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Guest o1honey

AFM is for accounting.... I don't know many people that JUST go to Laurier for business but I do know a few that are doing double degrees with classes at both WLU and UW. I did bu111, bu121 and bu231 at Laurier and I just have to say that they are among the easiest courses I've ever taken... I guess Laurier has a lower "standard". Anyways if you can get into UW and take Business at Laurier, why not?

When I did it, every single exam question was off the study guide. I did not attend a single econ 101 or 102 lecture and I did pretty well. Maybe I just do better with multiple choice questions....I meant her midterms/exams are easy. Never went to a single one of her classes so I can't comment on how well she teaches. Anyways if you plan on learning then I guess go with another teacher. I just took econ to fulfill my elective depth requirements and econ 344 is the biggest joke of a class that I've ever been to.

sorry for cutting your post a little bit... I don't know HOW easy Laurier is, but a lot of my friends/people i know in the AFM program always taunt that Laurier is a high school and most of their courses are a joke compared to what we had to take. lol.

But it's true though... right now AFM is purely accounting and some finance. If you go to AFM for business.. that's a bit crazy... cuz the only business course would be AFM 131 =\. I heard there's a massive reconstruction of the course sequences though starting with the coming students. You guys will have the privilege to take a finance course in first year.

anyways, i had to take Econ 101 and Econ 102 last year. I had Larry Smith for Econ101... amazing prof to listen to.. but his exams were brutal for me... not a bird course with him at all.. and you HAVE to go to his classes in order to pass his exams. He doesn't uses the regular textbook.

Econ102 was a lot easier for me since i switched to Nafeez Fatima. Only attended the 1st class... and maybe a couple of other classes. Like Angela Trimarchi, Maryann Vaughan (apparently) the prof just reads off the textbook and slideshows. I did well studying off the study guide and her the slides she uploads.

oh... and the reason why the class average is not as high is expected because in bird courses like these... you will always have those few select students that decides they don't need to study to go into an exam.. thus pulling down the entire class average =.=

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Guest sillybilly_me

^ ok? thats like every class though.

No im pretty sure angela trimarchi made things harder...

i do study and i did go to class...

In my opinion.. Econ 102 was my least favorite thing to study for alongside organic chem..

.. seriously.. and i like to think its not bc im stupid.. its just harder

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anyways, i had to take Econ 101 and Econ 102 last year. I had Larry Smith for Econ101... amazing prof to listen to.. but his exams were brutal for me... not a bird course with him at all.. and you HAVE to go to his classes in order to pass his exams. He doesn't uses the regular textbook.

Larry Smith! Man, I'll never forget that guy XD He talked to us once about Mother Google...

How about the math/ca double major or the biotech/ca?

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Guest rabbitz

sorry for cutting your post a little bit... I don't know HOW easy Laurier is, but a lot of my friends/people i know in the AFM program always taunt that Laurier is a high school and most of their courses are a joke compared to what we had to take. lol.

lol I heard this one joke from a friend: Why didn't the hungry Laurier student take a bite of the burger his friend was holding?

Because it is unethical to steal from your coop placement; burgers are for customers only. hehe no offense to Laurier people =P

No im pretty sure angela trimarchi made things harder...

i do study and i did go to class...

In my opinion.. Econ 102 was my least favorite thing to study for alongside organic chem..

.. seriously.. and i like to think its not bc im stupid.. its just harder

Maybe going to class was your mistake =/ I just memorized the study guide right before the exam for both 101 and 102 and did pretty well. Did anyone here take her class for fall 2010? Exams should be over soon, I'm curious as to whether she changed her course format or maybe I remember things as being easier than they actually were.

does anyone know how the chinese 120 final written exam's format is like ? :)

Dunno about chinese 120 but some past exams for other courses can be found here: http://mathsoc.uwaterloo.ca/exambank/

Larry Smith! Man, I'll never forget that guy XD He talked to us once about Mother Google...

How about the math/ca double major or the biotech/ca?

From what I've heard, math/ca is OK if your math is strong but biotech/ca is a real killer. I think it was back in my 2a term about that the program had 8 people only... not sure if it was the entire program or just people in my year but either way that should give an indication of how tough it is.

Anyways, for business programs apparently there is a pretty new one called Infotech Management or something (my friend mentioned it briefly but I couldn't really hear her) which I guess is like math/bus but with a focus on cs rather than math. Sounds pretty interesting but unfortunately it's too late for me to switch =(

One last thing: I know it's a shot in the dark but I'm looking for someone to sublet a room off campus and was wondering if anyone here might be interested =)

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Guest &adamo.

Is anyone in Science and Business that could tell me more about it? Or if anyone knows anything about it and could share because I'm unsure about applying for it at the moment and was hoping with more info it would help me decide (;

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Guest termination_override

I visited campus a few weeks ago, and the campus looks expansive and nice enough, but I like to go out o_o and no offense but loo seems like a really quiet, dead town =X my two friends who already go there also said there's like nothing to do there.. so I was just wondering what you guys do in your free time outside of campus, if you have any free time

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Guest aht_vietgirl

I applied to both Arts & Business and AFM for 2011. Already got an early acceptance from Arts and Business... Hoping for AFM though! ^^

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Guest _YooMi

For those taking the AFM-PA stream, are there any exemptions if I want to do the CA route? Or is it only for the Math/CA double major program?

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For those taking the AFM-PA stream, are there any exemptions if I want to do the CA route? Or is it only for the Math/CA double major program?

Do you mean exempt from the SOA and CKE? Those who decide to become a CA are exempt from SOA and CKE if they complete the master's program after getting the BAFM. So yes, AFMers can be exempt too.

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Guest _YooMi

Do you mean exempt from the SOA and CKE? Those who decide to become a CA are exempt from SOA and CKE if they complete the master's program after getting the BAFM. So yes, AFMers can be exempt too.

thanks =D Though I am now confused on which program to go to FM or PA xD

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Guest lee.jjiang.rin

hey im "going" to apply but way late because I didn't do any of my hours T.T But thats if the viet festival calls me *cries*

I'm actually to Renison College University for the English program... i wanna ask u guys...just everyone I ask, goes into a argument with each other; but what is the average to be accepted? Yea I'm slacking off so my courses this semester is 67%-ish.. I have some good marks for my previous classes though..like mid 70s & higher but I just need to add 2 more to the list to give to the admissions thingy.

I'm just going to narrow down my questions into a list..instead with the yeahs and periods=p

1.) What is the average to be accepted into Renison College University?

2. a) My classes are mostly Ms & Os but I have more of the Os...could I still include them in the 6 courses to show the admissions thingy?

2. B) I HAVE LOTSSS OF GRADE 11 courses because I took a year off >.< and they are the courses that are good..and I want to apply soon, could I include these too?

3.) How's the Dorm with the Traditional Double Rooms or Upgraded ones?

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Guest moonyah


are any of you selling textbooks for

afm102, econ 102, math 109 ? :(


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Guest Georgianna


are any of you selling textbooks for

afm102, econ 102, math 109 ? :(


I'm selling mine but post what you need, cuz I think the editions changed or something this year...

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I'm selling mine but post what you need, cuz I think the editions changed or something this year...

Yeah this year, we have a totally new book for afm102 D: and a new edition for math109. econ102 is still the same though

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Guest moonyah





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Guest moonyah

any suggestions on where to live?

awfully late.....but it as cause plans for lux backfired:(

and it's only me and friend~

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Guest o1honey

any suggestions on where to live?

awfully late.....but it as cause plans for lux backfired:(

and it's only me and friend~

Are you only going to be in school Sept - Dec only? (w/ co-op Jan - April) I recall a few post back you said you are in AFM?

Depending on how my contract goes for next year. My friend and I are subletting our rooms for that term. We live extremely close to school =]

and it's actually early to look for places to live for next term. O_o

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Guest moonyah

Are you only going to be in school Sept - Dec only? (w/ co-op Jan - April) I recall a few post back you said you are in AFM?

Depending on how my contract goes for next year. My friend and I are subletting our rooms for that term. We live extremely close to school =]

and it's actually early to look for places to live for next term. O_o

yup for sept-dec

do you live in an apartment or house?^^

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