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Do You Wear Makeup Or Do You Prefer Not Wearing It?

Guest erika.march1993

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Guest pinguvxd

No make up, just because I'm a lazy fellow. Haha.

I wear make up only when I found out something new to do or if I want to play up what I am wearing orrrr if I am going some place fancy.

Other than that, nada. I hate having to go home and take the extra time to wash it all off. I rather eat. lol.

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Guest SALLY0reos

i wear makeup, would love not to wear it though.

have been told i can pull it off, but i don't think so.

but i do go out without makeup sometimes ;D

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Guest Kimdirect

Ahh!!! I have horrible skin so I wear an oil-free foundation everyday with powder to reduce my oil throughout the day. I also wear concealer to give me better coverage where I need it a cover my under eye circles which i always have no matter how much sleep i get. Then at that point, I'm always like, what the hay? I might as well do my whole face so I wear a bit of blush, bronzer, gold eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. I've been wearing makeup since I was in middle school so I'm so used to it that it only takes me a few minutes.

Though I wear a lot of makeup, I only do so to cover my hideous skin and don't want to look too made up so I don't wear any shimmer on my face and keep the colors natural.

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Guest lingzee

don't wear makeup, don't know HOW to wear makeup anyway :mellow:

though I also don't want to put potentially harmful, pore clogging stuff on my face

I already have some acne on my face, don't need makeup to make it worse

sometimes my face gets clear, so no need to put makeup!

sometimes I might put on some tinted moisturizer

but only rarely

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Guest hsin531

I wear makeup but most of the time I wish I didn't. But once you start wearing it, it's hard to stop and go completely natural. You start to get self conscious without it. I just try to make sure I don't pile it on and the makeup I do wear is not damaging my skin.

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I wear mascara, blush, and CONCEALER.

Eyeliner doesn't really flatter my eyes or maybe it's because I don't know a good way of putting it on.

Concealer is a must because I have acne scars that need to be hidden. I really wish I didn't have to use make-up though. Sometimes I'm just lazy and I just want to go out with nothing on. :(

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Guest skycheerio<3

hmmm,I actually would like to wear makeup.... if it made me look better..

but I think I'm applying it all wrong... cause I look worse with it..

(time for me to look at tutorials.. and not experimenting on my own lmao)

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Guest angeliclovegal

^ I kind of agree though I wouldn't go as far as 97%.

I only just started this year, and it was after going through Soompi's makeup pages so I mostly know what to and what not to do, lol.

The most basic for me would be concealer to cover up the dark circles (insomnia) and the slight redness around my nose from rubbing too much with tissue.. and a lip stain cos I look dead with unpigmented lips lol.

I've always had this mindset that full-faced foundation and whatnot will break me out - I know that may not be true but I'm still unwilling to take that risk.

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i wear no make-up at all. NADA. no mascara in the morning, no eyeliner (even for the brows) nope nothing.

i dunno i guess its just because i'm so used to not wearing it, especially during my teens years that it doesn't bother me to

look "nude". to tell you the truth i look way better that way anways-love the freshlook. you can definitely tell i've packed on some stuff on my

face, even if its the lightest touch. my face is very bare and light so anything on it makes it look too heavy on me.

i know some people look better with make-up and some are just better without it.

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Guest Nerdyyy

I don't wear makeup on a daily basis. The only time my face has been caked with makeup was probably during prom. And when I do put makeup on I tend to forget that it's on, so I end up rubbing my makeup.

I guess I've just gotten so used to not wearing makeup that I don't really even bother with wearing it. I feel the same with/without it even though my face is acne prone so there's almost always a little friend on my face. HAhaha.

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Guest cherrierus

For me, it really depends on my moon/phase of laziness.

Sometimes I'm in this phase where I wear makeup, not full out, but mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, I like colorful creation.

Then other times like now, in the scorching 90-105 degree weather, just use chapstick and sometimes mascara. It's too hot and it's so easy to sweat with this humidity

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