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Idol Groups Members For The ‘milk Club’?

Guest shinhdeplol

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Guest Kdrama_luvr

Interesting. I hope him and his fellow "members" aren't

really depressed. I mean we don't want more cases

of celebrity suicides...It is kind of sad how celebrities

are overworked and face all kinds of stress and then

sometimes become depressed and commit suicide.

It's sad, but I guess it comes with the whole "being a

celebrity/being famous" package.

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Guest loveme.

Why am I not surprised?

I was surprised with Yoona though. Although I guess it makes sense...

Do they all just talk about their feelings? I hope so...it feels better.

I don't think it's LSM's fault. Everyone (okay, well, I'm assuming) goes through phases like this, some more than others. It's just that since they're celebrities, it's a lot more public which makes it worse.

Hm. :( I hope they don't like...do anything drastic. :o

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Guest Leni1430265175

i should join the milk club too XP haha lol jkjk.. hm.. at least they have each other to coop with this depression? yoochun too? wow.. but i hope these idols recover.. they are human too and everyone just needs a break every once in a while.. lets gather them up and go to an amusement park or something haha :P im so childish XP anywho.. but really.. take deep breaths my dear idols and you'll be just fine.. even us non famous non idols get stressed too.. we know how to handle it.. its just less public for us.. XP

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they shouldn't be depressed. lots of people out there who struggle also. they should be thankful that they made it in the entertainment world.

sometimes i feel leeteuk is just seeking attention. why would you announce it the whole world? its better to deal with it in private and to seek help. i feel like he just wants attention from the fans.

it's not like they have the ability to control their emotions, if they feel depressed, they feel depressed. just cause there are others who are struggling, they themselves can't struggle? think about it like this, when you're sad, do you just go "oh, but there are kids starving in the world!" and immediately become normal again? it doesn't work that way. and being in the entertainment world isn't always fun like all those variety shows seems like.

why can't he announce it to the world? just because he's a celebrity, he has to keep everything inside to himself and seek help alone? you see all these celebrities who committed suicide, they appeared like they were happy and content with their lives but next thing you know, they were actually depressed. i rather eeteuk & all these other celebrities to let out their feelings and receive encouraging messages from people who care rather than just build a wall, and always be afraid that they're going to be accused of being an attentionwhore.

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it's really funny how some people can look at this so lightly and make such comments as "suck it up" and "get over it".

Does anyone here personally know how it feels to be a celebrity working your butts off? Like...ppl making such childish comments know the actually stress and everything else that comes with extreme fame?

Asides from Leeteuk, I'm not surprised that the others joined the club as well.

Taeyeon: DJing, genie promotion, cfs...etc. her body is not doing too well these days

YoonA: heavily criticized during and after "Cinderella man"

Onew: broke his teeth before group's comeback..unfortunate incident on mubank

yoochun: well...dbsk..., need i say more?

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Guest ayuu.919

If Leeteuk is doing this just for fun and games, then shame on him! :angry: Depression is a very serious issue and with the increase number of suicides in Korea recently, he should have known this will offend many people. This will no doubt stir up unnecessary drama and him naming names from other groups does not help either. If he is indeed depressed because of the life he chose, then he shouldn't have signed the contract. Fame comes with a price, and if he's unwilling to pay that price, then he shouldn't be famous.

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Guest Radish

I didn't take this seriously when I first read it but now after seriously thinking about their conditions right now... I hope they find some help and get better. This reminds me of Britney Spears's "Lucky."

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Guest sodakiss

i don't think micky and onew join or even wanna join the club. i think the club is existed but with only three former members who are well, as he said, depressed!

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They are all from SM.. @_@. WTF.

Geez, you guys are completly over reacting, Teukie's MILK club is just him being playful and don't forget that DBSK and SJ are very good friends..I don't think Teukie is even being serious. I can't believe there is so much about this in the DBSK thread when the SUJU thread is not even taking any notice LOL maybe we are just used to our emoTeuk ^__^

quote from the dbsk thread.

@_@.. Playing around? what is this?

This can affect many people. I can't believe they would play around like that.

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Guest mayce

oh dear.. i hope he is joking? but if he isn't, i hope this milk club disappears & that all the members become fun & loving again :]

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Guest Aicila

i hope they all get better soon! sm needs to give his artists a break =.= seriously!

24/7 non-stop work. the name "milk club" is very deceiving... youd think its for people

who like milk! aigoo

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Onew, Taeyeon & Yoona are depressed??? Aigooooooo. Well, Onew, Taeyeon & Leeteuk are the leaders of their

respected groups, more respnsibility. Onew's accident prone and had 2 big accidents before/during Juliette promos,

and was even called a "coward" but KBS. Taeyeon has more activities than the other girls with her radio and what not.

Yoona's always had a more hectic schedule due to her acting. Yoochun, I think the other boys have mentioned how he

always has his moments where he feels like he doesn't fit in. I guess it's good that they can get together and support

each other. I hope they all get better soon.

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Guest Ellegirl

I really doubt that Leeteuk would be joking around by posting this.

I think that he and other SM artists are feeling the pressure. It is something that everybody goes through despite the type of job they are in. And different people have different ways to deal with it.

I wish that they can go on vacation and recuperate.

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Guest PancakeMuffins91

I highly doubt he would joke about depression since so may celebs have committed suicide because of it.

And I don't think he'd bring other celebs name's into it if it wasn't true (even if they're close friends).

I feel sorry for them, these people are constantly pushed to their physical and mental limits during album promotions, mc-ing, acting jobs, fan meetings, and all the criticsm they receive from netizens for being plastic, ugly, or untalented. Anyone would feel depressed if they were in that situation. Forming a club of depressed souls sounds a bit ridiculous but if that's what they need to do to feel better then so be it.

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Guest repeat_on_echo

Ah, it's cute that they're in a club, but it's for depressed souls? Why is Yoona depressed? Why is Onew depressed? I wouldn't have expected that from them? Mmmm, this worries me, and especially because I know Chunnie used to be... "depressed" or really upset, but he still is? :/

I hope they all pull through. <3

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Guest heeqeuri

don't forget that they're human too.you guys must has been depressed for at least once right?

they have so many job to do,and so many responsiblities to handle.if they slip one bad word they will be criticized heavily by the netizens & anti-fans.

they have rights to think and do whatever they want in their cyworlds.wont you feel mad if people told you to not put YOUR 411 links in your signature?i mean,"WHO ARE YOU?!why you told me to do this and that when you don't even know me?" they're human too.im sure it have crossed their minds at least once.they are made to entertain people.everyday,even when their mom is sick they have to smiles to the camera and do their jobs.their cyworld is their personal space,they can write anything in it.why?because it's THEIRS.

they barely get any rest too.after each perf they would need to practice until 2 am or more.and i know Leeteuk is not stupid to make jokes about it.he knows what he will face if he jokes about it.thinks about the management and antifans.antifans would do anything to make them felt horrible,like Yunho case. v.v

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