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Won Bin 원빈


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Guest lang866

KLANNERS! Update on the WonBin project! Our section 6 (ending/last letter to wonbin) is now done. We'll just need someone to translate it to korean and we're all set! :D :D :D We'll be putting both english and korean version in the book. Here it is. Have a look then comment on what you think.

ahnyounghaseyo.(it was suppose to be in korean but computer doesn't have korean). Knowing that your birthday was coming up, we your fans, has nothing to offer but this fan book that we had made for you as a gift. It's nothing much but we hope that you enjoyed looking through each and every one of these pages. And as you have already seen, this book is filled with your fans' best wishes for you on your birthday and photographs of places from all parts of the world.

From all over the world, putting this book together for you is the greatest thing that has ever happened to some of us fans. Being able to write to you is such an amazing feeling; a feeling of nervousness but yet excitement at the same time. For some of us, just thinking about this brings a childish smile to our faces and we can't help but to jump with joy.

Another thing is that we just want to let you know how much we are and will continue to support you. We are really thankful for you to even accept this gift as most celebrities will not. We hope that when you receive and read each of what us fans has written, it will bring you a light of joy. When you look back into this we hope that you will remember this moment. But most important of all.....enjoy you special day and we all wish you the very best. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Best Wishes,

Your Fans

CREDITS TO wonbin091 for contributing such a beautiful letter. She said if there are anything you guys would like to add, feel free to say so. Section 6 is free for anyone to edit. :D Again Thanks wonbin091 !! This is a nice ending.

Another UPDATE on WonBin Project, many people are now done and ready to send their letters to Teresa. They've sent a PM on her and has asked for her mailing address already. Just to let you guys know that the project is pushing through. :D Keep on working on yours and get it finished :)

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Guest cookiemonster1430262540

Hi guys! *waves waves* newbie here. ^_^ I started to like Won Bin sshi eversince I've seen AIMH which was months ago..

Btw, I've read he's holding a fanmeet? But he's not released from military yet, right? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest jhing

Eude! I have finished my scrapbook page! Yay for me! :lol: You wanna see? haha My sister should be in Korea now. hehe She should be calling me up tonight to let me know she got there safe and sound. hehe I also told her to go visit WB's sister's restaurant. haha Teresa will take her there I think. :lol: As for the letter, you and wonbin091 did a great job!

Hey, if no one volunteers to translate the letter in Korean I could ask my sister's friend if she can translate it for us. I'll let you know if she can do it ok? :D

Hello Karol! Welcome to the thread! hehe

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Guest lang866

whooaa Ate Jhing congrats! i wanna see your page! yea yea! I still haven't finished mines. I'm in big trouble. :ph34r: lol

I'll make sure to work on it tomorrow.

Wow so your sister will meet Teresa personally?

It'll be great if your sister's friend can translate for us! We're in desparate need for a translator :D

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Guest WanMinBin

hey Klanners, long time no see! ^^

just popping in to see how things are going with the scrapbook. hope you're all working hard and being creative. :P

I also wanted you guys to know that we'll need to bring forward the due date one week, coz I won't be in korea from the 14th-26th september. so I'll need people who are participating to send me your pages asap. I need to receive your contributions by the 31st August, so that I'll have time to put it all together before I leave the country.

eude--> is there a list of people who are contributing? just so I know I'm not giving my mailing address to random people who PM me. ^^

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Guest jhing

chinesefud - we don't know WB's comeback project, yet. :D We're hoping he comes out of hiding real soon. :lol: We'll be sure to post it here as soon as we hear any updates from him or his management. :D

Eude! I pmed you my page. hehe Let me know what you think.

Teresa - my sister should be contacting you soon. hehe She's still getting settled.

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Guest lang866

Ate Jhing OMG! i love ur page! it's VERY nice!!!! Very creative. wow kudos my friend! I gotta finish mines really quick..ahh!!!

Teresa omo the deadline is pushed..uh-oh i really need to work faster now. hehe

Ok as for the list of people, here it is:(im pretty sure not everyone on the list would submit their work)

+++I only included here the list of people that gave me the proper form.+++

-iluxxx(kim klan, soompi)

(kim klan, soompi)

-Aomiji(kim klan, soompi)


-----she's submitting work for her friends May, Max, Lily, and Chris

-xiao_ai919(kim klan, soompi)

-esprit(kim klan, soompi)

-wonbin091(kim klan, soompi)

-mimerita(kim klan, soompi)

-Jasmin(kim klan, soompi)

-Bin05(kim klan, soompi)

-Margossari (kim klan, soompi)

-Mochi_Ice Cream(kim klan)

-Dac X Lee (kim Klan)

-flyhearts(kim klan)

-Pihacem (kim Klan)

-mitachan (kim Klan)

-Jhing(soompi, kim klan)

-luckyvhang (kim klan)

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Guest jhing

Eude! U liked my page? hehe Thanks! It took me a couple of hours to make that page. It was a labour of love. :lol:

Btw, I already sent the letter to my sister and she'll give it to her friend and her friend will see if she can translate it in Korean. hehe

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Guest WanMinBin

eude--> yeah I just realised this week that flights back home are all booked out because of Chuseok, so I was forced to take a week off work in order to get a flight home, thus, bringing the due date forward. if people submit soft copies for me to print out on my end then they'll have extra time.

anywayz, HWAITING to everyone submitting stuff for the scrapbook!

jhing--> your sister called me yesterday whilst I was in class. ^0^ it's okay though....I was a bit thrown off at first coz she used your real name....luckily I remember you told me your real name once before or else I would've been.... 0_o

she's gonna call me again this weekend to set up our meeting. ^^

it has been raining a lot these few days so hopefully your stuff won't get wet. ><;;

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Guest Aomniji

angel_wings88 , welcome to the thread :D He had been discharged from millitary since the middle of last year. We are now waiting for his coming back :)

Eude, I have some questions about section 3. How many pictures can I send to Teresa? and How will Teresa collect all photos?

Klanner! Have you ever read this news?


July 25, 2007

Celebrity photographer intrigued by death


Photographer Zo Sun Hi at her studio

with one of her favorite cameras.

By Jeong Chi-ho

Zo Sun Hi has a major addiction, but it’s a healthy one ― she loves shooting photographs.

“I can’t imagine life without a camera,” said Zo, sitting in her large white-walled studio as afternoon sunlight trickles in. With a tattoo on her left arm and her hair tied atop her head, she exudes confidence and boldness. Yet her attitude isn’t audacious considering her reputation as a well-known photographer who shoots many high-profile Korean celebrities.

She is one of 12 photographers whose work is now part of an exhibition called “Myth in the mirror,” at the ArtSonje Center in Samcheong-dong, downtown Seoul. Zo is the only female photographer in the exhibition, which opened in May and runs through Aug. 15, Korea’s Independence Day.

Zo, however, isn’t concerned about gender. “Nobody refers to a male photographer by gender,” said Zo. “Why mention the gender of a woman photographer?”

She said it’s the same in other arts, such as writing or painting.

“A photographer is simply a photographer,” Zo said.

Zo had no formal training. Her career began when she joined a group of amateur photographers at a campus club while attending Yonsei University. She majored in clothing and textile design.

Early on, her interest was sparked by a crush on a high school teacher.

“In my second year of high school the teacher started an on-campus photography community,” Zo said. “I wanted to see him every day and the only way to do so was to join the club.” She didn’t have a camera so she asked her mother to buy her one. Her mother offered a deal where she would buy Zo a camera once she was admitted to college.


Actor Jang Dong-keon portrayed as an angel.

In college she joined the student photographer’s club, “Yonsei Visual Research Club.” The club was a group of amateurs taking mostly documentary pictures, Zo recalled. “Our seniors would intimidate us during the school festival,” Zo said. “There were some that actually got ousted from the club.” Seniors called the club the HTOP, a slightly Konglish abbreviation for “hard training of photo.”

At first she took pictures of anything that came in sight. After preparing for a group exhibition, she started to be enchanted by the snapping sound of her camera shutter.

“It was about then that I hoped to hear the beautiful sound of the camera shutter for the rest of my life,” Zo said.

Positive feedback on her work encouraged Zo to take another step in the world of photography. She began to spend more time at the club’s office than in class. “Some people thought I wasn’t in the same major, and they even thought I was a fake student at school,” Zo said.

By the time she graduated she had a clear vision of what she wanted to do. While most of her colleagues were busy sending resumes to companies, she did the opposite. “I’ve never applied for an office job,” Zo said. “Of course I was nervous. But I knew all I had was photography and nothing else.”

Most of her friends gave up on photography, but Zo created a portfolio using a male dancer and her own sister as models. Zo searched for photographers who would hire her. Although she is bold today, Zo wasn’t as assertive at the time. She had mailed her portfolio to the famous Korean photographer Kim Jung-man, but she never called him because she was too shy. Later, Kim picked Zo as his assistant.

Zo said she was lucky. At the time there weren’t many female photographers.

“I had relatively no competition,” Zo said.

Although she never felt discriminated against because of her gender, she did feel discrimination because she never majored in photography at an academic institution. Some critics were harsh and viewed her as being out of the mainstream.

Zo remembered one time she went to meet a photographer to work as an assistant. “I went to the professional photographer with my portfolio,” Zo said. “He didn’t really say anything mean that I could remember, but by the time I walked out of his office, streams of tears were falling,” Zo said. “There was also a time after I left Kim and opened my own studio when I got a call asking if I wanted to join a group project for a magazine,” Zo said. “I accepted without a second thought; I really needed the work. But after two hours I got a call.The organizer called back and cautiously told me that the other photographers would not work on the project if I was involved.”


Actress Jang Jin-yeung

Today Zo said she understands those photographers because they probably thought she wasn’t up to their level. Those obstacles were just small setbacks in her career, however.

After learning the business working as an assistant for Kim, Zo went on to start her own studio. Zo said Kim didn’t teach her every detail about the profession. Instead she learned by looking over his shoulder.

The most difficult time of her life, Zo recalls, was when she first started to work independently. “I would sit by the phone at my studio, hoping it would ring,” Zo said. Her first break came when she took pictures of the actor Lee Jung-jae. The world started to recognize her work and celebrities began lining up to be photographed by Zo. She still says she’s nervous about not having enough work. “Even when I’m not working I have to continuously take pictures,” Zo said.

The first time she experienced public criticism was through the Internet. “On the Internet I saw someone criticizing me, saying that I wasn’t a true photographer because I shoot celebrities,” Zo said. “I never saw it that way,” she added. “To me the term ‘celebrity’ is something that really doesn’t mean anything. I like taking pictures of people and I take pictures of actors and singers ― that’s all there is to it.”

Today she likes to focus her work on expressing death. “I wanted to tell the tale of those who are left behind after their loved ones pass away ― the sadness and coldness that death brings,” Zo said.

Death has been a big issue for Zo. “My father passed away when I was 14 and the image of his coffin entering the ground left a striking impression,” she said.


Actor Won Bin.

These three pictures are currently on display

at the “Myth in the mirror,” exhibition

at the ArtSonje Center in downtown Seoul.

Provided by Zo Sun Hi

For that reason Zo said the recent exhibition, “Myth in the Mirror,” is very important to her.

“In the past I unintentionally expressed death in my pictures,” Zo said.

An example is a photo of actor Jang Dong-keon wearing a pair of angel wings.

“I asked Jang to put them on and he was kind enough do as I requested,” Zo said. “It wasn’t intentional but I guess I was picturing my late father, who might be an angel today, when I took that picture.”

The photographer said the exhibition has given her a chance to look back on her past work and realize the pictures she wants to take.

“I always had an interest in life and death,” Zo said.

“From now on I will be taking pictures intentionally expressing death.”

By Lee Ho-jeong Staff Writer [ojlee82@joongang.co.kr]


Special Thanks to Rubie@Soompi


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:lol:Teresa dear! Yeah my sister told me she called you and when she said my real name you stopped for like a second. hahaha I hope you guys can meet up this weekend. I think you'll click coz she loves FTTS too! Ohhh it's been raining there? My scrapbook page better not get wet or else! :lol: Update me on the meet up, k? :D

Aom! Thanks for sharing that news!

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Guest lang866

Ate Jhing i loved your page! It was really nice! im still currently working on mines. I paste and write things with all the love and care. haha. that's why it's taking oh so long. lol. Yay so your friend can translate for us...but how about the intro. Maria is writing it but she's not finish yet. You think your sister's friend can translate it or shall we get someone else cuz maybe it's too much already. :sweatingbullets:

Teresa oh it's alright. It all my procrastination's fault anyways. hehe. If anyone asks for your address but was not on the list, just direct them to me and i'll make sure they're not any stalkers. lol.

Oh and also, can you take pictures of the scrapbook once it's all finish? We're all eager to see the finish product.

Aom as for section 3, you can send as much pictures as you want. We encourage you send us the hard copies of the photograph specially if you're planning to send alot. Then you'll just simply send the pictures together with your fan page (if you're making one) to Teresa by mail.

If you're sending them in by e-mail then Teresa will just print them for the scrapbook.

BTW thanks for the news...very interesting

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Guest WanMinBin

:lol:Teresa dear! Yeah my sister told me she called you and when she said my real name you stopped for like a second. hahaha I hope you guys can meet up this weekend. I think you'll click coz she loves FTTS too! Ohhh it's been raining there? My scrapbook page better not get wet or else! :lol: Update me on the meet up, k? :D

she likes FTTS too?! :w00t:

yayness! we can fangirl together! ^0^

and yep, I'll let you know what happened. ^^

Oh and also, can you take pictures of the scrapbook once it's all finish? We're all eager to see the finish product.

yes, of course. :D

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Where are all the Klanners??? :lol:

Come out you guys!!

Eude - dearie I already sent the letter to my sister and she said she'll give it to her friend but she's not too sure if her friend can translate everything since her English is not really that good. I'll keep you updated! My sister might call again this afternoon. :D

Teresa - have fun if you guys will meet up today!

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