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Japanese Discussion 日本語の討論会

Guest putasmileon

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Oh, what is "わ" at the end of a phrase? Is it an expression (is that the correct word?), like な or something?

Also, I have to ask: How do you say "I speak a little Japanese." ?? I hear so many ways to say it, but was never sure the correct way... also, how do you use the verb 喋る (しゃべる)? Sorry if that's a weird question, but if I could get some examples I'd really appreciate it!

it's like a female yo. it makes it more empathetic, adds more emotion etc (: and make its more girly too. ^^

あたしも行きたいわ! - I want to go too!

I speak a little Japanese -> 私は少し日本語を話します ^^

that's pretty much it since it basically means "I speak a little Japanese"

I've also heard 少し日本語ができます

but yeah the first one is more literal in my opinion.

I use しゃべる when I want to say that when people are chatting, more than talking.


Yesterday, I chatted with my friend.


Yesterday, I spoke with my friend.

I think the difference is that shaberu is sliiightly more informal and hanasu a tiny bit more formal.

according to a japanese dictionary it actually mentioned another difference:

GOO 辞書...

話す・・・あるまとまった内容を声に出して言って、相手に伝える。-- talking about some sort of topic.

しゃべる・・・話す。ものを言う。-- to talk. about anything. just general chit-chat. :D

in the examples I provided, the shaberu sentences sounds like light hearted chit chat, we just spoke about stuff.

with hanashimamini coopera, it's like, we were talking about something. haha~

I know you didn't ask for the difference but I think knowing the difference kinda explains when to use shaberu.

actually on goo I found some interesting phrases used with しゃべる

うっかり喋る→to slip out

下らぬ事を喋る→talk nonsense

しゃべり散らす→to spread gossip


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Ohh okay, because I've been saying 私は少し日本語を話せます, but I wasn't sure if it should be that way or 話します..! I've also heard something along the lines of "日本語はちょっと大丈夫ですけど", though I probably wouldn't use this just because I don't know how in/formal (or right, for that matter) this is! ^^;

Awesome. I always hear わ at the end of sentences, but never thought about that, haha. Thank you :D

Oh, no, that's really helpful to have the differences! Otherwise I might still be confused XD

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just started this year to learn japanese v.v

it's hard!

but hopefully i can get the hang of basic japanese before we start doing the harder parts to it! ^^

this would be good reference :)

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Ohh okay, because I've been saying 私は少し日本語を話せます, but I wasn't sure if it should be that way or 話します..! I've also heard something along the lines of "日本語はちょっと大丈夫ですけど", though I probably wouldn't use this just because I don't know how in/formal (or right, for that matter) this is! ^^;

Awesome. I always hear わ at the end of sentences, but never thought about that, haha. Thank you :D

Oh, no, that's really helpful to have the differences! Otherwise I might still be confused XD

funny you say that actually I usually get asked


in which I reply, うん、大丈夫です。

i find it a bit redundant they ask me if japanese is alright in japanese... lol. ;) one of those things i guess. (;

日本語はちょっと大丈夫ですけど sounds alright :D its very humble too in a nice way so its good to say i suppose.

and raman, if you have any questions, feel free to ask ^^ im sure you'll get help straight away haha.

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Guest <3 Kim

Hey guys,

I have a Japanese in class "essay" on Tuesday which is a letter writing exercise. I wrote this just then and just wanted to make sure it makes sense... We just started using informal speech and I don't know it very well yet so I think I made a lot of mistakes .__. nevermind, i just used formal speech, I can't be bothered reading through the informal speech notes right now ><

I kind of rushed this since I have another 3 tests to study for this week T_T


まりさん, おひさしぶりですね, お元気ですか. 私は元気です. オーストラリア


まだちょっとさむくて, たいへんです. 今は春があります. 日本の天気はどうで


先月は私のたんじょうびがあります. 中国のレストランにパーティーしました.

私の友達がたくさんいます. とてもたのしいですよ!

レストランの食べ物はおいしくて, 高いです. まりさん, 来年はパースに来てい


大学はとてもいそがしですよ. せんもんは遺伝学です. 遺伝学はおもしろくて,

むずかしです. 日本語の勉強は

とてもたのしいです. でもいまはちょっとたいへんです. じゅぎようは月曜日か

ら金曜日までの午後, 毎日あります. 英語のじゅうぎようどうですか.

今週はテストがたくさんあります. とてもたいへんです. 本日は図書館に行って

, 9時から7時まで勉強しました. あしたも図書館にいくつもりです.


まりさんによろしく, どうぞおからだに気をつけておからだをおたいせつに, ま

た手紙を書きます, おへんじをおまちしています


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Hey guys,

I have a Japanese in class "essay" on Tuesday which is a letter writing exercise. I wrote this just then and just wanted to make sure it makes sense... We just started using informal speech and I don't know it very well yet so I think I made a lot of mistakes .__. nevermind, i just used formal speech, I can't be bothered reading through the informal speech notes right now ><

I kind of rushed this since I have another 3 tests to study for this week T_T


まりさん, おひさしぶりですね, お元気ですか. 私は元気です. オーストラリア


まだちょっとさむくて, たいへんです. 最近、になります。 日本の天気はどうで


先月は私のたんじょうびでした。 中国のレストランパーティーしました.

私の友達がたくさんいました。 とてもたのしいでしたよ!

レストランの食べ物はおいしくて高いです. まりさん, 来年パースに来てい


大学はとてもいそがしですよ. せんもんは遺伝学です. 遺伝学はおもしろくて

むずかしです. 日本語の勉強は

とてもたのしいです. でもいまはちょっとたいへんです. じゅぎようは月曜日か

ら金曜日までの午後, 毎日あります. 英語のじゅうぎようどうですか.

今週はテストがたくさんあります. とてもたいへんです. 本日は図書館に行って9時から7時まで勉強しました. も図書館にいくつもりです.


まりさんによろしくどうぞおからだに気をつけておからだをおたいせつに, ま

た手紙を書きます, おへんじをおまちしています


A good website to visit for stuff like this is "lang-8" -- you write blog enteries in the language you're learning and natives correct it. It's popular with the Japanese though so if you want further conformation you could post that up on there. I've corrected it though... but like I say.

words in blueeee are my corrections (:

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Guest suppaazn

How would you say "this bridge connects the two lands together?"

And can someone edit my presentation? Thank you~

S: これは私たちのポスターです。

K: まず、私たちはポスターでたくさん場所を書きたかったですけど、ホイールは小さいと思いました。

S: それで、ホイールを使いました。ホイールが二つあります。このホイールで(色々な場所を言います)を書きました。

K: このホイールで フランスと日本と(色々な場所を言います)を書きました。

S: This bridge connects the two lands together.

K: そして、ポスターで色々な人々を作りました。たとえば、着物をきている日本の女の子とフラダンスの女の子を作りました。

S: 色々な人々を作りましたから、だんけつを見ることができます。


S: にじ色を使いましたから、ポスターはうれしい気分があります。


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presentation seemed fine to me but others might say otherwise,

and "this bridge connects these 2 lands together"


kono hashi wa futatsu no kuni wo awashimasu.

i'm not so sure though ^^;

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Guest suppaazn

presentation seemed fine to me but others might say otherwise,

and "this bridge connects these 2 lands together"


kono hashi wa futatsu no kuni wo awashimasu.

i'm not so sure though ^^;

Thank you, Jaeka~ ^^;; You're always so helpfulll~~~

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Guest kimmi.kami

Does anyone know a good Japanese online dictionary?

I remembered someone posted up the link, but I forgot the URL site TT TT.

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Guest <3 Kim

A good website to visit for stuff like this is "lang-8" -- you write blog enteries in the language you're learning and natives correct it. It's popular with the Japanese though so if you want further conformation you could post that up on there. I've corrected it though... but like I say.

words in blueeee are my corrections (:


I always forget to change verbs to past tense >< have to remember to do them ><

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Guest urusai_baba

funny you say that actually I usually get asked


in which I reply, うん、大丈夫です。

i find it a bit redundant they ask me if japanese is alright in japanese... lol. ;) one of those things i guess. (;

日本語はちょっと大丈夫ですけど sounds alright :D its very humble too in a nice way so its good to say i suppose.

I agree, they usually say one of these:

日本語は大丈夫ですか?日本語話せますか? 日本語しゃべれますか?

You can just respond with whatever verb they used ie はい、大丈夫です。or  ちょっと話せます

chotto daijoubu sounds weird to me, because it's like saying "i'm a little ok" but daijoubu means like 100% ok. .. yeah.

if someone isn't speaking in Japanese to me or trying to use English because they think I can't speak I just say 日本語でも大丈夫です。

Does anyone know a good Japanese online dictionary?

I remembered someone posted up the link, but I forgot the URL site TT TT.

I always use Jim Breem <3

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^ do you mean たら statements?? or just all the conditionals... たら、なら、と、~ば?

(tbh i find them really confusing and use whatever seems good and i'm usually right but... XD)

I think たら has a more, if you do, then __

(but then again so does と but that's more, natural occurence)

日本に来たら教えてください。If you come to Japan, please call me.

ゆっくり話したら、分かります。 If you speak slowly, then I can understand

how to contruct:

past tense of verb + ら


that's if you mean tara! xD

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Guest cccatherine

I miss Japanese so much ;(

4 years and I wanted to continue it in college but the only classes were at times I couldn't take them

I'm already starting to forget ..

When I'm at school, (and there are a lot of native Japanese transfer students)

I'm always amazing when hearing them talking to each other and end up staring/easedropping :D ...

What a creeper =______= lol.

- - -

and just curious, which members here are actually Japanese?

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Guest crvn107

^ do you mean たら statements?? or just all the conditionals... たら、なら、と、~ば?

(tbh i find them really confusing and use whatever seems good and i'm usually right but... XD)

I think たら has a more, if you do, then __

(but then again so does と but that's more, natural occurence)

日本に来たら教えてください。If you come to Japan, please call me.

ゆっくり話したら、分かります。 If you speak slowly, then I can understand

how to contruct:

past tense of verb + ら


that's if you mean tara! xD


I didn't know there were many kinds.How about もし or something れば?How do you use those?

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Guest michikosashimi

would someone please translate this? thank you! o:

俺は ほんとに お前を 愛しているよ.

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