensei perhaps...

inu ga shukudai wo tabeta node, shukudai wa dekimasen desh.ita. [i was unable to do my homework cause the dog ate it.]

and KARA when i'm talking to a friend/classmate...

shukudai ga wakaranai kara, shinai yo. [since i dont understand the homework, i wont do it]

(forgive if the sentences are grammatically incorrect. i just wanna know if im using node/kara the "right" way.)

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Guest delighted
what is the difference between "ga arimasu" and "arimasenka"? o.O

"ga arimasu" is having ~, while "arimasenka" is a question either asking if you do not have something.

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thanks a lot for the explanation - once again. although... it's still not 100% clear to me.

if i put this in simpler terms, formal vs. informal.

i can use NODE when im talking to a sensei perhaps...

inu ga shukudai wo tabeta node, shukudai wa dekimasen desh.ita. [i was unable to do my homework cause the dog ate it.]

and KARA when i'm talking to a friend/classmate...

shukudai ga wakaranai kara, shinai yo. [since i dont understand the homework, i wont do it]

(forgive if the sentences are grammatically incorrect. i just wanna know if im using node/kara the "right" way.)

Yeah it's fine if you remember it as formal & informal, though there's not much a difference politeness level wise in comparison to using desu/masu or not. wakaranai kara shimasen is still formal despite using kara because it uses the -masu form, saying wakaranai node shimasen just makes it even more formal..and likewise wakaranai node shinai yo would still be considered informal despite using node, with wakaranai kara shinai yo being even more informal...the desu/masu thing is one of the biggest indicators of whether it's formal or not

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Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me with my assignment for my japanese class.

3 questions:

1. 私の犬が私の宿題をたべてしまった。

is this the right way of saying "my dog ate my homework". here, we're learning to use the ...てしまう form.

2. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/f...32937/04_16.mp3

i have no idea what the second item the sales lady is selling. all i know is that it sounds like 「ころけ」

3. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/f...32937/04_18.mp3

i'm having trouble figuring out what happened to Kawamura. i know he was talking to his friend while playing something.

and just to make sure, the last part of their conversation is it "they decided to go to a restaraunt to eat soemthing good while drinking sake" ?

your help would be greatly appreciated =) thanks!!

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Guest hellobby


I was wondering if anyone can help me please? By correcting me? I know it's a lot to ask, but, I wish to get better at Japanese! =D

Especially at past tense.... I don't know if they make sense. ^^;;

I've provided the English translations in case you don't understand my Japanese at all, lol. =PP

朝ご飯がきらいです。 [How would you add, "Because it makes me sick"?]

でも、数学が大きらいです。[How would you add, "Because it's not interesting"? おもしろくありませんでした。?]

十二時過ぎに学校のカフェテリアで時々友達と昼ご飯を食べます。[is 'sometimes' placed in the right place?]

毎日四時に家で弟とテレビを見ます。Everyday at four o'clock at home, I watch TV with my brother.?

七時次にシャワーを浴びります。Next, I take a shower at seven o'clock.?

七時四十分ごるに食堂で家族と晩御飯を食べます。At around 7:40, I eat dinner with my family in the dinning room. [is dinning room correct? 食堂?]


If the sentences aren't past tense, can you tell me how it would be conjugated into past tense? ^^a

私は時々水曜日放課後に友達を会いました。Friday after school, I sometimes meet my friends.?

私達よくスターバックス に会いました。We often meet at Starbucks.?

大抵ホワイトチョコレートモカ をのみました。I usually order/drink white chocolate mocha.?

次、モールに行きました。Next, we went to the mall.? [How would you add, "to look around"? Sentence: 'Next, we went to the mall to shop around.']

でも、その物はよくたかかったです。。。。 But, the things are often expensive....

それから、シルバーシティ で映画を見ました。Therefore, we watch a movie at Silver City.?

然し、映画が好きじゃないでした、私達はレストランに行きました。However, we didn't like any of the movies playing, so we went to a restaurant.?

大抵アジアレストランで晩御飯を食べました。 We usually eat at an Asian restaurant.?

後には食べ終わりました、スターバックス再びに行きました。 After we've finished our dinner, we went to Starbucks again.? [is 再び the right word for 'again'?]

時々スターバックスにすべてをはなしました。Sometimes at Starbucks, we talk about anything.?

十一時ごるに家にかえりました。Around eleven o'clock, we return home.?

土曜日と日曜日は宿題をしましただけ。Saturday and Sunday I usually just do my homework only.?

でも、日曜日もドラマを見ました。But, on Sunday I watch dramas too.? [i dunno if you would put も in here...?]

だから、一時半に寝ました。 Therefore, I slept at 1:30.?

Sorry for the super-duper long post, but I hope you guys can help! :sweatingbullets:

Thanks sooo much!!<333

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[How would you add, "Because it makes me sick"?]

食べると吐き気がしますから (taberu to hakike ga shimasu kara)

[How would you add, "Because it's not interesting"? おもしろくありませんでした。?]

おもしろくありません, ありませんでした is past tense (ie wasn't interesting)

七時次にシャワーを浴びります。Next, I take a shower at seven o'clock.

シャワーを浴びます the verb is abiru, so it's abimasu, instead of abirimasu

私は時々水曜日放課後に友達を会いました。Friday after school, I sometimes meet my friends.?

You got the past tense right here, but Friday is 金曜日 (水曜日is wednesday), and when you use the verb 会います you have to use と or に, so




you never use を

私達よくスターバックス に会いました。We often meet at Starbucks.?

The past tense is formed correctly here but the English you provided is present tense. Also when you're talking about a place where you do something, you have to use で instead of に


次、モールに行きました。Next, we went to the mall.? [How would you add, "to look around"? Sentence: 'Next, we went to the mall to shop around.']


You take the stem of the verb and add に, you can't do this with everything though, and it is usually only used with 行きます and 来ます

します -> し (stem of します) -> しに -> しに行きます go to do something

食べます -> 食べ (stem of 食べます) -> 食べに -> 食べに行きます Go to eat

飲みます -> 飲み (stem of 飲みます) -> 飲みに -> 飲みに来ます Come to drink

然し、映画が好きじゃないでした、私達はレストランに行きました。However, we didn't like any of the movies playing, so we went to a restaurant.?

You should say 好きじゃなかったです, です doesn't change its form when you're using adjectives or things like that, only the adjective itself does

後には食べ終わりました、スターバックス再びに行きました。 After we've finished our dinner, we went to Starbucks again.? [is 再び the right word for 'again'?]

To say after you did something you use the past tense of the verb with ato or nochi (they both have the same kanji)


(mata is more natural for 'again')

時々スターバックスにすべてをはなしました。Sometimes at Starbucks, we talk about anything.?

スターバックス since it's the place you're doing something

でも、日曜日もドラマを見ました。But, on Sunday I watch dramas too.? [i dunno if you would put も in here...?]

This means I watch drama on Sundays also (as in you do it on other days of the week as well)

If you say ドラマも見ました it means you also watched drama (in addition to doing other things that day)

Everything else is pretty much correct :D Ask if you have questions

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Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me with my assignment for my japanese class.

3 questions:

1. 私の犬が私の宿題をたべてしまった。

is this the right way of saying "my dog ate my homework". here, we're learning to use the ...てしまう form.

2. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/f...32937/04_16.mp3

i have no idea what the second item the sales lady is selling. all i know is that it sounds like 「ころけ」

3. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/f...32937/04_18.mp3

i'm having trouble figuring out what happened to Kawamura. i know he was talking to his friend while playing something.

and just to make sure, the last part of their conversation is it "they decided to go to a restaraunt to eat soemthing good while drinking sake" ?

For #2 yeah you're right, it's コロッケ (it's a french word) it's a very common food in Japan


For #3 he says


kinou yakyuu wo shinagara, tomodachi to hanash!te ite, booru o yoku mite inakatta n desu yo

I was talking with a friend while playing baseball yesterday so I wasn't really looking at the ball.

And the last part is


dokoka tabe ni ikimashou ka?


ii desu ne, o-sake demo nominagara oishii ryouri wo tabemashou

Shall we go somewhere to eat?

Sure, let's eat tasty food while drinking sake.

And you use the しまう form correctly in your first question

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Guest GreenTeaLeaves

I've got a quick question....

Can anyone explain exactly what the 'ka shira' ending does? e.g., どう かしら? etc. And can this ending be used on any verb?

(I'm involved in an argument with a company overseas, and I've got to write a letter sounding like I'm important and eloquent, and like yes, I actually can sue them to get my money back.)

Sorry if this is a really stupid question. :ph34r:

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Good evening everyone!

I'm Theresa.

I studied Japanese in college but still I think I'm not that good at it.

You can help can't you? ^^

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I've got a quick question....

Can anyone explain exactly what the 'ka shira' ending does? e.g., どう かしら? etc. And can this ending be used on any verb?

(I'm involved in an argument with a company overseas, and I've got to write a letter sounding like I'm important and eloquent, and like yes, I actually can sue them to get my money back.)

Sorry if this is a really stupid question. :ph34r:

kashira is a feminine ending that means "i wonder..?" dou kashira = i wonder how that would be?

guys usually use ka na..as in dou ka na?

probably not something you would write if you're trying to sound eloquent and important though

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Guest delighted
kashira is a feminine ending that means "i wonder..?" dou kashira = i wonder how that would be?

guys usually use ka na..as in dou ka na?

probably not something you would write if you're trying to sound eloquent and important though

Is 'kana' really reserved for guys? I have a lot of emails in which many of my girl friend use it as well?

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Guest hellobby

Thank you sooo much for helping and correcting me, Tamago86!!! m(_ _)m

Um~~ I have a few more, if you don't mind? ^^;;

If they're right, just ignore them. If they're wrong, please correct me おねがいします~

熱かったとおいしかったです。It was hot and delicious.

そのレストランはにぎやかです。でも、安くありませんThat restaurant was lively. But, it wasn't cheap.

今、夜間は寒いです。でも、スターバックスの中で暖かかったと静かでした。It's cold at nighttime now. But, in Starbucks it was warm and quiet.

食(shoku)堂(dou) = dining room? And, is the romaji right? Don't want to pronounce it wrong. =P

夜(ya)間(kan) = nighttime?

シルバーシティ = Silver City?

How would you translate these into English?

ぶどう火田(ばたけ)のアオさん。Ao-san's vineyard?

森のこみちをさんぽしていました。 In the woods/forest, Ao-san walked along a path ______.?

ぽっくりぽっくりあるいていくと、森がおわって はらっぽにでました。「ああ、こんなどころに出(で)口(くち)があったのか。。。。」

My teacher says ぽっくりぽっくり is like, the galloping sounds a house makes when walking. (The story is about a horse.... xP) But, I found it meant "suddenly, suddenly"? @.@a

So, (Ao-san) continues to walk until suddenly, suddenly, the forest ends. _____ "Ahh, this is where we exit, huh...?"

Sorry for the horrible attempt at translating, lol. ^^;;


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Guest akira53
Thank you sooo much for helping and correcting me, Tamago86!!! m(_ _)m

Um~~ I have a few more, if you don't mind? ^^;;

If they're right, just ignore them. If they're wrong, please correct me おねがいします~

熱かったとおいしかったです。It was hot and delicious.

そのレストランはにぎやかです。でも、安くありませんThat restaurant was lively. But, it wasn't cheap.

今、夜間は寒いです。でも、スターバックスの中で暖かかったと静かでした。It's cold at nighttime now. But, in Starbucks it was warm and quiet.

食(shoku)堂(dou) = dining room? And, is the romaji right? Don't want to pronounce it wrong. =P

夜(ya)間(kan) = nighttime?

シルバーシティ = Silver City?

How would you translate these into English?

ぶどう火田(ばたけ)のアオさん。Ao-san's vineyard?

森のこみちをさんぽしていました。 In the woods/forest, Ao-san walked along a path ______.?

ぽっくりぽっくりあるいていくと、森がおわって はらっぽにでました。「ああ、こんなどころに出(で)口(くち)があったのか。。。。」

My teacher says ぽっくりぽっくり is like, the galloping sounds a house makes when walking. (The story is about a horse.... xP) But, I found it meant "suddenly, suddenly"? @.@a

So, (Ao-san) continues to walk until suddenly, suddenly, the forest ends. _____ "Ahh, this is where we exit, huh...?"

Sorry for the horrible attempt at translating, lol. ^^;;


熱かったとおいしかったです。It was hot and delicious. 熱くておいしかったです。

そのレストランはにぎやかです。でも、安くありませんThat restaurant was lively. But, it wasn't cheap. そのレストランはにいやかが安くなかったです。

今、夜間は寒いです。でも、スターバックスの中で暖かかったと静かでした。It's cold at nighttime now. But, in Starbucks it was warm and quiet. 今、夜は寒いですがスターバックスには暖かくて静かです。 I probably got the particle wrong on this one so someone can correct it.

食(shoku)堂(dou) = dining room? And, is the romaji right? Don't want to pronounce it wrong. =P (yeah shokudou is dining room)

夜(ya)間(kan) = nighttime?

シルバーシティ = Silver City?

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