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Fake/replica Designer Bags Or Look-a-likes

Guest Kimbree

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Guest Kimbree

After browsing through the "what is your current bag?" I saw a lot of LV's and other expensive brands, And literally just dribbled T__T. Well not everyone is rich xD buhhh it is liek ok to buy fake/replica designer bags (Like really good copies of LV's bags) or look-a-likes (One below)? Would you buy one if you weren't loaded?

I seen a lot of these Marc Jacob look-a-like bags~


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Guest Malice_Kaiser

I wouldn't buy one because even if I could afford the real ones I have no interest in owning one, not because I've got something against the cheaper ones.

If I ever did buy one, it'd be because I honestly like the style of the bag, not because it looks like something more expensive.

For the record, I think taking inspiration is okay, and different from actually ripping off a designer name.

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Guest love.lila

There is a lot of controversy in how replica bags are made and stuff. (child labor? i didn't really look into it all) I've owned a lot of them before and they aren't really worth it if you use it all the time. They fall apart fast!!! I should post pix bc within a few months things just randomly start falling off and I gave one to someone as a gift and the straps were all shredding off and white strings were hanging out of it (it was a black bag too >.<)

If you want something more affordable, you should try the sales at nordstroms or macys and sometimes nordstrom rack has cute ones. I also scored some cute bags on craigslist for maybe $50 in really good condition, which is normal for the really good replicas - that fall apart. I got a really cute coach bag from nordstroms for $120 and its a pretty good sized bag. I'm sure you could find better deals than that though, esp. at their yearly sales.

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Guest ` J e s s

I basically agree with Malice_Kaiser. :/

The most I'll pay for a bag that I really like is $10. If I really need it, maybe $20. I find good deals pretty often, and I think the most expensive bag I own cost.. $20? But I needed a backpack for school on short notice (cause my other one broke >:o) so I had to settle.. :/ I don't even like it that much. D:

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Guest PoooBear

I would pass on the replicas because if I really wanted the name brand, I'd get the real one. Although, I don't buy clothes for brands but for looks. I'm not going to spend $1000 on a bag I would never carry just because it's name brand. And a fake bag will always be a fake bag with a fake name brand, and it just makes you look ...fake.

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I don't really have problems with knockoffs, but as far as fakes, besides all the issues with child labor and intellectual theft, it makes you look bad. Owning a fake tells the world that you don't care about quality or design, you just care about pretending to be able to afford a brand.

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Guest xwinnie_lovex

omgosh i really hate those girls

who can ONLY wear those name brand bags (coach, lv, gucci, longchamp, etc...)

bags are SUCH a waste of money

but anyways

i think fakes are fine

i would only use it if the bag is actually cute

i think spending more than like $20 on an everyday bag

is so not worth it

why not invest on some clothes or something

Owning a fake tells the world that you don't care about quality or design, you just care about pretending to be able to afford a brand

fake doesnt mean horrible design

and pretending to be able to afford a name brand?

um.. its just

a bag.

no one is pretending to be anything

maybe some i guess

but seriously

a bag is a bag is a bag.

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what if you buy a replica without even knowing that it's some expensive brand?

that's what happend with my aunt once. she bought a bag and she didn't know that miu miu was a brandname. and then she found out.

if you buy replicas without intending to then i think it's alright. but if you buy replicas because if you can't afford the real bag, then it's...not that good LOL.

as for "look-a-likes" there are these bags floating around that are replicating the style of the bag, but the print is different. from far away it looks like coach, but when you go closer, instead of C's, they're actually O's.

now those really bother me. T_T

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Guest lis_sing

Personally I would be embarrassed to carry a fake. There are many women out there who can spot a fake a mile away and it would be so humiliating if they called me out on it. Also fakes depreciate the value of the authentic merchandise. If everyone carried a fake, then how would you know which person carried the real thing? People would assume that they were all fake, and that would really make me mad if I paid for the real thing.

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Guest kar_min

I think that designer inspired bags are ok. The ones that sort of look alike but are not slapped with the fake labels on them. BUT, only if they were actually cute and a style that I liked. I do think that actual knockoffs are bad because of the mentioned reasons already... child labour, lack of creativity... etc. It just makes u look cheap and a "wannabe" for lack of a good word. If you can't afford the high end brands, then you can always look for lower to mid end and look for sales or clearance items. You can get a nice coach bag for a reasonable price at their outlets or in retail stores if they're on clearance ^_^

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Guest HighSkies

I wouldn't use fakes and considering there are so many other lovely bags out there I wouldn't see the need to. If I really really really loved a bag and it was expensive I'd save up for the real thing. I would feel very self concious carrying a fake and like lis_sing said... Imagine if someone caught you out on it. I would feel bad anyway!

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Guest linlee

I don't really have problems with knockoffs, but as far as fakes, besides all the issues with child labor and intellectual theft, it makes you look bad. Owning a fake tells the world that you don't care about quality or design, you just care about pretending to be able to afford a brand.

that's true in some cases but i recently bought a fake balenciaga because i loved the style so much. i know its obviously fake to those who actually know the brand, but i bought it cause i couldnt find another bag similar bag to it. i also thought it was really functional for my school books. i didnt get it to make it seem like its real and to show that i can afford it.

in general i'm against fake bags, its really annoying when some friends act like its real when its not, but i had other reasons for buying the fake balenciaga, as stated ^ haha.

those expensive 'real' fake bags from korea are especially annoying. they're a few hundred dollars. why not save up some more for the real one!

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Guest forgottenmemories

Nah, I wouldn't buy fake bags. But then again, I wouldn't dish out $2000+ for a LV that everyone has. -_- I dunno, I'd rather shop around for unique looking ones with name brands that no one really knows about. ^_^

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Guest Lady Violette

i would never buy a replica and i can't stand seeing replicas being sold like crazy, especially here in nyc where lots of tourist asks where they can buy replica -_-. if i like the designer bag, i will save for it. i am okay with designer-inspired bags, like similar styles but not an exact replica.

i can't stand replicas, will never buy replicas and i hate how designers design a great bag only to be copied and the people who made the replicas earn the money. i can't stand if a person carrying a replica claim that it's real too. (i also read about children making replica bags)

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Guest tofuxx

im studying to be a designer. i wouldnt be very happy if ppl were selling replicas of my stuff for cheaper. so my answer would be..no

its ok to be inspired but to knock off is =(

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Guest starzXshinee

I would buy the bag because I think it looks nice and it is cheap! xD

What is the point of buying a 500$ bag when you can get a 30$ bag that looks exactly the same!

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Neh.. I wouldn't buy a designer bag, real or not. Now... if I were some designer/brand wh0re, I'd definitely go for the replicas, because people are only wearing the bag for the name right?.. So why not just save money and get it cheaper. But doesn't it get embarrassing to wear around a bag that has LV or Gucci printed all over it?, I would be.

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Guest alligatortears

omgosh i really hate those girls

who can ONLY wear those name brand bags (coach, lv, gucci, longchamp, etc...)

bags are SUCH a waste of money

but anyways

i think fakes are fine

i would only use it if the bag is actually cute

i think spending more than like $20 on an everyday bag

is so not worth it

why not invest on some clothes or something

fake doesnt mean horrible design

and pretending to be able to afford a name brand?

um.. its just

a bag.

no one is pretending to be anything

maybe some i guess

but seriously

a bag is a bag is a bag.

if you did your research,

you'd know that designer bags not JUST bags.

the quality is quite different than the $20 bags you're buying.

for example,

people keep their LV bags for years..

throw em on the ground, spill water..

they'll last.

the price is a bit steep,

but they're truly timeless pieces.

regarding the actual post..

i'd rather buy the real thing than carry around a fake.

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