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Taemin(shinee) Getting Bullied @ School? :'(

Guest fallen*angel

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Guest Sweet_Asian819

Makes me cry to hear this T___T

I've been bullied too to the extent that I cried as well....

I can tell that Taemin is really shy and nice.... That's why it's easier to pick on him T.T

I hope the bullying thing isn't true, but if it is, I hope there will be a stop to this harrassment.

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Guest Jaevirus

I wish this wasn't true.

They're so messed up. How can they be so mean? jealous pinkberries! :fury:

Nobody deserves to be bullied, they should just leave him alone.

I hope they all stop soon. Stay strong Taemin!! <3

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Guest 1S0ULL

If this is true...then those people deserve some serious beating.

Taemin is adorable and so talented.

You have your boys and all your fans ♥

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Guest j.starr*

poor taeminn ! =( these people are just jealous ...

they shouldn't bully him just because he's a celebrity, he led a normal life prior to him being an idol.

the fangirls needs to back off and give the guy some space..

no wonder celebrities are home schooled. it's safer and more convenient

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Guest xxGREENxx

okay that's it! who's going to korea with me?! we got sum major butt-kicking to do!!

hehe j/k! seriously tho...who can hurt suxh a kid! he's so cute! errgghh...

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All the evidences, I really really hope this isn't true. I can imagine that happening though cause that sometimes happens for celebrities at school. Poor Taemin if it's true, it's sad if he really cried in the bathroom and stuff. I think he does have friends, there was an article that mentioned his friends (they asked him about SNSD), hopefully these are just rumours.

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Guest my_kangin

I don't even like Shinee, but this is horrible!

They should just leave him alone, those jealous freaks! He's a freaking human being.

It's stupid how they STOP him to TAKE PICS of him when they're talking s.hit about how he's

not that great. Then why are they taking pictures? Omg, high school people are so scary.

They should just leave him alone.

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Guest Nab1lah93

Wtf. Sheeshh... Minho ah, please protect your dear Taemin. How I wish they were inthe same school, then, Minho can protect those idiots from bullying Taeminnie. Who knows that the always-so-happy Lee Taemin gets bullied at school? Those people are just jealous that all the attention is on him since he's a celebrity and talented, unlike them. Back off ********...

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they're just jealous of him.

gahhh i wanna bi-tch them mofarkers.

and give taemin a nice big hug. i really feel sorry for him.

i love you taemin!

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No! My Taemin!

Who dares bullies him will have to go through me ! *jumps in front of Taemin*

but yeah, those kids are nothign but jealous of Taemin seeing how he's young, talanted and already in the industry

while they're stuck in their normal day lives <_<

poor taemin :(

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i can believe the "following him around" and "blocking his way" stuffs cos he is damn popular. but the bullying part? if that were true, won't those same people who follow him around and block his way for pictures go gangster on his supposed bullies? don't tell me there isn't at least one rabid fangirl in his school. but then again, it would be a whole different story if the bullies were his seniors and his rabid fangirl just a freshman like him. he should just be homeschooled then. if these accounts are true, being in a school environment is no longer beneficial to him.

i feel protective of him cos junsu and his family like him. :) taemin, just have your junsu hyung beat your bullies!

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Guest aoren_20

Poor him, maybe he just put his head down because he's really tired.

Sometimes, these people become so narrow-minded that they become so impulsive. And when they do these stuffs, their favorite stars suffer and they don't even think about their sake. I really pity him. Can't they see that balancing his career & studies is really a tough job? And yet they still do things like this making life even tougher for them.

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Guest repeat_on_echo

i'm sorry, but a lot of people go through bullying and this kind of new doesn't happen for them. he should have known this type of stuff was coming being a celebrity at that age. people are going to be jealous and annoyed that he misses school and gets special treatment and gets away with it all, just because he's a singer. i would be sort of pissed off too. and another thing, i think he should be ashamed that he's being bullied by a girl. wow, i thought it was just their wardrobes that were prissy (TIGHT skinny jeans), but i guess it must the people themselves that are wusses too. HAHAHAHAHAH.

Wow.... okay?

It shouldn't have to happen to him though, whether or not he's a celebrity. It shouldn't happen to anyone, and just because they're "Korean" doesn't give them an excuse to go around bullying another person. I mean, you hear about kids being bullied and kids who kill themselves at such young ages, and kids who end up lonely and friendless and it's awful. Okay, he gets special treatment, but it isn't as if he'd go around bragging about it. It's his job and sometimes he has to miss school. He already has his career set for him while the other students don't so they NEED TO stay in school.

And please, honey, if you were a celebrity, you wouldn't exactly go around yelling at every boy and girl who bullied you. Plus, he isn't that mean. And I wouldn't be ashamed of being bullied by a girl, everyone's different and some girls tend to be rude and annoying and are big bullies. So maybe he's a nice little kid who isn't going to get in trouble by some dumb girl who's harassing him.

well blame sm for using a boy who still hadnt finished highschool to become a celebrity, yes i know young is good and all but atleast

get members who already finished school so they wouldnt have to deal with stalkers or harrassment .

Well, SM debuts people when they're ready. Maybe he thought Taemin was ready, and maybe Taemin himself worked his butt off so he would be able to debut early to prove that he was ready.

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